
At first I thought using the term “tankies” was similar to how rednecks call the left “libs.” Mostly it was because I didn’t understand the term.

Then I asked what it meant.

Once I knew what it meant- I was determined to stay out of it. I didn’t really have a dog in that race as I didn’t have much of an opinion either way.

Then I came here and saw first-hand the sheer lunacy from those people.

I call them tankies now.


Yeah, the Marxists Leninist are the problem, not the conservative MAGA ghouls that want to enslave women and children… smh 🤦‍♀️


MLs are fine. Tankies are the MAGA cultists painted red. Fuck nazbols.


Tankies appear to be whatever you want them to be.


Don’t want to be called a tankie? Stop simping for autocracies/ultranationalist hellholes. It’s that simple.


I don’t care if you call me a tankie, nazbol, or whatever. Just don’t call me Liberal… lol


Is nazi OK?


Sure, if I can call you a trad-cap.


I’m surprised a so-called leftist would allow anyone to call them a nazi. Kinda making a point here, thank you.


I don’t care what you think of me. I know who I am. Those are just words. It’s the actions that matter. Identity politics is just an expression of class struggle. Labeling people is a form of prejudice. I try not classify groups and discriminate based on political beliefs. Sometimes, people are misinformed and mislead. I’m willing to learn about different ideologies to form my own opinion. The Marxist Leninists I’ve talked to have been friendly and informed.


Defending regimes that commit war crimes and genocide is a hard red line anyone with a hint of morality will refuse to cross, let alone a leftist. I don’t accept these things coming from the West, and I certainly won’t accept it from anybody else.

You can be a ML all you like. Just don’t be one of the buffoons that support litteral genocide.

I’m fighting red-browns, not reds. And boy is there plenty of them on Lemmy, although, thankfully, their sphere of influence shrinks daily with the bans and defederations.

Edit: Being a nazi is not just a word, no. It doesn’t live in the “OK things to be” space.


Defending regimes that commit war crimes and genocide is a hard red line anyone with a hint of morality will refuse to cross

So, you voting for Biden? I never said I was a Nazi. You did. I said I don’t care what you call me. There is a difference.


I’m not an American. I don’t vote in the US.

You literally said you prefer being called a nazi than a liberal. I did not invent this. This says a lot about your twisted sense of priorities.


Would you vote for Joe Biden if you were American? I said you can call me whatever you want since you’re hyper focused on labels. Call me Satan’s stillbirth. It doesn’t change the fact that calling people slurs on social media serves fascism.


Being a genocide-denying tankie serves fascism too, in a more litteral way. On top of, you know, scaring away people that might be interested in leftism?


You’re yelling at a cloud. I ardently defend Palestinians against their genocide on Lemmy. I don’t like labels, but would be what you call an anarchist. An Internationalist with Council Communist leanings. And I’m here to educate those who think they can have socialism without abolishing capitalism. Marxist Leninists get that, so they are allies. You can’t defend capitalism and be a socialist. It’s that simple.


I never defended capitalism. I’m actually opposed to it too. And fuck Israel’s persecution of Palestinians.

You can say those things and still denounce tankism, like the root comment was doing. This should not be contentious.

Tankies are not the allies of any denomination of anarchists. More like traditional enemies. Defend sane marxist leninists if you’d like, but don’t jump to the defence of tankies, if you don’t want to be assimilated to them.


Marxist Leninists hold no offices and have no power in America. Their organization is limited. Hating on them is performative and masturbatory. It strokes the ego. But it also serves fascism by minimizing the coalition needed to fight it. You can hate tankies with the fire of a thousand suns, but they are against the very people we hope to defeat. I’m no fan of authoritarian leftists, but that battle should be saved for the fifth international after we defeat fascism.


The enemy of my enemy is not my friend. I refuse to consider tankies to be allies, especially considering their insignificancy: they’re pretty low-value allies all around. I remember what they did to leftists last time they had the chance…


I wasn’t alive in 1922. Hopefully it won’t play out the same. We have the benefit of hindsight to avoid those mistakes. Leftist infighting serves capitalism. I choose not to participate. I prefer to reserve my anger for capitalism.


You are participating. If you hadn’t felt the need to reply to the root comment, we wouldn’t be here now.


