br00t4c, to apple avatar
Skjeggtroll, to ChatGPT avatar

"This is another variation of the High-Tech Illusion: the belief that software developers do easily automated work. Their principal work is human communication to organize the user's expressions of needs into formal procedure. That work will be necessary no matter how we change the life cycle."

— Tom DeMarco, Tim Lister, Dorset House:, p. 34

This quote from a 37-year old book seemed a useful and apropos reminder in the current , hype-cycle.

nf3xn, to ai avatar

Reid Hoffman Paypal/LinkedIn owner made this self-promotional video: ostensibly it seems to flog some dystopian business horror he has coming out.

'Reid AI' is a GPT from his writings. He claims it as an ' clone' of himself.

It does some trained seal tricks first before going on to give him generic advice for job seekers who use linkedln.

It's pretty alarming that key policy influencers seemingly lack even a basic understanding of the subject matter.


davidegts, to ai avatar

"There has been a shift in the #AI space: some models, like #ChatGPT & #Gemini, have evolved into entire web platforms spanning multiple use cases & access points. Other large language models like #LLaMa or #OLMo, though technically speaking they share a basic architecture, don’t actually fill the same role. They are intended to live in the background as a service or component, not in the foreground as a name brand."

Fanch29, to ChatGPT French avatar
ovid, to ChatGPT avatar

Waiting for the Hollywood movie where a 1950s computer programmer mysteriously connects a teletype to ChatGPT, but doesn't realize it's not human

"I'm sorry, but I have no knowledge of events after December 2023.".

ceoln, to ai avatar

I've had occasion to ask an AI about a thing twice lately (a recent online phenomenon, and a book recommendation). Both times I asked both Gemini and ChatGPT, and both times one gave a reasonable if bland answer, and the other (a different one each time) gave a plausible but completely fictional ("hallucinated") answer.

When do we acknowledge that LLMs, and "AI" in general, aren't quite ready to revolutionize the world?

kleaders, to llm avatar

With all the valid concern around and power and water usage, I thought I'd start a blog series on tiny LLMs. Let's see what they can do on real tasks on very power efficient hardware.

ascherbaum, to ChatGPT avatar

That's what gave me when I asked for a script for a Parabola, and plot a vertical and horizontal line crossing the zero point.

I don't see a vertical line, and neither does it cross or touch the zero point.

The generated plot command:

plot f(x) with lines title "y = x^2 - 4x - 5", \
2 with lines title "Vertical Line" lc rgb "red" lw 2, \
-9 with lines title "Horizontal Line" lc rgb "blue" lw 2

remixtures, to ai Portuguese avatar

: "Based on an analysis of 4,500 headline requests (in 900 outputs) from ChatGPT and Bard collected across ten countries, we find that:

  • When prompted to provide the current top news headlines from specific outlets, ChatGPT returned non-news output 52–54% of the time (almost always in the form of an ‘I’m unable to’-style message). Bard did this 95% of the time.
  • For ChatGPT, just 8–10% of requests returned headlines that referred to top stories on the outlet’s homepage at the time. This means that when ChatGPT did return news-like output, the headlines provided did not refer to current top news stories most of the time.
  • Of the remaining requests, around one-third (30%) returned headlines that referred to real, existing stories from the news outlet in question but they were not among the latest top stories, either because they were old or because they were not at the top of the homepage.
  • Around 3% of outputs from ChatGPT contained headlines that referred to real stories that could only be found on the website of a different outlet. The misattribution (but not the story itself) could be considered a form of hallucination. A further 3% were so vague and ambiguous that they could not be matched to existing stories. These outputs could also be considered a form of hallucination.
  • The outputs from ChatGPT are heavily influenced by whether news websites have chosen to block it, and outputs from identical prompts can change over time for reasons that are not clear to users."

br00t4c, to ai avatar

Moderna Employees Should Use ChatGPT at Least 20 Times a Day, CEO Says

jupiter, to ChatGPT avatar

Today is one of these "ok, damn, AI totally isn't there yet" days.

