CliveRosfield, (edited )

Glad I didn’t preorder. Gonna hope for the pc modding community to unfuck the game


Why are you guys pre-ordering. That behavior enables this type of greed. Promise me you won’t pre-order a game ever again, okay? I don’t care how cool that cheap plastic toy and paper map stuffed in a tin can looks. No more!


Nah, I’m gonna keep preordering games I know I’ll like


They’ll have to remove denuvo first, which isn’t likely


Depends on the popularity of the game


For mods? They’ve already got some… denuvo has no bearing on modding.


Wtf is the point of anti-cheat in a single player game? Fuck Capcom, not buying anything they put out anymore. Been wanting to play Dragons Dogma 1, since I already own it, but now I don’t even want to give them the player stat.


Denuvo isn’t anti-cheat. It’s anti-piracy


Ah I see, all the same shit to me. Throw it in the bin pls. Definitely more understandable for a single player game tho


Holy shit, I read some of the other day that there was a bunch of garbage microtransactions but I had no idea it was this bad. And you can’t edit your characters without paying $2? What the fuck?


that has been a thing since monster hunter world tbh, if people are only finding about this now, they havent been playing capcom games with custom characters in the past decade.


It’s been a complaint every time, too. If people are only finding out about these disagreements now, they haven’t been discussing Capcom custom characters with people for the last decade.


This misinfo is so widespread it hurts my brain. You can edit your character easily by buying an item in game for a negligible amount of gold. A currency which is easily obtained. Same for all the other mtx offers. Stop spreading falsehoods.


And what about the one save slot?


Ofcourse, that being overlooked is completely stupid. Same goes for the horrible performance. Something which should’ve been there from the start. Those are legit complaints. Spreading misinfo about mtx is not part of that now is it?


That’s been a part of the game design since the first one was released over a decade ago. This is literally more than ten year old news people are getting riled up about for some reason.


Is that fun?


Capcom is back!

In all honesty, this might be the end of Dragons Dogma if they don’t turn it around. The first game was a commercial flop even if it is a cult classic now, the MMO crashed and burned and now they ruined a good sequel for no reason.

I just don’t see how execs will greenlight another one if this isn’t a success.

Vipsu, (edited ) avatar

The game will likely be a moderate success provided they can fix the performance problems.

Most players (unfortunately) do not care about having microtransactions in a full priced video games or about things like Denuvo. This is party the reason why the triple-a game industry is in such sorry state at the moment.

Also I find it funny that you’re already worrying about sequels when the newest game has not been out for even a day.


I know it’s weird to think about sequels already but this was a franchise that everyone thought was dead for years only to get a second chance and flush it down the toilet at the finish line.


What was Capcom thinking?

“I like money!”


I love the first one, janky stuff but mostly great, so when i heard this game is being made, i was ecstatic about it until i learned the game is $70 with no localised price, at that moment i’m guessing the greedy capcom is really back, because their game used to be fairly priced up until MHW. And then this happened.

Kyrgizion, (edited )

How to turn a “must-play game” into trash no one wants in less than 24 hours. Good job. Makes me feel sorry for the poor devs who poured their hearts & souls into it only to have the suits fuck it up - again.


holy cow… no kidding! Hype was only building - and then to “reveal” the enshitification before it even enjoys release interest. wow.


What I’ve heard from people playing the game, is that those and everything else you could pay real money for is dirt cheap to buy and purchasable with the in game currency that you earn by playing the game and that you earn the in game currency quickly enough that you aren’t having to grind anything if you want to buy the stuff.


A drop of vinegar spoils the wine


Then… Why have them real purchaseable at all, esp at launch?! Full price, single player game; makes absolutely no reasonable sense.


That’s Capcom for you. It doesn’t seem like their mtx ever makes sense to buy.


To part fools from their money?


I think there’s some sort of higher-up mandate at capcom to force monetized content into their games, and the dev teams are just working around it, something like that. The same thing happens in monster hunter, street fighter 6, I think devil may cry 5, and it’s all structured in basically the exact same way, where you can either get access to stuff really quickly without paying, or the stuff you have to pay for is basically just aesthetic, or both. I think monster hunter rise even tried to do the same “pay to edit your character” thing. I still don’t think it’s a good practice, but japanese devs are gonna japanese dev, I suppose. Reminds me of fromsoft titles requiring community made performance patches, or being locked to like, 30fps as an engine requirement, shit like that.