I denounce it. You can’t deal with a problem until you address it. I have participated by posting heavy handed criticism of liberalism. This post and this discussion is helping me to reconsider that method.

zeppo, avatar

Problem is the so-called tankies don’t even distinguish between MAGA people in the US and US liberals or Democrats - to them, they’re both “Liberals” as in neoliberals, and for some reason they rarely criticize US conservatives while spending plenty of time criticizing US Democrats. Doesn’t make much sense from their supposed point of view.


TokenBoomer is a tankie bootlicker. Ignore them. Their only interest is in sobbing “Why won’t the socdems work with us???” while simultaneously saying that socdems and fascists are the exact same thing.

“Left unity” to tankies means “Lick out boots until we put a bullet in your head”. Obey the party line!


You don’t agree that fascism is capitalism in decay? Why shouldn’t I want to work with groups that want to prevent another Trump presidency?

zeppo, (edited ) avatar

The issue isn’t with wanting to work together - that’s the key point you’re missing. It’s the way left-leaning Americans are lumped in with complete fascists, like it’s either 100% good or “You’re a LIBERAL just like Republicans!” (meaning neoliberal, which is also confusing af in American political terms).


I’m glad you understand. Education is liberation.

zeppo, avatar

I’d be amazed if this person actually lived in the US.


I, unfortunately, do. So, enjoy the amazement.

zeppo, avatar

I’ll believe it when I bump into you at the grocery store and apologize for not being communist enough.


So, you admit you don’t believe in communism. How did I know?

zeppo, avatar

I didn’t say that though. I said not communist enough as I doubt that I’d pass the ideological purity test of thinking that anything short of perfection may as well be MAGA.


I stand corrected. You do want to replace capitalism with socialism. You passed the test.

zeppo, avatar

Thanks. I’m glad we’re getting along.


If you’re anti-capitalist, Republicans and Democrats are the same. And they criticize both, but…

I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro’s great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen’s Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice

Martin Luther King, Jr.

zeppo, avatar

I realize their perspective is purely economic issues. However, it completely overlooks the vast difference on social issues and the fact that MAGA wants to institute a more harsh form of capitalism, plus theocratic dictatorship. Seems like a worthy distinction to me. Plus, that doesn’t explain why they’re so hot to criticize people like Biden and Elizabeth Warren or Hillary Clinton but don’t say jack shit about the various Trump supporting clowns prominent in US politics.

Yes, thanks for the MLK quote but not sure why you thought I needed to read that again right now.


I don’t need you to read it, I need you to understand it. MLK was writing about people like Biden, Hillary and Warren, who are more concerned with rules and order than justice. Trump and MAGA are the KKK. We know what they are.

zeppo, avatar

Yeah, the socially liberal lite socialists are the problem, not the conservative MAGA ghouls that want to enslave women and children… smh 🤦‍♀️


The problem is liberals attacking tankies, who they need to work with to counter the fascism of Trump and conservatives. I want liberals and leftists to work together, but some are so hellbent on purity tests that they fail to see the big picture. Anarchists and Marxists Leninists should know that to ultimately defeat fascism, you have to dismantle capitalism.


I’m not allying with people defending Russia’s persecution of the LGBT and Russian imperialism. I don’t want to replace an imperialism with another imperialism with an exotic taste.


Didn’t realize the tankies were about to invade America. TIL


You’re gaslighting. Nobody said or implied that.

Your new tactic is pretty lame. Not sure what you nazbols are trying to accomplish by being dumb on purpose.


Tankies, nazbols. What’s next, PatSocs? Or are we going 19th Century? Can I be a Rapscallion?


Sure, whatever you’d like!


Ah r/EnoughCommieSpam, fighting the good fight. /s


The difference is the critics are mostly left-wingers here, not alt-right. Some are even real communists, unlike the actual tankies.

You’re the one using the word “commie”.


This meme was literally taken from r/EnoughCommieSpam, the conclusion is obvious.


No it’s not. This is a Twitter thread.

And this community is not just reposts of Reddit’s EnoughCommieSpam.

You don’t have a case. Troll harder, tankie.


I checked. Search Halal Nation on Reddit. It was posted to the Destiny subreddit and EnoughCommieSpam. The post in Destiny has different numbers of comments, retweets and likes, but the post to r/EnoughCommieSpam has the same number of comments, retweet’s and likes. It was taken from that subreddit. If OP got it from twitter, those numbers would have changed. Check yourself.


Look at Mister conspiracy theorist here. Hilarious.


Prove me wrong.


You need proper arguments to get a refutation. I won’t spend my energy on every dishonest tankie that replies here. I’m not stupid.


