
Astronomer & video game data scientist with repressed anger


Maybe they're just the Rob Liefeld of hands?


Using chatgpt for searches

I cannot stress this enough: LLMs are not, have never been, and quite likely never will be search engines. You may as well ask your a auto-complete questions.


Yeah, I haven't been able to access it for several months now. It still seems to be running, frustratingly enough, which makes it seem like it's an issue of absentee admins who just haven't really noticed.

But maybe my experience with it has been uniquely frustrated.

It's a shame. I was really hoping for there to be an active -- if quite small -- Pathfinder community here. The subreddit is... Not my cup of tea.


My guess, based off of absolutely nothing, is that they expected stronger growth out of the gate, given the rate at which r/Pathfinder2e had been growing, and hoped to see that community choose the Fediverse. But the mods there crated their own forum that drew very little traffic in its own right, a bunch of people shifted to the discord, and then everyone quickly filtered back to the subreddit when it became clear that there mods had no will to actually do anything beyond the symbolic.

So, they lost interest.

But that's naked supposition and conjecture.


Did one of your spellcasters know the Gate spell? If so, what stopped the PCs from pulling the BBEG out of their lair and beating them up from the comfort of their homes?

Anti-magic field?
The BBEG has taken great efforts to hide their true name?
Private Sanctum spell?
The fact that Gate is an inter-planar spell, and not an intra-planar spell?

As the GM, one of your jobs is to present challenges for the party to overcome. That means actively countering their abilities list just as often as it means giving them a bone and letting them shine. The big moments of flexing mean a hell of a lot less when all they do is flex.


I was under the impression that the whole thing has been about Tencent wanting to license the digital product rights to D&D, not the actual game. I'm not sure why that's caused an uproar over the actual IP ownership.


Huh. I asked it to make me a level 5 Wizard for PF2e, and it spit out... python code to generate one myself???


And Tencent has a minority stake in, like, every functioning software company that's ever done an investment funding around at this point. They make it a point to diversify their holdings across basically the entire software industry at this point.

They're fairly hands-off in those endeavours, since they're doing it to protect themselves against shifts in the market.

Their in-house made stuff, though, is... Well, let's just say it's efficiently monetized.


Yeah, it doesn't address the awful and lazy design that is "hardwired tablet in middle of console", but at the very least it provides a way to interact with car functionality without taking your eyes off the road.

It's a small win in a losing war.


Yeah. The Bidens are safe. The assailant is under arrest. Nobody's dog got shot.

It's obvious why this is a confusing outcome.


The new Starter Kit is out and about now. I grabbed one a few weeks ago for my step-son. Are you able to find that in stock? It seemed pretty good from my quick scan.


I'm not looking for a d6 fantasy game right now, but I'm super interested in their momentum based resource management system. I also appreciate that they actually pay their writers, and am curious as to what kind of modules they'll be releasing in support of the game.


Me, noticing Riker: "I don't get it. Why is Abraham Lincoln here?"

Me, finally noticing Picard: "KILL IT WITH FIRE!"


And yet it still has a bunch of ads for PC+ littered throughout it. Despite being grandfathered in, I abandoned it earlier this year for Podcast Republic, which hasn't spammed me or locked me out of any features I've tried to play with despite not having paid them anything.

Kichae, (edited )

They 100% think of it as a lever that makes expenses disappear. They're often just a little bit surprised when it results in labour disappearing along side the expenses, though.

Importantly, though, this kind of dehumanizing language is purposeful, and it's extremely harmful. It makes it easier for management to treat people's livelihoods and lives as disposable.

Keep in mind that "human resources" (sometimes called "human capital" at some especially icky places) is also one of these dehumanizing terms. Treating people as resources that are available to use or process is really gross, and that's literally the name of the department.


Hasbro might relinquish Wizards, though.

Unfortunately, it's likely to be to another corporate entity that will try to squeeze every last drop out of it.


Holy shit, someone that actually likes that aural abomination?

Are you the reason it won't fucking die?



Land of the Free, folks


Honestly, I'd take a woody window to replace the clear glass overlooking the scenic parking lot outside literally any of the apartments I've ever lived in.


I just came across this video, which, while still focused on GMs, I think has some very good seeds for players. It's all about dramatic combat, and there's a lot that players can do to initiate dramatic scenes in game:


He's only built out to 1 archetype so far, and it's, regrettably, very playable so far. Fingers crossed that he becomes less able over time!


In PF2e, the specific gods and factions of the default setting are actually integral to the game’s mechanics, which makes it a lot harder to play the system in a homebrew setting

Ehhh. You can ignore a lot of the setting specific stuff, especially with the remaster. I just let clerics choose their own edicts and anathema, and favoured weapon, for instance. It's not like the actual lore of the gods matters to the game mechanics. You can build gods or sects piecemeal.

Or don't. My family's game has both a cleric and a champion, neither of which has a specific god. They're just "good". It works just fine.


Self checkouts tend to have a hand scanner too

I'm going to guess that this is regional or vendor specific, because I've literally never seen a self-checkout with a hand scanner. And if I ever did, I would expect it to transform into a broken, dangling cable within a few months.


Just add degrees to any ol' unit. It's fine. Unit multiplication isn't implied, I promise!

I just biked 25 degrees kilometre!

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