I’m scared to see what they do with MHWilds.


Dirt cheap for now. It’s software, it’ll get an adjustment patch.


Games are supposed to be fun. Forcing paying customers to do something intentionally designed to be not fun before they can have fun is stupid. I know I’m in the minority, but I straight up won’t participate in that bullshit.


I mean…the weak start is kind of the basis of every rpg and almost every fps in existence. You start with the crappy bb gun and then somehow you end up becoming an all powerful stealth archer, even though your game doesn’t even offer a bow to use.


Gaining strength through experience is fun if it’s done in a sane way is fun. Farming the same monsters over and over to unlock common feature is not. Hit the X button 4.5 million times to continue is shit.

It’s not an accident that unlocking this stuff is tedious when there’s an option to just pay more money to do so. That’s the value proposition behind microtransactions in games: Give us money or we’ll force you to do boring shit for many hours.


Man. It sure sucks I only start with a water can and 500 coins in Stardew Valley. I could do so much more if I could just start with 20 upgraded sprinklers and 20,000 coins.


It sucks because I was looking forward to the game since I liked the first DD but after seeing all the micro transactions they added into a single player game I’m going to pass on it.


Plus, another game with trash “always online drm” and “your profile is stored on the server” idiocy

Cethin, (edited )

It seems your profile is stored locally from what I’ve seen, but some users are too stupid to know how to use Steam Cloud. Some users have said you can’t delete your save, but you can you just need to disable cloud backup on Steam first.

(I have no experience. I just read a lot of reviews in disappointment last night.)

Edit: Come on guys. Stop just downvoting stuff because you don’t like that it’s not as bad as it could be. Your save is stored locally, backed up on Steam Cloud. Prove me wrong if you want to downvote. That’s fine. If you’re just downvoting because you’d rather not know the reality of the situation, what’s wrong with you?


Heard ppl were Auto banned when deleting the save file


Citation? I haven’t seen this at all, and I’ve been looking at quite a bit of the stuff as a fan of the first game. That’s a big accusation to make.

People often don’t understand what they’re doing, and they blame it on things that aren’t true. Most players aren’t technologically literate enough to really know what’s causing their issues. This is the first I’ve heard of a ban, and I would suspect (though this could equally be wrong) that it isn’t because they deleted their save file and instead for doing something else, if it happened at all.


Denuvo detects manual file changes and if you do it too much (which doesn’t have to be that much) you get temporary locked out of playing the game (24h first offense). Look it up, this is the case on pretty much all recent denuvo games. This isn’t a “big accusation”, this is a straight fact. Using different proton versions also can get you “banned”.


I tried looking it up, which is why I asked for the citation. I found nothing on the topic. I don’t know where you got it from, but “look it up” isn’t an answer. Also, the save file location should be (no knowledge on whether it is) excluded from this file manipulation detection. The game itself is constantly writting to it. If it’s detecting frequent file changes, it’d detect the game itself writting to the save file.


Whose citation do you need? This is a closed-source software, there is no “proof” but only testimonies. Only EMPRESS could tell us for certain. This is one such testimony

This can also be triggered by changes in the machine itself. On linux/steamdeck, changing proton version too often leads to a 24h lock, that one you can google, it’s all over the place. Proton/wine mirrors your own PC specs, so denuvo doesnt base itself one your actual PC, but it’s configuration somehow.

As for the last part of your comment, it makes no sense. For all we know, it’s very likely that Denuvo saves a checksum of its files to their server when you exit that save or the game and checks them back when you open it again. The only way to prevent this and modify the save without the game knowing would be to make a kernel module to edit the save directly in memory while the save is running, though depending on how denuvo works, something like cheat engine might also do the trick.


The person said people have been banned for deleting their save files. I haven’t seen any reference for this. What you posted is for a totally different game and is not related except both have Denuvo. I don’t doubt Denuvo anti-cheat (maybe also anti-tamper) will ban you for doing things it doesn’t like, but deleting save files shouldn’t, and I haven’t ever heard of that happening.

