@HEXN3T@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

VR going the way of 3D TV is inevitable.


Nah, when VR is good it’s incredible. We’re still at the early days - PSVR just isn’t a good enough experience, neither is Meta’s Quest. PC VR is the only good experience but it’s still limited by relatively high PC specs, expensive VR hardware, limitations by tethering and slow growth in AAA content.

But VR is not a flash in the pan; the technology just hasn’t quite reached the sweet spot of quality vs price. It’ll get there.

3D TV was pointless gimick; you’d notice it for 5 mins and then forget you were watching 3D.


We are in the early days only in the context of progress. Timewise VR headsets have already been around for a decade and for half a decade we’ve heard the “the tech just hasn’t quite reached the sweet spot yet” argument. The only reason we’re not considering it a flash in the pan is because there are still companies pouring money into that tech.


Lots of value in owning literally everything a person sees and in some cases even what your eyes are focusing on. The costs are still worth it at this point.


Oh shit, you’ve just made me realize that companies will be able to track exactly what you’re looking at and for how long in order to serve you even more targeted ads. And they could even move ads right into your eyesight until you click on it.


There just isn’t enough games so there isn’t enough players so there isn’t enough games.

People want full AAA titles, not just 50 minute “experiences”. If PSVR had Skyrim VR, GTA VR, and a real FPS with a full length campaign I’d probably finally get it.

I’m not paying $600 for mini golf and horizon call of the mountain


PSVR1 does have Skyrim VR funnily enough.


Which is why Quest is beating PSVR in terms of overall experience. Of course, it’s still not doing as well as it seems to need to. ACNexus did reasonably well considering the audience size, but they’re still pulling out.

I’m sure the corp interest rates issue is part of it all, but nobody seems to be able to overcome the “why would I buy VR with no games?” and “why would I research games for VR if I don’t have VR?”

I mean, for me, I’ve powered through more solid VR games since jan-1 than I’ve played PC/PS/Xbox games in the last 3 or 4 years. But the games I’ve been playing are The Room and 7th Guest (OMG t7G remake is the GOAT). Popular among an older generation, but not great to build a critical-mass following.

There’s a marketing challenge and nobody has solved it. Even when I got my headset it was more of a “shit, I have nothing else to ask my wife for for Christmas… The HELL do I pick?”

Kolanaki, (edited )
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

I’m in the Quest space and it’s kind of barren on PC, too. There are not as many Skyrim VR level games as you’d think. And things like GTA in VR are done with mods and don’t always work.

But the porn definitely makes it worth the $500.


I mean it's not like Sony doesn't have a history of failing to support their peripherals with first-party titles. Then again adding PC support feels like they recognize there aren't enough first-party titles and are trying to pad the library of games out. At least it means the VR2 is less likely to just sit around collecting dust.


They need to make killer apps for these devices first before they try to push them. I can only think of Half Life Alyx as the one example of something I wish I’d pkayed. There looked like there was one called Asgard’s Wrath 2 which got a lot of acclaim recently but overall it’s a pretty thin offering.


I know I’m probably in the minority, but I’ve easily spent over $500, probably closer to $1000 on PSVR2 games, and I’ve played it almost every single day for the last year. I’ve never had VR before this, and I really enjoy mine. Before the VR2, My PS5 was mostly unused, and now I’m actually getting my money’s worth from it.


Yes, I have had the PSVR 2 since launch. Though I haven’t played as much as the above, I do enjoy it. I am bummed about the lack of a large library but I also understand that VR is not exactly in the highest priority.

Beat Saber and RecRoom have been most of my time. Job Simulator is a great one. Lately I have been playing walking dead saints and sinners which is pretty fun but wish it were multi-player. The best coop one I have played was Arizona Sunshine. It was an absolute pleasure to play with a friend. Otheersie. The horizon zero dawn vr game was great but I was over it quickly. Moss is a pretty good vr blend game. Some of the shooters are good too like Firewall or the star wars game.

Overall, I feel like VR would be better if the library was growing faster.


Walkabout minigolf is sick just FYI


Oh yeah. Ran through a ton of that. My nephews both have it on quest and it does seamless cross play compatibility with them. I was so impressed. The voice chat and multiplayer just work flawlessly.


