@DRx@lemmy.world avatar



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@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

Well, as a pharmacist whose been stable on 50mg of vyvanse for more than 3 years, your wife and Doc are both incorrect…

Both are stimulants, yes, but

Vyvanse is an amphetamine and works to produce more neurotransmitters you don’t already have.

Cocaine is a reuptake inhibitor… thus preventing the breakdown of neurotransmitters you do already have.

While fundamentally they may look like they’re doing the same thing, they are in fact 2 totally different mechanisms. Furthermore, in neurotransmitter depletion the effects of cocaine will severely diminish, where as amphetamines will thrive.

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

lol had this happen to me the other day.

Typically I play classic rock at work like the stones, Beatles, eagles, etc and no one bats an eye and sings along. I played a song off hybrid theory and my tech walked by and went “wow that’s a throw back!” I immediately had a mini midlife crisis. That album is almost 24 years old btw, and I still remember the day I bought it.

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

Nope, drivers licenses are still only issued by the state, however I do register my cars through my tribe for a cheaper price and (imho) a better looking plate. Our CDIB cards are just that proof that you are a member of a tribe and to what degree your lineage is (1/2, 1/4, etc)… some tribes though have reissued ID cards for the CDIB that can act as a “real ID” (like mine) but I’ve yet to try to use it that way as my drivers license is more than enough for that situation. I can also use it as a secondary ID for i9, loans, etc but I don’t think it can use as a primary on those (usually driver license, passport, and birth certs are for primary)

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

I believe Jesus also said

Matthew 7:5 Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.

So maybe we should focus on our own paths in life rather than someone else’s life decision that has 0 bearing on whether you or I go to heaven or hell?

I mean why people are so obsessed with what people do in their own home, on their own dime, and their own time is beyond me.

Christofacists just want to control others. They don’t care what Jesus said. They don’t want to FOLLOW Jesus, They want to BE Jesus and tell others how to live.

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

Auditory hallucinations are most common. The sounds of flies buzzing around your head non-stop, creatures climbing up the walls/ceilings

Also, fun fact, there is a couple mnemonica for anticholinergic poisoning and they go:

red as a beet, dry as a bone, blind as a bat, mad as a hatter, hot as a hare, and full as a flask

But in pharmacy school we mostly said:

“No See, No Pee, No Spit, No Shit”

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

Just a heads up, but most states have laws that guard against rain water capture. For example Colorado only allows 2 barrels or 110 gallons per year!


Avg US citizen uses 100 gallons/day


DRx, (edited )
@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

Def not a math major (BS/PharmD), but your explanation was like seeing through a visual illusion for the first time! lol

I was always taught PEMDAS growing up, and that the MD and the AS was read left to right in an equation like above. But stating the division as a fraction completely changes my mind now about how this calculation works. I think what would happen in a calculation I use every day if the former was used.

Example: Cockcroft-Gault Equation (estimation of renal function)

(140-age)(kg) / 72(SCr) vs (140-age) X kg ➗72 X SCr

In the first eq (correct one) an 80yo patient who weighs 65kg and has an SCr ~ 1.5 = 36.11

In the latter it = 81.25 (waaay too high for an 80yo lol)

edit: calculation variable

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe it’s early in the morning and I am not quite awake, but I have no idea what you are talking about. Nor do I understand how forgetting to do something makes you able to do something, and somehow that relates to a hot stove?

Can you explain what the “hot stove” example is? Maybe that is what I’m missing.

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

Are you using the EA version or the standard?

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

So, as a pharmacist, I can tell you that Tetracyclines (class of drug which includes Doxy, Minocycline, Tetracycline) have been used as prophylactic drugs for quite a long time, and not just for their anti-microbial activity.

Minocycline for example is used prophylactically for recurrent UTIs, suspected meningitis, and frequent SSSI by staph

Doxycycline has been used long term for Acne prevention, Malaria prophylaxis, and STI treatment and prophylaxis.

While I do worry about overuse of Antibiotics in general. It seems that tetracyclines as a class have been used quite frequently over the last 50+ years. I am sure that in small pockets of the LGBT+ populations (the scope of this indication, it seems) you may see some resistance that will need to be treated with other antibiotics, but I don’t think that we will see much cross-over into the general public. Furthermore, it looks like their is a new class making its way to hospitals soon that can get around the resistance seen, but we will need more studies to further nail that down.

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

Ya know a lot of ppl think pharmacists are just about putting pills in a bottle… but in all honesty in the role that I work clinically in a trauma center, I would say what sets a good pharmacist from a mediocre one is being able to catch everyone’s mistakes.

Your fellow pharmacists, techs in the pharmacy make mistakes (150 bicarb in 1/2NS?? lol) (incorrect pre packing procedures and getting kcl w an asa label)

Your docs make mistakes (2000mg q12 vanc on an esrd pt with a bmi of 45 + Zosyn 4.5 q6)

Your nurses make mistakes (y-site compatibility, missing doses, losing meds, etc)

The issue is noticing the problem and taking initiative to fix it. Unfortunately, either by ignorance, not correctly verifying, or just plain laziness can lead to sub optimal care for our patients.

