
Credit: J. van Santen (Death & the Maiden)

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menemen, avatar

Electric scooters killing a cat. I d want to know more, sounds difficult.




GNU pTerry

AnUnusualRelic, avatar

It’s quite safe in my city. They can use the bike infrastructure. That’s why it’s absolutely illegal to use sidewalks. For obvious reasons.

If non car transportation isn’t an option where you are (in the US presumably) you should consider joining a local lobbying group.


Cats from Spain only have 7.


don’t make me cry it’s too early

AnUnusualRelic, avatar

I got run over by a fucking electric scooter the other day when I was ferrying boxes from my appt to a car (lots of work being done in my home, had to move stuff out). The guy was going at full speed on the sidewalk (absolutely illegal) and said “well, you could have looked before going out”.
And when I mentioned his (mandatory) insurance, he went “cheerio” and sped off leaving me having to do bandages for two weeks while my knees mended.

Anyway, good thing I have 3 lives.

Swedneck, avatar

If only it was safe for e-scooter riders to use the road, alas the road is filled with cars that will absolutely turn them into paste.

In my city tons and tons of people use e-scooters and it’s fine, because as it turns out people ride on sidewalks because it’s the only non-suicidal option.


How about don’t ride electric scooters at all? I did that for my first year in china when they first came out and then threw it into garbage because it’s dangerous and I’m not a child

Swedneck, avatar

I’m not a child

i guess that must be true because children are clearly capable of riding e-scooters safely


I don’t know your city, but in America it’s very well established that riding bikes on the sidewalk is less safe for cyclists as well as other sidewalk users. This applies to e-scooters just as well, and includes car dominated cities.

Turns out people are really bad as judging relative risk when it comes to traffic. If you live in a modern western city, I bet your city is the same.


If you let your cat roam, you’re shit. Not only do they die, but they kill wildlife, other pets, and cause property damage. No other pet owner feels entitled to everyone else’s property being their pet’s playground but cat owners.


Cats on the street have an average lifespan between one to 5 years, pretty sad.


This must be a cultural thing because cats wonder all over the place in my country. No one has a problem with it.


They quite literally only stated facts, so you’re not really saying anything useful.

Your country might also just be your own sphere, if people don’t have problems with these obvious issues and zero concerns for their cats health then maybe they should change.


I’m just saying. It’s cultural.


That is indeed what you said, you can read what I said above.


if people don’t have problems with these obvious issues and zero concerns for their cats health then maybe they should change.

They have a point - different place, different culture. You can’t simply ask people to change just becauss it doesn’t fit your mold - why not try to understand them instead. Different culture has different problems and priorities. The west has advanced in such a way that the issues that used big issues to them were solved and no longer becoming problems to them. So they have the capacity to find smaller problems to cherry pick and solve. But for some other places, they still have to face big issues that these smaller issues are not important enough to be prioritised. They will find you weird if you ask them to become a better person by having cats indoor when they have they other bigger priority to deal with.

I find people that don’t travel a lot and see the world besides theirs tend to have an opinion like yours. They don’t realize that they are different world beyond their realm. So, instead of asking people to change, why not try to understand why they are what they are.


I didn’t say they should change right now, which is what you seem to think that I said. My opinion still stands on this, they should change and they can change.

And no, I do and have travelled a lot throughout my life and understand cultural differences and the like in case you wanted to keep commenting on that. It doesn’t matter, change can and will always happen.

boyi, (edited )

Then, let look at these three places as simple studies.

  1. Turkey - cats have been roaming free on the road. It’s part of Cat’s Right (Signatory of Istanbul Convention) for them to run freely. By now, birds should be extinct there by OPs logic.
  2. Those people living in poor area in Mumbai - They’ve been living in the slump areas all their life do you think they care about environment and birds dying? They even struggle to think how to live the next day. They don’t care and won’t change at least until that place turn middle-class.
  3. My place somewhere in South East Asia - On average, every house will open its windows and doors early in the morning until the evening, especially in the village area - part of the culture/belief to bring wealth (rizq - google that) in. By logic, the reason is to keep the house cool. I bet you don’t know this even though you said you travel a lot. May be you need to stay instead of just travelling so you pick up people’s culture better. Anyway, back to it, mostly the posh have cats indoor because usually they have special breed, e.g. Farsi. Good luck to keep cats in when the doors and windows are always open.

That’s only three places. You go to different places, they have their own niche issues. Until they can solve their problems or change their culture, they can’t simply change just because you tell them what they’re doing are bad for the environment.


You’ve just repeated what you’ve already said, and I’m now having to repeat what I said.

For point one that you made, birds like that don’t simply go extinct in one place and OP never said they did so I don’t know what you’re going after.

