@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar



I make small things.

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aral, to opensource
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

I swear anyone who explains to me what is again gets an instant block.

I’ve freely shared nearly everything I’ve created in four decades of programming and I’ve been writing free software exclusively, at great personal expense, for over a decade. (So I haven’t been working at fucking Google or Facebook and hacking on my personal hobby project in the evenings, which seems to be a particularly common trait among )

FOSS is just one feature of .


@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar
nattiegoogie, to random

So ... I've been in IT for 20+ years, most of that time working directly in databases.

That whole thing about Twitter, FB, Reddit, Google, whoever ... "deleting" your data after you jump thru the right hoops.

That's all bullshit.

I mean, even apart from the whole "market, monetize, sell and spy on our userbase" thing.

DBAs, people who actually work with databases, we almost never actually delete stuff in a database.


@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@nattiegoogie Which reminds me, I really need to post the latest bullshit letter I got from Twitter in my ongoing right to erasure dispute with them through the Irish “DPC”.

Basically boils down to this.

CC @noybeu

aral, to random
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

Carbon offsets are how we venerate people who piss in pools if they help pay for urinals.

bascule, to random
@bascule@mas.to avatar

Dear Anderson Cooper: do you think platforming Trump is going to make him go away?

"Anderson Cooper scolds critics of CNN’s town hall with Trump: Do you think staying in your silo ... is going to make that person go away?”


@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@bascule * platforming Trump for profit (kinda funny coincidence how it makes them richer to do so)

aral, to accessibility
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

So shitbag company is suing @aardrian:


This is after sending him spurious cease and desist letters last year:


What is AudioEye?

It’s Magic Techbro Dust¹ you sprinkle on your website to – poof! – make it accessible.

Only it seems to keep getting folks sued for being inaccessible:


Almost like you can’t magically make an inaccessible site accessible or something… 🤔

¹ “accessibility plugin/overlay”

aral, (edited ) to SmallWeb
@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

I do rather love being able to run tail¹ on my database tables² as I work on building Domain³ with Kitten⁴ ;)

(JSDB keeps tables in an append-only JavaScript log which are read fully into memory when the database is opened. And yes, if you noticed the class names, you can store custom objects.)

¹ Actually: tail -f <database path>/table.js | bat --paging=never --language=js
² https://codeberg.org/small-tech/jsdb
³ https://codeberg.org/domain/app

nattiegoogie, to random

Watching @aral et al rage against the machines, this has been on my mind for awhile.

Bear with me.

Corporations are not evil.

They are constructs; artificial life forms defined and designed by us, just trying to survive in an artificial ecosystem we created for them.

When we see "evil" corps rise to the top, and "good" corps go bankrupt...that is just an indication that we have designed them poorly.

A bad algorithm.

We do not need to "fight evil corps".

We need to redefine what a corp is.

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@nattiegoogie I’m not sure where even to begin…

The corporate form is the way it is because it was designed by the wealthy in their mission to get wealthier and avoid individual responsibility for their actions. It is not broken. It is working exactly as designed. It is not a failure, it is a tremendous success (within the success criteria of capitalism).

The last thing we need is to try and repair the brand. They’re trying to anyway with B Corps, etc.

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@nattiegoogie (I agree with you that corporations are artificial life forms – well, as “artificial” as anything can be that’s created by something “natural” like us. Where we differ, clearly, is that I see them as an invasive, parasitic species.

You take a group of people, absolve them of individual responsibility and then tell them they must extract value from anyone and anything on an ever-increasing scale… what have you created if not an institutionalised psychopath?)

@aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

@nattiegoogie (And it’s not like we need corporations. There are other means for people to cooperate and create things that don’t result in extreme centralisation of wealth and power. There are cooperatives. We can fund and create things from the common purse for the common good. Thinking we need corporations is a profound failure of imagination. Corporations need us. We don’t need them.)

joshuafoust, to random


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  • aral,
    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    @joshuafoust She’s going to work for Elon. What more needs to be said?

    Ok, ok, if you really want to cringe, watch this love fest:


    riley, to random
    @riley@social.audiovalentine.com avatar

    It's just so strange to me how many people are not receptive to being told

    "Hey maybe we shouldn't have all of our computers based on proprietary operating systems and APIs controlled by a single corporation"

    "Hey maybe we shouldn't have web traffic directed and organized through search by a single corporation"

    "Hey maybe the way that we talk to each other online shouldn't be owned and controlled through algorithms and advertising managed by a single corporation"

    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    @riley As someone who’s been doing just that for the past ten years (the telling people part, that is), I have ten years of empirical evidence to back up your statement :)

    mirjam_diala, to random
    @mirjam_diala@hachyderm.io avatar

    I'm working on a talk and I'm in this weird place where it's basically Schrödingers talk for me: Nobody has seen it yet, so it could be great or aweful - I've lost all feeling for that at the moment.

    Do other know this feeling?! Like: "Hey this is really good... or absolutly rubbish, could go both ways 🤷‍♀️"

    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    @mirjam_diala Oh wait, I just realised, we’re both speaking at NewCrafts this month, aren’t we? And, damn it, we’re on at the same time. (I only just put two and two together.) Well darn, yours was one of the talks I really wanted to catch.

    In any case, here’s to seeing you in Paris soon :)

    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    @mirjam_diala Haha, yay! See you soon :)

    breadandcircuses, to politics

    A group of 18 European Parliament Members have issued a statement officially calling for #Degrowth.

    Here is part of what they wrote...

    We believe that the current economic model, based on endless growth, has reached its limits.

    Firstly, continuous economic growth, especially based on the consumption of fossil fuels, is leading to catastrophic global warming.

