LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

What’s really funny is that some of the same infamous neoliberals appear whenever a post like this is made, going, “Are these neoliberals in the room right now?” because they know its them, but they can’t help but express themselves in a condescending, implicitly ableist manner.


More fun to ask them to explain what it is.

I have no fucking clue myself

LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

I’ve been enough arguments with some of these same exact users that I’ve concluded there’s little chance of either educating them or understanding their position. I just know they’re willing to gloss over atrocities for optics, and I feel like that’s all I need to know about these people


If your version of arguing is telling flat out lies and then ghosting when you get called out, then you really shouldn’t be surprised when you aren’t convincing people.


I don’t come to your work and knock the dick out of your mouth, don’t interrupt my conversation.


Bolstering lies on social media is your job? Interesting.


Please put the dick back in your mouth and go about your day.

No one mentioned you, no one cares what you think here.

In another thread they might though, you should go talk to them

null, (edited )


You can do better than that. Your employer won’t be happy with you phoning it in.


What I hate is when politically driven assholes decide to post their political opinions in a community that’s about shitposting and memes to lighten the fucking mood out of the whole god damn infinite doomscrolling we go through every day.

Go post your political crap somewhere else.

Kolanaki, avatar

Hear hear!

IDGAF if you’re left, right, center, up, or down; go talk about that shit in the political communities. Or actually be proactive and do something instead of bitching at each other all the fucking time in every corner of the net.

glizzyguzzler, avatar

Naw this is classic 196 shit

itslilith, avatar

except this is a prominently queer, and consequently predominantly leftist community (since large parts of the right want us dead). being apathetic to politics is a luxury marginalized people don’t have, and that helps build empathy towards other oppressed groups

Kolanaki, avatar

I’m predominantly queer, too. You don’t have to be apathetic about it; just keep it separated from the non-political stuff. And I’m not necessarily talking strictly about this community, but in general I see politics get brought up everywhere, often times in very inappropriate places and it just turns into a flamewar with the bulk of the discussion getting nuked when people start crossing the line and saying shit that’s ban worthy.

mossy_capivara, avatar

I also stand with Palestine. That’s not the point. It’s that you wrote with your post that bugs me.


196 has always and will always be political. It’s leftist shitposting, not just shitposting

LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

For every time someone says this, I vow to make 5 more politically charged posts


I eat ass

glizzyguzzler, avatar

196 stands with Palestine


Yeah so do I. That’s not the point. It’s the whole comment that OP put with the picture that bugs me.

glizzyguzzler, avatar

The picture is a pinned political statement in 196. 196 is inherently political because leftists (especially LGBTQ+) are forced to be political, often to not be killed. Apartment 196 is not exclusively about shitposting, it’s just that the community that lives in 196 seems to be very good at it


Alright then. I was mistaken. My apologies.

halva, avatar


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  • IAmVeraGoodAtThis,

    Even earlier, the original r/195 was left leaning.

    Examples from top of all time:
    Pro-socialist mockery of liberals
    Cop hatred
    Transposting before it was cool

    There was a lot more of this. Though nowadays, especially after the disaster, r/196 has lost its leftist edge. There aren’t as many posts about world events as there used to be. Or about the people.

    Neato, avatar

    Very cool how accelerationist leftists deliberately misunderstand the points being made and paint those who disagree with them slightly as being pro-genocide.

    Very cool and not bad faith at allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

    mossy_capivara, avatar
    Neato, avatar

    hey that’s me! :3

    LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

    It’s accurate though


    No it’s not.

    LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

    Actually, it is


    Prove it.

    LinkOpensChest_wav, (edited ) avatar

    Obviously I’m not going to write a thesis (especially since I don’t think you’re arguing in good faith, considering how ubiquitous it is to see liberals accuse leftists of being bots or Trump supporters) – but here’s one example.

    Edit: OP screenshotted a bunch of comments from this community. You seem to be ignoring that. Scroll up the thread.


    Talk about not arguing in good faith.

    What a disappointment.

    null, (edited )

    Nothing in your screenshot or the ones OP posted show anything resembling someone responding to someone saying the US president should stop aiding genocide by calling them a fascist or astroturfer.

