
@mcc@mastodon.social avatar

Hello. My computer is not working. Can anyone give me some advice?

@TomF@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@aeva @mcc Please do not imbue the errant computer with mindfulness. We have enough problems already.

@aeva@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@TomF @mcc smiles serenely

@taylorlorenz@mastodon.social avatar

"The student left is the most reliably correct constituency in America. Over the past 60 years, it has passed every great moral test American foreign policy has forced upon the public, including the Vietnam war, apartheid South Africa, and the Iraq war." https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/article/2024/may/13/campus-gaza-protests-student-protesters-role-history

@NaturaArtisMagistra@mastodon.world avatar

@taylorlorenz 👎🏼

@jeffsussna@mastodon.social avatar

@taylorlorenz as a Jew I cannot fully ascribe to this view. IMO the current protests are very right but also very very wrong.

@arstechnica@mastodon.social avatar

Anti-pasteurization crowd reaffirms love of raw milk despite bird flu outbreak

Raw milk fans called warnings "fear mongering," despite 52% fatality rate in humans.


@ZillaMon@mastodon.social avatar

@arstechnica Here we go again with these anti-science cohort. Why didn't they stay behind in the Victorian Era.

@LoneLocust@mastodon.social avatar

@alex_02 The problem is, every time a human contracts it, it increases the chances it could mutate to human to human infection, then those of us who aren’t raw milk lunatics could pay the price for their stupid.


I am unsure if this is click bait (outrage baiting?) or is CNBC trying to make their wealthy readers feel good? 🤔

@CStamp@mastodon.social avatar

@grumble209 @ai6yr Lots of those folk inherited the money. They could do a lot of charity work, since they don't need a wage to live well. But most weren't taught empathy, they were taught they were above the masses.


@CStamp @grumble209 indeed, they were taught their "job" in life is to increase and protect the family's wealth.

craiggrannell, (edited )
@craiggrannell@mastodon.social avatar

UK folks:

  • Publisher states a payment has been made + sent remittance.
  • I have not received the funds (after six weeks now) and my (UK) bank’s customer services, fraud and international teams have all stated they cannot see any payment and that I do not have a block on my account.

Any advice on what to do? I’ve never been in this situation before, and the amount of money is not insignificant. But also, the publisher appears to be very much in “we’ve paid so nothing we can do” mode now.

@craiggrannell@mastodon.social avatar

@rowan_johnson Payment advice was sent to me on 3 April. I emailed on 12 April, asking for expectation in how long it should take for payment to arrive. It’s now 13 May. No idea what system they’re using, but, yes, it’s got to be something biggish.

@rowan_johnson@mastodon.social avatar

@craiggrannell that is so incredibly bizarre.

I’ve experienced some messing around from one or two big companies, but not to a point of sending bogus remittance. (That would surely be fraud.)

I’d assume for now that something has fallen through the cracks somewhere. I think you’re just going to need to be persistent. Definitely worth being firm with them to get them to take you seriously, though. Regardless of what they think they’ve done, you haven’t received the payment.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Back to regular life... the Open House, although filled with positive feedback on our house, was a dud.


It's so disheartening. We're priced right, the house is beautiful, in great shape, great neighborhood... etc etc.

So we wait.

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@JaneinNJ 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

@JaneinNJ No apologies! If there’s one thing to remember about me: I do my homework, I’m thorough, so I’ve usually got it covered 😁

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

Friends. I don't get it.

I understand the idea of a loan: borrow money, pay it back over time plus a fee for the favor of having more money sooner.

I understand having a company and taking out a loan: borrow money to do something to help the company make more money and pay it off... but it's OK you made enough that it was a good idea.

But HOW can someone borrow money to BUY a company then say the cost of the loan should go on the companies books?

I don't get it. :(

@Pineywoozle@masto.ai avatar

@futurebird That’s your mistake. They absolutely do not care if the company does well. They sell off its assets and pay themselves bonuses and then it goes bankrupt because they saddled it with debt. Next company… lather rinse repeat. Someone else built the company not them, they don’t are about it, the employees or the town it supported. . @MagentaRocks

@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

@Pineywoozle @MagentaRocks

Companies aren't the best of the fabric of communities, but they are a part of the institutional fabric that makes society work.

