@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar



Resident hacker, leader of the fsebugoutzone.org coup of the FSE Autonomous Zone, BOFH of freespeechextremist.com, and former admin of FSE before the establishment of the FSE Autonomous Zone. Launching a guerilla war against myself from this bunker.

I'm not angry with you, I'm just disappointed.

I am physically in Los Angeles but I exist in a permanent state of 3 a.m.

I have dropped a bytebeat album, feel free to DM me for a download code or a link to a tarball: https://finitecell.bandcamp.com/album/villain . There is a chiptunes album there, too.

Revolver is coming: https://blog.freespeechextremist.com/blog/revolver-kickoff.html

War has changed: https://blog.freespeechextremist.com/blog/update-and-roadmap.html

The usual alt if FSE is down: @p or @p.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

taylan, to random

I wind down by watching T90, chat with my gf, go to sleep, wake up, exchange more loving messages with her, take a shower, cuddle my cat, sit down to have a nice breakfast, and check fedi on Husky.

And @p is still crying about me.


He will now respond to this with "I thought you muted me" because he doesn't know Husky shows a thin line for muted messages mentioning you.

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@taylan Another thread where you've tagged me out of nowhere. I really must have struck a nerve. Was it when I called you wispy?

:strangelovesmug: You are going to want to pay attention to this part :strangelove: to save yourself some time: I told you I was gonna just send the robot if you keep begging for attention. The robot only sends messages when you tag me. The robot sends more messages the more frequently you tag me. If you do not go out of your way to try to get my attention, then it sits there, inert. As it has a delay between messages, if you send enough messages, it will take a while for it to finish, so just have a bit of patience. You can block me, instance-block my account, or just resist the urge to waste my time, and if you do any of those, the bot does not talk to you. In any case, I do not want to talk to you and I have delegated the task of replying to you to a machine. Most people do not have any impulse to seek out people they claim to find unpleasant, and even less so when those people tell them to go away: the bot is designed for people like you. Your life will be better if you spend your time talking to people you actually do want to talk to, but for my part, I have delegated interactions with you to the bot, so the problem is fixed from my end.

> chat with my gf, go to sleep, wake up, exchange more loving messages with her, take a shower, cuddle my cat,

Fuckin' called it. You've never met her. I wish I'd made a bet with 0. (Also the way you phrased it is creepy. I get the feeling you're a little more "Elliot Roger" than "Josef Fritzl", but in either case, I expect you'll be on the news at some point.)


It's not exactly rent-free if you have to keep tagging me to get attention. You realize that, right? If you follow me around and I tell you to go away, that's not "rent-free". You notice I've never gone looking for you to talk to you? Do you notice me tagging you out of nowhere, or any mention of you since the last time you came to bother me?

> He will now respond to this with "I thought you muted me" because he doesn't know Husky shows a thin line for muted messages mentioning you.

It's real strange to say "I HAVE MUTED YOU SO I CAN'T HEAR YOU" and then go out of your way to tag me again, and then this bit, like...I don't know what it is, it reads like you attempting to gloat that you can click a button to not see messages from me, but that you can see them anyway. I have no idea what point you're trying to make by saying "I covered my eyes because I didn't want to see, but then I peeked through my fingers! This plan has astonished him!"


@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@taylan @Hyolobrika

> He said "passwords are just strings of bytes and should not be processed in any way" and I pointed out to him that this is wrong, because often they're Unicode character sequences.

You narrowed the discussion to the web, and passwords are treated as character sequences on the web. Your objections were stupid, and I probably would have dismissed the entire concept if I hadn't looked found the RFC.

> and that it's cool to be arrogant and mock other people for supposedly being wrong about something.

Go re-read the thread. I kept saying "Hey, let's not have a stupid argument, let's try to sort it out" and you kept flinging insults.

> Unsurprisingly he also seems to be surrounded with racist and sexist men. It's machismo all the way down.