As for the last part of your comment, it makes no sense. For all we know, it’s very likely that Denuvo saves a checksum of its files to their server when you exit that save or the game and checks them back when you open it again. The only way to prevent this and modify the save without the game knowing would be to make a kernel module to edit the save directly in memory while the save is running, though depending on how denuvo works, something like cheat engine might also do the trick.

Checksums for the game files do not include the save folder. That would defeat the purpose of a checksum. Sure, maybe they fucked up and included it, but that would cause it to go off every time the game saves as well. Every file change changes the sum, so even the game doing so would also. How would it know the difference?

Again, I don’t like Denuvo. I think a lot of stuff happening with this game is bad. We don’t need to make stuff up though. There’s plenty actually there to be angry about. Making stuff up just makes the valid complaints get lumped with it and ignored.


I’m not talking about one checksum that’s hardcoded somewhere, I mean they calculate it every time you close the save. Do they actually do that, I don’t know, but they could if they wanted to.

The reason why I linked some random other game is because nobody is saying this is the game’s fault, but Denuvo’s fault. Denuvo behaves extremely similarly regardless of the game it runs on, so if it happens for most other games, good chance it happens for this one too.


I’m not talking about one checksum that’s hardcoded somewhere, I mean they calculate it every time you close the save. Do they actually do that, I don’t know, but they could if they wanted to.

They could do anything, and anyone can claim they are doing things without evidence. I have seen nothing except this person’s comment that it’s happening, and even what you posted has nothing to do with save files. I don’t believe such a thing is happening because I haven’t seen any evidence for it and have seen many people discuss deleting their saves. A claim like that needs evidence. It’s going to make people fearful of deleting saves.

Why did you come do defend this person’s specific claim only to say “Denuvo bad.” We all already know that. We don’t need to make shit up about it. Please stop. Criticize what we actually know is happening with the game. There’s plenty.


I will say it one last time, this is closed-source software, the only “proof” you may get is many people sharing the same experience.……/4289188745218377532/…/dragons-dogma-2-denuvo-bricking-…

All of those seem to say it happens. How many testimonies do you need to consider it “evidence” as you say?

Cethin, (edited )

Once again, these are secondary sources at best. “people are saying that they heard somewhere that…” Are these using the same secondary source? I don’t know. I haven’t seen any evidence that it happens with save files.

The second third (didn’t realize it was 3) link also mentions switching Proton versions too much can cause issues and uses a primary source, and I saw that review the other night while looking at reviews. That is much more trustworthy.

I’m not saying it isn’t happening, but I don’t trust what everyone says. I also don’t trust that a user actually knows what triggered an action. The number of people I’ve seen say the saves are stored online because they don’t understand Steam Cloud is proof that a lot of users aren’t technologically literate enough to just take their word. With there being no first hand source, and potentially both of what you linked using the same secondary source, I still see no reason to believe this.

So, “How many testimonies do you need to consider it “evidence” as you say?” More than 0, which is what we’re at right now.

Edit: Missed the first article when I clicked the links the first time. Even it says it can’t verify the reports and it’s just gathered from forums (and proceeds to not cite them). Any half decent journalist would verify it for themselves, but we know these aren’t journalists, they’re blogs that just repeat any drama they can find. Still only secondary sources at best with no citation, so nothing to be taken as anything more than the comment above saying “they heard it happened to someone.”


Apparently all the purchases you can buy are cheaply available in game with the in game currency, and there’s no real reason to pay real money for them unless you’re like some live streamer goob.


That’s not completely true, there is a limited number of port crystals until NG+ (around 5 or 6) and the adventurers camping kit is unobtainable otherwise (although you can get a better one from a side quest).

Ferrystones are also very rare, unlike DD1 where you get an unlimited one right away.



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  • wahming,

    Or, some of us just like to vote with our wallets



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  • kautau, (edited )

    Yup, I’ll wait 4 years or whatever until it’s released as “Dragon’s dogma 2, darker arisen, game of the year edition” with all the dlc and microtransactions baked in on a steam sale or some such


    Or wait like a month for someone to crack it and torrent it.


    Could be much longer with Empress gone. But we can have hope.


    I would certainly enjoy a talented, but more level-headed person entering the scene


    Couldn’t agree more.


