@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar



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@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Are you messing with me? Because I’m not in the mood to play games.

If you aren’t, I’m afraid we’re going to have issues unless we start from a different place.

What I wrote was: >…veganism, a system of belief…

Now, when written that way, the phrase “a system of belief” is being used to specify that that is what veganism is. And that’s what it is.

If you don’t know what veganism is, I would suggest you ask someone that doesn’t troll vegans for a proper answer. Though, to be honest, veganism isn’t a single, universally codified system. It’s more like a general heading that includes a fairly wide range of what is and isn’t “really vegan”. So even asking vegans, you can get varied answers.

If you really want my quick and dirty synopsis of veganism, it comes down to two basic principles.

First, that animals must be treated in a way that would be completely without exploitation.

Second, that causing the death of an animal to serve the wants/needs of humans is a very specific and very “wrong” way of exploiting animals.

That’s about the core of it. All the rest is essentially defining what is and isn’t exploitation.

I’m sure a vegan would at least quibble over that over simplified explanation, but IDGAF, that’s what it amounts to looking at it from the outside. A bunch of folks that have strong beliefs about how animals and humans should share the planet.

If you go digging into vegan writing on the ethics of a human/animal interactions, there are a lot of ways of expanding on that simplified version, but having read some of it when offered by vegans I know personally, in real life, I would say that my version is good enough for someone that’s never seen the word before.

Now, veganism isn’t exactly a unique thing in execution. Plenty of people around the world don’t eat meat at all. And there’s some of those that don’t use animal products at all. But, they aren’t necessarily Vegan. It isn’t a central part of their identity. It comes down to cultural norms, poverty, availability, or some other factor than a specific belief about human/animal ethics.

Veganism as you’ll see in English using forums is quite different from that because it has another central belief that you don’t see in most of the writings about it. And that is why I use the specific troll that vegans are religious zealots. That other belief is that they’re right and everyone else is wrong, period. And, much like zealots of other religions, the bad vegans will often treat other humans poorly when they don’t agree with them.

There is only one TRUE BELIEF, and that is veganism.

That is a wee bit of hyperbole, of course. Not every vegan is an arrogant zealot. No more than any other belief based group. As I said, I have people in my life that are vegan, and I love them. I cherish them in my life. But they’re not assholes :)

I cook vegan food for them. I even cook vegan for them when I’m already cooking “regular” food to feed a dozen or so people and they’re the only vegan coming.

Anyway, that’s not only what veganism is, but why the entire thread happened.

If that didn’t answer your question, I’ll try to do better.

If you were just trolling the troll, then I’ll just let it go and hope you have a good day :)

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Veganism. I said that

southsamurai, (edited )
@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar


And not all social justice advocates treat it like a religion. But some do.

Also, trying to compare veganism, a system of belief, to genocide resistance and human rights is absurd to the point that it exactly makes my point.

There is no world in which fighting genocide is the same thing as avoiding animal products. None, no way, no how. The arrogance of your statement is so far beyond the usual responses my little troll statement gets that I’m outright flummoxed. I can’t believe anyone would be that stupid, that arrogant, that ridiculous.

And that goes just as much for lgbt+ rights. You are outright absurd making that comparison.

And that absurdity is exactly why veganism is a religion to way too many vegans. Like, I’m not anti vegan, I know and love many, I just like getting online vegans riled up for entertainment. But you jumped the damn shark big time homie. That kind of thinking, that’s why people that hate vegans hate them.

Man, I find it hard to not just start calling you names because damn, son.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Man, it really is entertaining when religious zealots try to meme

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Are you messing with me? Because I’m not in the mood to play games.

If you aren’t, I’m afraid we’re going to have issues unless we start from a different place.

What I wrote was: >…veganism, a system of belief…

Now, when written that way, the phrase “a system of belief” is being used to specify that that is what veganism is. And that’s what it is.

If you don’t know what veganism is, I would suggest you ask someone that doesn’t troll vegans for a proper answer. Though, to be honest, veganism isn’t a single, universally codified system. It’s more like a general heading that includes a fairly wide range of what is and isn’t “really vegan”. So even asking vegans, you can get varied answers.

If you really want my quick and dirty synopsis of veganism, it comes down to two basic principles.

First, that animals must be treated in a way that would be completely without exploitation.