It’s not easy though. I easily go through 500-1000+ orders a day, while calling doc/nurses, double checking techs and other pharmacists work. It can be stressful, and it’s easy to put blinders on and just keep hitting approve, but the pharmacists who look at that 4th 40meq kcl bag of the day for 1 patient without a lab drawn in 18 hours and calls the provider to see if maybe they want to draw a lab before the next admin. Those are the pharmacists doing a good job. This can go for the retail folks too who have to put up with way more shit than I.

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

75-80% of the time. All the staff I work with will take initiative at some point, but some do it more/better than others. I have a certain level of trust with some co-workers that I do not with others.

As an example, We have 15ish pharmacists on staff (non-admin) and 25-30 techs… There are probably 5 or 6 pharmacists and 1/3 of the techs, that when I come in (rotating schedule btw) and I see “those people” are working I know I need to buckle down and really scrutinize what is going on.

Now, like I said in the first post, everyone makes mistakes. Including myself. But I think there is a difference between the mistakes and how they are handled.

There is this mentality of “I didn’t do it, So it isn’t my problem”. When really we should be looking at it as an “institution problem”, or its everyone’s problem! For example, the other day a doc called about starting a bicarb drip on a Hyperglycemia patient. We have a policy on hand to do 150 bicarb in 1L Sterile water. However, this one pharmacist doesn’t like using sterile water (because of HYPOtonic concerns), so instead talks the doc into doing a 150 bicarb in 1/2NS (well this makes it a HYPERtonic soln now and the patient only has a peripheral port AND their sodium is already 141)… OK well when it got to the IV pharmacist, they shouldve said WOAH what it going on here! Instead they let it through because another pharmacist did the order and it isn’t theyre problem if something goes awry. I would have called out there and said WTH are we doing? this isn’t policy! and got it changed.

In the grand scheme, the ordering pharmacist did talk to the phsycian and got the okay, but in the real world physicians are not as infallible as they are portrayed, and our pharmacist gave an inappropriate option for treatment, which the physician trusted was an okay treatment plan. Was the patient injured by a single infusion? no. However, it was a continuous infusion and when I saw the nurse was asking for a refill to start the 2nd dose, I said WTF is going on here and started digging.

Let me say though that this is a national problem, not just my hospital. Also, the things that usually go through when they shouldn’t is stupid things that never effect the patient. When it comes to dangerous medications, we have different procedures for checking of orders, or it goes through a specialist pharmacist first (eg: chemo pharmacist, pediatric pharmacist, critical care, infectious disease, etc you get the point). It is more of an annoyance on my part because I usually take the time to fix a problem when I see it, and other will let stuff slide because theyre not the ones who’ll get the variance, and it won’t hurt the patient anyways.

Just for posterity sakes, if you are curious, what is a “mistake that doesn’t effect the patient”?

Example: We have a NICU and those little babies will be put on continuous infusions sometimes like dopamine to improve their cardiac functioning. So, all our NICU orders are standardized to the weight of the baby to determine the size of the order. So let’s say that the order calls for 0.06ml/hr. That is 1.44ml/24 hr period. So, we would most likely send a 3ml syringe (to allow for titration). Well when the order is sent electronically to the pharmacy it always come stock as 1ml, and we have to change it to the appropriate size. If it isn’t then the nurse will be calling for refills more often than needed based on titration (1ml = 16.6 hour infusion). This is a mistake that is counted towards us.

Is it teachable? sure, pharmacy school rammed it down our throats. However, being short staffed makes people cut corners, and that become the learned state in those situations.

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

KCl labeled as asa? As a critical cardiac care nurse, I am duly horrified.

Trust me, so are we. Typically, the reason for the mislabel is due to the machine that is used for pre-packing from stock bottles. For the most case, standard meds are given their own containers for the machine, but when there was a KCL shortage going around something happened where a standard container was used for a non-standard medication and they didn’t make sure the old container was cleared before adding the new medication.

That being said the pyxis pharmacist checking, should have looked at EVERY pre-packed med (100 per batch typically) and see that they all looked correct (eg: no doubles, empties), and would’ve seen the size mismatch between the 2 meds lol. We have some great techs though and one of them caught it as they were doing their pyxis load.

Love my crit care nurses though! We have 5 ICUs (+ ER/Trauma) and most all those nurses typically have their stuff together, which makes my job much easier, when I gotta call with questions! So, thank you for being on the ball!

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

Not worried in the least, house is < 10 yo and don’t plan on moving anytime soon. I also think my houses “value” is over inflated anyways.

Now if I bought in the last 3 years? Yea I might be sweating a little bit about being under water, depending on price and location.

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

A Serbian film… That ending I just cant… It is the only movie I actively tell people to avoid. My wife and I like to watch the most mind-fuck movies imaginable, but that one took it a step too far. We literally just stared at the screen for like 5 min after it was over.

