

Allies attacking me

I'm doing a terran playthrough. I am very late game and have a shipyard in getsu fune which is supplied by a material factory in asteroid belt. The terran patrols in asteroid belt killed about 50 of my miners and started attacking my station. My reputation dropped from 30 to 28. When I go into the sector I see the terran patrols...


What I think happened is one of my ships must have hit a terran patrol ship by accident and triggered the whole thing.

I'd be inclined to agree with this, I can't see much of any other way that the situation could have come to pass if your rep was 30 at the start of all this.

As for how to get them to stop being hostile, you can't really do anything there (there was a handy mod for this but it hasn't worked for a while now). They will calm down on their own though after some time. Just stay away from the Terrans for a while so that combat doesn't keep happening and they'll go back to non-hostile after a little while.

As for how to actually do the above? Well, if you're based in Getsu and Asteroid Belt... Well, shit, that's a tough one. Are a lot of the Terrans over there hostile to you, or just a couple of patrols? It's not like you're at war with Terra or anything, but if there are too many of them showing red in sectors where your stations are based then avoiding conflict could be difficult.

The standard way to handle this is to just wait it out and 30-60 minutes later it isn't a problem anymore. Eg: You've pissed off a station and it's red and hostile now, just stay away from the station for a while and it resets. I'm not certain of how you'd manage that when the situation is reversed. Thankfully, I've never been in this position.

If we weren't talking about Shipyards here I'd be tempted to just tear down the stations in question and re-build them later once the bullshit has blown over, but that's really not an option when discussing things of that scale.

And yeah, you're doubly fucked that this is happening with Astroid belt, that's some really bad luck considering its particular location.

If you can avoid combat for long enough, the hostiles will reset and become friendly again... Good luck!

Now, prevention. There you do have a valid path ahead of you. The only way you could have gotten into this would have been if your forces were shooting at someone, so it'll be KHA or XEN. In Getsu Fune XEN are the more likely culprit anyway. Easy fix for this problem, bring your war machine to Getsu Fune and pacify the shit out of the whole place, then place defence stations at the gates to The Void and Savage Spur. If you make Getsu as safe as possible then you can avoid unhappy accidents entirely. With no XEN, that just leaves periodically nuking the KHA installations once in a while, which is trivial enough as you know.

Are you hostile or at war with any of the Commonwealth factions too? That could complicate things a lot if so.


Glad that they eventually stopped the pogrom.

Lol, the joys of trying to live with the Space Nazis.

I should just stfu there though, I'm based in Split space so I can't say a damn thing since I've made my billions supporting the expansion of literal slavers. :D

This damn game.


If you pacify Getsu Fune, Asteroid Belt should automatically benefit from the same though?

There's nothing else linked to there other than more Terrans...

Rabbithole, (edited )

Well, I don't play Terran but I'll chip in as regardless of faction, the differences between a carrier and a non-carrier will still be clear enough even taking into account the fact that one of them is an Asgard.

So, principally, one is a carrier and one isn't. Seems like it's just a word, but it matters. Whilst they both can house 40 S class ships, the Tokyo has 18 actual docks for them, vs the Asgards 3. Meaning that when the shit needs shoveling, the Tokyo can launch the whole lot in 2.2 waves, vs the 13.33 waves needed for those same ships to launch from the Asgard.

Lets say that it takes 30 seconds to launch a wave (guessing, but it's probably fairly close), the Tokyo has everything out and ready in just over a minute, probably less considering that the first wave will be on the pads and ready to go anyway, vs the almost four minutes needed for the Asgard to ready its fighter complement.

If you're running with flight wings of torpedo bombers, that's enough of a time difference to destroy 3-5 Xenon K's should they have tried to ambush your capital ship. Of course, the Asgard has its Bullshit-CannonTM to help it in this respect, but even that isn't taking out 5 K's in under four minutes due to the recharge time. Of course, sending in either class of vessle without an escort fleet would represent an almost criminal negligence of acceptable fleet doctrine anyway (normally, there are edge cases though). In real terms, there is an issue of only having a wing of 40 torpedo bombers, meaning that they may run out of ammunition before all 5 K's are dead, I can't say that I've ever been ambushed by 5 at once so I'm not sure exactly how many one wing of 40 can take out. I know that 30 Chimera's setup that way can take out at least 3 without running dry though, so I'm confident enough about the numbers. I'm not sure what the Terran equivalent ship to the Chimera would be, pick a heavy fighter and you're probably good to go.

There's also the question of wether or not your capital ship can even survive for those four minutes under that kind of fire... Much would depend on how good the pilot is at tactical maneuvering, etc. I've not ever actually used an Asgard, but I'm sure they have some survivability here, they're almost legendarily tanky so far as I know.

