
UnhappyCamper, in If there's one thing I won't miss about reddit
UnhappyCamper avatar

I grew so tired of the joke comments that didn't add anything to the conversation. The amount of garbage comments I'd have to wade through from people thinking they're funny with the same joke that's been post a million times just gave me a headache.

GizmoLion avatar

It's cathartic to hear others say it.
God forbid if you share such a sentiment on reddit... All the children line up to down vote you and whine.

MisterMoo avatar

I DiD nAzI tHaT cOmINg

Onii-Chan avatar

And without fucking fail, people would reply acting like it was the funniest fucking thing they've read in their lives. Like, cunt, it's one of the most overused jokes on the internet, how are you only just now seeing it?


Yes, and then people IRL that are too online start taking on that sort of interaction as their personality. Everyone becomes a zinger incarnate.

HarkMahlberg avatar

Generally I agree, but I usually found it was the opposite way from OP's meme. The top comment was the tired regurgitated joke, and the followup comments, or the second or third top comment, were the real discussion.


It varies, but you're both right. Depends on the sub, depends on the post. In terms of the userface here on kbin, what I see lacking is a way to make a chain disappear because that mini-thread doesn't interest me. Old.reddit would let you collapse a particular comment thread, or make all child comments hidden unless called for.

-first post. Fuck you spez, for ruining reddit for me because you wanted to fuck the apps that built your site, and 5% of your users still enjoy.

OpenStars avatar

I think that's the real crux of the matter: you can't stop it from happening, and how viral things go viral is simply beyond your control, if your interests do not lie with the majority, but there should be a way around it, accessible to the masses (like a userscript is nice but I'm saying it should be part of the base package, as it likely will be, given time), for more people to adopt this as a true alternative.


this is how I feel too. cheers to the lurkers, they deserve some praise here because they know how to shut the fuck up every now and then 🍻

OpenStars avatar


\s (okay, I'll see myself out now...:-D)


its /s


OpenStars avatar

On Reddit there are so many replies one could make to this. Like "/so's your mother" (yeah, they don't actually have to make sense - in fact it helps if they don't!:-P). Aren't you glad we are here where we never have to hear about Reddit culture again? /s :-D (really though, trauma takes awhile to heal from, yeesh)


That was definitely a source of frustration for me too. It's really annoying when you're genuinely interested in a subject and all you have available is a bunch of people who obviously don't know anything about it or care to learn.

cazzodicristo, in If there's one thing I won't miss about reddit

I blame all the shills, influencers, bots and other morons with agenda, swarming and hijacking the place 24/7

patchw3rk avatar

hi this is patrick


replying to top comment

ShartyWaffles avatar


Tischkante avatar


InLikeClint avatar

You're right. I don't miss that shit hole. Everybody has to be right or they have to one up every comment. People make mistakes, no need to be a dick about it.


Legitimately curious how we prevent that from happening here.

May avatar

Maybe no karma idk if thats controversial but i feel like that was part of why ppl on reddit tried so hard. Or maybe only negative karma? Idk tho


You steadfastly refuse to upvote low-effort crap, and instead upvote comments and content that are either well-informed, detailed, full of effort, or insightful. (Insightful doesn't require length or effort - a short, punchy comment that cuts to the heart of the issue can be very insightful.) You do that even when you disagree; or at least withhold the downvote for things that are well thought out but that you personally disagree with.

Liberally downvote the "LOLmemeROFL" stuff. Except in subs where that's the point.

Enough people do that, and quality will rise to the top.

Google "The Cargo Cult of the Ennui Engine" for further reading.

Ignacio avatar

Algorithms, assuming they exist in the fediverse, are included in the source code, which is [X]GPL (change the X for an L or an A) or any other free licence.

And karma has no value, assuming it exists too. In Lemmy there is no karma, and in Kbin, despite people saying there is, I didn't see it anywhere, so there isn't to me.

And the federation structure also has a good part in this equation. Maybe a specific instance for all those "social" elements.

syllogi, (edited )

Unfortunately, it probably isn't possible to. Unless, of course, everyone here (and I do mean everyone) is perfectly alright with the Fediverse never gaining mainstream popularity, the plain and inconvenient truth is that it's only a matter of time until Lemmy and Kbin are infected with the same kind of shit. This phenomenon predates Reddit, it predates 4chan, it predates Digg. Ask early Usenet members 30 years ago just how far back this issue goes.

But what if, instead of trying to prevent it entirely, we simply tried to slow it down as much as possible? Now, you're working with reality, not against it.

