ErikJonker, to ai avatar

Google Gemini now has extensions that can for example use the content of your Gmail inbox, very practical but also very scary from a security/privacy perspective.
#googlegemini #AI #extensies #security #privacy
(screenshot in dutch)

ErikJonker, avatar

@queenbee4ever @paul @Piratenpartij zijn meer partijen die dit onderwerp serieus nemen vind ik (zoals naar mijn mening) maar het zou goed zijn als iedereen deze vraagstukken meer in het stemgedrag zou meenemen.

queenbee4ever, avatar

@ErikJonker @paul @Piratenpartij #D66 doet het afgezet tegen veel andere oude politieke partijen redelijk maar de impact en aandacht wordt in mijn beleving nog steeds behoorlijk onderschat. Net als #klimaat en #sociale aspecten. Maw beetje pappen en nathouden. Weinig om enthousiast van te worden naar mijn beleving.

wimpelgrim, to Bulgaria Dutch avatar

Iedereen zou deze twee pagina's uit de Democraat van #D66 moeten lezen. Zo weet iedereen hoe de #EU werkt.

AxelW, to random Dutch avatar

Een einde maken aan de huidige politieke situatie - hoe?
De regeringsgebouwen bestormen heeft geen zin, want die staan al op instorten.

Misschien moeten #VVD en #NSC aansluiting zoeken bij #GL/PvdA en #D66. Dan kunnen ze hun verantwoordelijkheid nemen en aan het huidige amateurtoneel een einde maken.

Wie neemt het voortouw en roept daartoe op, gesteund door de academische wereld, cultuurdragers, gezondheidszorg, bouwwereld, vervoerders, de energiesector, natuur- en milieuclubs, etc. ?


PepijnVemer, to random Dutch avatar

Het is een harde conclusie, maar ik herken veel in het rapport. En anderen om mij heen.

Nu lessen er van leren, zaterdag in #Nieuwegein bij #C119 #D66 congres en daarna.

D66 analyseert verkiezingsnederlaag: zes jaar in 'rechts' kabinet en betweterige toon -

JanineV, to random Dutch avatar

Landbouwminister Adema wil bescherming van landbouwdieren uit de wet halen.
In het compromis van ( met de VVD 🙄) gaat het mishandelen van dieren gewoon door.
Van moet afknippen van staartjes en snavels gewoon direct stoppen.


simon1052, to random Dutch

een stem op de #vvd blijkt dan toch een stem op #wilders
de echte liberalen steken nu natuurlijk over naar #d66

harld, to random Dutch avatar

Op naar de volgende verkiezingen.

Met nog groter, gehalveerd, weg bij , ongeveer hetzelfde, met Jetten naar 2 zetels, weer tweede, derde partij....

En dan hebben we een deja vu want het probleem is dan nog niet weg.

ErikJonker, to random avatar

Er is absoluut kritiek mogelijk op #D66 en haar bewindslieden maar de bashing die nu vanuit #NSC , #PVV en #BBB aan de gang is op vertrekkende leden van het demissionaire kabinet voelt een beetje als een afleidingstaktiek. Liever zou ik zien dat genoemde rechtse partijen met hun veel genoemde rechtse meerderheid in het parlement initiatieven gaan nemen om problemen op te lossen #politiek

ErikJonker, to random avatar

Ernst Kuipers gaat ook al weg, de leegloop van het kabinet is nu wel echt begonnen. #D66 #Kuipers #politiek

nporadio1, to random Dutch avatar

Oud D66-kamerlid Pia Dijkstra reageert in De Perstribune op de verkiezingswinst van de PVV: 'Ik vind het ernstig en daar heb ik er enorm grote zorgen over. Ik geloof er niet in dat je tijdelijk je standpunten even ter zijde zet en vervolgens mooi weer gaat spelen.'

Luister hier het hele gesprek terug:

#PVV #D66 #politiek


muzicofiel, to privacy Dutch

@ErikJonker #ehds En kuipers van #d66 gaat er gewoon mee akkoord. #privacy is in tegenstelling tot het verkiezingsprogramma bij d66 niet in goede handen.