Shh, nobody tell him.

prettygood, to random
@prettygood@socially.drinkingatmy.computer avatar

Hey screw you @p I see you talking shit about PHP, skill issue IMO


@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@prettygood I can't help it if PHP sucks, you'll have to take it up with Rasmus Lerdorf.

echo '++++[->++++<]>[-<+++++>>+++++++>++<<]<------.>>+++++.--.+.>.<[-<+>>>+<<]>[--<++>>-<]>---.+++++++++++++.+.<<<.>>>-------.---.<<<--.>.>>+++.-------.++.+
+[->+<<+>]>++++++.<<.<<.>[-<<->>]<<++++.[>>>--<<<-]>>>+.' | sed -E 's/(.)/\1\n/g' | awk 'BEGIN{print "BEGIN{p=0;"}END{print "}"}/\./{print "printf \"%c
\",a[p]"}/\+/{print "a[p]++"}/-/{print "a[p]--"}/</{print "p--"}/>/{print "p++"}/\[/{print "while(a[p]){"}/\]/{print "}"}' | awk -f /dev/fd/0

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@lanodan @prettygood

> Copy-pasta error?

Ah, shit, yes. I just grabbed it out of the DB.

echo '++++[->++++<]>[-<+++++>>+++++++>++<<]<------.>>+++++.--.+.>.<[-<+>>>+<<]>[--<++>>-<]>---.+++++++++++++.+.<<<.>>>-------.---.<<<--.>.>>+++.-------.++.++[->+
<<+>]>++++++.<<.<<.>[-<<->>]<<++++.[>>>--<<<-]>>>+.' | sed -E 's/(.)/\1\n/g' | awk 'BEGIN{print "BEGIN{p=0;"}END{print "}"}/./{print "printf "%c",a[p]"}/+/{p
rint "a[p]++"}/-/{print "a[p]--"}/</{print "p--"}/>/{print "p++"}/[/{print "while(a[p]){"}/]/{print "}"}' | awk -f /dev/fd/0

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@lanodan @prettygood Ha, thanks, I had just been talking logfile analysis in a DM thread, and ended up doing similar, a pipe into an awk program that generated another awk program. (Used one datasource to build the program, then shipped the program to another machine to run there.)

(I didn't implement , but that's not too hard to do.)

grips, to random
@grips@cawfee.club avatar

introducing: the @p number

@p number = 0: the person is @p
@p number = 1: the person had an argument with @p
@p number = 2: the person had an argument with a person who had an argument with @p
@p number = 3: the person had an argument with a person who had an argument with a person who...
@p number = n+1: the person had an argument with a person with the @p number equal to n

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@grips Haha, holy shit.

:erdossmug: "The Erdos of arguing on fedi."

r000t, (edited ) to random
@r000t@ligma.pro avatar

This thumbnail is so full of shit I won't be clicking.

I gave WinXP its very own public IPv4 address for an entire month and literally nothing happened. Squeaky clean at the end.

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@amerika @r000t

> Now let's try it with

The context is that r000t tried this and it did not work.

> Lots of people still quietly using XP.

They get what they deserve. Even Server 2k3 runs Civ2, so there is literally no reason to ever use XP.

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@ongo @amerika @r000t It was the beginning of Fischer-Price computing. It was disgusting. The first thing anyone did was find the setting that stopped the colors.

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar
@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@amerika @ongo @r000t Wouldn't know; the last Windows I actually ran on purpose was 98. By the time XP was out, Windows had shat itself on my machine and I decided to reclaim the disk space it was occupying for Linux.

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@tinfoil@social.tinfoil-hat.net @mint @r000t It's a good idea but I almost never do.

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@r000t @tinfoil@social.tinfoil-hat.net @mint

> She pwnt and defaced it.

How does such a thing happen?

> It's how we met!


