
Simultaneously torn between really wanting an Ambeos and wanting to be a responsible adult and save money. Someone help.


@TheQuinbox I would not bother with the Ambios.. they are fun for things like Teamtalk and recording but actually work terribly as a regular phone headset


@TheQuinbox They're not $300 anymore, you know...


@BorrisInABox @TheQuinbox Didn’t they stop making the thing? Or did they make a last batch and charge 49 for a pair. That’s a steal


@ner @TheQuinbox I've heard that they've been discontinued since 2019, available for $49 while supplies last. But also, the supplies keep lasting.


@BorrisInABox @TheQuinbox I wonder if few are buying.


@ner @TheQuinbox There are only a couple of other options I know of for binaural recording on iOS. One of them is from DPA and costs over $1000, and the other is a thing from Sonic Presence for $149.
The Sound Professionals used to sell a crappy Andrea Electronics DAC paired with a set of ear hook omni-directionals. The mics were OK, but the DAC really sucked. Don't know if that's still a thing.


@TheQuinbox our automatic response is not helpful. our ambeos are amazing, eeeeee, I love ambeos.


@TheQuinbox Don't get them, they're discontinued and if you break them that'll be money waisted. does that help?


@TheQuinbox Be responsible!


@Kaliah Too late. But it was on a gift card, so not my money.


@TheQuinbox Well, then it works out.

miki, avatar

@TheQuinbox You can get them for really cheap now.


@miki Yeah, I’m seeing that. Holy shit

miki, avatar

@TheQuinbox I have a pair and can share recordings if you wish, I have literal hours, though you’ve probably seen plenty.


@miki Oh yeah, I've seen loads. They sound fucking amaaaazing.


@TheQuinbox get one. I have one now

ToniBarth, avatar

@TheQuinbox Don't you have one of those headsets already?


@ToniBarth Nope, never have.

ToniBarth, avatar

@TheQuinbox Isn't that headset pretty cheap nowadays now that it isn't produced anymore? Or which ambeos do you mean, that word especially with Sennheiser is pretty ambiguous nowadays, they got sound bars, the headset, the vr microphone...


@ToniBarth Yeah it’s actually a lot cheaper than I thought. I’m talking the iOS headset. $50 some places, $60 in others.

ToniBarth, avatar

@TheQuinbox Yep, I ment cheap as in cheaper than initially. They went with $300 when sold officially, now you can get them for alot cheaper than that.


@ToniBarth Yeah, it’s a lot less than I thought. Think I’ll snag one.


@TheQuinbox Hey lookie iPhone 15 will have USB C! You want that really bad right? :D


@devinprater Nope, I’ve already decided that when upgrade time comes around, I’m going to pay $90 to replace my 13’s battery and call it a day, lol.


@TheQuinbox That makes snese. I'm tired of this tiny screen and tiny speakers and tiny battery on this SE 2. It's wild I'm thinking about screen size, but it's more about phone size. So I'm gonna get probably a 15 Pro with the Lidar. Unless the regular 15 has it and is the same smaller but not like swallow-able size of the SE lol


@devinprater This is a 13 Pro Max, and I’m happy with it in terms of size. About the same as my Pixel 7 Pro.


@TheQuinbox Oh wow, a Max. I have a Galaxy S20 FE, and I think I could deal with an iPhone that big, but I don't think I'd like it. 5 inches is good enough for me I think. The iPhone X R was pretty nice too though. It was like 5.8 inches I think?


@TheQuinbox @devinprater I cannot stand the size of the P7P, my regular P7 is just right.



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  • TheQuinbox,

    @fireborn @devinprater I came from an SE to to this phone in November 2021. For context, I got the SE in November 2020, and yeah. Battery, utterly horrendous.



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  • TheQuinbox,

    @fireborn @devinprater Honestly I'd go full Android if not for iMessage and Facetime. Talkback is fine. The only place where it lags is when scrolling, which, while it's annoying, has nothing on some modern day VoiceOver bugs.