Second, that causing the death of an animal to serve the wants/needs of humans is a very specific and very “wrong” way of exploiting animals.

That’s about the core of it. All the rest is essentially defining what is and isn’t exploitation.

I’m sure a vegan would at least quibble over that over simplified explanation, but IDGAF, that’s what it amounts to looking at it from the outside. A bunch of folks that have strong beliefs about how animals and humans should share the planet.

If you go digging into vegan writing on the ethics of a human/animal interactions, there are a lot of ways of expanding on that simplified version, but having read some of it when offered by vegans I know personally, in real life, I would say that my version is good enough for someone that’s never seen the word before.

Now, veganism isn’t exactly a unique thing in execution. Plenty of people around the world don’t eat meat at all. And there’s some of those that don’t use animal products at all. But, they aren’t necessarily Vegan. It isn’t a central part of their identity. It comes down to cultural norms, poverty, availability, or some other factor than a specific belief about human/animal ethics.

Veganism as you’ll see in English using forums is quite different from that because it has another central belief that you don’t see in most of the writings about it. And that is why I use the specific troll that vegans are religious zealots. That other belief is that they’re right and everyone else is wrong, period. And, much like zealots of other religions, the bad vegans will often treat other humans poorly when they don’t agree with them.

There is only one TRUE BELIEF, and that is veganism.

That is a wee bit of hyperbole, of course. Not every vegan is an arrogant zealot. No more than any other belief based group. As I said, I have people in my life that are vegan, and I love them. I cherish them in my life. But they’re not assholes :)

I cook vegan food for them. I even cook vegan for them when I’m already cooking “regular” food to feed a dozen or so people and they’re the only vegan coming.

Anyway, that’s not only what veganism is, but why the entire thread happened.

If that didn’t answer your question, I’ll try to do better.

If you were just trolling the troll, then I’ll just let it go and hope you have a good day :)

southsamurai, (edited )
@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I think there was a mistranslation of “biological warfare”

Edit: Jfc, I can’t believe I agree with lil kim

Kim has called South Korean K-pop a “vicious cancer.”)

Also, this response is based as fuck, and I can’t believe I’m using the term based because I think it’s fucking stupid, but this is based as fuck.

Oh, y’all gonna fuck with us and drop letter bombs? Hold my north Korean beer…

It’s a shit storm.

I’m gonna shit myself laughing at this

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I dunno, and forgive this term if it’s one that’s become unwelcome without me catching on, but I dig the “jewfro”. I’ve always thought they looked awesome. Maybe not the same kind of awesome as African descended folks have, but still just a really cool look.

Before I lost most of my hair, it was pretty nice, tbh. But it was also fairly standard white boy hair in texture, and rather soft, so I could never do anything really interesting with it without a ton of product. Left to itself, it just hung there. Nice coloration, but boring as hell if there wasn’t a breeze lol.

I did manage to maintain a decent 80s style mullet my senior year, with the top feathered and lightly sprayed. Then I just let it grow after that. Now I rock a skullet, and gaze with envy at the cool hair others have lol

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

It’s one of those things where on paper, it’s supposed to be as stringent as medical settings, but in reality it amounts to exactly what you said: they aren’t washing their hands.

But, truth be told, there’s some places where people don’t change gloves between food stations, which is even worse than just switching gloves without washing. It all comes down to who is running the kitchen. A good manager/chef is on top of things, and the methed out, sleep deprived, half drunk crew are following procedure well. Otherwise, things fall through the cracks a lot because there’s a degree of similarity between a kitchen during a rush and an ER on a busy night, without the extra training and entrenchment of germ theory to help the kitchen staff stay mindful.

I’ve done both, though I avoided any hospital work as much as I could, and also avoided any kitchen work I couldn’t walk away from at a whim. It’s honestly easier to remember to keep things right in an ER because the work flow is built around it more. Even with having done grunt level medical stuff, I would be more likely to not hand wash in a kitchen and just swap gloves because most kitchens aren’t set up where you can do it without breaking your flow. Dedicated hand washing stations/sinks just don’t exist. You have to walk away from the work to wash.

Now, even in bad kitchens, you’ll be washing your hands throughout a shift, it just won’t be between stations/jobs. It won’t be every ten minutes like in a facility of one type or another lol.

