Lemmy compatibility

I've noticed a minor issue when trying to subscribe to a Lemmy community. On the Lemmy instance, the link format for a Community starts with an exclamation mark ("!"), instead of the "@" used here and across other services like Mastodon.

Copy/pasting the community to the search bar doesn't work until I manually change the "!" to an "@". Subscribing to things on other instances is already somewhat confusing for new users, this makes it even worse.

Suggestion: if the "!" doesn't work, automatically try "@" behind the scenes.

As a side note, Lemmy instances have a helpful message telling you exactly how to subscribe to something from a different service or instance. I'd suggest putting a similar message in the Magazine sidebar along with the Magazine username reference.


Some communitys even cant be found when changing "!" with "@". For example "privatelife@lemmy.ml" or "libreboot@sopuli.xyz". Looks like a bug in kbin. I opened an Issue here: https://codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/issues/45

Datsourdo avatar

As an additional note, it might be a good idea to alias /c/{magazine} to /m/{magazine} so it's compatible with the /c/{community} links as used on Lemmy. People have figured out that you can do a relative link of /c/community@instance.name that works regardless of what instance you're on, and it'd be nice for those links to still work if you're viewing from kbin.

jeena avatar

Oh wow, thanks for figuring it out! We've been talking about it in: https://kbin.social/m/kbinMeta/t/3836/Search-for-remote-magazines-communities-not-always-works but nobody pointed out to replace the ! with a @.


I think it would be really nice to write this somewhere, because the possibilities of this federation are not straightforward, especially for newbies, and already confusing for many. I also thought, after I discovered kbin, that it was an instance of Lemmy, but it is actually its own platform. That's why every additional piece of information is helpful.

Datsourdo avatar

Yeah, there's plenty that's confusing. I also see that I can follow mastodon and calckey users from kbin, but they don't seem to actually show up in my feeds.


I'm brand new to Kbin (like many others), but I think those posts would go to your Microblog tab

Datsourdo avatar

They definitely aren't showing up there. I tested by posting to a mstdn account that I follow from here.


I'm reading that the cloudflare traffic management that was set up on kbin.social is causing problems with federation right now. I'm not seeing things from other instances either.

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