ErikJonker, to random avatar

Mooie brief van Rob Jetten en dat in 1 pagina 😀
#D66 #RobJetten #Politiek #PVV #Wilders

ErikJonker, to random avatar

Mijn gemeente: "Vermogen particuliere zonnepanelen in Lansingerland groeit in jaar tijd met 21 procent. Nederland heeft nog nooit zo veel zonne-energie opgewekt als dit jaar, en de 'zonnesteek' heeft Lansingerland ook al bereikt. Van alle woningen die daarvoor in principe geschikt zijn, dus exclusief appartementen, heeft 58 procent inmiddels panelen op het dak, tegen 51 procent vorig jaar."
#Lansingerland #D66

annekekassteele, to random avatar

Goede toespraak van Jetten, die terecht wijst naar de VVD. Hij is enorm gegroeid in deze laatste maanden, respect.

redegelde, to random Dutch avatar

#tweedekamerverkiezingen #D66 rob Jetten komt op als een winnaar?? Ver verloren

ErikJonker, to random Dutch avatar

Interessante peiling, zelf blij met de trend bij #D66 , maar ik wil vooral iedereen oproepen morgen te gaan stemmen😀
#politiek #verkiezingen2023

ErikJonker, to random Dutch avatar

Ik ben totaal niet objectief als D66-lid, maar trots op @RobJetten en hoe hij de laatste dagen campagne voert , visie en energie voor Nederland #D66 #verkiezingen2023 #politiek

DeGroene, to random Dutch avatar

De ruim 41.000 euro die D66 aan advertenties op Facebook en Instagram uitgaf op zaterdag 2 november was een menselijke fout, bevestigt een campagnemedewerker van D66. ‘Die 40.000 euro op één dag was niet de bedoeling. We hadden het plan om het beter te spreiden over meerdere dagen.’

koen, avatar

@rik @DeGroene voor dat bedrag kan #D66 bijna een hele regeringsperiode een #Mastodon server én een #Peertube server bij ons hosten. 😇

ChrisAalberts, to random Dutch avatar
NettieKlompsma, to random Dutch avatar
oatmeal, to Netherlands avatar

#Netherlands "The government makes support for the most basic human principles conditional on the political desires of the Israeli government,"

Why did the Netherlands abstain in the UN ceasefire resolution on #Gaza on October 23? Or rather, why did it even consider voting against the ceasefire in the first place (knowing full well the humanitarian implications of Israel's unlawful #DahiyaDoctrine applied in Gaza)... and what did #Jordan and #Ukraine had to do with it?

[...] Later that day, a large majority of UN member states voted in favor of a resolution calling for the "immediate" and "sustainable" cessation of hostilities between #Israel and #Hamas, in order to enable a "humanitarian truce." 120 countries voted in favor of the resolution, fourteen countries - including the United States - voted against. The Netherlands was part of a group of 45 countries that abstained from voting. Other European countries, including France, Spain, Belgium and Luxembourg, supported the resolution.

[...] The Dutch abstention in New York caused outrage in the Netherlands in recent days. "The government makes support for the most basic human principles conditional on the political desires of the Israeli government," Save the Children said. On X, formerly Twitter, parliament member Sjoerd Sjoerdsma of the ruling #D66 party called the Dutch abstention "shameful."

[...] On Monday morning, Prime Minister Rutte flies to Tel Aviv. After his meeting with #netanyahu he speaks of a "firm discussion." Rutte has urged the Israeli prime minister to get emergency aid going and prevent military violence from getting out of hand. A ceasefire was not brought up by him - there is no point in talking to the Israelis about it, is Rutte's thought.

[...] The next day, the ministers most involved gather in the so-called National Security Council (NVR). Minister of Foreign Affairs Hanke Bruins Slot (CDA) is abroad, but Prime Minister Rutte and the other ministers agree: Israel has the right to defend itself, but international humanitarian law must be guiding. In other words: Israel cannot cause unnecessary high numbers of civilian casualties. It is a message that Rutte stoically defends during a parliamentary debate on Tuesday evening - despite the fact that mainly left-wing parties in parliament call on the prime minister to explicitly advocate a ceasefire.

