/kbin meta

@liaizon@wake.st avatar

Does anyone have a monocrome Kbin svg icon?
Just turning the whole logo into one color doesn't look very good, I found this one, but it's a bit off on the bottom connection.



@liaizon@wake.st avatar

@kbinMeta ahh there are issues with it too, hmmmm

@liaizon@wake.st avatar

@kbinMeta hey @rzeszutek, I noticed some issues with the SVG you have up on https://tabler.io/icons/icon/brand-kbin do you have any newer versions of your SVGs for Kbin anywhere?

e0qdk avatar

@piotrsikora @ernest FYI: lemmy.world is blocking us


I made a comment there yesterday trying to get your attention on this, but not sure if the @ on that post actually went through properly or not, so I'm trying again.


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Deykun avatar

No, it's not hot. It's fucking ridiculous.

Kierunkowy74 avatar

@Deykun @ernest's owned magazines be like:
(did not have the time to look at mod requests)

On avatar

@Deykun @opensource is also the same. Kbin desperately needs a way to stop new accounts from posting threads.

Damaskox, (edited )
Damaskox avatar

I receive an error when I'm trying to delete a comment.

EDIT: I tried deleting again later and I think the duplicated comment was gone.

Pamasich avatar

I've noticed this week that I'm currently seeing no visual indication that the boost button is active. No underline, color, or anything.
It seems that a now-broken userstyle I'm using expects there to be an "active" class applied to the element, but it isn't anymore. Is that intentional?
Figured I should point this out to you in case you don't know already.

ThatOneKirbyMain2568 avatar

@Pamasich @ernest Can confirm that this is an issue. I brought attention to it a short while back, and there are also some bugs with the visuals for vote buttons not consistently working as they should.

genesis avatar

Why are the microblogs not working properly?

testing avatar

@genesis i get your question! what does annoy you the most?

Damaskox avatar

I still keep losing comments.
Stuff pointing from notifications lead to no such comment - cannot find anything with Ctrl+F and I see no page numbers or any other indicators of any other pages existing.

Damaskox avatar

Anyone else not being able to find their comment in a thread?
I have a notification of two replies but I cannot find even my own comment let alone their replies.

Damaskox avatar

@livus Didn't see any page indicators.
Clicked oldest and still didn't find by searching my nickname.

ernest avatar

@Damaskox Could you send me the URL from the notification via private message, please?

ernest avatar

@testing Can you repeat your tests regarding tags between kbin and other instances? It should be significantly better ;)

testing avatar

thank you! tags from kbin do federate on microblogging fedi - kbin users should use the the tags section rather than the text body though

  1. i also had a look at friendica; sadly, friendica seems not to be capable to pick up tagged posts from kbin > see e.g. https://friendica.opensocial.space/search?tag=kbin > tried my luck at several friendica instances, and every time: no content from kbin

  2. tags in kbin threads do not display on kbin pwa, e.g. https://kbin.social/m/kbinDevlog/t/692551 > on microblogging fedi platforms, i can see three tags: kbin, fediverse, and kbinDevlog for the magazine > with kbin pwa, neither kbin nor fediverse show up

ernest avatar

@testing Thanks for the summary. I will check those cases.

jwr1, (edited )
jwr1 avatar

@ernest, I just have a quick question. Looking at the kbin oauth documentation on codeberg and swagger, I got the impression that an authorization client needs to be registered on a server before a user can start using the API. This would be fine if kbin weren't federated, but what if a user wants to sign in to a different instance that doesn't have the oauth client I set up? Basically, I'm asking if there's a way to use the API without setting up the oauth client, but still be able to login to an account. Thanks

ThatOneKirbyMain2568 avatar

@ernest RTR#32 Voting Bug Report:

Wasn't able to upvote, downvote, or boost anything in my sub feed without getting an error.

  • Opening a new tab fixed the problem.
  • Refreshing the page fixed the problem.
  • Going back to previous pages and then returning did not fix the problem.
ThatOneKirbyMain2568 avatar

I'm not sure what the issue is, but it doesn't seem to be specific to any thread or page. Just that sometimes, all voting & boosting on a page just doesn't work.

ernest avatar
bluGill avatar

@ernest I'm trying to reply to a federated toot and the add comment button changes to "sending" for a while then comes back without posting anything.


Anything more I can do? this problem has happened before but I can't figure out when/why

ernest avatar

@bluGill it should be okay now

insomniac_lemon avatar


I had a similar issue responding to something in /m/random yesterday, and I ended up making a new mircoblog on programming.dev (and mentioning people) instead. They saw it (and mentioned me) but I didn't get a notification and their replies don't show up even now here on kbin (I see the replies on one of their instances). EDIT: I should say the replies aren't visible on programming.dev either, not sure if that's part of it

Gordon_Freeman avatar

Dumb question. How to crosspost?

ThatOneKirbyMain2568 avatar

@Gordon_Freeman There isn't a crosspost button, but if two threads are similar, they'll show as crossposts of each other. I'm not sure exactly what the criteria are, but from what I can gather, two link threads will show as crossposts on Kbin if they have the same link. Otherwise, they need the same title (and maybe the same photo?).

Gordon_Freeman avatar

@ThatOneKirbyMain2568 Thanks, I saw multiple threads with the "crosspost" below and was wondering how to do it since I didn't dound the button. It's cool it's done automatically

e0qdk avatar

@ernest -- As requested by RTR#32, I got an error upvoting a thread.


Approximately 2023-12-04 20:50 UTC

Thread link on kbin: https://kbin.social/m/technology@lemmy.world/t/678410/Physicists-May-Have-Found-a-Hard-Limit-on-The-Performance

URL when error was shown: https://kbin.social/ef/678410?choice=1

Let me know if there's any other details you need.


@ernest I tried to upvote this post and got an error. P.S. This happened just a few minutes ago.
Edit: I tried it again and it seems fixed.

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