    Even in your screenshot, nobody is calling you a bot or a Trump supporter.

    Why are you lying?

    Neato, avatar

    I’ve yet to see anyone, and definitely not swaths of people, saying anything like what’s in the last panel.

    The only time I’ve seen anything close is when people threaten to not vote or vote for Trump in the general election. But I DO see a lot of stuff like this complaining about it, more than the inverse. My uncharitable assumption is that people are getting comments that disagree with their takes and assuming it’s the entire community.

    LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

    I’ve been pretty consistently accused of being a bot and/or Trump supporter, whenever I point out that Biden supports genocide. Maybe you don’t see it because it’s not directed at you. Empathy is hard…


    Same. That and a sea lion, on an account that is less than 12 hours old.

    I am liking so far though

    LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

    I eventually asked to create my own community where I can freely post just because these people are like soldiers trained to derail any discussion that paints the US system in a bad light. I even had one user follow me here from another instance just to harass me. Guess it’s a compliment having my own personal troll! Kinda ironic though that they are what they accuse you of being.

    I’m glad you’re enjoying your time on kbin though, and I hope you stick around.


    I’m hoping .social gets to working again. I don’t feel like transferring my van list one name at a time.

    LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

    Oh, I didn’t know it was down.


    Says the account created today.

    You can’t make this shit up, folks!

    glizzyguzzler, avatar

    A now-deleted-post was inundated with that shit hence that post was made. OP screenshotted some of the comments. There were many more, the post was basically a lightning rod of horrible takes and completely misunderstanding the US primary system

    moss, avatar


    cupcakezealot, avatar


  • Loading...
  • zarkanian, avatar

    ok backing out of the conversation now

    Gotta love it when people drop their opinion like a big, steaming turd, and then just leave.

    Zehzin, avatar

    I love the feeling of cold water from a dirty puddle making my socks wet.

    Anyway, leaving now


    “Netanyahu has said he doesn’t want to stop fighting so we should continue to send him guns”



    Whut? Ok…I feel dumber.

    nifty, (edited ) avatar

    Per my view, Israel has the right to self determination and the Jewish people deserve to have a country to call home. IMO, this right is not based on any religious belief but their history in that region. The Palestinian people are not Hamas though, they’re people unlucky enough to born in that region and in this time.

    Politicians killing children to stay in power does not do justice to the ideals of Judaism and is a disservice to the Israeli people as it alienates them from their neighbors. If I could, I would advance understanding between Muslim politicians and Israeli politicians in that region, but it’s not my field lol

    I kinda wish society would be more secular as I think that would resolve a lot of issues in that region, and also in the US tbh.

    So to answer your question, I think that’s the frustration that people feel when they encounter this situation and you see it in memes etc here and there

    zarkanian, avatar

    Politicians killing children to stay in power does not do justice to the ideals of Judaism and is a disservice to the Israeli people as it alienates them from their neighbors.

    Also (and I can’t believe that I need to say this), killing children is wrong.

    I kinda wish society would be more secular as I think that would resolve a lot of issues in that region, and also in the US tbh.

    Perhaps some things would improve, but this is a war over resources, not religion.

    nifty, (edited ) avatar

    GW Bush literally dropped bombs on Iraq because he believed he was fighting against Gog and Magog. Religion is a huge part of the instability in that region. The Iraq war is kind of related to this conflict as the (mis)treatment of Muslim nations and Muslims in that region by Western powers and their allies often is because of religious motivations

    null, (edited )

    Why is this community filled with people deliberately sowing discord by misrepresenting the conversation and accusing people of being neoliberals and libertarians defending support of a genocide?

    Edit: This community is blowing up about a handful of people misunderstanding the primaries, while this (pic) bullshit is actually rampant, but gets UPVOTED here! At least he didn’t say he liked the Harry Potter game, I guess.


    Maybe someone here can help me because idk how to feel about this whole conflict.

    On one hand, Israel is fucked, the sentiment towards everyday Palestinians and the civilian death toll have been unquestionably bad.

