(Beehaw.org) ANNOUNCEMENT: defederating effective immediately from lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works

cross-posted from: https://beehaw.org/post/567170

We've been defederated. Were there that many trolls/assholes on our server? What on earth happened while I was asleep?

hey folks, we'll be quick and to the point with this one:

we have made the decision to defederate from lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works. we recognize this is hugely inconvenient for a wide variety of reasons, but we think this is a decision we need to take immediately. the remainder of the post details our thoughts and decision-making on why this is necessary.

we have been concerned with how sustainable the explosion of new users on Lemmy is--particularly with federation in mind--basically since it began. i have already related how difficult dealing with the explosion has been just constrained to this instance for us four Admins, and increasingly we're being confronted with external vectors we have to deal with that have further stressed our capabilities (elaborated on below).

an unfortunate reality we've also found is we just don't have the tools or the time here to parse out all the good from all the bad. all we have is a nuke and some pretty rudimentary mod powers that don't scale well. we have a list of improvements we'd like to see both on the moderation side of Lemmy and federation if at all possible--but we're unanimous in the belief that we can't wait on what we want to be developed here. separately, we want to do this now, while the band-aid can be ripped off with substantially less pain.

aside from/complementary to what's mentioned above, our reason for defederating, by and large, boils down to:

  • these two instances' open registration policy, which is extremely problematic for us given how federation works and how trivial it makes trolling, harassment, and other undesirable behavior;
  • the disproportionate number of moderator actions we take against users of these two instances, and the general amount of time we have to dedicate to bad actors on those two instances;
  • our need to preserve not only a moderated community but a vibe and general feeling this is actually a safe space for our users to participate in;
  • and the reality that fulfilling our ethos is simply not possible when we not only have to account for our own users but have to account for literally tens of thousands of new, completely unvetted users, some of whom explicitly see spaces like this as desirable to troll and disrupt and others of whom simply don't care about what our instance stands for

as Gaywallet puts it, in our discussion of whether to do this:

There's a lot of soft moderating that happens, where people step in to diffuse tense situations. But it's not just that, there's a vibe that comes along with it. Most people need a lot of trust and support to open up, and it's really hard to trust and support who's around you when there are bad actors. People shut themselves off in various ways when there's more hostility around them. They'll even shut themselves off when there's fake nice behavior around. There's a lot of nuance in modding a community like this and it's not just where we take moderator actions- sometimes people need to step in to diffuse, to negotiate, to help people grow. This only works when everyone is on the same page about our ethos and right now we can't even assess that for people who aren't from our instance, so we're walking a tightrope by trying to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. That isn't sustainable forever and especially not in the face of massive growth on such a short timeframe.

Explicitly safe spaces in real life typically aren't open to having strangers walk in off the street, even if they have a bouncer to throw problematic people out. A single negative interaction might require a lot of energy to undo.

and, to reiterate: we understand that a lot of people legitimately and fairly use these instances, and this is going to be painful while it's in effect. but we hope you can understand why we're doing this. our words, when we talk about building something better here, are not idle platitudes, and we are not out to build a space that grows at any cost. we want a better space, and we think this is necessary to do that right now. if you disagree we understand that, but we hope you can if nothing else come away with the understanding it was an informed decision.

this is also not a permanent judgement (or a moral one on the part of either community's owner, i should add--we just have differing interests here and that's fine). in the future as tools develop, cultures settle, attitudes and interest change, and the wave of newcomers settles down, we'll reassess whether we feel capable of refederating with these communities.

thanks for using our site folks.

@imaqtpie@sh.itjust.works avatar

Guys, can we please try to not act so butthurt about this? Simply accept that they were getting spammed and trolled and had to go private for awhile. It's nothing personally against us or our community.


But they can ban those users, just like they get banned individually in their own communities.

There is pretty much no difference, unless organised brigading was going on from lemmy.world ,etc. which I doubt.


Doesn't have to be organized when there's 30,000 people on the sites they're blocking. It can be a marginal percentage of users and still be hundreds of people they need to ban. Potentially repeatedly if the banned trolls just start using sockpuppets.

A small number of mods + dedicated bad actors = blocking the tools those bad actors use.

@imaqtpie@sh.itjust.works avatar

I'm not sure why you doubt it. People have corroborated that slurs were being mass spammed. I myself witnessed a troll on lemmy.world yesterday who dropped an f-bomb and told a lascivious tale about dessalines. They can ban them for 5 minutes until they make another account and start spamming again. It's pretty easy for a handful of trolls to cause chaos, especially if they had only 4 mods. The mods need to sleep sometimes also.