    I’m pretty mixed on this. I want to support niche games like this being made. I don’t want to support using Denuvo (even if it’ll be removed eventually) or bad MTX. Also, you’ll miss the online components on a cracked version, which is really cool in DS1 at least and I think even better in 2 from what I’ve heard.


    The thing to me is, I don’t want the online experiences in most of my single player games. I turned off invasions and messages in DS. I could care less about someone else’s experience bleeding into mine, most invasions were annoying and messages were memes. For DD, let me build my pawn, pick from some randomly generated ones and that’s it, don’t punish me for wanting to single-play my single-player game. I don’t mind DLC that is purely a time saver, some people want to pay to win, in a single player game that’s fine, as long as it’s not replacing some stupidly long grind. But at the end of the day, there are far too many “single player” games that are “connect to our server to use the thing you just bought.”

    Cethin, (edited )

    You can play this offline I’m 99% sure. Sure, it’s best enjoyed online (the online experience is seemless and you don’t actually interact with other players, just the pawns they created), but it’s purely optional.

    This game is getting so much hate for made up reasons and it’s really frustrating. I would love for the actual reasons to be addressed, but if they see that 99% of it isn’t stuff that’s there anyway, why would they bother fixing the 1% when it’ll just get lied about no matter what?


    You can, after you get through a bit of a process of making your pawn and uploading it. I agree it’s being reviewbombed, my response was to yours about claiming that “you’re missing out if you don’t play online.” But also, you’re talking about a company that pulls hundreds of millions of dollars a year, not an indie developer. If the game sells well, the reviews don’t mean anything, it’s successful. If it doesn’t, it’s their job to focus on what consumers didn’t like and change it.

    Cethin, (edited )

    If the game sells well, the reviews don’t mean anything, it’s successful. If it doesn’t, it’s their job to focus on what consumers didn’t like and change it.

    Ideally, yes. However, it’s taken 12 years for a second entry of this franchise. If it doesn’t do well (which I think we’re well past it not doing well, because it’s selling great), most likely they’d just never make a game like it again. The first game is a cult classic. It released about a year after Dark Souls 1 and scratch the same itch before anyone else was making Souls-likes. It didn’t do huge numbers though despite being received fairly well. The fact they made a second is unexpected, and we’d certainly not get a third if it only did as well as the first. They wouldn’t learn a lesson except not to touch this. The same MTX methods are in RE and no one comained, so they aren’t going to learn the lesson we want for just this one game.

    kautau, (edited )

    It’s going to make them boatloads of money, the review bombs won’t matter. They’ve broken 200k concurrent players on steam, it’s a financial success. Of course they won’t make another like it again, neither will almost any AAA developer. The market is gearing towards games as a service, forced online/multiplayer and some such, except for the few household names continuing to support single player titles. This was a planned business decision to cash in on a franchise that was calculated as a perfect time to release a sequel, and put in the work to capture the longtime fans, and it’s making money. I’m happy for it, but Capcom is a corporation, they ran financial models and test groups to see if the game would sell well, it has, and so it’s successful.


    One of us…


    The worst part of it is that those same assholes that insisted on micro transactions will blame every other aspect of the game before admitting that it did poorly on release because of the blatant money grabbing.


    its what japanese game companies do after a “golden era” when they come off on top. they make stupid business decisions that tank their goodwill they just earned.

    its why when a japanese game company makes it big, it almost always is followed with becoming the villian immediately after

    the sucess of monster hunter, resident evil remakes, and sf6 has gotten to their head.

    ObstreperousCanadian, avatar

    Honestly, I might get shit for this and he was definitely an asshole, but Phil Fish was right. The Japanese game industry went through a shitty period for awhile years ago, got out of it, and then now (Capcom anyway) starts doing shit like this.


    its just a pattern that keeps repeating.

    Sony became very aggressive and anti consumer the moment the PS4 outsold the Xbox One after being behind the shadow of the 360 for most of its life. started paying for a lot of timed exclusives, exclusive game content (e.g COD, Hogwarts Legacy), block a lot of cross platform attempts.

    Nintendo went very anti consumer after being very generous with the WiiU, and resurrecting the 3DS and releasing the sucessful, but very feature limited Switch. introduces paid online for an online service thats effectively at times, worse than the WiiU, decides to sell emulated titles either on limited time offer (Mario 3d collection) or required subscription to online, and take away browser and local save backups.

    i could keep going on with a lot of sucessful japanese game companies, but its basically the same story every fucking time.