I would like to adopt VR gaming more into my life but I have some important aspects that forbid me to do so:

  • I’m a lazy ass.
  • Heat, heat is real here that makes it uncomfortable to use even when using a fan or AC (I usually use the latter) and I’m a sucker for getting comfy while playing (refer to the first point) so that is why handheld is and will always be my favorite gaming format.
  • It is too expensive, and I only have the PSVR 1 with a PS4 slim at the moment, possibly the worst way to experience VR gaming (I am still amazed at how immersive it can be even with those graphics/resolutions).
  • I get dizzy, refer to the first point again, I don’t want to be dizzy, I never could develop my VR legs I tried though, but I just couldn’t force myself to enjoy gaming.

I think these are the most prominent points, if somehow I could fix all of those suddenly I’d do VR gaming so hard (no porn… Well maybe).

If only VR was like the New Nintendo 3DS which gave me the feeling of a “wow” moment without almost any downsides (or no downsides now that I think about it).

Kolanaki, (edited )
@Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

Getting VR legs is tough. I can’t play anything with typical locomotion for more than 20-30 minutes before I want to hurl. However, good vision tunneling helps a lot. VRchat gives a vignette and a stationary grid while you’re moving if you have tunneling on and even at low tunneling, I almost never get queasy while running around or even flying or using grappling hooks. It does sucks how few games actually have this option though, and even fewer that do it well enough that it makes a difference (just having the vignette doesn’t really help; but having the grid lines that don’t move sure as hell does).

I’m using a Quest though; there are a lot of games on the HMD or on PCVR that either are played while sitting and you never move anywhere other than turning in your seat, or room scale games where you just walk around a 5ftx5ft square so you can actually walk for real and not get the inner ear weirdness. Like Beat Saber or I Expect You To Die. I favor those more than, like, Skyrim VR or other flat space games with VR mods or additions.



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  • anivia,

    I wouldn’t really call VR dead when headset sales are increasing every single year. The Quest 2 has sold half as many units as there are PS5s


    Damn that’s actually crazy thinking about it. Half as much as a mainstream traditional console. Hopefully this trend continues so we have more and more better games to look forward to.

    ShepherdPie, (edited )

    I think they’ll have the best luck converting a generation of kids to VR and not consoles. I think people who grew up playing consoles have a hard time really getting into VR because it’s so different. I’ve had a Quest 2 for a couple years and often forget I even own it because it’s used so rarely, but my kid loves it and everyone else I know with kids and VR seem to be in the same boat.

    For me, the games are so-so but lack much of a “wow factor” to keep me hooked on them. Although, these days I don’t play many games at all compared to several years ago.


    It’s the issues over the immersion, mostly. The bit of eyestrain and the nausea if you’re walking around in game that has to be worked around. After the wow factor goes away it’s not much better for many games than just gaming on a screen. Flight sim stuff and racing games could be great, but those aren’t super popular sectors right now, and trying to play something like COD would be really nauseous. Personally, I want a great boxing game(I know. Also niche). None have been programmed well enough on VR.

    @ogmios@sh.itjust.works avatar

    One of the biggest problems is there really isn’t a lot of cross over between VR and traditional gaming. Games that are built for screens rarely work well in VR and vice-versa. So to properly support VR gaming, you need to be investing in creating games that have a substantially limited market. Even then the tech has a “not quite there yet” feel to it which really discourages adoption, considering the substantial cost for a quality setup.


    I think the main problem with VR is that it is a solution looking for a problem. Immersion can be experienced without literally looking through the eyes of the character and literally waving your arms around and literally walking. Honestly, VR reminds me a bit of the early UIs that tried to emulate real world desks and paper based tooling when we have much more freedom to interact with our data on a computing device.

    Not to mention all the problems VR poses to traditional story-telling methods when you can not rely on the user looking at the thing you want them to focus on at that moment, it basically ruins all the best ways to surprise, tantalize or otherwise emotionally impress the user/player.


    They literally just announced a MetroVR game that looks sick and that they’re adding PC support. They’ve hardly given up.

    BolexForSoup avatar

    They really should have done that day one.


    I’m hoping it’s going to be openly compatible with any pcvr games and that they don’t lock it down to only games that either pay Sony for compatibility or only for use on ported Sony games.

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Wait, as in official PC compatibility for the HMD?

    Like, could I play Call of the Mountain on a PC!? (if it gets a port after Forbidden West)

    Edit: Holy shit, yep. That’s amazing, the PSVR2 hardware is some of the best available right now, if it works with SteamVR it might finally be a legit upgrade option for me from the Index.