Yeah, I saw a spammer on lemmy.world spamming scat porn images (unfortunately there is still no way of blocking all images). I reported them and they were banned.

They can ban them for 5 minutes until they make another account and start spamming again

But they can still do this from any federated instance. Meanwhile they just banned 20k+ contributing users.

@Barbarian@sh.itjust.works avatar

It'll be interesting to see if they block kbin.social, fedia.io and startrek.website soon. All these same arguments work for them.

exohuman avatar

When federation wasn’t working for kbin, the community felt like a safe space. It was calm and interesting. With federation in place the main negative thing I have seen so far is downvotes everywhere. Yes, the Lemmy community feels a lot more Wild West too than kbin did.

@Barbarian@sh.itjust.works avatar

I obviously can't talk for every single sh.itjust.works user, but it doesn't feel like that here to me, even with federation on. It really depends on the instance and the subscriber base.

@imaqtpie@sh.itjust.works avatar

Barbarian, you're a gentleman and scholar. Your patience and understanding of the fediverse has been crucial to the success and growth of this instance, and indeed Lemmy as a whole. So thankful you joined up with sh.itjust.works. Keep fighting the good fight!

@Barbarian@sh.itjust.works avatar

I appreciate that, thank you.

@imaqtpie@sh.itjust.works avatar

They didn't ban us, they temporarily defederated from our instances. Totally different things.

And no, I don't think there are very many instances which are as quick and easy to make an account as us and lemmy.world. That's how we grew so quickly, and we obviously picked up a few trolls along the way.



It just reminds me of all the Mastodon drama, like them de-federating the Swedish one over not applying shared blocklists, etc.

Why not focus on blocking actual abusive users, and contributing to shared tooling, rather than trying to pre-emptively ban users?

@FantasticFox@lemmy.world avatar

There is nothing more permanent than a temporary solution.


// This is meant to be a temporary solution

I found that in a SQL script from 2001...in 2018.


haha. I'm still rocking a temp solution I put in place on my media server about a year ago.

@imaqtpie@sh.itjust.works avatar

You're not wrong. I just think you're choosing a silly hill to die on. What is the purpose of your line of questioning? Do you want to be federated with them or not?

Do you have any experience moderating a Lemmy instance of that size? Presumably they would have been focusing on blocking abusive users for the past week and ultimately decided they had to choose nuclear option.

Neither of us actually know firsthand what went down, but I'm choosing to sympathize and you're choosing to criticize. Neither of us is necessarily wrong, but I feel it's wiser to be supportive right now, given that we don't know what the future might hold and the platform is in a fragile state.


The issue is that it affects the growth of Lemmy as a whole. Like the outcome of all the Mastodon drama was just that I gave up using it, but I was never a big Twitter use anyway.

Imagine the average Redditor's experience now - they come to browse some Lemmyverse posts. See that Beehaw has active Gaming and Technology communities like Reddit, so try to sign up there. Wait 2-3 hours with no response to their registration and then give up and go back to Reddit.


You seem very concerned about controlling what other people are doing for someone who is experiencing angst over those other people controlling what you can do in their space.


That wasn't their point at all

@imaqtpie@sh.itjust.works avatar

Ok, I see where you're coming from.

I guess I just don't feel the same because I never expected the original servers to be anything but an afterthought. From my perspective, Beehaw was never going to play a large role in the growth of this platform. It was kinda obvious that they were going to have a problem with the influx of users. So getting this out of the way early is actually one of the best ways for it to play out

@kukkurovaca@sh.itjust.works avatar

They can do this from any instance with open registrations. Instances with closed or moderated registrations are a different story. So, could just as easily say, why doesn't sh.itjust.works restrict new user creation, which is a common practice on smaller fediverse instances including beehaw.

(Answer: then you can't onboard new users in a mass migration. But that's what creates the tension.)


They can ban them for 5 minutes until they make another account and start spamming again

But they can still do this from any federated instance. Meanwhile they just banned 20k+ contributing users.

Isn't the issue that this instance (and some others) don't have any controls on creating new accounts?


Neither does Reddit.

What is your proposed solution? Private invites like lobste.rs ? Or the current tiny trickle of allowed users on Beehaw ?

I think open growth and banning spammers while developing analysis tools to automate it is the best way.