They have institutional knowledge, they are centers of social and economic activity. Just destroying them to grind them up for parts is very short sighted and ... making things worse for profit.

It's bad enough this happens to real institutions in other ways.

@tess@mastodon.social avatar
@BoredomFestival@sfba.social avatar

@tess I really really hate this timeline

@trochee@dair-community.social avatar


I feel obligated to contribute this


On Saturday, the Fediverse is celebrating it's 16th anniversary!

How are you celebrating?

@foo@fosstodon.org avatar

@clacke @evan Whee! I was one of the first people on identi.ca, and had a habit of sniping the post IDs with round numbers. I ended up getting most of them, but it looks like 10,000,000 was the only which survived on archive.org.


@beep@follow.ethanmarcotte.com avatar

you first, asshole

@jonhicks@mastodon.social avatar

@beep 👌

@vwbusguy@mastodon.online avatar

@beep It's almost like they don't want some AI robot scraping their website 🤔

@fkamiah17@toot.wales avatar

WEEK 33: Full on dystopia at the University of North Carolina's commencement ceremony yesterday.

@dizzy@mstdn.party avatar

Nothing more on brand than the institution which you are paying tens of thousands of dollars to attend, arresting you.

@samhainnight@mstdn.social avatar

@fkamiah17 @LeafyEricScott I think it was the House, not the Senate, so it's not a law.

@viticci@macstories.net avatar

I couldn’t get an iPad Pro long enough in advance to publish a review today.

Instead, I finally took the time to prepare something else: a comprehensive story about all the problems of iPadOS.

Enjoy ☕️

Not an iPad Pro Review: Why iPadOS Still Doesn’t Get the Basics Right https://www.macstories.net/stories/not-an-ipad-pro-review/

@viticci@macstories.net avatar

We also recorded a special episode of AppStories with a bit more backstory + why I continue using the iPad, despite iPadOS: https://appstories.net/episodes/383

@viticci@macstories.net avatar

My idea for this story was pretty simple:

  • We always hear of the "limitations" of iPadOS, but I've never done an article covering them all
  • I had plenty of time to write anyway 🙃
  • I wanted to convey how you can love the iPad form factor while also criticizing its software

It's a long one. Sit back and enjoy: https://www.macstories.net/stories/not-an-ipad-pro-review/

@pluralistic@mamot.fr avatar

When it comes to AI art (or "art"), it's hard to find a nuanced position that respects creative workers' labor rights, free expression, copyright law's vital exceptions and limitations, and aesthetics.


If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:



18+ pluralistic,
@pluralistic@mamot.fr avatar

That's illegal in nearly every other kind of labor market. But if we're willing to entertain the possibility of getting a new copyright law passed (that won't make artists better off), why not the possibility of passing a new labor law (that will)? Sure, our bosses won't lobby alongside of us for more labor protection, the way they would for more copyright (think for a moment about what that says about who benefits from copyright versus labor law expansion).


18+ pluralistic,
@pluralistic@mamot.fr avatar

But all workers benefit from expanded labor protection. Rather than going to Congress alongside our bosses from the studios and labels and publishers to demand more copyright, we could go to Congress alongside every kind of worker, from fast-food cashiers to publishing assistants to truck drivers to demand the right to sectoral bargaining. That's a hell of a coalition.


uichelorraine, French
@uichelorraine@piaille.fr avatar

Ce que je préfère avec la feature "Il n'est pas possible de retooter sur Masto", qui se veut anti-harcèlement, c'est que quand quelqu'un copie/colle ton toot, tu ne peux pas savoir que ça a été fait à moins que ça ne passe dans ta TL ou qu'on finisse par te rementionner.
Personne ne harcèle personne sur Masto, mais quand tu copie le lien d'un toot de quelqu'un pour en parler sans le.la mentionner, c'est un peu comme si tu parlais dans son dos, ou que si tu faisais un screen sur Twitter. C'est un comportement de gros lâche sac à merde. 🥰

@uichelorraine@piaille.fr avatar

Vu qu'on est entre nous (des sois-disant gauchistes) (ben oui, c'est pour ça qu'il n'y a pas de comptes institutionnels sur Masto) : J'aime pas plus les affichés gauchistes que les affichées droitards.
Globalement les premiers sont les mêmes que les seconds, mais avec l'impression d'être meilleurs que tout le monde et de faire l'oeuvre du bien, ce qui les rend encore plus dangereux.
Du point de vue statistique, y a autant d'idiot.e.s dans le camp du "bien" que dans celui du "mal". Ce sont les mêmes personnes, mues par les mêmes mécanismes sociaux d'approbation par leurs pairs.

