
The way I see it, all of us who migrated here won. Enshitification is eventually going to kill reddit, the only question is when. I’ll grab some popcorn when it happens, but for now won’t worry about it and just enjoy my time here on Lemmy.


Idk if it will ever go away. Digg is still around.

4am, avatar

Right? The protest was just the lighter. Now we watch as the fuse burns. Fuck off Gizmodo, Reddit didn’t win shit yet


I doubt it. Only few people left and they'll just get a bunch of new people in to replace the lost ones. It's just a little dent in their statistics.

JDPoZ avatar

It won't die. It will just hollow out. Same as Digg. Same as Facebook, Twitter, and every other shitty part of the internet. The power users are what make the internet the magical place it is. Without those people, the sites will still work... but they won't be as great as they were before their respective turning points. It's a cycle it seems.

justlookingfordragon, avatar

It won’t die. It will just hollow out.

The result is still basically the same IMHO. It’s like saying “it won’t die, it will just turn into a zombie” … sure it’ll still move, but it’s dead inside and rotting on the outside either way, devoid of the life and soul it once had.


Honestly I’m happy with a slow death than a big freaking one. A humongous explosion is not always a good thing lol.

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

Yeah, I feel like I hit the jackpot by finding out about the fediverse/non-corporate social media.


I’ll grab some popcorn when it happens

There won’t be a day when reddit goes away, it will be a gradual decline, digg still exist.


I deleted all my Reddit accounts the day sync died and never looked back. I’d rather spend my time helping to build something better.



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  • Silverseren,

    Geez, you trolls are so pathetic.


    Good thing you reality deniers have no reason to be here then. Byyyeeee!


    Shit birds Ran.


    I can’t tell if it’s just cognitive bias on my part but I feel like the content and discussion has gotten even worse on Reddit since the protests.


    Meanwhile here, I find most engagements thoughtful and written because people want to engage. Sure, a few assholes post stupid shit or try to be mean, but most are just trying to participate in good faith.


    That‘s right. Without the protests, i probably would nit have been aware of the fediverse existence


    Enshittification will one day kill Lemmy. Somehow.

    And we’ll be elsewhere.

    veloxization, avatar

    Lemmy is open-source software. If the project root starts doing something stupid or gets abandoned, it can just be forked by someone else and it will live on.


    I agree with you. Actually, Lemmy woke me up to how much reddit had already been enshitified. I didn’t realize that I had stopped commenting altogether because the subs were so big that either no one saw your stuff, or there was always some one pissed off who felt the need to respond. Lemmy reminds me of reddit the way it was when I joined 12 years ago.


    How dare you? I feel the need to respond. \s

    p03locke, avatar

    And forget about trying to post articles on any subreddit. Always buried with 0 votes, because some bot network is trying to promote the latest Barbie movie or whatever.


    Or subs like gaming having posts with 4 comments and 7,000 up votes “I was recently diagnosed with stage 7 cancer and my dog died, but I created this game as my final contribution to humanity, here’s a trailer.”

    2D Hollow Knight rip off video

    Comments: “Wow amazing graphics!” “Is it on steam?!” “Looks amazing!” “I neeeeeed this!!”

    Any attempt to call the ad out is -200


    Or the powermod that hates you for unknown reason and will ban you forever. And the shadow bans. I don’t regret that place.


    No it doesn’t.


    Yea tbh Lemmy is kinda crap and definitely feels like only a short stop on the next major platform after reddit.

    Not enough of reddit left the site so Lemmy is still very slow for content in comparison and lacks the more granular content that made reddit so good.

    Uranium3006 avatar

    I blame that on too few users thus far. things are improving


    Lemmy is better then Reddit has ever been in my option.

    Don’t like a community? Make your own.

    Don’t like the admins? Make your own instance.


    Not sure if you only posted on the mainsubs or what but Reddit really did hit that “hyper specific topic conversation” for me. Like up to the protests I could make a meme about a topic or reply to a post and have good discussions. When I deleted all my posts I deleted some of the top of all time posts off some subs lol.

    Lemmy still hasnt hit that for me, I’m another in a swarm of people saying Lemmy doesn’t fulfill my topic based sub needs. Like I’m currently obsessed with Marvel Snap and loved the subreddit. The lemmy version is dead af. And I try to converse and interact but none of the lemmy filters for posts seem to show the posts reliably to me and I have to remember to go check it. The Spider-Man PS4 sub was another favorite of mine to interact with and I ended up having to make it for Lemmy and it’s got like 80 subscribers and I make a point to comment on every post but it’s still not getting much conversation going 😞


    do you really need a forum to talk about marvel snap? lol. just saying that card game is pretty fun but easy. what is there to talk about? (tongue in cheek)


    Same problem, I put some community in my favorites so I remember to check them out but we need more people here (but not too much people!)