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

Nice! I had it on my list, but hadn’t seen salo yet, thanks for the reminder!

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then from whence comes evil?”


@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

So… I see a lot of talk about “security”, but no specifics about HOW this is more secure than searx or searxng (which I use).

What specifically is insecure with searx or xng? and what makes Websurfx MORE secure? Does SearX/NG have memory or other security flaws you can point to? (Ive been searching and can’t find anything specific, unless your self-host is insecure, but that on the user not SearX/NG)

It is my understanding that searx and xng are very privacy focused as when you search it send individualized tokens each time, so it is as if a fresh browser with no previous queries is being used. This is so an ad profile cant be built around you. It is also fully customizable, and in my opinion plenty fast.

I am just playing devils advocate here, I am sure your search engine is fine; however, I just see red flags when someone says “Hey we are better” but then doesn’t explain why. Generic words like “Privacy, Security, and Speed.” multiple times in the write up needs to be expanded upon IMHO.

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

Pretty poor 1st qtr for the pokes…


  • Surprised to see Rengel with the start, but overall I like him as a player.
  • The pick was a bad decision, but he came back


  • pretty clear it has been decimated from last years graduates and transfers
@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

O-State 2nd qtr:


  • 3 and outs need to stop. First drive of the qtr was a huge bust with Rengel.
  • Alan BOWMAN!!! LETS FING GOOO! Not the best first drive, but some nice 1st down passes when we needed them. I smell potential.
  • AB’s second drive… Great passes, but THE DAMN DROPS!!! WTF!!!
  • AB drive after fumble was meh at best… almost picked twice


  • Robinson kid CAN KICK! holy crap, especially for someone who has never kicked prior to this year?
  • Punt and Kick coverage seems to be on point again this year which is good.
  • Hitting FGs is good atleast


  • played much better this qtr, still need some gelling this year
  • TFL and Sack on UCA 2nd drive was very nice
  • TFL and Sack on UCA 3rd drive, but let a huge pass through
  • FORCED FUMBLE!!! LFG!!! and… it wasn’t payed off by offense, damn

Overall taking the lead into the half is good! Against an FCS team though? Im still worried about this season as a whole. We need waay more offensive success.

UCA starts the second half with the ball

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

O-State 3rd qtr:


  • first drive started off great, injury time out seemed to snuff out the momentum
  • switched to gunnar, not sure if we needed to do that at this point in the game. I like gunnar but we need some consistency


  • the FG coverage has been phenomenal. One block in the 2nd qtr and maybe another in the 3rd? looked close. After commercial, kick looked just rushed.
  • Once again punting is damn good, pinned @ the 5 yard line.


  • UCA’s first drive … We can’t tackle at ALL!
  • Couple Tips this game at the line has been nice
  • 2 sacks in UCA first drive
  • UCA 2nd drive … chunk play after chunk play… We sucked ass this drive… embarassing.

Over all our D sucked this qtr, and the O cant get any sustained momentum going. Not looking good for the 4th

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

O-State 4th qtr and end game


  • OLLIE!!! what a man! Steppin on toes and breaken ppls nose
  • Finally another TD!!! we got some chunk plays that drive and gunnar was great.
  • TD #2 of the qtr … OLLIE!!! OK BOYS WE ROLLING NOW!!!

I am cautiously optimistic about our Offence… The weapons are there, but they need the reps… The biggest issue (like every year) will our O-line hold up?


  • Another FG block!!! lets GOOOOO (PAT block)

VERY happy with SP teams today. Picking up where we do every year. Gundy is our Sp Teams coach, so I expect them to play well.


  • Stepped up the plate when it mattered the most, and got some stops
  • 5 sacks makes me happy
  • Going forward, I am still pretty worried about our D. They need a lot of work if we are going to win the minimum.

Ill say this, Im happy for the win, but I am a realist. 6 wins and a bowl and Im happy. 8 or 9 wins (including the bowl) and Ill be VERY happy for this season. We have a lot of potential, but with 51 new players this year, I cant see that we will be good enough fast enough. Gundy has surprised me before, but like I said… I am a realist.


DRx, (edited )
@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

According to the CDC:

more than 93.1% of abortions were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation; a smaller number of abortions (5.8%) were performed at 14–20 weeks’ gestation, and even fewer (0.9%) were performed at ≥21 weeks’ gestation.

  1. So, 93.1% aren’t even fetuses yet, they are zygotes (which is a clump of cells)
  2. the other 6.9% are fetuses not babies.
  • A baby is a non-clinical term for an “infant” (def: a very young child under the age of 1 years old) that has bodily autonomy separate from the mother.

So, to recap, abortion is not killing a baby

@DRx@lemmy.world avatar

So unless you live in an area with fiber, asymmetrical speeds are pretty typical… I’m not sure if it is because it’s all coax so there are infrastructure limitations? But it’s actually gotten faster because 6 months ago my upload was only 30 mbit/s.

Once fiber is in my area I’ll switch to that, but symmetrical will add more cost…but of course it will lol

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