    I’d imagine it’ll work through something like Steam Link like the Quest line of headsets do. Which is still nice, but that means for me trying to invest in networking gear that may or may not work. 😩

    (and I’ve tried powerline, I’ve gone through three of those things, they all have a habit of disconnecting unless I ping my router. Someone on Twitter suggested that I rewire my entire house as if I can afford to do that. 😐)

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    It’s just USB C.

    Unlike the PSVR1, there is no special processing box required to make it work, it’s just power, USB, and a displayport signal, carried by a single standard USB C connector.

    And even the PSVR1 got figured out by hackers to the point that the hardware can now be used directly, no PS4 required.

    I don’t imagine that any PSVR2 PC compatibility would require using the HMD through the ps5, when you could just plug it directly into the PC.

    Flaky, (edited )

    It might be “just USB-C” but it also does things outside of the standard. It asks for a set amount of power not part of the USB-C standard, actually it might have implemented VirtualLink which is considered a dead standard. Not to mention that NVIDIA GPUs also stopped having a USB-C port.

    iVRy, who has hacked the PSVR1 to support PC, is in the process of hacking the PSVR2 and even they state that Sony’s solution might be just streaming to the headset because of the issues with implementing direct USB-C support. There might be wired streaming (similar to Oculus), though it’s still early days.

    I get the hype (I have the headset myself) but I’m definitely going to temper my expectations until Sony releases more info on it.

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Darn. The headset itself doesn’t have much of a system inside, or could it do something like video decoding? Or is it and the PS5 really a package deal?

    The power issue could be solved with a breakout box of some kind… I had thought it was just USB PD.

    Flaky, (edited )

    There’s a theory going round that the PS5 is going to be that “breakout box” for a PC-based PSVR2 setup. I’m not sure if Sony wants to spend that much on getting people out of their ecosystem when it’d be better to have their own solution, or as Oculus had done, let Valve port Steam Link to their platform. This might be the most likely situation, as it gives access to SteamVR in a way that doesn’t require as much R&D from Sony.

    That being said, I would love to have a native PCVR setup (even if it means piping a video through a wire as Oculus does to maintain compatibility with even NVIDIA) and if Sony goes that way somehow, I’ll be happy.

    ioslife, (edited )

    As in, using the PSVR2 to play PCVR games on your PC.

    I’ve got an Index and have played PSVR2. I still prefer the Index because of the knuckles. I’d be interested in seeing if I could use the headset + knuckles

    Kolanaki, (edited )
    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    I hope it also comes with the opposite of being able to use a non-PSVR HMD on the PlayStation. Don’t have a PSVR, but I do have a Q3 and a PS5 with a couple of games that come with free VR versions. But I won’t be holding my breath for it.

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Edit3: Keep em coming, one downvote on a serious comment is annoying. 2 and above after I turn into a “fuck you” is a score-count.

    Edit: Whoever downvoted me, fuck you. If the knuckles work for you, great, but they are objectively an ergonomic disaster.

    Their adjustability is an illusion, because the design of the strap means you can’t adjust how high or low your grip sits on the handle to accommodate fingers of different length.

    So to use them comfortably, you just kinda have to hope your hands are the right size. Valve knows this, that’s why they released a cad model for a 3d printed attachment that makes the handle thicker as a shitty fix to increase the grip-button distance.

    Edit2: Hah, at least you additional assholes downvoting me now had to read me telling you to get fucked first. You guys are simply wrong if you think the index controllers are ergonomically sailient, and don’t need replacing with something better.


    You needn’t look far to find Reddit post after post, article after article discussing the atrocious design when it comes to real people trying to use the damn things.

    I actually hate the knuckles. They are ergonomic amateur hour, they were made for one size and one size only. I regret ditching my CV1 because of them, though being able to play VR games on Linux numbs the pain a lot.

    For me they are basically unusable because of the placement of the buttons in relation to the handle.

    Due to the straps, your hand has to scoot right up to the top end of the handle, but this means my long skinny thumb lands way past where the buttons are. To use the buttons, the touch pad or the joystick, I have to bend my thumb into a claw that’s not even close to comfortable.

    To see what I mean, hold your phone with one hand and try to touch the corner closest to that hand. That’s what the Index controllers are like to use for me. I basically stopped playing games that require using the buttons.

    The top adjustment moves side to side, not up and down, and if you put it in the lowest position possible, and therefore best for me, I now also have to bend my fingers sideways as well as inwards.

    The large hand adaptor that valve made for people like me to 3d print barely helps, and makes their already heavier weight even more of an issue in games like beat saber.