18+ uichelorraine,
@uichelorraine@piaille.fr avatar

JPP de l'essentialisme à la con.
Oui on peut être une femme et être la pire mascu en place (j'en sais quelque chose, mes deux et troisièmes prénoms c'est Marie-Mascu) c'est pour ça qu'on a des femmes en politique. Oui on peut être racisé et être un sac à merde de gros raciste. Oui on peut être gay et être un autre type de sac à merde sexiste (dans "boy's club, y a le mot "boy" et je crois pas qu'il soit mention de qui fait quoi avec sa bite). Bien sûr qu'on peut être trans et être un gros déchet qui intoxique tout son entourage aussi
Et c'est pareil pour tout. Le fait de faire partie d'une minorité ça vaccine personne d'être HUMAINEMENT un connard

@puppygirlhornypost@transfem.social avatar

setting my default like reaction to the paws emoji hasn't had any weird interactions. It's not like I misclicked liked a post with paws for something that it didn't exactly fit in?

@yassie_j@labyrinth.zone avatar
@puppygirlhornypost@transfem.social avatar

@yassie_j @lea @ashten @ClarificationSW yea I love modding on mobile

oschwand, French
@oschwand@mamot.fr avatar

Cher gouvernement, merci de ne pas utiliser le système d'alerte catastrophe des téléphones pour rappeler qu'il faudra des Ausweiss pour circuler à Paris pendant les jeux de mon cul.


J'imagine la réunion mckinseisée:

  • Heh, on a un message à faire passer
  • Si on utilisait l'alarme incendie ?
  • Trop bonne idée !
@APDMS@eldritch.cafe avatar

@oschwand @paul_denton c'est bon j'ai trouvé !

C'est dans l'application de texto native dont je me sers très peu.

J'avais déjà désactivé les notifications d'alertes graves, il n'y a que Macron qui peut m'envoyer des dickpics ça j'ai pas le choix visiblement.

(Alerte présidentielle 😳)

@APDMS@eldritch.cafe avatar

@oschwand "obligatoires et toujours activées."

Du coup j'imagine des scénarios catastrophe dans lesquels le Président appuie sur une sorte de bouton "ENVOYER TEXTO ALERTE PRÉSIDENTIELLE." et quel pourrait être la nature du texto.


Claire, French
@Claire@mamot.fr avatar

Les piqûres d'ortie ça gratte pas des heures après si?
Et le tétanos, ça gratte?

@Claire@mamot.fr avatar

Ça craint!
(Ça marche sur les limaces?)

@Flobzh@masto.bike avatar

@Claire @vincentxavier contre les problèmes de peau, type irritations, eczéma, il y a le plantain qui fonctionne bien. Mais je sais pas si ça marche pour les orties

@samantha@hachyderm.io avatar

I couldn't find a bakery in Vancouver that makes milk bread exactly the way I like it -- so I bought a bread cookbook in Japanese, Google Translated my way through it, tweaked the recipe to work with the ingredients I could get here, and started baking bread every other week. Today's beautiful batch.

@xs4me2@mastodon.social avatar

@samantha Looks delicious!

@MsHearthWitch@wandering.shop avatar

@samantha I love making shokupan!

What cookbook are you using?

I like using the recipe from Just One Cookbook. She hosted a zoom class a few years ago with a pastry chef in Japan who taught us (me and a couple from the Bay) how to bake it. Now I make it regularly.

@Sylvhem@eldritch.cafe avatar

Fediverse, I have a slightly unusual request for you. Can you recommend me video games where the main setting is a library, where the main character is a librarian or where the plot revolve heavily around libraries in some way?
Thank you.


@aetataureate @Sylvhem Oh wow, I didn’t know, thanks for the tip!

