
Every doctor I’ve had as an adult, except my university health center doctor and planned parenthood doctor, has been hesitant towards my “gay” care. Things like saying I have multiple sexual partners make them wince when I say I want to be tested for STDs on a regular basis. Only my gay friendly providers offered me an anal exam when I said I was generally the receptive partner (to check for warts, hemorrhoids, sores, etc).

return2ozma, avatar

My doctor is with APLA in the Los Angeles area. LGBTQ+ flags and banners all over the doctor’s office. I wish every LGBTQ+ person had this type of healthcare.

Aviandelight, avatar

20 plus years ago when I first started working in healthcare anal pap smears weren’t covered by insurance because paps were considered a “woman’s test” and good luck finding a provider that would do them or a lab that would process them. Now it is considered routine testing covered by insurance and more doctors are learning to include this type of care while in med school. It breaks my heart to think about how many people don’t get the care they need because of social prejudices and the slow crawl of progress.


Why did it take 4 years? Oh, the election.


Well he shouldn’t have done it then! /s


The point is that they could have done this 3 years ago but only did it to score points in an election. Don’t be fooled that they are the good guys.


Haha, love it!


Voter’s memories are notoriously short.


Sadly this means nothing unless it’s enshrined in law and we get a new, not fascist supreme court.

And neither party currently supports doing this.


Of course not. The Dems can’t do it because not doing it by the book sets a dangerous precedent (really as authoritarian as it gets), and the Republicans can’t do it because it’s benefiting them. Best you can hope for is be able to impeach at least Thomas. Dems need more seats in Congress for that.


And neither party currently supports doing this.

That’s simply not true. While it didn’t exactly pass, Biden did try to enshrine it into law in 2021.

I know politics sucks but try not to get so jaded you make shit up please? ……/Equality_Act_(United_States)#:….


Took him long enough

Yours truly, a LGBTQ person

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, (edited ) avatar

Huh. So odd that, given how long ago this started, he just now decides to eliminate the law that this came from. During election year. Soooooo weird.

Edit: if you guys seriously have no problem with how Biden let the LGBTQ community get screwed over after all this time up until now, during election season of all times, I don’t know what to tell you. The irony. I will die on this hill.

Edit: so I guess they have been working on this awhile. I still think the timing is incredibly sus, though. However, I am glad that they did at least start on this awhile back.

Shalakushka avatar

good things are actually bad every four years, I prefer perfect, the enemy of good


Can you just shut the fuck up?

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

Nah. I think it’s super convenient timing. This should’ve been one of the first things he did after winning the election. I think it’s bullshit he pulled this out during election season, obviously in an attempt to win voters over.


@p5yk0t1km1r4ge @elbarto777 Yea, so let's all vote instead for the candidate who removed the protections of gay and transgender Americans in the first place!

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

Whoa there buddy who said I was voting for THAT administration? It’s crazy, I know, but it’s possible to be critical of someone who has your vote, just an fyi.


Nah, you’re just a troll komrade


This is just subtle propaganda. Stop, Russian agent.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, (edited ) avatar

So criticism of Joe Biden makes me a “Russian agent”? Ah, ok. That’s actually really sad. You guys need to get help if normal critique equals “Russian agent”. It’s crazy, I actually voted Biden and will be voting for him again. You are what’s wrong with this country, folks. How very MAGA of you.


Can you just shut the fuck up?

Are you an AI bot? Let’s see for how long you will keep replying.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

Who are you again? Lmao


Shut the fuck up.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

You ok man? Doing alright?


Shut the fuck up.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

D’awwwww. I may be a cold, unfeeling emotionless bot, but I love you too <3


Shut the fuck up.

I can keep copying/pasting for a while.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

Haha, sick. You’re a very angry and consequently very funny guy. By all means, you do you. I’ll stop responding eventually when I’m bored of this but right now it’s actually really entertaining watching you lol



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  • jordanlund, avatar

    Removed, civility.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    Howabout the guy who keeps telling me to “shut the fuck up”? Or is that civil because it’s towards someone who dares criticize Joe Biden?

    jordanlund, avatar

    We don’t police every comment, just the ones that get reported.