    GrymEdm, (edited )

    They were thinking, “Look at what customers constantly put up with from Blizzard and Ubisoft. Our core gameplay is fun and people have FOMO, so let’s be similarly shitty.”


    The goal should be fast travel people don’t want to use because travel is fun.
    The Spiderman games for the most part made moving around the city fun enough that I didn’t fast travel, but it was still there for the times I had to go really far away.

    If you need a feature that lets players skip a part of your game, you should either make that part better or just remove it. But you should still make concessions to players who want to skip it anyway. Like the little “skip cutscene” buttons.


    Travel is fun, Capcom are just a dumb company. You’ll get plenty of access to fast travel tokens throughout the game, but the act is still limited to only a handful of fast travel points. Cart travel has been my preferred method of going long distances, which does come with the risk of a griffon ambush, but griffon ambushes mean you get more combat.


    IMO Morrowind did fast travel best: they integrated it into the world, kept it limited (fixed origins/destinations, plus mark/recall) and gave it an appropriate cost (time, gold, magicka, and/or effort needed to discover transit locations).

    Zehzin, avatar

    That is literally what Dragon’s Dogma does but they had to put that dumb shit in so now I can’t tell you how it’s cool.


    The key differences are that Morrowind does not have microtransactions/paid mods, and does have the Elder Scrolls Construction set – so I’m pretty sure you could mod in a less limited fast travel mechanism if you really wanted.

    gamingdexter, avatar

    Geez! I watched the first few minutes of fightincowboy review on it and he was praising it saying the best thing since Elden Ring. I’m sure the gameplay is great, but what a way to get your game reviewed bombed for good reason. I’m sure this will go on sale soon enough if they don’t make any changes. What a disappointment, micro transactions should never exist on Single Player games let alone most games. Scummy Capcom!

    The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

    I didn’t play the first one, but I know that lots of people loved it and have been really looking forward to this sequel.

    This reeks of some short-sighted execs undermining the reputation of what’s probably a fun game otherwise for some easy $$.


    The fuckers already raised the price to “compete with inflation”. I might have been able to accept that by itself, but with this shit added in? It really reveals their intent.

    snooggums, avatar

    Is it really review bombing when the complaints are valid?


    If they haven’t played it, yes. You can’t “re-view” something you haven’t viewed in the first place.

    So taking an aspect of the game and writing a review of it without actually playing it is review bombing.

    I’m not saying it’s wrong to review bomb, as this deserves it. But reviews are supposed to be for those that have already consumed the product or used the service.


    On one hand I agree with you on the other I think it’s fine to review the product from the shelf when it launched with over 40 dollars of dlc.


    Like I said, I don’t think it’s wrong to review bomb. It’s just not an actual “review.” It’s certainly an expression or opinion of distaste, which is why it’s warranted, just not a review.


    I already clocked a handful of hours into the game, I’ve been lucky enough not to experience any issues at all with a high ish end system. I’ve been having a blast, and the game is everything I wanted it to be, but man, it’s weird seeing the rest of the internet having a bad time with it.

    Saw that someone was crashing on the first playable section of the game repeatedly and that blows to see. What really gets me is the mtx stuff, I don’t pay it any attention and Im having a great time and it hasnt been in my face one bit.

    What’s really getting me down too is seeing how people are having a bad time with the game while Im having a great time but it feels like I shouldnt be. Is anyone else experiencing something similar?

    The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

    That was my experience playing Cyberpunk at launch while everyone was up in arms about the performance issues. I was just quietly enjoying it and knew it was just a matter of time for the devs to resolve those problems.

    I’m admittedly less patient/tolerant of microtransactions though, because they’re intentional. They’re the reason I feel like the mobile game market turned into to a cesspool.


    Yeah I pretty much had this exact situation with Cyberpunk as well, maybe we are just lucky with our performance.

    After reading your comment though, I feel like you’re right about the microtransactions. While it does not affect me and my enjoyment of the game, it is a bad practice which ends up bringing down the reputation of an IP I like a lot, which is bad for everyone.

    Thanks for the perspective and insight!