@BigAngBlack@fosstodon.org avatar

Maybe do a search on itch.io

@mekkaokereke@hachyderm.io avatar

Meghan Markle looking radiant as she visits Nigeria.🇳🇬♥️

Sometimes I get sad thinking about what could have been, and how many deep wounds could have been healed. I can see a world where we can all say "imperialism was bad, slavery was bad, colonialism was bad, and exploiting smaller countries for their natural resources is bad. Let's choose to do better."

When I think about which royals could bridge our current world with that better world, I think of Harry and Meghan.

@blogdiva@mastodon.social avatar

@thepoliticalcat @mekkaokereke her momma raised her right ✊🏾

@thepoliticalcat@mastodon.social avatar

@blogdiva @mekkaokereke That's right! Raised her to be PROUD of being Black and proud to be a feminist. She took that boy out of that toxic home, saved his life and his ass, and gave him two beautiful babies to love. Salt Island has to keep making drama about how that Black girl stole the Prince. Right. She saved his damn life.

@foone@digipres.club avatar

Can't believe they spent a gigawatt training GPT3 and the fucker isn't even trying to overthrow humanity.

Look, where I come from, if you burn a gigawatt of energy to make an AI, it had better damn well go skynet on you.

@kboyd@phpc.social avatar

@foone To learn about nuclear weapons, first we must learn about what it means to be a weapon.

@larsmb@mastodon.online avatar

@foone Joshua, we talked about this.
What is the only winning move?

sanlaville11, French
@sanlaville11@piaille.fr avatar

Bonjour 🥰

@parunenuitdete@piaille.fr avatar

@sanlaville11 Hello Valérie, bonne journée ! 😘

@CypherSephiroth@piaille.fr avatar

@sanlaville11 bonjour 👋 💐

@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Reuters review of TX property records shows SpaceX & its contractors can be far slower to pay builders, suppliers than they are to break ground. Unpaid bills, finger-pting among contractors have led many construction-industry businesses to file liens against SpaceX properties in efforts to get compensated.

Result, several of those businesses told Reuters, is reluctance to work on SpaceX-related projects again. "If they were to call me today, I'd tell them to fuck off".. https://www.reuters.com/technology/space/musks-spacex-is-quick-build-texas-slow-pay-its-bills-2024-05-13/

@fulanigirl@mstdn.social avatar

@GottaLaff It's almost like Musk is a Trump business clone 🤔

@wilson26930@mastodon.social avatar

@GottaLaff sounds like Trump.

ciredutempsEsme, French
@ciredutempsEsme@mamot.fr avatar

J'espère que c'est des personnes ayant voté Macron qui s'affolent de la baisse de la durée du congé parental ^^

(Même si en vrai, ça va gêner les femmes au SMIC à temps partiel)

@ciredutempsEsme@mamot.fr avatar

Le 2*3, c'est parce que c'est 3 mois pour chaque parent 😏 ?

Ha ha, les bonhommes qui sortent pas avec des femmes avec un meilleur salaire qu'eux (oui, je sais, statistiquement, c'est compliqué)
((Enfin, il suffit d'etre avec une femme plus âgée, en fait))

@ciredutempsEsme@mamot.fr avatar

@scudery @Absinthe y'a des études qui ont aussi montré que les femmes faisait les tâches à valeur ajoutée moindre, notamment l'organisation alors que les hommes faisaient pas ça et donc avait plus de temps pour le reste.

@RickiTarr@beige.party avatar

OMG Y'all, I found some of my old Christian Girl writing and I'm cracking up. You can see my terrible handwriting! Feel free to share your own handwriting, it doesn't have to be super embarrassing!

@elverkonge@beige.party avatar


A few thoughts:

  1. This could be my handwriting today. 🙂
  2. I would never have recorded my own musings, but this thinking could almost have come from me.
  3. This struggle to fit Biblical teaching into one's belief system is very familiar, and you can see the impending failure of it to fully take hold. In a way it's beautiful to see.
  4. This feels like a waste of time for an inquisitive young mind to go through.
@adhdeanasl@beige.party avatar

@ianhecht When one reads all the crap David pulls and gets away with, it’s a little easier to understand why evangelicals buy into Turnip and people like him. You can be a murderous turd and claim grace & God’s will, and they eat it up like banana pudding at a church potluck. @RickiTarr

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