Yes, carriers are massively OP if you have all of the fleet logistics and support industry setup correctly, even moreso than the Asgard.

Of course, getting amubshed by fleets of K's isn't exactly the standard use for a carrier/battleship, so what about the difference between the two in more normal situations?

The main thing here is that because the Tokyo is an actual carrier, it has access to all of the carrier AI that comes with one, such as Position Defence, allowing you to deny specific areas from enemy access, setup rapid response forces from a central location that will strengthen other areas on an as-needed basis, etc. This is all remarkably useful and cannot be done from a non-carrier platform regardless of how much ship storage space there is. It all adds into the actual worth of running a carrier group, which is force projection over an extended area, whereas an Asgard is about being an unstoppable removal tool against specific targets.

Also, as a carrier the Tokyo can automatically repair docked ships, ships which will automatically re-dock when combat is finished when using normal attack commands, or re-dock on an as-needed basis when using Position Defence points, etc. An ability which will greatly increase the resilience of your fleet when on a protracted deployment. None of that is going to happen with an Asgard as it isn't a carrier and has no capacity to do any such things.

Of course, unless you have specific reasons such as doing a Terran Only run, you should just use a Raptor instead of a Tokyo, but you're literally doing a Terran Only run, so...

The carrier specific things going on in the Tokyo (and all XL carriers) make it effectively a mobile airbase, with all of the maintenance facilities and command and control capacity which comes with that. When considered for the same purpose, the Asgard is merely a large box that can carry a bunch of ships. That's your main difference there.

Rabbithole, (edited )

Ok, so fleet logistics is a little more involved once you're using fighter wings, and more so again once you're using torpedo wings.

The carrier will repair docked fighters, but that's pretty much it. Even that much is game-changing though when it comes to fleet resilience.

To do fleet logistics right, especially once you start using fighters with torpedos (which you absolutely should, as it's the most powerful doctrine in the game), you need a multi-tier logistics approach.

Firstly, there's your carrier, this would be the fleet command vehicle. You'd have your fighter groups attached to this via their intercept/bombard orders, let's call them alpha and beta groups.

Then get yourself an auxiliary ship (the big XL ones that cost about 60 million credits to buy), attach this to your carrier as one of the later groups down the list, kappa or epsilon iirc, so that it doesn't get in the way of your other flight groups, like destroyer groups or extra fighter wings and such that you may want to also attach to the carrier. (having it at the bottom of the list here isn't necessary at all, but it's a nice quality-of-life thing when it comes to organization). When attaching the auxiliary ship to the carrier, it should be attached under as "Supply for Commander", rather than the usual attack/defend orders you use for your fighters/destroyers. This will tell it that its job is to see to resupplying/repairing the fleet under that carrier.

Now, attach to the auxiliary ship a number of M class trade ships, and group them as whatever group, let's do epsilon again here as they're non-combat, and add them under the order "Trade for commander". This will make them go out and buy the necessary resources to fill up the storage of the auxiliary ship with whatever's necessary. You can see the space that it has assigned to various resources in its info tab.

What this all does is that when your fighters need to repair, they can just go to the carrier and do it. When they need to resupply missiles, they'll go to the auxiliary ship which will build them missiles out of the stored resources that's in its cargo bay. When the auxiliary ship runs low on resources, the M-class traders attached to it will head out and find the resources to buy, then bring them back to the auxiliary ship and deposit them there, ready to make more missiles, etc.

The whole thing will work passively if you have the money to pay for everything. Once you start with torpedo wings, attacking things starts costing money so you need the financial foundation to back up a carrier group like that, presumably, that isn't a problem if you're on a long-standing playthrough. The auxiliary ship will also make its own open buy orders so that NPC traders will just come along and sell resources to it like with a station. It's a good help to your own logistic traders.

On top of the above, the auxiliary ship can also happily repair your other capital ships should it have the required resources for it, they'll head over and link up with the auxiliary ship as needed for repairs/rearming.

EDIT: A couple of additional points here would be that, along with repairing/resupplying everything in the fleet, the auxiliary ship will have good docking storage for ships, so you generally put spares in there for when your flight wings eventually take actual losses. The Honshu (Terran auxiliary) can store 40 S-class and 10 M-class ships inside. So, you can bring a mixture of spare fighters for your various flight wings so that you can replace losses instantly when in theatre. The 10 M-class slots can be used to store extra M-class transporters which can be kept permanently in there to expand the cargo space of the Honshu itself. You can transfer cargo from the M-class ships to the Honshu itself while they're in storage by using the wares transfer menu, they don't need to undock or anything. This is important as it greatly increases the amount of missile resupply that you can handle without having to get restocked from external sources using your fleet of M-class traders. Large wings of heavy torpedo bombers take enormous amounts of resources to resupply, so supplies tend to get stretched thin at some point.