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  • TheQuinbox,

    @fireborn @devinprater Typing, too, but I haven't touched Gboard since TBK. Don't get me wrong it's a problem, but not one that stops me as an individual from using it. The only place I have real lag is when lists auto scroll when swiping. That's still inexcusably slow, but I'll take a little lag over not being sure if I'm tapping on the right thing most of the time because of VoiceOver's insistence on moving it to the original spot in the window, even after I've already moved.

    talon, avatar

    @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater I want to be able to type like I do on iOS.


    @talon @fireborn @devinprater Yeah, direct touch typing still doesn't exist. Big problem, but I've been using Braille on touch screens for years upon years, I've long since forgotten how to touch type. That said, I'm going to keep being on their asses about direct touch typing, and direct touch in general, because fuck that.


    @talon @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater I am not geared for typing like that on a bloody phone. Do not get how you do this. What you write makes sense but my brain always wans to hear the thing I've typed for verification. I feel like you're UDP-typing and I'm old-school Ventrilo TCP typing complete with break-up.

    talon, avatar

    @FreakyFwoof Yeah that's actually somewhat accurate. My character echo is off for almost exactly that reason. If it starts telling me the characters I get wrong I want to fix it immediately even though I might not have to. There is definitely a bit of a trade off between accuracy and speed but I do pay attention to the words that come out, so auto correct mistakes do happen but I can usually catch them. And for me the trade off is worth it to get the extra speed. Typing any other way now just feels tedious and like it takes too long so I usually end up not bothering. But this way I can still get into a flow and get my thoughts across with most of the annoying quirks I usually put into writing. Somehow that's important to me.


    @talon You're an annoyingly impressive person and I don't like this 😂

    talon, avatar

    @FreakyFwoof That is certainly one way to look at it. Another way would probably involve a lot of muttering about young people these days and having too much time or maybe not spending enough time in the sun or something like that. Which is funny because spending a lot of time not at home is exactly how I got to this point in the first place lol


    @FreakyFwoof @talon @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater I have seen sighted people type like this, but I just can't do it. I am the type who holds his phone in one hand, my left hand, and uses one finger to type with. usually I land on the letter I want, but if I don't I am usually very close, so I just move to the letter I want, and then lift my finger.

    talon, avatar

    @jamminjerry @FreakyFwoof @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater I think it's natural that it's hard to type fast that way. It's like hunting for keys on a keyboard vs. just having your fingers on the right keys. Technique is really most of the game here



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  • talon, avatar

    @fireborn @FreakyFwoof I could never get into slide typing. I know people do, but I've been typing the way I do for too long now I think so there's a slight reluctance to change. I don't know if I could get even better with that. I should give it an honest try and see.


    @talon @fireborn I type with left index, and it's as if I'm still learning to type whenever I do so on a phone. I'm that guy that carries a bluetooth keyboard if @m out for long periods, or I type the absolute minimum if not.

    talon, avatar

    @FreakyFwoof @fireborn I believe the way you hold the phone and which fingers you use are the biggest factor here. If I only had one finger and no static position I wouldn't be nearly as fast. Since the phone is always in exactly the same relative spot to my thumbs it is very easy for them to figure out just how much they need to move to get to the letters I want. And finding f and j is also easy since well... the phone can't move away from my fingers and always stays in the exact same spot.

    talon, avatar

    @FreakyFwoof @fireborn So in a way it's very similar to figuring out where keys are on a physical keyboard. Except I don't orient my hands on the keyboard but rather the keyboard to my hands. It's also why I prefer bigger phones. And why when I get a new phone with different dimensions it always takes me a minute to reorient.

    KaraLG84, avatar

    @talon @FreakyFwoof @fireborn I usually hold my phone in my left hand and use the first 2 fingers on my right to type. I would be completely screwed without autocorrect though. The weird thing is that I tried SpeedDots on a friend's phone when that was a thing and found it harder with tactile feedback than I do without.