    It might not even kill it. Facebook is still kicking, after all, for all its enshittification. It's just... idk, some of us were freed to move on to a more satisfying experience. That's all. Life continues here, life continues there

    dual_sport_dork, avatar

    Honestly if all the buttmunches stay there and all the cool people come here, I think that’s the ideal scenario.

    Uranium3006 avatar

    facebook's on the decline, meta's betting on instagram since that's what the kids use. facebook is for boomers to looking at family vacation photos and nazi radicalising and is a legacy service at this point.


    do you know what a ‘boomer’ is? it’s slang for ‘baby boomer’ and it’s a specific age range of people born at specific times. plenty of people younger than that are on FB every day. just saying, if you didn’t know what ‘boomer’ was, it doesn’t just mean ‘old person’.



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  • 999,

    Maybe Facebook got so big and their search is so good that people just stopped using Google search for it, but I have a hard time believing that can be responsible for a drop of this magnitude.

    I would say you're probably right. Remember this old gem?


    Facebook (the page) is dead in the sense that its parent company changed their name to not be the same as their (once powerhouse) product. Facebook trademark is so unbelievably cursed due to what it became that they’re pretending that it does not exist.

    Meta is focusing on Instagram for now. They could’ve launched Threads within Facebook (I think it was at some point) but they choose not to. Instagram is how they reach out to the people.

    This means that Facebook was enshittified successfully. It does not serve any purpose now.

    I don’t think Reddit has the same choice as they don’t really have means to pivot to something else. It will just cease to be… Or not.


    I understand why the didn’t do threads in Facebook incase they need to shut it down. Kinda like how they have Messenger then purchased WhatsApp but never integrated it if they want to shut one down.

    Lemmylefty, avatar

    Yeah, I agree with this suspiciously named man. Whether it happens sooner or later, Reddit’s death is on the horizon, as it will keep making the wrong choices and so steadily lose those communities and content that built it in the first place.


    “I like the way ‘namffuH’ thinks!”


    I agree. I don’t think we’re there yet, but next time the they give people another reason to leave the Lemmy/kbin ecosystem will be even more appealing. Simply the app and dev community here is really exploding.


    Reddit won’t actually die, it’ll just be a hollow shell of what it once was.

    To illustrate my point, Digg still exists.

    Paradox, avatar

    Have you been to digg recently? It’s a buzzfeed clone. Just because the brand is still around doesn’t mean it’s the same product at all

    It’s like if I bought Nike and then killed off all their product lines and only sold high viscosity lithium grease. Yeah Nike would be around, but it would be meaningless beyond that


    Tell me more about this high viscosity lithium grease


    Thicc and spicy. Just do it.


    I'm in


    i too would like to hear more about this grease. please continue


    I think that’s his point.


    Gordon Gecko checking in


    I think the point flew over your head.


    That’s what Decoy said.

    Reddit won’t die, but it will not be what it was.


    There’s a big difference between “die” like Facebook where less people are joining and using it, but it still functions as a “keep in touch with your family” site, and “die” like Digg whose community doesn’t exist at all, almost as if it got bought out by another company for the brand name only.

    Peruvian_Skies avatar

    If Reddit won, why have Lemmy and Kbin's userbases grown so steeply since June? Why has the quality of Reddit's content plummeted terribly? Why is /r/place just one endless ocean of "fuck spez"?

    Reddit only "won" in the same way that Florida "won" against illegal immigrants and is now facing a massive workforce shortage in essential industries.

    Reddit may not be dead yet, but it's mortally wounded already. It's bleeding out and will be dead in every way that matters soon.


    We lost like 15k active users (of not even 140k) over the last couple weeks alone. I wouldn't call that steeply grown...

    Peruvian_Skies, (edited )
    Peruvian_Skies avatar

    Again, I'm not comoparing Lemmy to Reddit. I myself am on Kbin.


    Same. And those are the combined Lemmy & kbin numbers.

    Peruvian_Skies avatar

    Why are you trying so hard to miss my point? Either that or I really suck at communication.


    You are. I literally counter argue your point that Reddit "lost". It's not mortally wounded either. A tiny portion moved away to something like the various fediverse platforms, a large portion of that already left again and is likely back on Reddit, if they even fully left in the first place. So please stop the mental gymnastics.

    Peruvian_Skies avatar

    It's not mental gymnastics, but fine. I won't beleaguer the point. What about the rest of my comment?


    Spez used a monkey paw, reddit’s gonna last forever just getting more and more useless.


    They’ve grown considerably, because previously there was almost nothing.

    If the posts here are any indication, these users never stopped going to Reddit anyway.