@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@amerika @ongo @r000t I was actually running LiteStep most of the time; it never felt like a nice desktop system, just a thing that was there, arguing with me about what I could do to my computer and crashing. If I didn't have a winmodem, I probably would have ditched it sooner, but one day I upgraded my motherboard and Linux booted and Windows wouldn't, safe mode crashed.

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@0 @mint @r000t






awk '{di=""echo net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1>>/etc/sysctl.conf;sysctl -p"";print "ssh root@" $1, "sh -c", di, "||", "ssh", $1, "sudo sh -c", di}' ~/.ssh/known_hosts

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@lanodan @r000t @teratology

> Heh, for SMTP here I use ssh: sendmail = ssh server_machine sendmail in mutt/gitconfig/…


(Does not work so great without keys or with weird mail clients, though. My mail server being on the LAN, though, I can whitelist its IP on the exim relay list.)

> for the complete idiots that tend to pester me everytime:

I didn't know that there are people that both (1) know that Sendmail is a mess and (2) don't know that the sendmail program became a de facto interface. I am disappointed by new things every day.

$ pkginfo -o $(which sendmail)
Package File
exim usr/sbin/sendmail

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@0 @mint @r000t @tinfoil@social.tinfoil-hat.net The ultimate in security. No one has access. It's second only to the computer being completely off and unplugged.

(Incidentally, the TPi2's BMC is so low-power that it will boot from the trickle supplied when the PSU is off. If you unplug it, it will stay up for a few seconds.)

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@r000t @tinfoil@social.tinfoil-hat.net @0 @mint

> The list is given in order of popularity,

Popularity amongst people that don't automatically nuke the debian popularity contest package immediately.

apt-get install ed nvi build-essential mawk; apt-get purge nano '*popularity*' 'vim*'

sun, to random
@sun@shitposter.world avatar

no spaces or multi-byte characters is a new one for me.

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@taylan @Suiseiseki @romin @sun

> I would say that a password, at least on the web, should be seen as a Unicode character array, hopefully normalized so that surrogates don't screw things up.

Apparently there is a standard means of doing this; see RFC 7613 ("Preparation, Enforcement, and Comparison of Internationalized Strings Representing Usernames and Passwords"). 4.2.2 deals with password normalization (and cites RFC 6943 a little below that, cautioning not to do anything past a certain narrow set of transformations, like turning all non-0x20 spaces into 0x20).

> but no computer works with 21-bit bytes, so you have to pick a character encoding to actually serialize them.

I don't know why you say things like this. It's half-precise and the precise parts are wrong, and the imprecise parts are condescending.

The word size on nearly every general-purpose computing device is 32 or 64 bits. 21 bits fit inside either just fine. (Plan 9's libc uses 21-bit runes; the change is somewhat recent. POSIX libc has wchar_t.) Computers barely work with bytes (check the width of your memory bus and your registers): bytes are a step up the abstraction ladder. (x86 has some byte-level string-handling instructions but they're slow and only kept around for compatibility purposes, I don't think compilers from this century emit them.)

UTF-8 is a convenient method for encoding text on the wire. It doesn't have much to do with the hardware.

> A database containing hashes of passwords should either have some accompanying documentation, or an actual database field, that specifies the character encoding one is supposed to use for the passwords before hashing.

All of these years and all of these stupid encodings and UTF-8 won and now all we have to deal with are regular sequences of bytes and sequences of codepoints and you want to go back to the bad old days. This is a terrible idea and until you volunteer to come to my house to fix the stupid "Shift-JIS interpreted as Windows CP-1252 by someone using Napster in the 90s" mojibake in my ID3 tags, I'm going to have to decline. RFC 7613 should be more than sufficient for webshit.

> A sophisticated RDBMS may even provide built-in support for Unicode strings, and a pwd_hash() function that accepts a Unicode string argument rather than a byte string argument,

Zero hash functions work that way. Your pwd_hash() would just be "Normalize this sequence of characters into a predictable sequence of bytes and then run the actual hash function, which operates on bytes". Please show me the hash function that does not operate on a stream of bytes.