For point two and three, I’ll repeat that I again did not say they need to change right now or the cat specific problem will change anytime soon or even in our lifetime. I also never said that I thought they cared.

And I again don’t get why you’re trying to pick at me personally, especially about how temperature change in a house works.

I’m going to stop replying after this most likely, as you’re writing as if I have said things that I have not which is pointless to a conversation.


They quite literally only stated facts

Except for the preface stating the opinion that people that let their cats roam are shit.


That’s quite an annoying comment to make but it does make them sympathetic to me, obviously you can’t judge these people if they don’t have the knowledge not to do it.



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  • kattenluik,

    I don’t think that’s how cats work, as they’re perfectly happy and can absolutely thrive inside which has probably also been proven. The data about cat lifespans outside vs inside does not lie, It’s not a conspiracy sadly.

    And to add on to that, in my experience cats can not avoid slow driving cars with the biggest success rate. Cat doors can also be used inside, but cat doors are cute either way.

    vox, avatar

    it’s ok if you live in a countryside somewhere.
    can’t imagine letting my pet just roam around a fucking city though



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  • Daevan,

    The short sighting of this comment Is unbelievable




    Just search “cat predation on wildlife” and get and idea of the numbers. Yeah we are wiping out species but Cats are the second most Dangerous species to the ecosystem


    I love cleaning your cats piss and dead animals from my house foundation and yard. Glad it doesn’t affect you much.


    Okay, I’ll bite: Half your accusations are nonsensical. Cats kill “other pets”? Yeah, I suppose, if you put your goldfish in a shallow bowl on your patio… Property damage? Did you even use half a brain cell before making that statement?

    Furthermore - yes, domestic cats killing birds is an issue. One that’s successfully inflated and thrown at you from tons of news to try and distract you from the orders of magnitude larger effect that industry has on the bird population.

    Beyond that: cats are an issue where they are brought into an ecosystem that hasn’t adapted to them, e.g. New Zealand. But in most parts of the world, cats are absolutely compatible with the ecosystem, as their typical prey is detrimental to gardens / agriculture. Why do you think humans domesticated cats in the first place?

    Take your undifferentiated hate against cats to a therapist and work on your self hate.


    I’d take hundreds of stray cats roaming the neighborhood over a single loose pit bull. Loose pit bulls are fucking dangerous and make me consider exercising my right to carry a firearm even though I’m generally repulsed by the idea.

    RootBeerGuy, avatar

    Yeah but, and hear me out on this… one of these does not exclude the other. Both are good.

    derpo, (edited )


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  • Son_of_dad,

    A neighbor’s cat once ripped through my window screen to try to get to my pet parrot, how lovely and sweet right? If that cat had made it inside, he would not have made it out alive.

    If your pet becomes someone’s pest, don’t cry when they’re dealt with as such. And that’s not to mention the property damage that cats cause to other’s homes, and their destruction of wildlife.

    If you own a cat, it’s yours not mine, keep it on your property you entitled brat.




    Oh my gawd! Tina’s face is getting absolutely destroyed by that cat’s tongue, oh the humanity! Little Timmy was just walking down the street when that vicious tabby came up and randomly whacked him with its paw then jumped back into the bush - he’ll never walk again!

    Pit bull advocates are like evangelical Christians with cognitive dissonance, they say the most outlandish shit to justify their love of a dog that is a menace to society.

    gamermanh, avatar

    Not a pitbull advocate myself, but also not gonna sit here and pretend like the two of you are being in any way realistic about this

    Take your weird hate boner for a specific breed elsewhere


    People forget cats can be destructive claw and tooth tornadoes. I love cats, but they can fuckin shred you up quick too. I nearly lost my eye a couple of years ago trying to get a cat to calm down.


    They don’t forget, they just don’t care. Like how they let their strays roam…they don’t care for its wellbeing


    Sorry, it’s just that I’ve had two pets and a neighbor mauled by different pit bulls over the course of my life.

    skulblaka avatar

    It isn't a problem with pit bulls it's a problem with owners that do not properly care for their pets. A pit bull that is mistreated is a dangerous animal. One who is raised in a caring family is not. Same with a cat, same with a beagle or chihuahua, same with a human being. Pit bulls were bred for violence but their existence does not center around it. I have been the owner or co-owner of three bully breed dogs in my life and not once have I or my partner been attacked by them, even when we first met and the dog was nervous. I have on the other hand been bitten by multiple small breeds, once very badly.