    Meanwhile the number of users these platforms have gained is barely a drop in the bucket compared to the (likely) millions of new users that just moved over to their first-party app for further exploitation for data-mining and ads.

    Peruvian_Skies avatar

    Be that as it may, the quality of Reddit's content has dropped significantly. The people who left were the heart and soul of the platform. And the ones who didn't leave are still pissed. Bluntly, the site's gone to shit. It will not recover.

    Will it shut down? Probably not, but that's why I said "in every way that matters". Digg hasn't shut down either, even after all these years, but it has become completely irrelevant. Just give Reddit time to bleed out and it will be the same.

    Gray, avatar

    Unfortunately, steeply here doesn’t really capture the size disparity between Lemmy and Reddit. Lemmy has 60k active monthly users. Reddit has 450 million active monthly users. We have a looong way to go before we can really compete. But we just have to keep pushing. Now that we exist and have a sustainable userbase, the next time Reddit does something idiotic we’ll be here to attract disgruntled users. Something good that we can be doing is showing up to the threads on Reddit about the terrible things Reddit does and advertising Lemmy to people.

    Evirisu avatar

    I don't think a competition is necessary. I'm more than happy if this place is better than reddit was, even if it never becomes that big. It's the content and the community what makes it good for me, not the ammount of users.

    starlinguk avatar

    I'd rather we did not complete, thanks. I don't want 450 million people running riot posting right wing extremist crap.


    To emphasize this discrepancy, based on these numbers, if one tenth of one percent of reddit's monthly active users switched to lemmy, that would represent more than 600% growth in the lemmy userbase. So yeah. Sharp growth here isn't necessarily a sharp decline there.

    But if the tiny minority that leaves is the same group that's willing to spend dozens of hours a week for free keeping the site free of spam and hate and keeping forums on topic, that has a pretty outsized impact on the quality of the site moving forward. So the small number isn't to say that reddit wasn't hurt by the exodus. It's just to say that lemmy growth numbers aren't a good indicator of that impact.


    Stop pushing, the server gonna explode 💀

    Peruvian_Skies avatar

    Oh, I didn't mean to imply that Lemmy is getting bugger than Reddit. I just wanted to point out that Reddit is bleeding a lot of users. And judging by how Reddit's post quality has dropped, it's bleeding the best ones.

    Uranium3006 avatar

    the thing is we need to hit the critical mass where there's enough posts and comments that it's not dead and there's a reason to come back at least daily. I'd say lemmy just hit that point for me very recently and I imagine that if I still had a reddit account I'd be 50/50. I expect exponential growth from here on out, with more users enabling more people to want to join and that further enhances the system

    Skyraptor7, avatar

    That title is a bit misleading. Reddit mods might have stopped protesting, but the news of the implosion was quite significant. The existence of Lemmy is a testament to this. I don’t think their IPO is going to be as strong as they had hoped. That financial impact is quite opposite of the victory they claim to have achieved.

    Also, the posts on Reddit and the responses have declined in quality in my opinion.


    I’ve been browsing Reddit logged out and haven’t seen even one thing that made me want to comment since the apps got shut down. It really does seem like the content quality has tanked.


    So what you’re saying is spez will be richer than 80% of people instead of 90%


    Actually he will be richer than way more than 90% either way

    Dark_Blade, avatar

    On the bright side, people like him are unlikely to be happy with what they have. He’ll spend the rest of his life dreaming about the billions he ‘lost’, rather than being satisfied with the obscene amount of wealth he already has.


    To be richer than 90% of people you need to have a net worth of $90,000 USD.

    18_24_61_b_17_17_4, avatar

    That can’t possibly be true. I’m not saying you’re lying, just… holy shit I though it’d be way more than that. This is for US citizens?


    The number was $1,212,000 to be in the 90th percentile in the US in 2017 according to

    But worldwide, it was indeed about $93,000.

    18_24_61_b_17_17_4, avatar

    Very interesting. That’s more in line with what I was thinking it would be for the United States. Thanks for looking that up and providing the info.

    Dark_Blade, avatar

    I mean, wouldn’t be too out-there. How many Americans are living paycheck to paycheck with some sort of massive debt? How many can’t afford to have any assets? How many more accrue even greater debt to either survive, or drop money they don’t have on shit they don’t need (like that latest BMW) just so they can keep up with the Joneses?


    This is for all people, worldwide. North America is very rich, relatively speaking.

    18_24_61_b_17_17_4, avatar

    Ah, ok, I suppose that makes a bit more sense then.


    I’ve read this before and continue to remain stunned since the cost of living is so ridiculously high in so many American cities.


    Damn. I’ve got more than that and I sure as hell don’t feel like a ten percenter.