    But on the surface, someone telling you to shut up isn’t the same thing as someone throwing insults.

    Edit Found it, it wasn’t just you. Removed and temp banned them.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    So if i looked at you and said that, it’d be fine?

    jordanlund, avatar

    As a one off? Probably would be fine, in this case, the guy was on a tear and needed a time out.

    Directing an insult straight at someone? That’s out of line and gets removed (“Shut up you fucking donkey!”). Indirectly, also out of line, (“What are you, a fucking donkey?”).

    A simple STFU? Not as big a deal, but like I say, in THIS guys case? Repeated, at multiple people, with no other value to the comment? Yeah, no.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, (edited ) avatar

    Thats much appreciated. Thanks for that, even if it wasnt directly for me. With that said, got any Biden criticisms you’d like to share then? Don’t you think the timing here is sus?

    jordanlund, avatar

    I find Biden incredibly problematic for a variety of reasons. His withdrawl from Afghanistan was incompetently handled and when he got called out on it, his reaction was “Hey, we had to get out!” when that wasn’t the question. Yes, we HAD to get out, the METHODOLOGY was the problem.

    He has the same problem discussing the economy. People tell him they’re struggling and his reaction is “Hey, the economy has never been stronger!”

    All that said, he’s a better choice than Trump, and Kennedy, Stein and West are all non-starters.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    Yeah, I think he fumbled the withdrawal pretty hard, I think what, like 100 afghans and 13 Americans were killed because of it? And he basically abandoned a lot of our people to a grim fate. It wasn’t just “We had to get out!” either. He also blamed the Trump administration for executing an agreement that “boxed in” America and “constricted” what they could do about it. I’m not sure I buy it, though. From what I’ve read about that situation it sounds more like a “fuck you trump!” act than a patriotic one. I believe there was enough openness in the agreement that it said if the Taliban failed to meet their end of things, the agreement could be null and void, but Biden ignored that part, and just ran with it. I hate Trump, and I do agree with you on that. He is still a significantly better choice, but unfortunately, given the fact that we are a two party system and always have been, even if I think it’s bullshit, even if that’s technically not true, we are very much at a point where we all need to vote for Biden or suffer the consequences. Regarding our economy, I don’t have much more to add there. You’re right. Our country is a mess, and his bullshit isn’t helping anyone. And in my opinion, while I do understand it began awhile ago, I still find his timing with this LGBTQ stuff really convenient. I think one of his biggest issues, too, is that he isn’t great at laying out specifics for things like being confronted about the economy or the things like the withdrawal. A simple deflection without accountability, and he and his administration moves on, not a great look.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    Lol I was about to come out swinging at you until I read the whole comment. Well said.



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  • jordanlund, avatar

    Removed, civility, temp ban. Get a new schtick.

    papertowels, (edited )

    There needs to be something like the narcissists prayer for people who say stuff like this.

    Let’s call it the haters prayer.

    “He didn’t help.”

    “And if he did, it wasn’t even that great.”

    “And if it was, it’s not even really due to him”

    “And if it was, it still doesn’t matter due to $INSERT_WHATABOUTISM_HERE”

    “And if it still matters, he only did it to help himself (get elected).”


    ptz, avatar

    Saving this for later use cause god knows I’ll need it.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    It’s called “criticism”. Your shortsided-ness must not do you any favors.


    Oh you can criticize all you want.

    Does the fact that the article states the administrations intended to work on this in 2021, and has been working on that since then earn them any grace?

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, (edited ) avatar

    How come it’s just now going into effect?

    papertowels, (edited )

    Fuck if I know, do you know how long the process typically takes? I certainly don’t. I was googling this while walking the dog, I’m no expert.

    I work as a government contractor and from my experience things can be held up by the silliest little things, and processes take a lot of time.

    When the recent XZ security exploit, everyone was all worried about it nearly making it’s way into Debian, a popular flavor of Linux, and at work we just laughed and said that means we’d have to worry about it it in 10 years because we’re that slow.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    Well then, yeah, I’d say it’d earn them a little grace, and I appreciate you actually talking about it instead of going down the “uR uH rUsSiAn TrOlL111one!” path. I still think it’s convenient timing, but it’s nice to see this was at least set into motion awhile back.