    Yeah, I’m in the same boat. Despite only having a laptop 3070, and not a desktop 4090 that others are seeing slowdown on, I feel like the numbers Steam is feeding me for FPS is a lie because it says I’m getting 40-50fps but it feels smoother than that for some reason. I am seeing significant slowdown in the capital but other than that I’m not getting bad performance, or bugs, and the microtransactions are easy to ignore because everything is easily obtainable. I’ve been having a blast for the most part, and when they get out some patches maybe I won’t even see slowdown in busy areas. Maybe.

    The one thing that gets my goat is the one save system. For the benefit of anybody reading, there IS a way to delete your save on PC, disabling Steam Cloud sync, deleting the file, starting a new game, then turning sync back on and telling Steam to use your local files rather than your cloud files when it complains about a conflict. But the fact remains that this should be a feature within the game itself, not basically cheated in. I frequently restart games because I get distracted and go play something else, come back, can’t remember the plot. This is a major roadblock for me, though of course not one I’m encountering just yet.

    I’ve got a high opinion of the devs at Capcom, as they seem to be genuinely interested in making great games.I rarely have a bad time playing a Capcom game. It’s just… The execs. And things like the microtransactions, Denuvo, and the one save system reek of stuff the execs tried to shoehorn in that the game didn’t need to try and bleed the users dry. I’m just grateful that, for the time being, these changes don’t affect me much, but you’re right, it does make me feel a little guilty to have a good time while others can’t even play it.


    I haddent heard of any of this until i saw the new Mortisimal gaming video, but he didnt get specific about them. Now that i actually see this, its a pass from me for years.


    Capcom continually hamstringing themselves. With this and Street Fighter 6 having 100 dollar costume sets they can fuck all the way off. I expect RE9 to let you buy ammo for cash.


    I mean, the RE4make let you buy weapon upgrades with cash, DMC 5 let you just buy all the currencies in game directly, I don’t even know where to begin with Monster Hunter World’s microtransactions. It’s shitty, but Capcom does this in literally all of their games now, so absolutely you’ll see dumb mtx in RE9 and Monster Hunter Rise.

    The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

    I saw someone calling Capcom “Japan’s EA”


    That’s almost too harsh. The one positive thing you can say on the matter is that Capcom isn’t running around shuttering development of games to lay-off developers in order to manufacture like 3 points of profit. The Western AAA games industry is fucking disgusting in their greed, the Eastern AAA industry is just kinda confusing.

    Except Konami, they can stay fucked forever.


    Yup, Konami is the true “EA of Japan”. Fuck them.


    We much as it breaks my heart to say it. Japan’s EA is Square with out any doubt.


    Weird thing is no one went and review bombed DMC 5. It’s still talked up as being one of the best hack and slashes. Re4 was continuously talked up as game of the year. If people are going after DD2 then be fucking consistent towards other games too.


    Travelling is a big part of dragons dogma, the danger of night fall while you travel is actually really cool. However, mtx is ALWAYS bad

    UprisingVoltage, (edited )

    The fact it exists is shitty, but in their defense travel seems actually fun.

    Also you have “fast travel” by the means of carts, which can be attacked during the journey.


    i mean havent played 2 yet, but travel in dragons dogma 1 was not fun, especially the number of times you had to cross the stone canyon path between the Cassadarris and Gran Soren got very stale.

    snooggums, avatar

    They could have either not had fast travel at all or only made it available in game. Making it something you can buy through mtx is the terrible part.


    I thought about it and yeah, I agree. Just make it a limited item in game (or unlimited but expensive af), microtransactions suck


    Oh fuck them!

    The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

    The more I read, the more shocked I am.

    They put out a damage control statement today saying that you can find these items in game too. Sounds like they’re rare though.


    Oh my God

    Well, guess I’ll pass on this one yall


    That’s… a lot of DLC for a game that hasn’t been out for not even a day.

    I know the answer is money, but these should really be part of the base game.


    It’s no worse than a falcom game and I say that as someone who’s favourite series is legend of heroes.

    starman2112, avatar

    A lot of “downloadable content” for a game that requires an internet connection to play. A lot of “downloadable content” that allegedly already exists in-game. Studio execs need to be fired for this shit


    Only thing actually rare are the fast travel items. Everything else on the list you can get within the first four hours of playing the game. The real dumb shit is the new game decision, the character creator demo gave you five save slots so why does the game only have one?!

    snooggums, avatar

    Obviously rarely enough that they expect people to pay for them.