    I desperately need an alternative to them


    Whittle your thumbs down

    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    I wish. I just cut the straps off entirely so I can hold them further down, but the straps are what makes the off-set weight of the sensor bars bearable, so now I’m dealing with that.


    Could you pad the grips so that they push your lower palms out further?

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    I’d have to pad them by about three times the thickness of the official “booster” attachment that you can 3d print. I do have them, and they help, a little.

    But by the time my thumb would really land in the right place, the controller would be too thick to hold with the rest of my fingers.

    I’ve thought this through, the Index Controllers can’t be saved.


    That’s a shame. I do think doable but it would be quite a bit of work.

    On the flip side, biting through a finger is only about as difficult as biting through a carrot

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    About to downvote this? Please do, it will give me endless satisfaction if the downcount goes up on this one, because I apparently made you cringe so hard you went looking for unrelated comments of mine to express your wordless disapproval even more strongly.


    For the record, I only downvoted you because of the multiple edits whining about being downvoted.

    That’s like watching porn with your parents level of cringe right there.

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    That’s a better reason already, and you actually voiced it.

    It’s still voting based on your mushy feelings rather than the merits of what someone had to say, but still, bravo!

    Now unless you have something to add beyond the obvious, sod off.


    Ah, now you’ve got me in a dilemma. On the one hand, I’d love to never spend another second of my life dealing with your idiocy, but on the other hand it’s so much fun (and really fuckin easy) to piss off someone as dumb as you are by just typing a couple of words.

    Decisions, decisions.

    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Try me.


    My brother what has happened here. Your first two comments were very constructive and genuine and now look where you’ve fallen

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    The last downvote happened.

    I vented 6k contributed comments and posts worth of random unexplained disapproval, there.

    Baseless downvotes annoy me over time, so I provoked the type of people who make them out of the woodwork so I could take a couple swings. Lo and behold, worked exactly the way any idiot could predict.

    I feel much better now.


    How devoid of value is your life that you let a couple of meaningless downvotes get you this bent out of shape?

    I will give you credit for creativity for somehow claiming victory because you managed to let so many people piss you off so many times.

    Can you whine about it some more though, this is oh so much fun!

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    And do you seriously think me so dumb that I thought for a second my edits wouldn’t summon even more downvotes? That my adversarial stance would actually make anyone back off?

    Only one person ticked me off here.

    I’m the one who then managed to piss off something like two dozen of you douchebags.

    The internet doesn’t deal with angry users the way we deal with angry people in person, with care, sympathy and caution.

    When people think someone is losing it online, you pile on like the psychopaths you are.


    Yeah, nothing says “I’m not mad” more than multiple replies that are several paragraphs long.

    Keep coping though.

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    You can’t know. No one can read facial cues and body language from text, and thereby mood.

    So the best we can do with mere words, is use enough of them to get our point across.

    What is yours? Couldn’t help noticing that you’ve been reduced to “having a lot to say means angery” which is not much of a anything. It only works if you happen to be coincidentally right, and even then there’s no causal link.

    It’s basically a sad attempt at geting the last word in, but without actually saying anything.

    You’re just pushing buttons in the dark hoping to find one that hurts. And you won’t even know when or even if you succeed. What kind of person does that?


    And you won’t even know when or even if you succeed

    The book reports you keep throwing up in response beg to differ.

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    And you’re boring me. You basically promised to entertain me, but this is kiddie shit.

    I give you logic and you go “nuh-uh, ur totally mad” as if that doesn’t make you the guy with a raging hate-boner furiously fapping at the misery you think you’re causing.


    Stay mad, little guy.

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Did you cum hard? :D


    Don’t make it weird, man, just fume without trying to work out whatever sex kink you have going on. This isn’t the place.

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    You’re the one who wanted to fool around. You were already impotent… But fucking hell… You’ve got nothing left after you go flaccid.

    0/5, would not screw around with you again.

    MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Exactly, it’s meaningless, yet not without consequence. An early downvote can kill a post by smothering its visibility when new.

    I take issue with people taking baseless action, doing, even when they can’t possibly back it up with words, and affecting things in ways they are too dumb to even consider.

    Such instances are infuriating. Exemplary of the worst in us.

    I see you’re having a go at putting some sentences together to excuse a type of parasitical behaviour even more toxic than mine, but whatever.

    You’ll have to do better than this now that I’ve got the whole thing out of system.

    BolexForSoup avatar

    Both of you are being ridiculous.


    no u


    Peak reddit behavior.