But holy crap, do I get queasy watching someone eat with gloves on. I know damn good and well those gloves are nasty as hell. No way.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Man, my little 4banger Toyota was 13k. Now, I know inflation, and greed have driven that price up in the last decade plus since I bought it, but if you can’t get an electric for a very similar price, you ain’t getting rid of gas cars any time soon. The people that have them will drive them into dust before the get suckered into that kind of pricing.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Are we going to have to literally eat the rich to get rid of them?

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I am super cereal

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Sooooo, we’re symbiotic with roaches and rats.

Good to know! Makes my project to genetically modify us into a single new species a little less crazy

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Eh, it depends on the community, imo.

For the most part, that comes down to a combination of moderation and the user base of a given community. There is also the instance factor, but other than a small handful of those intended to be used by people that are generally going to be a problem anywhere, it isn’t as big a factor as the community itself.

But you mentioned what are some very insular populations. Open source devotees are in a constant struggle with the majority of the human race that just want cool shit that works.

And “left wing” is a mixed bag because not everyone uses the term the same way. In a broader sense, left wing doesn’t have a direct and guaranteed link to human rights and personal liberty. Left wing is, on a wider scale, just code for socialists. So, what could be called a liberal in the US is going to have a rough time in those spaces since there are strongly militant sections of the socialist community, and they tend to be pretty authoritarian. Hell, the term liberal simply doesn’t mean the same thing to most socialists as it does in the US.

Believe me, there’s a reason I avoid socialist communities online despite agreeing with socialism enough to call myself one on most matters. I’m pretty damn far left tbh, and there’s still a lot of assholes that I can’t put up with.

But, luckily, lemmy has a block feature. And, in the communities with good moderation, reporting bad behavior can end up helping things stay on the civil side overall.

But, critique is always risky. It’s risky in real life, but doubly so online. If you’re gong to indulge in it, you gotta put on your grown up hat and accept hostile responses as par for the course. Criticism is an attack, no matter how well intentioned, or how gently put, if it wasn’t asked for in the first place. Now, if someone asks for critique, and gets hostile, that’s on them because everyone knows that people are bad at giving gentle criticism. We, as a species, just suck at it. Seriously, think about it. Examine what you thought and felt while reading that, if you didn’t stop reading before this lol. I could almost bet money that there were sections where you had an emotional response.

Anyway, wall of text over.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Not a physicist, but have had a lot of wiccan/neopagan friends over the years.

A portal to where? If you assume it does go somewhere, and isn’t just a visual disturbance of some kind, what you would have is a massive amount of energy being focused to connect two points.

I’m old and dgaf, but you can go look up the kind of math used when people start talking about wormholes. I’ve seen the kind of numbers involved in the energy required. There’s a really big value for n where 10^n is used to express it. We ain’t even talking triple digits if my memory isn’t worse than I think it is.

So, if your friend was present for a portal to or from somewhere other than this earth, I would imagine they’d be dead. Poking a hole like that is not going to be free of secondary phenomenon like black holes have emissions.

So, I would seriously doubt that what she experienced was a portal, doorway, hole, or anything like that. It has its own validity as an experience for her, but that validity doesn’t extend beyond her.

If you want the woowoo spiritual explanation, it would have been a symbolic representation of a doorway rather than a doorway itself. You can easily learn to visualize so strongly as to have the imagery seem very close to reality. There’s weird folks out in the world that don’t even have to try; they just have highly visual imaginations, and it takes very little for it to become very realistic. Don’t even ask about my dreams in that regard, or how easy it is to have what amounts to hallucinations if I can get deep into a book.

So, someone that is spending a great deal of time focused on “spiritual planes”, or whatever, is very likely to eventually either find something they can convince themselves is spiritual and “real”, or outright placebo themselves a numinal experience. And, you can’t prove a negative, so maybe they do experience something that has an objective reality that we can’t detect. But, you know, wiccans be trippin, even when they aren’t smoking herbs.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Look, it’s a valid vent. I don’t agree with it, but it’s a valid vent.

But I gotta be real with you, if you think Muslims are the only problem, you’ve had a very limited exposure to religion.

You also underestimate the hegemony Christianity still has on world affairs. It’s the default for so many things in western (read: most of Europe, the US and Canada) thought and policy. The world is still largely run by religious fruitcakes. As opposed to people that aren’t fruitcakes, and happen to be religious.