[...] Because of all these objections, the officials write, the choice is abstention or voting against. At that point, the Netherlands is "tending towards" a "no vote."

[...] In the days leading up to the vote, Minister Hanke Bruins Slot receives a phone call from her Jordanian counterpart Ayman Safadi. The Jordanian minister says the draft resolution has been amended on several points to accommodate Western countries. For example, October 7 is explicitly mentioned and the new text condemns "all violence against Palestinian and Israeli citizens, including all terrorist acts." The term "immediate ceasefire" has also been replaced by a "sustained humanitarian truce."

[...] Safadi asks the Netherlands to support the resolution. And the Jordanian minister adds a barely veiled threat: if European countries do not rally behind this, support from Arab countries for aid to Ukraine will become "difficult," an official writes.

[...] Meanwhile, concerns are growing at the Dutch mission in New York about the negative consequences of a Dutch 'no'. A no vote on "such an urgent and important dossier" will not be "quickly forgotten" by many non-Western countries, a diplomat writes in an email to The Hague. Europe is often accused in the so-called Global South of double standards: taking firm action against Russia's war crimes, but weak knees when it comes to Israel. The Dutch mission believes it is wiser for European countries to abstain: a "joint abstention - but especially as few no votes as possible - (...) [is] important (...) for the credibility of the EU."

[...] The Netherlands decides to abstain from voting - as do many other European countries. France does vote in favor of the motion. “That the Netherlands did not even consider voting in favor is very strange,” D66 spokesperson Sjoerdsma says in response. “It also does not mean that the Netherlands is now exempted from working towards a humanitarian ceasefire, releasing the hostages and providing more aid. The resolution has been adopted, and the UN has spoken.”

[...] Kati Piri of GroenLinks-PvdA calls it "appalling" that the government considered voting against, "thereby completely ignoring the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza." There is also resentment among the D66 ministers. D66 ministers Ernst Kuipers and Robbert Dijkgraaf said on Monday in the TV program Beau that they disagree with the cabinet's assessment. “If you had asked me personally, I would have voted in favor, with an explanation,” says Kuipers.


See related:


oatmeal, to Netherlands avatar

#Netherlands "The government makes support for the most basic human principles conditional on the political desires of the Israeli government,"

Why did the Netherlands abstain in the UN ceasefire resolution on #Gaza on October 23? Or rather, why did it even consider voting against the ceasefire in the first place (knowing full well the humanitarian implications of Israel's unlawful #DahiyaDoctrine applied in Gaza)... and what did #Jordan and #Ukraine had to do with it?

[...] Later that day, a large majority of UN member states voted in favor of a resolution calling for the "immediate" and "sustainable" cessation of hostilities between #Israel and #Hamas, in order to enable a "humanitarian truce." 120 countries voted in favor of the resolution, fourteen countries - including the United States - voted against. The Netherlands was part of a group of 45 countries that abstained from voting. Other European countries, including France, Spain, Belgium and Luxembourg, supported the resolution.

[...] The Dutch abstention in New York caused outrage in the Netherlands in recent days. "The government makes support for the most basic human principles conditional on the political desires of the Israeli government," Save the Children said. On X, formerly Twitter, parliament member Sjoerd Sjoerdsma of the ruling #D66 party called the Dutch abstention "shameful."

[...] On Monday morning, Prime Minister Rutte flies to Tel Aviv. After his meeting with #netanyahu he speaks of a "firm discussion." Rutte has urged the Israeli prime minister to get emergency aid going and prevent military violence from getting out of hand. A ceasefire was not brought up by him - there is no point in talking to the Israelis about it, is Rutte's thought.

