
Perhaps that applies to you. He didn't say anything untrue.


I'm not agreeing with op, and I do find people need external validation, occasionally, including myself. But if we never want our personal ideas and issues challenged, we're pretty rigid and fragile. That calls for deep introduction, and that's scary and messy. Painful if we're honest with ourselves. But liberating and rewarding, as well.


It's about time for a social media break for me. Not because I disapprove of these stories being posted, but because it's so flipping tiresome knowing just how many of the industry leaders are sociopaths.


You can disable copilot, but it's complicated.


That's the thing, and it's by design: you can't begin to imagine anything different. Maybe this will help?


Go read Karl Marx, beginning with Capital and The Communist Manifesto. Neither are long reads, and I should reread them myself, when I get a breather and my brain isn't mush.


This isn't McDonald's and I'm not your oncall personal spoon feeder.


Yes, I wish I'd ignored this thread altogether.


Socialism light? There's a beginning point somewhere.


We used to actually do that.




Well GM and Goodyear lobbied against public transit when they wanted everyone to buy a car, and probably still do , is why public transit is so awful.


That's right.


That seems like a bandaid for a tourniquet problem. We need to address causes, otherwise unlicensed, uninsured drivers will increase.


I think we could find viable ways to engineer something workable without completely tearing everything down, we just have to work smarter. And get rich people to pay taxes.

How do you propose policing all the drivers without license and insurance? We are already way overpoliced, with horrific results. How would you propose bad drivers get to work and do necessary living activities? I think we need to look for inclusive, compassionate solutions, rather than more punitive, exclusionary solutions.

WTF is going on with the world? Why are there so many manufacturing jobs that require rotating schedules? Are they just trying to destroy your soul and your health? (

I have been looking for manufacturing, assembly, production positions all over the Midwest. It’s absolutely shocking how many of them want you to work rotating shifts....


The NHTSA on Friday noted that drivers can opt in to parts of the recall remedy and can reverse other parts of it.


When was the last time you felt helpless in life?

I’m 24 and dealing with high blood pressure. I’ve seen five doctors, had countless tests, and they all say the same thing: “Take these pills and try to reduce pressure in your life.” It’s as though my blood pressure and heart rate have minds of their own, fluctuating freely without any reason....


So he should be inauthentic about inauthenticity? Lol.


Ever had food poisoning on top of IBS? I wasn't wanting to swap war stories, apologies if it seemed minimizing.


You're so welcome. I wish I had more to offer. Best wishes to you.


Countless hours a day with the anterior in the trash can and posterior on the toilet.


Gratitude is an amazing drug, but it must be used on schedule, for a while, before results are felt.


Sure. Just ignore symptoms and stroke out regardless.


Aw, that's great and a great attitude. May you and your bank account have a speedy, full recovery. Maybe you'll let me know how you're doing, after, when you're well enough? I'm pulling for you.



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