I was just explaining what their issue was, I wasn't defending it or proposing any solutions.


This. We don't know what kind of content was happening. It's good that they're trying to cultivate their communities along what they believe to be a good and positive ethos, and it's even better that the Fediverse can support this without crippling everything.

Ferk avatar

Personally I'd rather there were methods for people to access content across instances without the instances having to federate. So that the repercussions of defederation can be minimized. Then it would not be a big deal at all even if an instance didn't federate with anyone else.

I feel that it's actually a big ask to expect the owners of an instance to host/proxy whatever content all other third party instances provide. If I was hosting my own instance I would actually rather prefer to not federate with anyone, because I would not want to be liable / responsible for hosting content that I don't even have control over. Specially if the fediverse ever becomes as big and mainstream as massive social networks like reddit.


Isn't that just a website?


You can always access content on other instances, assuming they're not private. Just enter the URL into your browser bar.

Ferk, (edited )
Ferk avatar

Yes, but then I'd need a whole new account to keep a list of subscriptions, and completely switch to a different website / feed.

The interesting thing would be if the same frontend could make the requests to the the API from multiple instances directly (cross-site) to fetch subscriptions for each instance and aggregate the content in the same feed, even across instances that do not federate.

Ideally you'd get the content from those instances without server-to-server communication, and you wouldn't need instances to proxy/cache the content from each other's. Each instance would just serve the content they host when they do not federate. So they wouldn't be held responsible for 3rd party content while still giving you the freedom to chose to connect with those other instances if you really want.

Of course it would still require some level of coordination for all instances to use the same standards, and be able to authenticate the user consistently (maybe using a cryptographic key). But I expect it would alleviate the inter-instance drama by removing friction.


I agree that it's frustrating that we can't still view content and just be unable to interact from our instance. That being said, I think a workaround to have everything in one place (if you just want to lurk) would be adding that specific community's xml link to an RSS feed along with your sh.itjust.works homepage's xml.

@chalkman@sh.itjust.works avatar

I think at this point we might as well start vetting new users if other instances are beginning to complain. It'll suck for new users but such is the price we might have to pay. As always, keep up the good work, loving this instance.


Also beehaw doesn't appear on the community browser https://browse.feddit.de/

@Tempiz@sh.itjust.works avatar

Its their communities choice I suppose. This seems against the idealogy of the fediverse, but to each their own. Folks can migrate here, or to a different instance of their choice if they disagree with the Beehaw admins.


I've really been seeing minimal to zero trolling and toxic arguments. Here, on beehaw, and on lemmy.world. Seems totally unnecessary to me. I don't think I personally vibe with their whole harping on the "safe space" aspect of their community. I want the internet, not a tiny, "safe", over-moderated community.

Barbarian, (edited )
@Barbarian@sh.itjust.works avatar

I agree with you, but we do not and should not have the capability of overriding what they and their userbase want to do. While I absolutely wish them the best of luck, I am not a Beehaw member for exactly the same reasons you aren't.


Yup I definitely agree with that. I really like and am very excited about the things federation brings to the table, even with these growing pains.

@Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

and should not have the capability of overriding what they and their userbase want to do.

I disagree, the whole point of Federation is to not fracture user-bases across platforms and if you don't like it, then don't join the Fediverse. Want a heavily moderated platform where for whiny b*tches where you must always agree? Make something that isn't federated (I won't mention the ones I know of because I don't want to support them, but plenty of platforms decided to do this). Federation is about connectedness, that means people are going to disagree. Defederating hurts users by doing the thing that federated services is supposed to prevent, causing fragmentation.


Hardline disagree. Federation is meant to allow variable amounts of connectedness and disconnectedness. If you want a well-connected platform with a central authority that can override user desires, go use Reddit. The point of the fediverse is to allow a bunch of what otherwise would have been disconnected forums to talk to each other and share information, while retaining independence. This, for better or worse, fits well within the principles of federation.


Hey everyone, woke up this morning with this news. This news really comes at a surprise as I have not seen or heard of any trolling coming from members of this community. I also have not been approached by their admins to see how we could collaborate. In either case, I'll be attempting to reach out to their admins and discuss a path forward together.

I'll post an update with the details in the coming days.


That's disappointing, I would've hoped that if open signups were their main problem then they would have communicated that. Other instances have "closed signups" but are effectively only bot gateways.


The more I read about beehaw, the more it seems like the admins are the kinds of people who would rather block everything they don't like than look for an actual solution.