I’m not a tankie, but I am sympathetic. I just don’t think they’re the enemy people want them to be. It’s Red Scare 3.0.

I provided evidence, you’re going on vibes. Check my evidence. If I’m wrong, I will apologize.


You haven’t provided shit. You just said proof existed, without giving such proof.

Thanks for going mask-off, btw. You’re saving me precious time fighting tankie disinformation.

And to everyone else wondering, you can be a leftist, against US imperialism, pro-Palestine and all that jazz without endorsing Russian/North-Korean crimes.

You’re quite right that tankies are not that bad in real life, due to their statistical insignificance. Thankfully!


I’m not trying to be antagonistic.

And to everyone else wondering, you can be a leftist, against US imperialism, pro-Palestine and all that jazz without endorsing Russian/North-Korean crimes.

If you are all of those things, why contribute to the demonization of a group that you yourself considers statistically insignificant, when Trump and fascism are a more significant threat?


That doesn’t prove your conspiracy theory that enoughcommiespam people are trying to invade Lemmy. A post happens to have appeared on both communities, tough shit. Happens all the time everywhere on Reddit/Lemmy.

The comment/like count is not even close.

Tankies betray leftist causes in online spaces. I care about the real world, Lemmy and other platforms, but, on Lemmy, I can only do something about tankies to prevent them from scaring away people that might genuinely be interested in leftism. Let those people know that leftism is not crazy town. You only get to see the Lemmy part.

PugJesus avatar

I picked this up from a bing search, so it might be from enoughcommiespam for all I know.

I was never subbed to ECS back when I used Reddit because it always had an unpleasant right-wing taste though. I was part of tankiejerk until they banned me for saying ethnocentrism was bad even if it was minority ethnocentrism.


Ironically, I am subbed to EnoughCommieSpam, and a tankie, apparently. I don’t see them as a problem, because to fight fascism in America, we need them. Sorry I made the accusation.



GBU_28, (edited )

Dude literally running around commenting just this and like 2 other phrases


The horror


Oh shit it knows more words

Grayox, avatar

Cultural Genocide is wrong. -someone who has been called a tankie alot.

PugJesus avatar

There are certainly people who misuse the term. Only bootlickers for authoritarian regimes painted a thin coat of red are tankies.

Grayox, avatar

I do support a dictatorship of the Prolitariat as a necessary step if achieving true Communism, dont get me wrong.


It is certainly a path. One which has failed repeatedly. I don’t quite understand the dogma which surrounds this particular bit of conventional wisdom. It seems to intentionally ignore an entire century of revisionist thought, and rapidly becomes a braindead purity test in my experience.

PugJesus avatar

Do you mean that in the original Marxist sense, where a dictatorship of the proletariat is contrasted to the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie - ie that it is referring to the domination of one class over the structures of democratic government rather than a literal autocratic or oligarchic regime? Or the ML sense where it means "Everyone obeys the Party Line, please ignore who controls the Party"?

Grayox, avatar

The classic Marxist sense, although i think Lenin’s ideology was necessary for a successful revolution to occur in his time. The Party went down hill majorly when Stalin took over instead of Trotsky.

PugJesus avatar

I'm down. I understand support of Lenin, even if I personally disagree and side more with the SRs, and have sympathies for the Makhnovists. Post-Lenin is when it gets truly gruesome.


Eh, I think Trotsky and Lenin have some responsibility. While I am in full support of October (and Leninists ideology), I think the Bolshevik repression of the 20-21 strike wave was a troubling development demonstrating separation between the party and the class. (Kronstadt began in sympathy with that strike wave.) Then in the 10th Party Congress, the Workers Opposition took up some of the workers demands and pushed a program to keep party and state separate. They urged union control of the economy and democracy. In response, Trotsky argued that unions would no longer be necessary at all! Even Lenin thought that was going too far. But this is when democracy came under attack even within the party and factions were formerly banned.

Here is the text of the Workers Opposition manifesto.…/index.htm

The text was banned in Soviet Russia in March of 1921, by resolution of the 10th Congress of the Communist Party. The headings, “individual or collective management” and “bureaucracy and self activity of the masses” seem prescient.

Trotsky became a champion of democracy a little late, only after methods of repression he himself used were turned against him.


Yeah, but being a Tankie isn’t liking communism, it is saying that the Soviet Union did nothing wrong in Hungary in 1956.

Grayox, avatar

Yes that’s the OG definition, but as of late it has become a catch all for people anywhere left of classical lib.