    Worldwide. So you’re competing with people sewing shoes at 1$ per hour.

    TheBat, avatar

    That’s too high. People are employed for like $4/day basis in some places.


    That makes a whole lot more sense.


    Possibly we should all occasionally contribute shit posts to Reddit.


    The existence of Lemmy is a testament to this.

    Lemmy has existed before the reddit shitshow.


    The question is, numbers-wise, how many of us actually left reddit?

    morrowind, avatar

    Couple of hundred thousand maybe


    the post quality sincerely feels reminiscent of when I started using reddit a decade ago, might as well be posting rage comics again. so much vile shit is making it to the front page too.

    glad I finally got the kick I needed to jump ship, i’m really enjoying what I’ve seen on lemmy and hexbear


    Ah, if that was what you’re after, it’s too bad you missed the wave of old memes that happened on !memes.


    oh no, I appreciate the ironic ‘wow look at this cringe old posts’, I couldn’t hack reliving 2013

    dual_sport_dork, avatar

    They pissed off a lot of their quality submitters, who either moved somewhere else or decided the hell with it, and they’re doing other things now entirely.

    When I upped stakes and left, I did indeed up my stakes. I torched all of my posts and comments, which means that, yes, all of my typical reddit bickering is lost to time now. But so is all the specialty knowledge about specific topics I’d put into posts and comments which are now gone from their platform entirely. Outside of the usual cats/porn/vidya/political bickering cycle on reddit, a large portion of what made it valuable to people was (were?) all the niche subs full of knowledgeable people posting information and answering questions about whatever the topic was. The reddit administration didn’t just piss off the power mods, it pissed off all the people contributing to those subs as well.

    44razorsedge, avatar

    Didn’t win me, I’m here now, no signs of leaving, happy to be in the fediverse.Popcorn is my only want for the impending implosion.

    And fuck the greedy spez’s of the world. Long may they suffer the wrath of the working class.


    If they won then why am I here?


    As a former Reddit user, I’d like to think I traded up to the fediverse.


    Just started using lemmy 30 minutes ago, because i realized reddit had become boring and stale since the protests, i guess they actually did do some damage.

    Anyway im here to try out lemmy lets see hoq it goes

    Zyratoxx, avatar

    Welcome on board mate :D


    Screw Reddit, i`m happy to be here!


    This article is b*******. Reddit didn’t win, Reddit is a scorched Earth, with most of its useful quality data stripped from it. I for one didn’t know what was going on for about a month, and was wondering why all the good posts were gone, it wasn’t until someone explained to me what Reddit was doing and how it would cause the rest of the internet to do the same that I finally understood why everyone trashed Reddit on the way out.


    Bullshit. This is a biased article.

    As a other person commented, I won. No need for reddit at this point.

    And user name checks out.


    Yeah. I was active on reddit for over ten years but I said I’d quit when they did the API thing, so I did. Gotta stick by what you say you’ll do. I missed it at first but then I read a lot more books and was fine. Now sync lemmy has arrived and I’m gonna see how it goes here.

    Shame about reddit but it’s become an example of the enshittification that seems to be the recent trend. So fuck it.


    I really like the term “enshittification.” It has a lot of applications these days.

    Uranium3006 avatar

    with everyone scrambling to get profitable with interest rates finally above 0 expect more desperate and dumb decisions from tech companies, to our benefit in the end


    Their goal wasn’t to win you over. It was to create a loyal user base of ad consumers and they succeeded at that

    I also succeeded at finding a platform to consume content that isn’t ad riddled. Yet.


    With you.


    The discussions and posts on subreddits I frequented are lower quality. Seems like popular has a completely different mix compared before protests. I’ve seen similar happen elsewhere, it will be a slow slide into irrelevance unless something changes.


    Not sure they have. No traffic stats yet on July which was when the API changes took effect


    Requested my data. Moved here. Deleted reddit. No regrets


    Good for you, I still have no guts to delete Reddit account.



    Zyratoxx, avatar

    I think Lemmy won a bit too.


    The “win” is it will turn into a right wing echo chamber shit show.


    It’s currently a shitty left wing echo chamber, pretty sure a right wing one wouldn’t be any worse


    Maybe being left wing is more reasonable than right?


    Depends if they’re Authoritarian or not, most lefties nowadays are unfortunately far to Authoritarian and miserable, they don’t really care about actual liberal values and instead just want censor anyone who thinks differently to them, much like extremely religious people :/


    Most lefties, or most lefties that you’ve interacted with? Cause I don’t seem to see many authoritarian lefties. In fact it’s the opposite.


    There isn’t always a victor when there is a loser (and visa versa fwiw). Reddit didn’t win here, Redditors lost.

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