@gawdahm@sh.itjust.works avatar


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  • yesTHEalex,

    Elbows too pointy. Blocked.

    @gawdahm@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Justified block


    I really hope you find a way to re-federate. But they do have a point, open sign up is a a time bomb. Do you have any anti spam in place?


    Ya maybe just approving sign ups is required during this wave. I dunno.


    I had to block a user from this instance who posted something along the lines of "would you hit it" of three women wearing Nazi armbands. That made me nervous of this instance. It looks like Beehaw is seeing more behavior like that from this instance.


    Report them. We’ll sort them out.


    I tried to find them again but I blocked them out of instinct and couldn't get back to it. I find Nazi imagery particularly distressing, so I acted out of instinct instead of approaching it rationally.


    Their announcement doesn't strike me as all that alarming. I could be mistaken.

    It sounds like their mods have watched an unexpected expressway arrive at their door this week, Douglas Adams-style, and so they're closing the door momentarily to evaluate what the new traffic will look like. Honestly feels reasonable, unless I'm misunderstanding it.

    The message seems to be that this isn't meant to be a permanent change.


    So !golf is bad, but keeping porn feds is okay. This right here is why the Lemmy experiment will quickly lose steam once the next best thing comes along. Average users won’t understand all of this and how to navigate it.

    @Cracks_InTheWalls@sh.itjust.works avatar

    This is unfortunate. I quite liked some of their communities. Does put the hoops other instances make you jump through in perspective a bit, though.


    I find this very disappointing, not because I'm hugely attached to Beehaw (although their large gaming community has dominated my feed this week). But rather because the first response to whatever adversity they were facing, real or perceived, is to take the nuclear option. The biggest drawback to Lemmy as opposed to Reddit is the over fragmentation and the lack of quality content, so intentionally increasing those challenges feels short-sighted and bad for the ecosystem as a whole.

    @Ludrol@szmer.info avatar

    I would say that on lemmy mod tools are in pre-alpha state that work for instances under 1000 users. Lemmy needs more tools to moderate and without any other option beehaw decided to go nuclear until they get mod tools

    Whole reddit debacle was about 3 party apps and moderation tools


    Ok so help me understand here. The root post is Beehaw complaining that their four admins can't handle the new influx of users. But isn't that the entire point of moderators? Shouldn't each community be responsible for dealing with trolls, etc? From what I've seen of Beehaw, they're attempting to have the same handful of admins moderate every single community, which was never going to be sustainable and IMHO misses the entire point of this sort of experience.

    @Ludrol@szmer.info avatar

    I don't know how to answer the question. I don't have enough information but from my testing moderation tools are in a poor state and what moderator can do if they can't moderate.

    @kukkurovaca@sh.itjust.works avatar

    If all the new trolls are coming from two instances, and defederating those two instances will keep the load manageable for them, why wouldn't they?

    This kind of decision is a big problem for scaling up Lemmy as a reddit replacement and welcoming huge volumes of new users, but I don't think that's Beehaw's goal and certainly not their responsibility.

    The tricky bit is figuring out how to set up fediverse-wide communities in places that most (non-troll) users won't be cut off from them.


    That's exactly the issue. We're at a point where many communities are looking for a place to go instead of reddit and this whole situation will scare them away from lemmy because they don't know which instances are safe places to set up camp. Beehaw was the only one I saw with a bit of branding in the form of consistent logos and I think that alone has pushed many users to them. I personally just picked the instance that seemed the least shady at first glance and didn't already ask people to register elsewhere and I think most of beehaw's users did the same and landed there without getting into the details about the server's ethics.


    I mean sure, they can take their toys and go home. It's their instance; it's their prerogative. I guess I just don't understand why anyone would want to be invested in a tiny little dictatorship where four admins run every single community.

    @Barbarian@sh.itjust.works avatar

    I tend to agree. Their server, their rules, but an attempt to find a compromise of some variety rather than suddenly and unexpectedly defederating would have been nice.


    It's telling when people interpret "you're not invited to my house" as censorship.

    You're not being censored. You have a platform.

    You're being told they don't want to listen to you.

    @Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

    I would disagree with that analogy, de-federation is a form of censorship because of the affects it has on registered users. It prevents users from accessing resources if they are on Beehaw. That analogy only works if Beehaw users could still interact with the de-federated communities but they are prevented from doing that.