    On the other hand Hamas and Hezbollah are also fucked up theocratic and anti semitic regimes that do not have the best interest of their people in mind, not the sort of people I’m super enthusiastic to support, I don’t even see things necessarily getting better for the Palestinians in a multi state resolution, and a single state resolution which is not devastating to them is practically impossible.

    So far i have agreed with zizeks take on the issue (both states are bad and want eternal conflict at the expense of the people), but there seems to be no solution to go with it.

    LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

    Yeah, this was hard for me too. Not sure if you’re anarchist, but this still might help:

    From “Anarchism and Its Aspirations” by Cindy Milstein:

    If we understand this sense of negative and positive freedom, what appears as a contradictory stance within anarchism makes perfect sense. An anarchist might firmly believe that the Palestinian people deserve to be liberated from occupation, even if that means that they set up their own state. That same anarchist might also firmly believe that a Palestinian state, like all states, should be opposed in favor of nonstatist institutions. A complete sense of freedom would always include both the negative and positive senses—in this case, liberation from occupation and simultaneously the freedom to self-determine. Otherwise, as both actually existing Communist and liberal regimes have demonstrated, “freedom from” on its own will serve merely to enslave human potentiality, and at its most extreme, humans themselves; self-governance is denied in favor of a few governing over others. And “freedom to,” on its own, as capitalism has shown, will serve merely to promote egotistic individualism and pit each against each; self-determination trumps notions of collective good. Constantly working to bring both liberation and freedom to the table, within moments of resistance and reconstruction, is part of that same juggling act of approximating an increasingly differentiated yet more harmonious world

    lorty, avatar

    Hamas and Hezbollah only have the power to end the conflict through violence. Israel is the only party that can do it through other means.

    mossy_capivara, avatar

    This situation is fucked to the point where any solution is going to be extremely complex. Right now the only thing to do is get a ceasefire to get the Israelis to stop killing so many Palestinians


    Palestinian DNA is semitic DNA. I know the word had been co-opted and misappropriated, so I feel pointing this out is necessary.


    Are the neoliberals in the room with you right now?


    Politics? On my gay chat???

    mossy_capivara, avatar

    you’re being sarcastic right?


    The sentiment I’m trying to convey is that I go to specific places for politics, not here. I don’t think politics, in general, fits here. I avoid political posts and discussions in non-political spaces because politics, especially in the US, is extremely and demonstrably polarizing. It very quickly leads to toxicity which makes the community more stressful for me. I absolutely do not want to see it here. I would want to see it in a politics community where it belongs.

    glizzyguzzler, avatar

    Holy hell what a shit take this is a leftist apartment that shitposts, the pic is literally a pinned post in this community lol


    You don’t have to flame me for my opinions. This is exactly what I’m talking about: I’m getting flamed for trying to be apolitical about this. I don’t think it’s too much to ask for political posts to stay in their lane and out of my favorite queer memes community. I should be allowed to feel this way without persecution and we should be able to have a civil conversation about this. Calling my views a shit take isn’t productive.

    Yeah, it’s a pinned post. That didn’t go amiss. Cool story, bro, but I don’t want to see people arguing about shit here. If this is a shitpost community, stop arguing and get back to shitposting.

    glizzyguzzler, avatar

    This is classic 196 discourse, especially when fighting against people who downplay various rights (or life in the case of the Palestinians) infringements!

    It’s ok to feel overwhelmed - just avoid these types of posts and do not click in!

    But apartment 196 never was and never will be apolitical when people are dying and trans lives are being threatened. 196 includes politically advocating for groups that need support to live, in addition to the shitposts


    I can appreciate this. It’s important to do what we can for the betterment of our cousins, but there’s only so much energy a person can spare. You’re right. I’m checking out of this post and I’ll aim to avoid posts like this in the future if I’m not in the headspace to be proactive.