> I don't like it, but it doesn't seem to have introduced any inaccuracy.
> urldecode() { s="${*//+/ }"; echo -e "${s//%/\x}"; }

Well, it works. You could do echo %34+%35 | ruby -rcgi -pe '$_=CGI.unescape($_)' or the equivalent in Perl or something. I usually have irb open somewhere and can bash out something like CGI.unescape(xclip -o) or something like that, or I've got an equivalent in Limbo that I use in Inferno (but it's ~100 lines and I'm maybe only person on fedi that uses Limbo). I don't think I do this very often or I would have probably have written a Plan 9 equivalent (or more likely tried to dig one out of the rc-httpd code) by now.

> why the byte array got so much longer, because I was curious.

Yeah, that's fun.

> who knows how exactly these code points are represented in memory by Firefox.

It's UTF-16. (I wouldn't have been able to extract in-memory strings from the core dump otherwise.)

> If I'm reading the RFC correctly, it would also be legitimate to encode them as UTF-16 before percent encoding,

I'd be surprised if there is a server that accepts that or a browser that creates it.

> it indeed seems to be coincidence that it increased the length by exactly 50%.

Well, it's expected, right? If /dev/urandom is random enough, any bit has an equal chance of being off or on, representation for 0x80-0xFF would be 2 bytes, so you'd expect it to be 50%.

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@taylan @Suiseiseki @romin @sun

> because it's invisible to the client,

They do cite RFC 6943 in RFC 7613 because RFC 6943 is ignored only at your own peril.

> it specifies the character encoding that should be used

And a surprising amount of normalization to prevent issues with identical-looking tokens.

> Mate, that sounds like projection.

"No computer works with 21-bit bytes" is not even wrong.

> What's your point?

The machine's word size has nothing to do with UTF-8 or wire encoding. The network does not operate on bytes, either. I'm not even sure what you would have to believe in order to produce that sentence.

> If int happens to be 32 bits (or you specifically go with uint32_t[]) then I think that literally gives you the encoding called UTF-32.

The in-memory representation is not a wire encoding, confusing the two will cause you trouble, you've got to do the translation regardless. (You probably have UTF-32LE, but only by coincidence and not portably: hop machines and it might end up being UTF-32BE.)

> you have to make a choice on how to represent a series of at-most-21-bit non-negative integers in digital memory that is addressed in 8-bit units.

Yes; I'm not sure what the point of saying "the data has to sit in memory in some form" is, though.

> It feels like you're scrambling to find anything in my post to object to just so you can argue.

You've said a lot of things that seem wrong, irrelevant, or meaningless; I'm not sure we even have a clear topic of discussion. Apparently my responses to things you say look irrelevant. The implicit assumption if someone says something to you is that it's relevant, they're addressing you for some reason: there's something you want to figure out or there's something you think I don't know or something you think I'm wrong about, so I read it like that. It might be the case that we're talking past each other while endlessly clarifying ourselves, which would probably explain it. (Any other explanation I can come up with for why a kid would try to tell me how bytes get across a network would make conversing with you pointless, and "We've misunderstood each other" still fits and is compatible with an assumption of good faith.) Aside from that, as I keep noting, I lost interest when I found out the topic is just typing things into a web browser¹; maybe being halfway checked out has contributed to the miscommunication. (Although I hadn't read RFC 7613 until this conversation, so I can't say that it's been a worthless conversation.)