Hell, if you really wanna be scared of something that could happen in your lifetime, look at the bullshit being pulled here in the states. Imagine that hate filled bullshit being exported. If Islam spreads via reproduction in numbers, it won’t reach dominance across the entire world until long after we’re both dead and dust. You could see a christo-fascist regime spread in the next decade. Or not, I ain’t a magic 8ball.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Dammit, and here I had said I wasn’t going to masturbate today

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Here we go got turned to utter shit here in the US.

It used to be awesome, but then it got bought out and they pushed an update that broke the hell out of it. Three times, it tried to have me turn into a lake. Twice, it kept telling me to turn every damn block until I had to shut it off and resort to waze. And for the week I kept trying to stick with it, voice navigation would cut in and out, give garbled noises instead of words. It was absurd.

I’m glad folks in other places have a good gps navigation app though :)

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Man, there was a point where ICQ was a big reason to even have an internet connection.

It’s been essentially dead for a while though, so I get where you’re coming from. But it helps to realize that not everyone here news at the same time. Since lemmy is harder to search than reddit was (and reddit sucked at that), I just expect a given piece of news to be repeated for a few days.

Fontana pays nearly $900,000 for ‘psychological torture’ inflicted by police to get false confession (www.sbsun.com)

According to court records, detectives told Perez that his father was dead, that they had recovered his body and it now “wore a toe tag at the morgue.” They said they had evidence that Perez killed his father and that he should just admit it, records show....

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

Somebody pulled that shit with the wrong person, and they’ll have a murder. You don’t fucking threaten someone’s dog.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

In my head.

Seriously. I’ve never needed a written outline for much of anything. Even my years long d&d campaigns, and the radical changes that interactive stories like that bring, I don’t have trouble keeping things straight in my head.

The only thing I do keep like that is a timeline of past events as “canon” to keep exact dates in place. I think of it as the inverse of an outline.

If I skip ahead for a section as I’m writing, it’s easy enough to just pop open a second file and make a note for bridging ideas.

I’m not saying outlines are a bad thing, they just don’t work for me. Since they aren’t a necessity, I don’t bother with them. Even with my three ongoing projects, and my slow-ass writing pace, I haven’t lost track of anything yet.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

What’s the usual parole like in Scotland?

I agree it’s a pretty bad crime, and that it seems a bit quick based purely on what’s presented but is that outside the norm for that legal system?

Parole, in theory, is still a form of corrections. Imprisonment to strictly limit the person’s access to the rest of society, which comes with (again, in theory) careful evaluation of the likelihood of recidivism. If that likelihood is deemed to be low, parole is simply a less strict set pf restrictions that, if violated, takes the person right back to prison.

I know people don’t always like the idea of violent criminals (and I include plotting murder as that, regardless of it being carried out or not) getting parole. But how long in prison is long enough? What’s the line for Scotland, where a person is considered to be safe to parole? Normally.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

I would say that when the system is run with standards, and that standard is half sentence for eligibility, it seems realistic for a five year parole hearing on a ten year sentence.

Unless I misread the article, she’s still got to go before the board, and victim impact statements will be considered. That seems like a pretty good system tbh. At least, when it functions as intended, with every effort to eliminate bias and corruption.

It sucks on an emotional level, particularly for the family of the victim. A great wrong calls out for a great punishment on an emotional level.

I think here, the failure of justice isn’t in the parole, if there is a failure. It would be in the original sentence. Conspiracy to murder is pretty damn bad. It may be as bad as doing the killing. I can’t say I can see much difference between stabbing someone, and paying someone to stab someone. You’re still using a weapon to end a life.

I totally understand the outrage, I just try to hope that legal systems stay as neutral and even as humanly possible. If that means that people I think deserve worse don’t get it, I’m willing to accept that as the price for the people that don’t get worse than they deserve.

Like, here in the US? Man, just the racial difference in judicial outcomes is rotten. It’s systemic and ugly. I’m sure there’s similar imbalances in every country, to some degree. Might just be the usual poverty disparity, but even that is not good.

Which, I’m rambling a little, but the point is that if you trust the Scottish courts and system, maybe this is a good thing that she’s getting a timely hearing when it would occur with anyone.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

The whole thing is one scene: Snoop rolls the entire jungle into a blunt and smokes it.

Would still watch.

@southsamurai@sh.itjust.works avatar

This is why I tell people they need to prepare for the worst. Assume the possibility of civil war and plan accordingly.

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