[...] The next day, the ministers most involved gather in the so-called National Security Council (NVR). Minister of Foreign Affairs Hanke Bruins Slot (CDA) is abroad, but Prime Minister Rutte and the other ministers agree: Israel has the right to defend itself, but international humanitarian law must be guiding. In other words: Israel cannot cause unnecessary high numbers of civilian casualties. It is a message that Rutte stoically defends during a parliamentary debate on Tuesday evening - despite the fact that mainly left-wing parties in parliament call on the prime minister to explicitly advocate a ceasefire.

[...] Because of all these objections, the officials write, the choice is abstention or voting against. At that point, the Netherlands is "tending towards" a "no vote."

[...] In the days leading up to the vote, Minister Hanke Bruins Slot receives a phone call from her Jordanian counterpart Ayman Safadi. The Jordanian minister says the draft resolution has been amended on several points to accommodate Western countries. For example, October 7 is explicitly mentioned and the new text condemns "all violence against Palestinian and Israeli citizens, including all terrorist acts." The term "immediate ceasefire" has also been replaced by a "sustained humanitarian truce."

[...] Safadi asks the Netherlands to support the resolution. And the Jordanian minister adds a barely veiled threat: if European countries do not rally behind this, support from Arab countries for aid to Ukraine will become "difficult," an official writes.

[...] Meanwhile, concerns are growing at the Dutch mission in New York about the negative consequences of a Dutch 'no'. A no vote on "such an urgent and important dossier" will not be "quickly forgotten" by many non-Western countries, a diplomat writes in an email to The Hague. Europe is often accused in the so-called Global South of double standards: taking firm action against Russia's war crimes, but weak knees when it comes to Israel. The Dutch mission believes it is wiser for European countries to abstain: a "joint abstention - but especially as few no votes as possible - (...) [is] important (...) for the credibility of the EU."

[...] The Netherlands decides to abstain from voting - as do many other European countries. France does vote in favor of the motion. “That the Netherlands did not even consider voting in favor is very strange,” D66 spokesperson Sjoerdsma says in response. “It also does not mean that the Netherlands is now exempted from working towards a humanitarian ceasefire, releasing the hostages and providing more aid. The resolution has been adopted, and the UN has spoken.”

[...] Kati Piri of GroenLinks-PvdA calls it "appalling" that the government considered voting against, "thereby completely ignoring the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza." There is also resentment among the D66 ministers. D66 ministers Ernst Kuipers and Robbert Dijkgraaf said on Monday in the TV program Beau that they disagree with the cabinet's assessment. “If you had asked me personally, I would have voted in favor, with an explanation,” says Kuipers.

See related:


MennoOng, to random Dutch avatar

Die interviews in #Nieuwsuur met de lijsttrekkers, hè, wat een matige vertoning. Zaniken over een paar D66’ers die na afloop van hun carrière een baan in de fossiele industrie aanvaarden, in plaats van te focussen op wat #Jetten zelf de afgelopen jaren heeft gedaan (best veel goede dingen) en belooft voor de toekomst. Waar gaat het nou om bij deze verkiezingen?

MennoOng, avatar

Ik zit al meer dan 20 minuten met samengeknepen billen te kijken en luisteren naar #Wollaars in #Nieuwsuur, die Rob #Jetten over niets anders bevraagt dan over lobbyisten. Het is heus een punt, maar is dat nou echt de enige onderwerp dat je interesseert in de #D66-de politiek voor na de komende verkiezingen? Om daar nou het hele interview over door te zagen, mensenkinderen! Ik ben geen D66’er, maar dit is echt buiten proportie.

JRienke, to random Dutch avatar

"Onderwijs is het allerbelangrijkste. De #VVD wil 1,3 miljard bezuinigen. Dat is echt het allerergste wat we zouden kunnen doen. We moeten nu juist meer investeren, vanwege de #klimaattransitie en de #technologischerevolutie. Al die zaken gaan we niet cheffen als we dat #onderwijs niet op het allerhoogste niveau hebben georganiseerd."

Interview #RobJetten (#D66): 'Timmermans blijkt meer rood dan groen'

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