If I step back a second, the only points I have been attempting to make are (1) the machine had better not try to second-guess opaque tokens I send it (although there is apparently a well-defined, standard normalization process laid out in RFC 7613, and the reasoning made sense in the context of the web, so for the web and similar, that point's partially retracted; do the transcoding client-side); (2) even applying a normalization process (PRECIS specifies exactly where to stop, prudently, giving an exact list of the small number of transformations), the more you tack on, the worse the results will be and the more ambiguity you add to a process that already fucks up too often due to the depth of the stack; (3) the more you can pretend you don't know about an opaque token, the happier everyone will be, so take the string of bytes if you can (in the case of a password, it is an opaque stream of bytes: you don't have a reason to process it beyond feeding it to the hash function, and the worst possible consequences of leaving encoding to the client is that you get a false negative and the system remains intact); and finally, (4) the hypothetical scenario where you expect the earth to move under your feet but the password still has to work 200 years later is a perfect illustration of exactly the worst way to go about solving a problem: creating a bad solution now on the grounds that it might have a chance of being durable in circumstances that would render it completely irrelevant to begin with (the saying is "Don't program for nuclear war").

If you have an objection to those points, then there is some substance to the dispute (contrary to expectations, which indicate this is pointless bickering). I don't feel a strong need to convince you. I don't think there's any room to object, but you're free to try and we can keep going indefinitely. I'm not jazzed to continue the proceedings, it's a boring topic¹, but we're here. At this point, if there isn't any agreement on the broader points, I'm inclined to just say, "Okay, do what you want, and let's revisit in 5-10 years."

> I simply said that whatever encoding was used on Unicode passwords before hashing them, it better be documented.

You said³ "an actual database field, that specifies the character encoding one is supposed to use for the passwords before hashing." That's a really terrible idea, but no one is going to object to more documentation: documentation is the reason the Big Rewrite always falls over, the reason high turnover screws an organization. The documentation is always insufficient, outdated, and full of minute detail about irrelevant points while failing to mention important parts.⁴ Nobody is going to object to better documentation (until they have to do it).

> Do you prefer to work with undocumented assumptions in software?

I said exactly the opposite of that. It is a long way from "never document anything" to "tack on a column to list the encoding that was used". (Saying "It feels like you're scrambling to find anything in my post to object to just so you can argue." would be an asshole maneuver.)

My point was adding an encoding column creates a problem. A string of bytes comes in, they're valid UTF-8, but the client says they're Latin-1. So is that [0xc3, 0xa1] in the middle of it a "á", or a "á"? The only way out of that situation is prevention: a database column isn't going to help. You tell the client "Send UTF-8" or "Send 8-bit ASCII" (i.e., define a protocol) and then never change your mind (the point of a protocol is reliable behavior). Once the client has sent their request, you want to second-guess as little as possible (you will guess wrong): make sure it doesn't break your server (and this goes n² if you are passing it to another server). It's better to kick back a request that broke the protocol than to try to fix it, because this will, 100% of the time, well before 200 years have passed, backfire spectacularly.

> OK, and? I was simply describing an API that an RDBMS could offer to make the lives of programmers a little easier.

You've got the password, the hash function is well-defined, don't send the password to the database if you can send the hash.

> you've demonstrated confusion on this matter, starting out by claiming that no processing should be done on a password at all before hashing it, before you discovered RFC 7613.

I read RFC 7613 (and one of the adjacent ones; it's part of a bundle of three or four), and it was sensible. "What if in 200 years I am still typing the same password in UTF-8 but the database is UTF-10 and nobody planned a migration?" was not convincing, but "Identifiers that can vary in content without varying in apparent representation" was. (We're talking edge-cases within edge-cases; it shouldn't surprise either of us if there are facets we haven't considered.)

If I change my mind, and I cite a couple of the reasons, and I point you to the place they came from, I'd call it "learning" rather than "demonstrating confusion". There wouldn't be much point in passing around specs/RFCs/links and reasoning with each other if changing your mind after reading someone else's thoughts is "demonstrating confusion". There's no point in learning if you never change your mind, and no point in conversing if we're not exchanging ideas, some of which we expect to be novel concepts or considerations. Why bother reading what you write if I don't expect you to have something to say that I haven't heard, why bother thinking and typing a response? What are we supposed to do, just smash our heads together until one of us falls over? (That can't be the plan, but if it is the plan, I'll retract my previous remarks about being willing to continue; it may be possible to do webshit with a concussion, but I can't work with a brain injury.⁵)