Disagree. Maybe as used by right wing folks but it’s definitely used to describe apologists of authoritarian regimes claiming to be communist, ie China and Russia.

Grayox, avatar

Hence my usage of “as of late”


It depends where, but I’ve only really seen it said on Lemmy in discussions regarding international relations and my time on Reddit has been significantly reduced.

I have also seen a lot of people on Lemmy who are obvious tankies argue that it is a slur against communist supporters rather than a specific criticism about tribalism, realpolitik, and internal imperialism engaged by communist countries.

It is in the vested interest of tankies to change the meaning of the word.

abbotsbury, avatar

It is used as a slur against unapologetic socialists and communists sometimes, although actual tankies would like to pretend it’s only a slur and not descriptive of Stalinists.

Akasazh, avatar

Drake meme:

Archieve true communism

Stay dictator of the proletariat for just a bit longer


The dictator of the proletariat isn’t one guy. It’s the group of people who work. As opposed to now where most countries are a dictatorship of the wealthy.

It literally means the workers (like you and I) dictating the rules. If you’re a commie it means democratically. Who dictates the rules now? The wealthy.

Red scare propaganda is so exhausting…


Right, a dictatorship OF the class proletariat OVER the class bourgeoisie. And can, should, or even needs to be a democracy WITHIN the proletariat.

Unfortunately, tankies turn the phrase into an excuse for authoritarianism, which they wank over.

Marx himself called the Paris Commune to be an example of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat. The Commune had universal suffrage and recall of neighborhood representatives on demand.

Grayox, avatar

It really is exhausting, i hate that there is effectively zero Marxist lit in libraries in the USA and if there is, somone stole it or hid it.

Akasazh, avatar

There’s no dictatorship of the proletariat in Marx, though.

PugJesus avatar

"Long before me, bourgeois historians had described the historical development of this struggle between the classes, as had bourgeois economists their economic anatomy. My own contribution was (1) to show that the existence of classes is merely bound up with certain historical phases in the development of production; (2) that the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat; [and] (3) that this dictatorship, itself, constitutes no more than a transition to the abolition of all classes and to a classless society."

Akasazh, avatar

No mention of the dictatorship falling on the shoulders of a strong man and keeping it there though.

PugJesus avatar

Just pointing out that the Dictatorship of the Proletariat is a concept Marx envisioned, even if very differently than MLs.

Akasazh, avatar

Yeah cheers for that, my meme was indeed aimed at that interpretation

rustyfish, avatar

Oh don’t worry. People say a lot of dumb things. I have been called a „atheist communist jew“ once. Followed by „catholic nazi“. Come to think of it, that would make a killer plot for a action movie.


Are they fighting in that movie? Or is it one, incredibly conflicted individual coping with existence? Could be an action flick or introspective philosophy piece

rustyfish, avatar

I was thinking of a time travelling Jean-Claude van Damme who fights against himself.


“Split”, but with a chance of being half decent.

rustyfish, avatar

Yeah, but a tankie send me an essay of words with words in them and when I asked for a source they send me a link with words which led to more sites with words on it and when I hit the original source I reached a YouTube video where some dude talking out of his ass about CIA doing the crimes and there are no crimes but when there are it was CIA but there are no other crime doers then Muslims they deserve what is happening to them which is nothing but if then it is CIA.


PugJesus avatar

Obscurantism is a favorite tool of tankies, along with blatant denials of reality and conspiratorial thinking. Almost like they're far-right goons same as any MAGA bootlicker, just painted a slightly different shade of red.


The thing to remember with all authoritarians. Is that they aren’t realistically left or right. They will use whatever means they think they can to maintain control and power. If they think moving in a more socialist direction. Will have people acquiesce and cooperate while still giving them plenty of wealth and power. They will 100% do that. We’ve seen it in the USSR, we’ve seen it in China, we’ve seen it in North Korea. Or they can go capitalist/fascistic as the United States has done for 100 years or so.

Hypocrisy isn’t a flaw to them. It is a tool to be used heavily.

MaxVoltage, avatar

Terrorist are evil

i support any bideninist or tankist or communist who takes a stand against evil and terrorism

Transporter_Room_3, avatar

And don’t forget all the emojis and gifs! They’ll post them at you in droves!

ikidd, avatar

And only the redscarers mistakenly use CCP its CPC totally not like the CCCP which is bad except when it’s good and Putin is the moral successor of the completely justified pograms against the bourjwasee.

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