One idea I've always been in favor of has been the concept of installing limits: limited posts, limited replies, limited votes, etc. I don't know if this is a thing that could be rolled out on an instance-per-instance basis or that, even if it could be, if it would be as effective as a platform-wide initiative, but the appeal of setting limits is to introduce scarcity and thus more weight to a user's actions.

If you only have X number of possible actions per day, such as X number of posts, how might that affect your behavior? Would you still shitpost as often in every pun thread, upvote every repost, argue with every single troll? Probably not.

There are obviously some downsides to this as it might have a not insignificant effect on promoting genuinely good content and or punishing (downvoting to oblivion) objectively bad or offensive content -- and again, at best, you'd really just be delaying the inevitable as long as possible -- but I think it's worth investigating nevertheless.

mochi avatar

I agree. The one upping and leaving phrases as a subsequent replies thing was so annoying. I hated it.

sentient_loom, in I kinda miss the days when they actually went outside and did things

Journalism teams have been cut down below their capacity to actually do journalism. The corporate outlets just want content, so they killed journalism because clickbait is cheap.

BraveSirZaphod avatar

I agree, but I think we the public have more than a little culpability as well. The fact of the matter is that the demand for quality journalism is much lower than the damand for vapid easily consumable entertaining bullshit. It's not just that clickbait is cheap; it's that people want clickbait, even if they say they don't.


Those of us who actually care about having good journalism, we should subscribe to independent journalism outlets. I pay for a bunch of them, often individual journalists or small teams. They have no overhead, and they just want to pay their bills with the income from their work.


This person gets... sure daddies are fucking us but we hardly even fighting back. Most people love the left/right circle jerk. Muhh SiDe GuD, Ur SidE BaD. I WooNz

May avatar

What do u have against daddies?


NO means NO

Nepenthe avatar

The milk is going to go bad by the time he makes it back :(

BraveSirZaphod avatar

I'm not really sure what you're trying to say, but er, yeah! Or no way! Or [insert your desired response here]!


people play stupid games then they are surprised when they win stupid prizes...

genoxidedev1, in I kinda miss the days when they actually went outside and did things
genoxidedev1 avatar

I hate "slammed" and "blasted" and personally I only use it in a sarcastic way most of the time because of that.

May avatar

"Genoxidedev1 SLAMS the use of the words 'slammed' and 'blasted' in FIERY post! Must see!"

genoxidedev1 avatar

I am furrowing my brow and writing stern letters so hard right now

syscollapse avatar

when a headline uses those words it's an immediate sign of buffoonery, ragebait, just dumb gossip for children. instant downvote for me wherever I see it.

Godort, in Now this... this is art!

If anyone is curious the Japanese reads:

Left portrait: “Sale Sale”

Right portrait: “SaSaLeLe”


What does that mean?


It’s the origin of the meme.


I think it’s just a reference to this image


Ooh thanks


Holy memes within memes, batman.

jeremyfurzen, in I kinda miss the days when they actually went outside and did things

journalism today is a total clown show 💯


We get what we deserve... got to stop following and upvoting these SlaMs and DuNks



They stop publishing it when we stop rewarding them for it.

Pons_Aelius, in How extrovert find

No thanks.

We don't need saving.

Sorry, extroverts, you are not that special.

Just because the idea of being quiet and alone with your thoughts terrifies you do not mean it does for the rest of us.

PugJesus avatar

Speaking as an introvert, most of my friends were made through the intercession of an extrovert. He was like a central hub who joined our wires together. XD


And the plural of personal anecdote is not universal truth.

PugJesus avatar

Hey, now, it's just a goofy meme, not a polemic on why introverts must find an extrovert.

SubArcticTundra, avatar

I’ve been in a friendship group of that model and it sucked, because I didn’t feel like I mattered. I might have hung out with them, but I realized that nobody was ever interested in me, because they were the extrovert’s friends, and not my friends. I much prefer 1-on-1 friendships that I start myself where we gain more people one by one

PugJesus avatar

Sorry it ended up that way for you. I eventually went my separate ways with the extrovert but stayed friends with everyone else.

justlookingfordragon, avatar

Amen. I am an introvert, I like and value my alone time, thankyouverymuch. Absolutely hate it when people treat it as some sort of illness that has to be cured or somehow think that I secretly long for human interaction and me claiming otherwise is “just a coping mechanism” or some similar BS. Bonus points for when they then force you into some annoying situation with way too many people and get angry that you’re not grateful for it.