Wars, after all, are won by logistics. This isn't so true in X4 when using energy weapons, but once you move up to Heavy Torp wings it becomes an absolutely inviolable Law to live by.


There's some serious "I bought the longest monitor in the store to compensate for how short my keyboard is" going on in this picture. :)


I have a personal one year embargo on starfield for this exact reason.

Not touching it t until a year after release, waiting to see if it's fucked or not... Bethesda, eh.


That's not a bug, it's a feature.

Just Tod Howard streamlining your RPG experience so that he can say "it just works".


True, but I figure a year gives me time to see how things pan out. You need some time to find out what the community patches will be like.

Such a pathetic state of affairs.


Not really, two more countries just joined NATO, it would be perfectly normal that along with that comes the opening of additional military bases like the ones in Germany, UK, etc.

These are likely to be the troops that will be stationed there.

Ex-FBI official says GOP is telling agents: 'If you investigate our party, you are going to pay the price' (www.rawstory.com)

Former FBI official Frank Figliuzzi wasn't happy after watching Republicans grill FBI director Christopher Wray in the House Wednesday. While Democrats questioned Wray for ignoring warnings about Jan. 6, Republicans sought answers to a slew of conspiracy theories and culture war grievances that go a...


Well now that doesn't look guilty at all.


I'm entirely against changing the name because I think that the whole conversation about why is fucking asanine.


If we do change it, can we change it to "Politically Correct Master Race" for a laugh? The acronym would still work... :)

If the name changes, won’t another community with the same name just pop up?

Maybe I am failing to understand the point here, but if the name gets changed, what would be the point if a new PC Master Race community can just get remade afterwards? The name of this community is really the only differentiating piece of identity that makes this community different from any other PC gaming community.


It will, because if it doesn't then I'll literally do it myself.

As will a lot of other, I'd guess.


That's cool and everything, but if it's scraping the site they'll block that shit straight away, they've already said as much and scraper blocking is relatively easy to do these days.

Good luck though.


Interesting, what does Reddit even use an RSS feed for? I'm trying to figure out why they'd even have that still going today and coming up empty.


Cool, thanks for explaining.

I doubt they'd be bothered too much by impacting the first part though, they've shown to be entirely willing to lose userbase in order to force their app, so retention probably doesn't interest them there if people start using the RSS feed as a 3rd party app.

I think the crux of it would come more down to whether or not they want to deal with the potential SEO hit that could come from getting rid of it.

Should be interesting to watch how they handle it, at any rate.

On a personal note, I'm pretty much done with Reddit after how they've acted recently, but watching them running around in the road, trying to play with the busses is genuinely fascinating.


I can imagine some alpha-cunt Tate-esque grifter selling courses on how to "Just Shout at People" like it's some sort of magic spell that mysteriously makes everything that you want happen.

Selling it like it's the hidden secret sauce to the universe or whatever, rather than just being a dick to everyone.

Would the community even be any worse, I wonder? :)

/kbin project management costs, financing, future plans

I wrote the first line of code for /kbin on January 14, 2021. Around this time, I started working remotely and decided that the time I used to spend commuting to the office would be devoted to /kbin. Throughout this entire period, /kbin has been a hobby project that I developed in my free time. It was also when Lemmy started...

kbin.social lifecycle: from 181 unique visitors to 2.9M in three months.

Aw stop, you're making me all nostalgic. :D

Place was wild before they cleaned it up for business interests, for sure.


Yeah, I was pretty much in awe the whole way through.

Hell, even just the start where he's just raging into the fight at that speed with that ship and no backup... You can already tell that things aren't going to be at all normal.


astromecanik, to gaming
@astromecanik@mastodon.online avatar

Having a blast playing . I haven’t played a game quite like it. Comparisons to doesn’t paint a complete picture; it more like a cross of ED with a bit of . Last night I was completing a mission while one of my other AI-controller ships completed another unrelated mission! All while my mining ship was making me passive income. I am thrilled.

My space station in X4



Yeah, X4 is probably the best out of all of the X-series games so far. But they've pretty much all been awesome that way. The series certainly has its own unique gaming style, for sure.

There aren't many games where you can legitimately play it as an arcade spaceship shooter, and just as legitimately play it as a 4X economics/war strategy game and never even leave the map screen for 50 hours at a time whilst conquering whole quadrants of the galaxy.

Or you can make a warband and pretty much go Mount and Blade (In SPAAAAAAAACE!). Likewise, going pure pacifist and just doing space-trucker stuff is also a perfectly legit playstyle too, as is turning it into a corporate management sim, etc, etc, etc...

Really fantastically simulated and open-ended series of games.

We've also got a fediverse community for X4 over on Kbin.social now too (although it's still young). It's over at https://Kbin.social/m/X4Foundations if you're interested.

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