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  • talon, avatar

    @fireborn @FreakyFwoof Yeah it's why I get a bigger phone. The max is too big, the SE are too small. The normal iPhone or pro are more or less the perfect size for my thumbs to work without getting in the way of each other.

    talon, avatar

    @fireborn @FreakyFwoof By saying that, my hands aren't tiny. I can very much touch the other hand with the opposite thumb. And they can get in each others way. But that's the screen size I learned on and that feels more comfortable.

    x0, avatar

    @talon @fireborn @FreakyFwoof My hands tremor slightly to the point where BSI is effectively useless as I end up offset from where I set the dots after 3 or so entries. It's a small tremor but it's enough. And I'm on an SE 2020. I should try slide typing, perhaps I could use something in landscape mode. I used FlickType in landscape mode for a while.


    @FreakyFwoof @talon @fireborn @m Could use Braille Screen Input, too. It's about the same speed, and you can select key or word echo. I use it all of the time, and have become extremely quick with it.

    talon, avatar

    @bryansmart @FreakyFwoof @fireborn @m I can never get that to work. I've had many people try to show me what I'm doing wrong. And it's definitely not for a lack of Braille knowledge.

    talon, avatar

    @bryansmart @FreakyFwoof @fireborn @m That and holding the phone while typing Braille feels very very awkward to me. But many people do use it. Probably more than people who type like me


    @talon @FreakyFwoof @fireborn @m Meh. It's not perfect, but none of the ways are. Still way better than typing with one finger on the onscreen keyboard.

    talon, avatar

    @bryansmart @FreakyFwoof @fireborn @m That is very true. I don't think you can get that fast with just one finger. I don't want to say impossible because someone will probably come by and prove me wrong, but I would never want to do that.


    @talon @bryansmart @fireborn I can get by quite quickly with split-typing, but yeah.

    jscholes, avatar

    @talon You need to run iOS typing courses. I am nowhere near that fast. @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater


    @jscholes @talon @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater Yeah, but this is the same guy who makes amazing things happen with the on-screen keyboard of Ableton Note. I've tried that, and ... uh, yeah. Not something I can really do.

    jscholes, avatar

    @BorrisInABox We can't all be dragons, I guess. Especially not on a Thursday. @talon @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater

    talon, avatar

    @jscholes @BorrisInABox @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater Ok. So. First, hold your phone so that the edges of the phone rest in Both of your palms. For me, the very bottom corners press pretty much into the middle of my hand. Your fingers except the thumbs are at the back of the phone so that it rests on them. Interlink or stack them if you have to, but the end goal is to hold your phone in portrait so that your thumbs can freely roam around the bottom half of the screen where the keyboard is. After that, it is a game of practice. It's a standard QWERTY layout so you should be relatively familiar. Lol. One of my superpowers is auto correct. In the recording, the bubble means that auto correct is kicking in. Over time I learned from it and it learned from me. So I know what's likely to work or when I messed up beyond repair, and it figures out which words I usually mean to type. I guess what helped me is that for a long time I didn't have regular access to my computer so it was either this or game over.

    talon, avatar

    @jscholes @BorrisInABox @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater In case it wasn't clear. You type with both of your thumbs. I usually use the left thumb for asdfg and so on, and the right thumb for hjkl and so on. There are exceptions for example for are, ate, age I sometimes use the right thumb for r t or g. So you have to figure out what works best for you and your thumbs. Alternating between them is usually the fastest. So a word like fastest can be quite tiring for your left thumb.

    KaraLG84, avatar

    @BorrisInABox @jscholes @talon @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater All of his things he does with Note are done using the screen? Wow.

    talon, avatar

    @KaraLG84 @BorrisInABox @jscholes @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater Yes. I don’t have a bluetooth midi controller and I also don’t have a camera connection kit. Everything I do in Note, so all of my song sketches, are all only with the touch screen.