No offense to the OP tho, I know it is just a meme and not meant to bash anyone in particular.

PugJesus avatar

Bonus points for when they then force you into some annoying situation with way too many people and get angry that you’re not grateful for it.

I know that feeling. "But you were so pleasant!" Yes, it's called being polite, not being thrilled.

ARk, in To all the transphobes posting here lately trying to get my attention...

Are we supposed to know you or something


Attention seeking behavior doesn't need to be grounded in reality or fact, it is about the subjective feeling of the person.

ShaunaTheDead avatar

Nah, I'm just shitposting and pointing out how transphobes are so obsessed with transgender people. It's kinda weird how into us they are.

magnetosphere avatar
PugJesus avatar

It looks like on there was a spate of transphobia recently, which is likely what OP is referring to.


Well that explains why I have no idea. Better to just block that community unless you’re into unfunny meta memes about beans and whatever that new one was.

thefartographer, in 31

Now THAT’S what I’m talking about! Gimme some of that meatless meat that’ll fuck my soul right out of me.

watson387, avatar

Holy fuck!

palordrolap, in If there's one thing I won't miss about reddit

Federated content aggregators haven't really reached a critical mass of users (yet).

Give it time and there'll be the insensible, the attempts at humour and all manner of low-effort comments headed this way.

Also, this being a memes magazine, I'd expect this place to get them a little sooner than more serious places. Or at least they might be tolerated a little more.

A little low-effort commentary might even be beneficial. And if not, well there's always the "reduce" arrow.

(Between the lines: It would be nice to be able to try to be funny occasionally, bad idea / bad jokes or not.)

jiji avatar

I don’t think it’s all that egregious on joke communities, it was mostly really frustrating when comments—especially top level ones!!—were jokes/memes on serious discussion topics or something that just needed an answer.

Ignacio avatar

Also replying to @palordrolap. Why not encouraging users to create constructive discussions through the magazine/community rules? I mean, every magazine/community needs a set of rules, some can be more strict and some can be more relaxed.

Ski, in I feel like I should know this

A tankie is someone who supports the CCP or unironically supports the USSR/Russia. They're generally authoritarian leftists. The term tankie comes from the tanks used to crush people at Tianamen Square


Ah! That makes sense. Thank you!

g8phcon2, (edited )
g8phcon2 avatar

actually it came from when the USSR sent tanks to Hungary to keep down a workets revolution against the Soviet backed regime in the mid-twentieth century. Origanally it was used as a description for divisions in the British communist party between those who felt a global [Soviet backed] communist plan, versus those who supported independent worker collectives democratically deciding their own direction.


Thank you! I had no idea.

g8phcon2 avatar

Many fedizens refer to as a tankie instance, for example.

g8phcon2 avatar

Now-a-days it is used to describe anyone who supports leftists authoritarian regimes, whether it be China, or people who act like Russia is secretly Communists, etc. Or just an insult from one leftist against anothet leftist. Like one U.S. southerner insulting another by calling him a liberal.


Not really leftists. Just anti western.

Froyn, in Guilty

Wait til they discover you can buy a bunch of the same socks and just toss them in a drawer instead of matching/folding them.


Folded socks are the worst, they always end up stretched out.

cordlessmodem, in Guilty
cordlessmodem avatar

Fast drying and slow drying baby - shirts, socks, underwear, anything with a lighter fabric that will dry quickly. Other load is towels, jeans, flannels, any heavy fabric that holds a lot of water

BasicWhiteGirl avatar

This. I do it by the weight of the fabric itself. Towels blankets jeans all go together cause they take WAY more time to dry. Lighter things like tshirts and undergarments and things go together cause they would roast in the dryer with the thicker materials. It also evens out the weighted distribution on the washer barrel.

"The basic rules are to sort clothes by color and fabric type. Sort clothes by color to avoid bleeding and dye transfers. Sort clothes by fabric type to avoid damage in the wash and use the correct wash cycle."

If you know your stuff won't be bleeding, there's no reason to do it by color and to protect the fabric and machines, you should do it by the fabric material itself.


Newer cleaners don’t cause the dye to bleed out.

Brand new clothes, for me, are just washed separately for that reason.

pizza_rolls, in Guilty
pizza_rolls avatar

I do.... I didn't used to but I had enough white shirts turn greyish blue that I started

DoucheAsaurus, in mfw people spend money on apps and streams
DoucheAsaurus avatar

Ok Grandma, let's get you back to the old folks home. We don't want you to miss Matlock.

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