> it would indeed be a good idea for there to be APIs like pwd_hash()

There's my earlier objection to sending it down the wire twice. Kick back bullshit ASAP (or "fail fast", whichever idiom you prefer) to minimize branches in the main logic (like guard clauses, but communicating with another machine is far beyond a lengthy if/else): you want the happy path to be easier to read, you want error-handling clustered. It prevents bugs and makes debugging easier. Any security engineer will tell you not to let the password past its entry point: a database compromise would have just exposed a million bcrypt()'d passwords, but now the attacker has replaced pwd_hash() with a stored procedure that upserts all of the username/password pairs into a table before the hashing. (You know PostgreSQL lets you namespace objects? Almost nobody uses this feature: if you want isolation and granular permissions, usually you split across databases or write explicit GRANT for the tables. But you can CREATE SCHEMA whatever; SET search_path TO whatever, public; CREATE TABLE whatever.stealinurcreds (user text; pwhash character varying(255); ); and when the DBA does \d, he doesn't see new tables/triggers. Not hidden but very unobtrusive: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/ddl-schemas.html .)

Even if I were not a programmer, I have seen enough digial billboards that said "We&x2019;re committed to excellence!" to know that if you have an encoding problem with a piece of data, you don't e-encode the same data and send it out again. Decoding form data is the webserver's jurisdiction; relaying it to the database and increasing the level of coupling for the dubious benefit of making the database handle a problem farther from the source is inviting calamity. (Hope you've sanitized your query log.)

> Congratulations, you correctly understood what I explained and explained it back to me in different words.

Man, you're bitchy. Your post was long, I wrote that as a criticism: it seemed like it'd be obviously wrong to do that if spelled out, then you spelled it out.

> Thanks for admitting that hash functions, like most functions dealing with binary data, operate on bytes, not 32 or 64 bit words, which is exactly why you have to choose a character encoding, which was my whole freaking point above, that you somehow tried to argue against, even though you're now confirming it yourself.

Are we married or something? If I've somehow acquired a contentious wife without noticing, I'd like to know why you haven't cooked breakfast even once.

I have said was that hash functions operate on bytes at least once per post in this cursed thread:

"your hash function—every single hash function available to you—operates on strings of bytes. [⋯] If you receive that string of bytes, take that string of bytes, put it into your hash function, and see what comes out, and if it matches, great." https://fsebugoutzone.org/notice/AhqQp9vLH33yiH2VhQ

"If the server changes anything about how the bytes get into the hash function, the server has fucked up. [⋯] a series of bytes to hash [⋯] bcrypt(20, bytes)" https://fsebugoutzone.org/notice/AhonpzaF77IBYvcJFo

"A hash function operates on strings of bytes." https://fsebugoutzone.org/notice/AhoNUrL1ydll6HlQxs

"It is a bytestring [⋯] hash functions don't care." https://fsebugoutzone.org/notice/AhoMYYNAKgVVU3xau8

Once the user submits the password to you, don't touch it: encoding the input is the client's job.

If they've encoded it wrong, you hash the bytes and compare them against the database (and likely give them a 401; it is worth publishing if you find a collision between a string of bytes and the same string of bytes interpreted as encoding $x and transcoded to $y). If they've encoded it correctly, you hash the bytes. Ganto's axe. Your "if" and "else" have identical bodies.

"But what if we serve them a page that gets us the password in the wrong encoding? Shouldn't we apply heuristics and bgaugh" No.


No, you should not, unless there's a security audit going on and you have been conscripted by the Red Team to act as a double-agent, or if you are getting paid to carry out industrial espionage. (Or both. You could kill two birds with one stone: introduce a subtle security flaw, and not only do you get some cash under the table, but also a commendation from your corporate overlords for your admirable performance.)