    Not on my Christian Minecraft server!!!

    eya, avatar

    I haven’t seen anyone defending Joe Biden supporting the Palestinian genocide, what?

    mossy_capivara, avatar

    I suggest you not go looking for it, it’s very depressing

    eya, avatar

    If I have to purposely go look for it the this community isn’t being “invaded”.

    mossy_capivara, avatar

    The comments are being removed, the fact that you haven’t noticed means it’s a good thing but not that it isn’t a problem


    The comments are being removed

    Not in the modlog, apparently.

    glizzyguzzler, avatar

    The entire post containing those comments was nuked in one go, instead of the comments being deleted piece meal


    If anything is invading, it’s the HURD of GNU/Linux posts lol

    eya, avatar

    I see this as an absolute win.


    People try to meta game on politics. They want their side to win so they think they should support policies that will win over other voters rather than what they support. People think that Jewish people will support Biden if they blindly support Israel because Israel = Jews or something. It's really braindead thinking.

    mossy_capivara, avatar

    The 2024 Presidential Election is a real big issue where most people feel like they are voting for the lesser of two evils. What solutions do you recommend?

    mossy_capivara, avatar

    Right now the only option we have is the uncommitted campaign for the primary to get Joe Biden to stop being a genocidal moron. If he keeps supporting it he’s going to lose the election regardless of how much people organize for him. He’s lost support with Muslim’s and younger people, especially with swing states. If doesn’t reverse course we’ll be stuck with Trump trying to turn this country into a dictatorship


    this entire thread was removed because the mod believed that third comment, that it was an astroturfing attempt.

    which i get, even though it was a mistake, i guess it’s an understandable mistake.

    but it’s nevertheless depressing. i personally don’t stand by the “genocide joe” mantra but i am staunchly with those voting uncommitted. and i hate to see people doing their best in the face of genocide being condemned as fascist.

    mossy_capivara, avatar

    Any idea what mod it is?

    spujb, (edited )

    no, my only source is the modlog which doesn’t identify the actors


    Oh, you’re the person who responded to my message in that now-deleted post and I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t see it anymore or respond to you. (I’m with you btw, we weren’t fighting lol) Thanks for this post because I thought either Lemmy was broken or I was using it incorrectly


    hi i don’t remember you ! but glad to find comraderie and be of help :)


    We were talking about the trolly metaphor. I wished there was a way to see my own posts that were deleted.


    oh right! i have been meaning to make a visual version of that but i’ve just been out of energy for the day

    mossy_capivara, avatar

    I’m really bummed out by 196 getting flooded with assholes trying to make bad faith or stupid arguments for standing with Joe Biden, we’re all on the same side here, we don’t want Trump elected but if Biden keeps supporting the Israeli genocide of Gaza then he’s going to lose regardless of whether or not people vote for him

    Neato, avatar

    Really? Because all I’ve seen on 196 are people making bad the faith argument seen in this very post.

    but if Biden keeps supporting the Israeli genocide of Gaza then he’s going to lose regardless of whether or not people vote for him

    This is where the disagreement comes in. This sentence implies that a very significant percentage of Democratic voters will either vote Trump or stay home if Biden doesn’t make a hard left turn against Israel’s actions. But that doesn’t seem to reflect reality.

    Most American democratic voters are against the violence perpetuated against the Palestinians. And somehow, most Americans still support Israel. I don’t know how that makes sense either, but it’s true. There’s a LOT of americans very upset with what appears to be WH apathy about the genocide. But most Americans just don’t care that much about things that don’t affect them. They care way more about abortion rights, immigration, the “economy” and such and are more much likely to become apathetic about those than a genocide elsewhere.

    LinkOpensChest_wav, avatar

    I think the point is that Democrats are making absolutely no concessions to anyone who’s not extremely right-wing or pro-establishment. I understand the concept of damage control, but what I’ve seen leads me to believe that Democrats are willing to dismiss the concerns of any leftist or progressive, even using dehumanizing tactics like calling us “bots.”

    I myself plan to protest in the primary but vote for whatever ghoul they put forward, but I can totally sympathize with people who can’t morally bring themselves to vote for someone who is actively contributing to a genocide, who is increasing the number of innocent refugees being imprisoned and deported at the southern border, and the like.