    Yeah, an argument could be made that 2022 was a Senate election year, and this was fueled by that, but at that point we’re invalidating 2/4 years a president has to make changes.

    On top of this, I wouldn’t be surprised by the first year being slow as they get situated, meaning year 3 is the only year that “sincere” change can be expected to be made, which is kind of…harsh. I’d hate for my accomplishments to only count 25% of the time.

    I also really appreciate the discourse - I hope you have a great day.

    p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

    Now that I think about it, didn’t Biden come into a locked GOP senate? I suppose it could be possible they were making it difficult as well maybe? Anyhow yeah, same. Thanks for the engaging conversation choom.


    This bill doesn’t affect me and I still think it’s suspiciously timed. So how is this narcissism? Genocide Joe sucks. Too say otherwise is lying to yourself and others

    papertowels, (edited )

    I never said this was narcissistic, I meant that, similar to the moving goalposts of the narcissists prayer being used by a narcissist for justification, some look for more and more reasons to discount good things that others have done.


    Can anyone give us summary over what does enables other than insurance companies and health care providers Can’t Turn You Away for simply lgbtq+


    Obama included gender, independent of sex, in anti-discrimination law for healthcare. Trump repealed it. Biden put it back.


    I mean obviously that’s good news but how does this change anything besides adding additional guidelines to what a healthcare provider can refuse


    It protects gender-affirming care on a federal level, for one. It also makes it illegal to discriminate against transgender and nonbinary people pursuing gender-related care.


    Okay that’s good news but how does that relate to states that do have bans on gender affirming care like Texas? Does this give the hospital room to fight or something?


    It overrules them. States cannot enact laws that are contrary to federal law. The laws that the states created were legal due to the absence of federal law, thanks to Trump’s repeal.

    ripcord, avatar

    Cool, that’s good then.


    Those states and Individual healthcare providers are 100% going to ignore those laws. I live in a red state and we routinely flout federal law.

    And you can only really legislate against discrimination that people are stupid enough to document. They won’t say that they aren’t treating me because I’m trans, but because of some other reason. Just like the job that recently fired me and refused to pay me for ANY of the work I did, didn’t officially fire me because I’m trans :)


    They will lose if a case is brought to court.


    Bringing a case to court requires access to the financial means to hire a lawyer, or having a case egregious and documented enough to find a lawyer to work for you pro bono.

    And you won’t be able to sue at all if you die because they refuse you care (I guess your family can 🤷‍♂️) - there have been multiple cases of transgender women dying because EMTs refused to treat.

    Red states don’t operate by rule of law. Oklahoma had a police department recorded talking about how much they wanted to kill black folks last year, pretty much nothing happened.


    I think that the down votes are telling about the kind of crowd this instance attracts; they either refuse to accept that this is true or they’ve never seen it


    Just maybe from a more optimistic world.

    I’d love to be there. I’ve been fired from two different jobs for being trans - not even good jobs, day labor shit. My birth name still shows up on the background check.

    Latest one is refusing to pay me, and insisting that I wasn’t even hired. I’ve reached out to the Labor department, but red states genuinely don’t give a shit. I’m probably just going to have to eat it.

    With medical care, I’ve definitely overheard unpleasant conversations when they were deciding where to room me. The biggest scare is what happens if my current HRT provider is driven out of state - I used to use Planned Parenthood, but would have to wait 3-4 hours to be seen at my appointments….

    This places aren’t livable for trans people. Please listen to a trans person, who lives in a red state. They do not give a shit what laws are on the books - OK and FL have already directed their schools to ignore Title IX guidelines. Laws will not protect us.…/erins-2024-anti-trans-legi…


    you’re preaching to the choir; i’ve also had the bad luck of experiencing my government shit on me and having others refusie the believe it happened (like those on the fediverse are doing to you rn) and i get that reminder of it every time someone says that biden is the most pro-lgbt president we’ve ever had.


    It stops red states from implementing anti trans care laws.


    Project 2025 is already planning to pull it back.

    Vote, people.

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