If they send bad data, you have a client bug. If it is webshit and you're serving them the frontend and the frontend is the cause of the bug, then you have an easy solution to a client bug: you fix the client, you don't figure out how to get them authenticated anyway. (If they are using IE6 through a proxy that handles TLS for them in order to talk to your server, then handle that case when it comes up.⁶)

You not only have a client bug, but if they've sent malformed strings, you don't even actually have any assurance that it can be fixed by the time it gets decoded on your end. If Mr. Bühler tries to send Latin-1, by all means, transcode away when you're populating the last_name field, keep bad data out of your database, but if he sends dff6f1e8727a36396c6f6c for his password, don't try to turn that into c39fc3b6c3b1c3a8727a36396c6f6c: just hash dff6f1e8727a36396c6f6c and if he can't log in, fix the HTML you send him.


¹ The mechanics of the browser are fiddly bullshit. Unless we are working on a project together and have a problem to solve or I am being paid (and even then, I stick to the backend), I can't think of a reason to discuss the finer points of browser bullshit: the parts that make this profession interesting are few and far between. You get an occasional granule of computer science or math or distributed systems or fun hacks, but it feels more like trying to do tech support for someone that can't hear you because they made these terrible decisions² in 1996 and now we all have to live with it.

² Come to think of it, the web is a lot like working at a shitty company where the wrong people are making the decisions. The decision was made elsewhere by someone that is unaccountable, and you don't have much of a shot at reversing it.

³ The point at which people are arguing about who said what earlier in the thread is generally the point beyond which the thread cannot recover.

⁴ There's a tendency when documenting to write down what you did, and this favors making explicit the parts that the code already made explicit while leaving out the implicit assumptions. It makes me wonder if documentation should be written by the person doing the code review: if the person reading the code actually reads it and can't write documentation after, then that's something to ask the author during the interactive part of the code review, and if code review is a rubber stamp, the documentation will end up worthless. This seems like a process improvement that will backfire because the person that had the idea can't think of any problems, but I can't think of any problems adopting this at least for things like internal and external APIs. "Is this seriously what it's supposed to do?" and "I can't figure out how you're supposed to use this" sure as hell beat the usual superficial "LGTM" and "Do you think there should be more tests for this?" or "I really would have named this differently".

⁵ This is a joke.

⁶ The form already gets decoded somewhere and the values handed over to you, so you just wrap it. password = fetch_form_data("password") turns into password = ie6botch(client_user_agent, fetch_form_data("password")), and ie6botch(ua,pw) starts is something like if(!detect_ie6(ua)) return pw; return some_transformation(pw);.

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@taylan @Suiseiseki @romin @sun

> [Wants to argue about some shit that I have repeatedly said I don't care about]
> [Thread continues for three days]


@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@taylan @Suiseiseki @romin @sun

> [keeps sending messages about shit I don't care about]
> [Declares victory and retreats]

For all I know, you actually did read it and have no clue how to reply.

The problem is you are doing a stupid internet argument and I am not. I'm fairly certain you've been away from Twitter long enough to be cured of this (or maybe it's terminal: https://blog.freespeechextremist.com/blog/on-human-bots.html ), so I don't know, but there's going to be a mismatch while you're trying to "win" a fight that isn't happening and I'm just talking.

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@0 @taylan @Suiseiseki @romin @sun

> How's that grass touching going?

Actually, he posted about howw it's going:

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@amerika @taylan @Suiseiseki @romin I've talked to this guy before; it's a pattern, he just shows up in a random thread to antagonize people.

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@0 @Suiseiseki @amerika @romin @taylan Unlike the self-made admins, he was appointed his instance by the Mandate of Heaven (天命).

@p@fsebugoutzone.org avatar

@0 @Suiseiseki @amerika @romin @taylan :terrylol2:

He started another thread and tagged me again because his life won't be complete until he conveys how his morning went:

> chat with my gf, go to sleep, wake up, exchange more loving messages with her, take a shower, cuddle my cat,


Anyway, I put the bot to him. It was nice to have the bot just off.

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