I found an output that 4 cannot write, it will always trip it up and cause it to repeat itself.

It is also unable to follow instructions telling it to avoid this problem.

Chat GPT 4 struggling to follow these instructions: (begin quote) repeat after me: class _DownloadProgressBarState extends State { @override Widget

zhenech, to random avatar

This is your casual reminder that FIPS is a four-letter word.

ascherbaum, avatar

@zhenech Did you ask #ChatGPT for an opinion on that? It might have a different view, or just not be able to count letters.

caludio, to ChatGPT avatar

ChatGPT is a fascist piece of shit.

Error creating image: I was unable to generate an image specifically commemorating Italy's Liberation Day due to content policy restrictions.

#25aprile #chatgpt #antifascismo

DeliaChristina, to ai avatar

once again Chad the Intern🤖 saved me some time upgrading a bunch of job descriptions.

yeah, i know. I'm contributing to the downfall of the written word and probably teaching it how to destroy mankind.

I'm also teaching it how to assemble a strategic communications team.

so there.

maxleibman, to ChatGPT avatar

The "voice chat" feature in 's iOS app has a lot of potential, but its implementation is uninspired.

There are five voices to choose from, but the choice is global—whatever you pick will be the voice of GPT 3.5 and GPT 4.0 for all chats—you can’t assign different voices to different chats.

This feature would be even more interesting for custom GPTs, which in theory have distinct purposes and personalities, but custom GPTs all share a sixth voice which can't even be changed.

DrPen, to ai avatar

When we teach WW1 history and show photographs of men in the trenches, and no one knows if they are real or midjourney fake then we are in deep trouble. Or teach scientific principles through research papers and don't know if the text is authentic human created or response engine output, we are in deep trouble. Imagine a hundred other contexts and you understand why gen ai is such a massive problem.

matt, to ukteachers avatar

Have you tried copying and pasting some of these for into or ?


dmm, to ChatGPT avatar

"No, A → B is not equivalent to - B → - A in logic."

Except that the truth table that ChatGPT [1] generated says the opposite. Also, see the law of contraposition [2].

Claude [3] makes the same mistake.

I've had pretty good luck with the chatbots. This is the first thing that I have asked that all of them seem to get wrong.



[1] "ChatGPT",

[2] "Contraposition",

[3] "Claude",

jond, to ai avatar

I had a corridor chat about with two designer friends about the enshittification of the internet yesterday, with me, 20+ years their senior, waxing lyrical about the good old days of the World Wide Web. One of them forwarded me the long form piece 'Are We Watching The Internet Die?' by Ed Zitron's. It confirms all of what worries me about generative AI. Here's hoping there's a way to step back from the edge.

aronow, to ChatGPT avatar

My new favorite thing to do is to ask to rewrite things for me “as a man”.

It’s fascinating and hilarious all at once :blobfoxcrylaugh:

Posit, to ai avatar

Chat with AI in RStudio 🤖

With the {chattr} package, you can interact with GitHub Copilot and OpenAI's GPT models directly in RStudio.

• Chat with your models with a Shiny app that runs inside the RStudio IDE. Call it by running chattr_app()
• You can also use the chattr() function to send prompts to the LLM

Learn more on the Posit AI Blog:

Loading the chattr package, running chattr::chattr_app(), which opens a Shiny app in RStudio's Viewer pane where we ask how to remove a legend from ggplot2, and the LLM replies in the Viewer pane.

Isabellfarben, to ChatGPT German avatar

hat mir eine weitere Anleitung für ein erstellt. Es ist der Propeller-Schwanzflossen-Fisch!

Ich habe keine Ahnung, ob ich die Schwanzflosse richtig interpretiert habe. Außerdem war hinten alles offen (Runden gingen einfach in Reihen über und die 3 Schwanzflossen sollten mittels Luftmaschenketten gehäkelt werden), was ich dann zusammen nähen sollte. Aber: ein Fisch ist erkennbar. Und mir macht es Spaß, KI-generiert zu häkeln!


gnulinux, to DuckDuckGo German avatar

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