    Sure they can make a new account but the whole idea of Fediverse was to not have to make 20 accounts for different services, so if you signed up to Beehaw you are effectively censored and you'll need to make a new account.

    So it very much is censorship, maybe not for us outside of Beehaw but certainly for the ones in Beehaw.

    @mrmanager@lemmy.today avatar

    I bet the name sh.itjust.works attracts some users that are not serious about being good citizens of the fediverse. But I also bet that most of the users there are good ones. As always it just takes a minority of assholes to ruin something good.

    Unfortunately this means those guys won. And they may move to another popular instance and keep on behaving like that.

    @Cracks_InTheWalls@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Down with shitheads, up with sh.it.heads.


    it just takes a minority of assholes to ruin something good

    And this is why active moderation is important. You need to get rid of the assholes to keep things good.

    snakesnakewhale, (edited )

    those guys won

    It's a bit premature to be using the past tense lol. I'd wager many, many Lemmy accounts that were made in response to the blackout will just as quickly go inactive once reddit is back to business as usual.

    As the beehaw announcement goes out of its way to make clear: the decision is not meant to be permanent, and will be reassessed as things settle. "Things" being a sudden rush of redditors who mostly didn't anticipate a Lemmy migration ahead of spez's AMA (which is the same window that the beehaw mods were given to prepare).

    This hardly feels like gossip, much less drama. This feels like four mods pausing to see what's what as the next few days/weeks go by.


    This comment made me think earlier (way too hard on a day off, to boot) because I hadn’t associated any negative connotation with the instance name. I chose this instance because as a home automation hobbiest, I love when shit just works. I read @TheDude efforts on setting up their gear/testing its capacities to see how said shit will work, and I like graphs and happy seals wanted to be part of that test so I joined 😂 Greetings from Philadelphia and thanks for having me!


    So what does that mean exactly in the context of Lemmy for Lemmy world any sh.it justworks and how is it different than someone who is part of a different instance?

    Barbarian, (edited )
    @Barbarian@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Basically, our instances can no longer pull in posts from Beehaw, and Beehaw cannot pull from us. There is a wall between us.

    If both a member of Beehaw and a member of lemmy.world are on a community on a third instance (like midwest.social), our comments and posts are invisible to eachother, like the other isn't there are invisible to Beehaw users, but we will still be able to see theirs (as we have not defederated them).


    If both a member of Beehaw and a member of lemmy.world are on a community on a third instance (like midwest.social), our comments and posts are invisible to eachother, like the other isn't there

    Is that really how it works? It's contrary to my understanding but I can't find that covered in the documentation.

    I assumed that the discussion on a post on a 3rd party server would be served by the 3rd party and I would still see comments from beehaw users on that posts.

    @Barbarian@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Just double-checked what I wrote, yes you are absolutely right. Edited it to be clearer.

    Afrazzle, (edited )

    Disappointing, although beehaw gave me weird vibes so I had been avoiding it so far.

    Edit: not trying to hate on them, just saying what they're doing isn't for me.

    @Senseibu@feddit.uk avatar

    What a joke, one of the problems with reddit was over moderation and how things had to be so neatly organized with flairs etc.

    On the basis of this information, to me de-federation is a good thing and shows how this could be better than reddit, over just banhammering users.


    Same here

    strepto avatar

    The beauty of the fediverse is that if you don't like the decision they've made, you can change instances or make a new one

    @gawdahm@sh.itjust.works avatar

    That's fine, but I wish that instances that have blocked your instance wouldn't appear on your timeline at all. Being able to see defederated content, but not knowing that you're talking to a brick wall if you interact with it, is very strange.

    @Draconic_NEO@lemmy.world avatar

    Maybe there should be a test to see if the other instance is responsive and if it isn't display a de-federated warning banner and maybe highlight the usernames from that instance in Red to show that they're not available from this current instance.

    @gawdahm@sh.itjust.works avatar

    Yep, that'd be fantastic.


    Beehaw used to have a rule that you can't ask for sources.

    @Senseibu@feddit.uk avatar

    What a joke, one of the problems with reddit was over moderation and how things had to be so neatly organized with flairs etc.

    On the basis of this information, to me de-federation is a good thing and shows how this could be better than reddit, over just banhammering users.


    Defederation is still nuclear and makes the whole service harder to approach. We need some intermediate tools besides "allow all" and "block all" for handling other instances.

    @Senseibu@feddit.uk avatar

    Please check my profile, trying to help formulate a solution in my other posts

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