    Secondly, the infinite pursuit of growth relies on the depletion of natural resources, the destruction of biodiversity, and the accumulation of waste and pollution. This also poses risks to our health, our economies, and our societies writ large.

    Thirdly, the current economic model is contributing to social inequality and exclusion. The emphasis on economic growth has not translated into equal distribution of wealth or opportunities. Instead, it has resulted in a concentration of wealth and power in the hands of a few leaving many behind.

    Fourthly, the current economic model is inherently unstable and prone to crises, as seen, for example, during the 2008 financial crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. The pursuit of growth at all costs has created a global economic system that is fragile and vulnerable to shocks.

    We need an economic system that prioritises human well-being and ecological sustainability over GDP growth, one that recognises that infinite growth on a finite planet is impossible.

    We also believe we need to find new ways of organising our economies without relying on the continuous exploitation of resources and the constant increase in production and consumption.

    We call for more pluralism in economic thinking within EU institutions and for its alignment with the scientific evidence of climate, ecological, and social sciences.

    We call for economic models and other decision-support tools to be more diverse, more comprehensive, and more readable for citizens.

    We call for decision-making processes to be aligned with our common policy objectives rather than on the basis of the variation of GDP figures.

    FULL STATEMENT -- https://www.euronews.com/2023/05/10/moving-beyond-growth-is-not-only-desirable-it-is-essential

    Names of those who signed on as co-authors: Philippe Lamberts (BE), Bas Eickhout (NL), Ville Niinisto (FI), Manuela Ripa (DE), Marie Toussaint (FR), Ernest Urtasun (ES), Kim Van Sparrentak (NL) — Greens/EFA; Manon Aubry (FR), Petros Kokkalis (EL), Marisa Matias (PT), Helmut Scholz (DE) — The Left (GUE/NGL); Pascal Durand (FR), Aurore Lalucq (FR), Pierre Larrouturou (FR) — Socialists & Democrats (S&D); Sirpa Pietikainen (FI), Maria Walsh (IE) — European People’s Party (EPP); Katalin CSEH (HU) — Renew Europe (RE); and Dino GIARRUSSO (IT) — Non-attached (NI).

    #Europe #EU #Politics #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Biodiversity #Pollution #Inequality

    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    @breadandcircuses This is exactly what we need. Gives me hope to see it :) 💕

    atomicpoet, to random

    The event that made me leave mastodon.social was the decision by Mastodon gGmbh to make that the default server for new registrations.

    Rather than shrug and ask, “What can we do?”—and do nothing—I realized that this is the Fediverse. I’ve got options.

    I don’t have to be part of any server that gives me the “No!” feeling.

    Despite being a member of mastodon.social for 5 years, and donating money to the project, I think it’s going in the wrong direction.

    “But Chris, what about growth?” Some have said.

    If growth comes at the expense of decentralization, I don’t want growth.

    “But Chris, people don’t care about decentralization!”

    Then we’ll make them care. If they don’t care now, they’ll care tomorrow.

    And we’ll do this by making decentralized social media that’s so good, you’ll never go back to Big Social.

    We can’t compromise on this aspect. I don’t care what certain folks say, you can’t achieve decentralization through centralization.

    Some people call this idealism.

    If so, this idealist took the practical step up leaving mastodon.social.

    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    @atomicpoet Yep. Must be one click and fully automated if we expect everyday folks who use technology as an everyday thing to use it. And that’s a whole clone of your account – your social graph, posts, everything.

    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    @torb @atomicpoet The default could round-robin with zero loss of usability. The reason it doesn’t is a business decision taken by the CEO of Mastodon (which I still can’t believe has now seemingly been adopted – non-ironically – as a title).

    SomaFMrusty, to random


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  • aral,
    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    @SomaFMrusty , is that the one by the fascist American oligarch?

    aral, to SmallWeb
    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    Anyone here know anyone from Paddle that you can put me in touch with? (Or share your experience with them?)

    I’m reconsidering whether Stripe is the right solution for the initial payments option in Domain (https://codeberg.org/domain/app) or whether it makes more sense (and would be easier for folks who want to run their own Domain instances and become Small Web hosts) if I integrated a Merchant of Record (MoR) solution instead.

    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    The initial integration of Paddle into Domain is now complete. I’m happy with how it turned out.

    Now the only (“only” he says) bit left is reimplementing the provisioning and setup of Small Web servers running Kitten (or Kitten apps).

    It‘s getting there…

    :kitten: 💕

    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    PS. Just noticed and fixed the typo in the “Stay Small!” section. It now reads:

    “(e.g., one where cities can use tokens to provide their citizens with access to the commons from the commons, etc.)”

    (That’s just one example based on the work we did with the City of Ghent a little while back to prototype how something like that could work. In addition to not taking payments, you will also be able to use tokens – not cryptocurrency; just pre-generated tokens that you can distribute to folks.)

    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    @ff0000 Thanks!

    Kitten will always be for developers and hosting Domain instances will always be for folks with technical knowledge but I am trying to make every component in the system as simple to use as possible. That’ll be something we never stop iterating on :)

    If we keep that philosophy throughout, then using the things we make with Kitten (and using Domain to obtain them) will hopefully be easy for folks who use technology as an everyday thing to do everyday stuff.


    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    @ff0000 I’d say you can play with Kitten for that right now (and please report any issues if you run into any while you do) but until Domain is ready, deployment won’t be easy.

    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    @ff0000 Thanks; that’ll be hugely useful, appreciate it :)

    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    @giuseppegv Thanks, Giuseppe 💕


    aral, to random
    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    Money is a legal fiction.

    @aral@mastodon.ar.al avatar

    @kpeace I was merely stating a fact about the fractional reserve system we have today. Money is literally magicked from thin air the moment a bank records a loan in its ledgers. Here’s a good article if you want to learn more about it:


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