    All this to say, I hate when people call for the extermination of pit bull breeds on the grounds of "they're dangerous". Every dog is dangerous. I do support certain restrictions, to ensure they have the space and can't cause trouble in cramped quarters (because despite everything else I do agree that having bullies in an apartment complex is a bad move), but saying they should all be rounded up and killed on the basis of their ancestry is a line too far. Dogs who are mistreated are dangerous no matter their breed. Dogs who are well taken care of are very frequently not, no matter their breed. The good solution is not to remove the breed, but perhaps to have a better vetting and licensing process for the owners and not make these dogs available to people who only want one to make it fight - which is, by and large, where the pit bull reputation stems from.


    I hear you, but pit bulls should not be in a city at all. The fact that loose pit bulls tend to be the poorly treated ones is a sufficient to justify an outright urban ban on them, because the “one bite” rule is not sufficient protection when that one bite could be life-ending, and how the fuck do you proposed to distinguish brutal pit owners from responsible owners from owners that have psychologically damaged rescue pits? I don’t give a fuck if tiny dog breeds bite - if I can theoretically score a field goal with a pet, the relative risk is low.


    That’s fucked, sorry to hear. I don’t know why everyone is turning this into a cat vs dog thing. Isn’t the root of the issue: don’t let your pets go uncontrolled. Dogs can be sweet, cats can be sweet, but any of them can cause issues if they’re allowed to roam free. Just be a responsible pet owner and there won’t be any problems…


    The person you’re replying to is literally the person that turned this into a cat vs dog thing.


    Okay well you’re comparing apples to oranges here now


    I’d take one loose Pitbull over 50 rabid tigers let loose in an elementary school. Loose rabid tigers are fucking dangerous and make me consider exercising my right to carry a bazooka even though I’m generally repulsed by the idea.



    generally repulsed by the idea

    Now that’s where our views differ


    By “generally repulsed” I mean physically. I’m quite small and the recoil would probably kill me.


    Nah, all your man-portable shoulder-fired rocket launchers are recoilless; they’re designed to eject gases out the back when you fire, so you don’t have to absorb the momentum. You just want to avoid the backblast area.


    Looks like bazookas are back on the menu boys


    While I fully support responsible firearms ownership and carry by a huge margin, I also gotta say, not the best option for defense against a dog. Dogs are fast and small(er than a human), harder to hit, and you’re legally and morally responsible for misses. The best against dogs, and what I carry/carried for dogs (specifically dogs, had something else for deadly human threats) when delivering pizzas was a quality OC spray. Dogs can’t fight through it like some people can, it’s really effective and the dog’ll be fine.


    Go back to Reddit with that shit.


    Shit back to reddit with that go.


    I would also argue that keeping your cat Inside all day is also shit. The wildlife killing problem can be solved by just having a bell around its neck.


    If you think it’s cruel to keep a cat indoors, don’t get one.


    I think it’s cruel, but I’ll still get one. What are you going to do about it?

    You have such a parochial view that you don’t even know what happen beyond your secluded life. Come to Asia and you’ll see and hopefully you’ll learn. Very rare to find indoor cats e. g. in South East Asia. They stay inside, but are free to roam outside. - unlike you view which are dead inside.


    I get rescues that wouldn’t have a life otherwise. Would you rather they be killed?


    May as well. Someone should tell that to my current neighbor who lets his cat roam, cause he either doesn’t know or care that Coyotes are common around here. In any case, no matter what you FEEL, it’s not good enough to justify why you feel entitled to allow your property (a cat is legally property) to go about free to do whatever it wants to do to everyone else’s stuff. At the crux of it, it’s entitlement. Why do you feel entitled to let your pet roam while saying others like dog owners can’t do the same.


    Yeah but my cat doesn’t leave my garden, and I have zero coyotes living living near me. Not to add I have a neighbour with three cats and they’ve never damaged anything while the dog my neighbour has takes dumps Im my yard and barks all night. I don’t disagree that cats cause alot of harm, especially in countries like Australia and new Zealand. However calling for a worldwide ban to cats going outside I don’t think is the solution.


    If your cat isn’t leaving your garden it’s not roaming. I frankly don’t care if your cat is in danger, that’s your job to care about that. I care about my property and my own pets who are in danger from roaming cats. Like I said before, do what you want, let your cat roam, but don’t cry when it never returns. Let your cat roam, but eventually it will be dealt with as the pest it is and you’ll have no recourse.


    A bell is actually a problem - less for the bell for because the necklace can get caught in branches and the cat can get strangulated.


    Or, put them in a pen. Or, leash and walk them. It’s no different than having a dog and being respectful of neighbors.


    Fun Fact: In Germany we say “Katzen haben sieben Leben.” (“Cats have seven lives.” ).




    Same in Colombia haha


    Ah yes, german efficiency


    Idk why but that phrase seems like something someone who was trying to make fun of the German language would say in a mocking tone

    ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

    I guess they’ve already died twice before coming to Germany.

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