    I think it’s also worth noting that committing genocide is never okay, no matter how many Americans think otherwise. What would happen to me if suddenly the majority wanted me in the “out group.” This is why we call it “fascism” – that’s not an exaggeration, it tracks with what Biden and our nation have been doing.

    glizzyguzzler, avatar

    The uncommitted vote is an easy way to tally how many care enough to protest vote. In Michigan, where the messaging beyond the anti-genocide sphere was strongest (this movement has little money), almost 20% of the vote was “uncommitted”. That’s a significant portion of the Democrat base that cares enough to protest vote against genocide! Keep in mind there’s plenty of Democrats who oppose the genocide but wanted to show support for Biden as a whole. Support for ending the genocide is significant, and while the news orgs continually downplay it, for a large amount of voting Democrats it is clearly a priority to end the US-funded-and-supplied genocide of a people who literally cannot escape or be protected in any way.

    And do not equate “supporting Israel” with “ending the genocide”. Israel have extensive strike capabilities and defensive capabilities including the Iron Dome, the Palestinians get entire housing units imploded in the blink of an eye. If the US did everything it could to force Israel to stop the genocide now, Israel as a country will continue to exist. If the US does not stop the genocide, the Palestinian people in Gaza will not continue to exist. When Israel attacks the bottom quarter of Gaza that is still standing yet holds almost all of the Palestinian people, the civilian casualties will be enormous since they’ve all been penned in there (hence this is termed a genocide).

    You are correct on the general voting topic. All people, regardless of party affiliation, with any critical thinking skills are aware that Biden will be better than fascist Trump (for Gaza “complete the mission” and the US ) and come general will vote for Biden. I understand some want to “make him sweat” but that must be done in other protest venues as in the general it’s a binary choice between Biden and fascist-who-is-worse-on-literally-everything. So I am confident the vast majority of Democrats who voted uncommitted in the primary as a protest will vote Biden in the general, as any alternative does not make logical sense.


    Literally none of those are defending the Palestinian genocide, but go off, I guess.

    null, (edited )

    Isn’t it interesting how they’ve just ignored this fact.

    Very telling. It’s pretty alarming how a few posters on this community are clearly trying to misrepresent things and stir up infighting.

    glizzyguzzler, avatar

    Please stop trying to stir up infighting by stirring up infighting.

    The post in question that garnered all of the comments referenced by the 3 following meta-me-mes that were posted here, including this one. The post was about ending the genocide of the Palestinians via urging Biden to use his influence by way of the uncommitted protest vote.

    OP made the post in question. OP clearly strongly feels that Biden has the power to end the genocide or at least significantly curtail it and not enable it, which is the correct analysis of the situation.

    I interacted with many people who clearly did not understand the US primary system in that post and informed them. But then the clear astroturfing began. OP captured many examples in their screenshots but it is not OP’s job to document all of the Bullshitticus, but I seent it. Additionally keep in mind that “defending genocide” to OP, and many others, can be people saying that the protest vote was wrong because it would weaken Biden in the general because people would also vote uncommitted there, a clearly stupid take. But that take has been manufactured to dampen support for the “uncommitted” primary vote campaign, and thus continue enabling the genocide of the Palestinians. Basically, the need to end the US-funded and enabled genocide surpasses whatever hoops people dream up for why you shouldn’t protest vote, since lots of civilians are dying and have literally no escape.

    Essentially, yes OP’s post is factually correct, I am a first person witness, there were many out-of-196 bad actors saying horrible things, OP is not insane or stirring shit, it is good to call for the end of the genocide of the Palestinians, OP is correct that Biden is enabling the genocide, even in the face of pure fascism we must not give up the right to speak out against tyranny elsewhere


    There is simply not a hoard of people out here telling people that they are fascists and astroturfers for saying the US president should stop aiding the genocide. None of those comments even come close to demonstrating that.

    The mental gymnastics you had to do to spin it like they are is just ridiculous.

    glizzyguzzler, avatar

    If you do not accept my first person account of a deleted post, then you are likely a bad actor byeeee


    “If you disagree with me, you’re a bad actor”

    So typical.

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