    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    I did come from there, and statistically, so did you. But lemmy does have a much nicer vocal userbase.

    However, the amount of silent downvoters who will snipe posts and comments to smother their visibility is higher, surprisingly enough.

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Hey, I took out some frustrations by making a couple cathartic edits about downvoters that can’t be asked to use words, because then I’d be able to retort about how wrong they are.

    If you think that wasn’t me “getting recalibrated” on this shit by doing something that amounts to little more than screaming into a pillow, then I don’t know what to tell you.

    Now get off that high horse, it’s clear that your inability to reach the grass from up there is making you feel far too superior to even realize when you’re being a patronising piece of shit who is farming upvotes, rather than helping anyone.

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Not bad. A response like this and I would have treated you with respect from the start. The way I’ve done throughout these “4 hours” in other threads. That switch isn’t hard to flip, especially when I’m not as out of control as I pretend to be.

    But I’ve been keeping up with this thread since last night, sleeping, going to work, cooking… I ran a discussion thread on !dungeonmeshi and much more.

    This stuff doesn’t bleed for me. I don’t get pissed from a comment online then tear into a friend on discord. I don’t have trouble keeping separate things separate.

    My very source of frustration is the lack of the kind of consideration you are showing now, the kind every person on earth should be capable of. My edits are screams into a pillow, because the only people who see them are the ones who either come back, or showed up after the people I made those edits in response to.

    The people who came across my edits and then decide “yeah, I’ll pile on” may not be the same people that sparked my frustration, but they are the very same kind that cause it.

    Face to face, we don’t deal with angry people the way we do online. In person we react with caution and empathy. Is that what happened here?

    Yes, I played into the unfortunate reality of how this works online for my own satisfaction…

    But your appeal for me to remember that there are people on the other side, is redundant.

    I didn’t forget that. I explicitly took aim at the type of person that does, and I don’t think I missed.

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    Look at it like this.

    No one needed to take my edits seriously, or personally. I made them for me, for personal catharsis, to express something normally bottled up.

    But a lot of people saw them and thought, “lol a lunatic, let’s poke at it”. I knew that would happen, but it wasn’t the point, and I will never feel remorse for poking back when it did.

    It’s really not that complicated.

    I would urge you to refrain from trying to diagnose people over social media. You don’t have anything close to the full context of someone’s entire life. What actual problems they are dealing with, what coping mechanisms they’ve put together, or how effective they are.

    What if someone already has a therapist? What if you contradict that therapist? Yes, sometimes that’s necessary, but you better be damn sure about it, then.

    You could seriously interfere with someone’s care by commenting on this stuff like this.

    The only thing you can legitimately be an authority on is how my actions affected you. If you are looking to aid in someone’s self-improvement, sharing that is far more effective than displaying concern for their health, or commenting on care they might already be receiving.

    You cannot even begin to claim to know to how my actions affect me.

    BolexForSoup, (edited )
    BolexForSoup avatar


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  • MentalEdge, (edited )
    @MentalEdge@sopuli.xyz avatar

    The point is that there’s a difference in the environment.

    Would you go “holy hell, you have a problem” when someone is high strung, and expect it to go down well in person?

    Would you suggest to someone that they have a problem to the point of needing professional care, when they lose their cool for the first time in over a year? And that one outburst is your entire context?

    There is literally nothing unusual about getting angry.

    The only abnormal factor here is how people online react to someone when that happens, and dare to express it.

    How is encouraging you to share how the behaviour of others affects you, an argument against pointing out bad behaviour?

    What I said was, is that you don’t get to tell others how their behaviour affects them, only how it affects you.

    “That makes me feel bad” instead of “That can’t be making you feel good”. The first one you can know is true, on the second, you are always guessing.


    The Metro game isn’t exclusive to playstation though.


    It’s not like Sony did anything and adding support for another platform because your own platform has so few games, seems like giving up to me.

    Well, I hope they will support Steam VR without any annoying stuff getting in the way. On a related note, why can’t just Sony publish working normal wireless PC drivers for their controllers on their website?


    I mean. How many times do they need to do the same thing before people realize Sony will abandon every peripheral?

    Omegamanthethird, (edited )
    @Omegamanthethird@lemmy.world avatar

    Do they? I’m pretty happy with my first PSVR. The PSP was really well supported. The motion controls on the PS3 were well supported and lead to the creation of the PSVR on the PS4. They made PS4 games support remote play even after the Vita was no longer supported.

    The Vita is the only one that I can think of that was abandoned.

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