    KaraLG84, avatar

    @talon @BorrisInABox @jscholes @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater Bloody hell that's amazing. I'd need to use it with a midi controller to do anything like that with it. I have a Bluetooth midi dongle thing but the latency is ridiculous.

    KaraLG84, avatar

    @talon @BorrisInABox @jscholes @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater I could do beats with the pads ok as I used iMachine for a while but playing accurately on the keyboard though would be hard work.

    talon, avatar

    @KaraLG84 @BorrisInABox @jscholes @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater I don’t even want to use a midi controller with Note, to be honest. I like the intimacy for the lack of a better word of just taking a phone with nothing but headphones and sketching something neat. It’s very simple and the limitations just make it feel a lot more special.


    @talon You must have incredibly precise muscle memory and accuracy. Wow. @KaraLG84 @BorrisInABox @jscholes @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater

    talon, avatar

    @jcsteh @KaraLG84 @BorrisInABox @jscholes @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater I share some of my secrets in the thread somewhere. It's pretty precise but auto correct helps a ton. If you hear the bubbles it's because I made a mistake and the phone is correcting me. So over the many years typing like this me and auto correct have become very familiar with each other. But yeah some precise muscle memory is definitely required. It's like playing an instrument really. Lots and lots of practice. Voluntarily or not.


    @talon Heh, accuracy was never my strong point even when playing an instrument. Some definite correlation there. :)

    talon, avatar

    @jcsteh @KaraLG84 @BorrisInABox @jscholes @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater Oh and I just now realized that was about note and not actual typing. I should probably check what I'm replying to.


    @talon I mean, it kinda applies to Both really.

    talon, avatar

    @jcsteh @KaraLG84 @BorrisInABox @jscholes @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater For Ableton note it's probably Even more cheating. A lot of what I do is just overdubbing. If I have complex chords or Melodies I will play them bit by bit. And of course setting it to the scale I want.

    KaraLG84, avatar

    @talon @jcsteh @BorrisInABox @jscholes @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater Ah yeah I can see how that'd help. I use the scale settings when I mess about in GarageBand.

    KaraLG84, avatar

    @talon @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater I've just listened to this again and I think you're way faster than me since I usually have it set to both characters and words. I'm giving it a go with just words and I think I could get used to this.


    @KaraLG84 @talon @TheQuinbox @fireborn I think if I had a bigger phone I could kinda do it. Or an iPad. Maybe. I should try that one day. But this SE is way too compressed for me to do all that with it I think.

    KaraLG84, avatar

    @devinprater @talon @TheQuinbox @fireborn I've been doing it for years now so it's second nature to me. I I think I started using direct touch typing on a 5s and before that the touch typing mode which I think came out on the 4.


    @talon That is absolutely wild! I am pretty damned good with braille screen input, but absolutely hopeless with the normal touch keyboard. I didn't even know it was possible for a blind user to type anywhere near that fast. @TheQuinbox @fireborn @devinprater

    talon, avatar

    @devinprater @TheQuinbox @fireborn Do you now see what I mean with typing on android and why direct Touch is so very important to me lol


    @talon @TheQuinbox @fireborn Gosh yes. And then there's that little delay where TalkBack says the key and you hear the tick from GBoard. Any delay would slow you down a whole lot.

    talon, avatar

    @devinprater @TheQuinbox @fireborn Yeah. If delay gets added at all I'm much more likely to just not type a message at all. So it's very very important to me. I'm very picky.


    @talon @TheQuinbox @fireborn I don't blame you. When I'm typing in my passcode on the iPhone, I can type fast enough to where VoiceOver barely utters anything. On Android though, the delay is enough that people can hear my passcode, even if it doesn't say the whole word.


    @fireborn @TheQuinbox Yep that's what I have too.

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