    The teleport stones called “ferrystones” are 10k gold each which is a lot.

    In Dragon’s Dogma 1 they give you a reusable one for free after feedback that they were too hard to find in the base game.

    Looks like Capcom saw a quick buck instead this time around, with a map 4 times as big this is a much bigger issue than in the original and it seems to have been done on purpose to drive MTX sales.


    10k is not a lot. Maybe in the first couple hours when you have zero need of them but by the time you need them you’ll have 100k+ in like half an hour easily. They are also given out often and easily found, I had 12 sitting in storage having bought none before I needed one. The amount of misinformation in this thread by people who never actually played this one or the first one is pathetically laughable. “DAE NEW POPULAR THING SUX IM COOL FOR NOT LIKING POPULAR THING”


    They were free in the previous game.


    This is also probably the real reason they’re taking a harder stance against mods. Within 24 hours, there’s already a mod on Nexus that adds one of the items you can buy with real money to an early vendor for like 1 coin.

    There’s also another mod that just makes all items 1 coin, so it shouldn’t be too hard for modders to just completely circumvent the bullshit mtx.


    im still on that boat that believes the rumor that older management took back power from the younger management (reminder that capcom is a family ran business) after the Chun Li incident. Capcom wants to get into the business of selling game engine use but it being moddable (thus regular people can potentially stain an image of a game) may hurt its adoption.

    feebl, (edited )

    They are not rare. They are easily obtained by paying gold, a currency which is very easy to come by.

    starman2112, (edited ) avatar

    Adding this edit to the top because what the FUCK you only get one save file EVER? There’s no new game? And it costs $2 to change your character’s appearance ONE TIME? Words fail me

    Rift crystals? Is there in-game currency for this single player game?

    Edit: they have an arcade game style “insert a dollar to continue” option I’m dying

    Get out of jail free for a dollar card? The more I read the worse it gets. I’m glad I saw this before sinking more time into the first game. Good to know it’s safe to skip.


    Rift Crystals are in DD1 also, without MTX. They’re just the currency for your pawn stuff basically IIRC. You’ll get them passively while playing the game, assuming it still works like 1 which I think it does.


    One save file has been a thing since the first one. There is a new game plus and you can obviously delete your save and start again. The character edit things are in game and fairly common, already have a few without looking. RC are also earned extremely easily in game and the only purpose there beyond some cosmetic glasses is to add allies into your party that are high above your level. Its just another type of gold. I have no idea what you’re talking about with the “insert dollar to continue” thing. Also the jail keys are incredibly easy to get, you can buy them for like 3000g which is very cheap (early game starter weapons are triple that). All the mtx just seem like incredibly easy and quick to get shit for people who have more money than sense.

    starman2112, (edited ) avatar

    One save file has been a thing since the first one.

    And it was stupid then too. No modern single player RPG should limit players to a single save file. I understand there are many great RPGs that do, and I still think they shouldn’t.

    There is a new game plus

    Making players play through tens of hours of campaign as a character that they want to delete is a pretty bad decision on capcom’s part.

    and you can obviously delete your save and start again.

    No you cannot. There is no option to delete your save data within the game. There is a workaround if you play on PC that involves turning off cloud saves, opening the game’s files and deleting your save data from the file explorer, starting a new game, then turning cloud saves back on, but that is a hack, not a feature.

    I’ve seen plenty of people say that the character customization stuff is super cheap and super available in the game. I just don’t get why it costs an in-game currency in the first place on this single player, offline rpg. Seems like it should cost nothing within the game to change your hairstyle or whatever. Like, this doesn’t even fit in with the hardcore, no fast travel stuff. It’s just a pointless in-game currency sink. Virtually every other game that allows post-creation character customization allows it for free. I just don’t see the point in making it cost something that you can pay for with real life dollars.

    empireOfLove2, avatar

    Sounds like that shit is gonna stay out of my steam library forever lmfao


    “in a truly immersive fantasy world”

    Micro transactions are there to help make you feel like more of a peasant I guess.

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