
Connect for Lemmy has a block instance feature

Angry_Maple, avatar

If an instance doesn’t want a negative reputation for doing certain things, they should prioritize not doing those certain things.

If you act like an arse, people are going to think that you’re an arse. If you want people to think that you’re pleasant, you should try acting pleasant. If someone acts like an arse but expects to be called pleasant, I would think that person is delusional. Too many people are like this, then get upset when people don’t want to deal with them.

Frankly, life is too short to deal with certain people. Why would I waste my time and happiness for a troll?

I might block the instance soon. It doesn’t seem like I would be losing much at the moment.

Ataraxia, avatar

It’s not political, it’s right wing troll factories trying to stir up the real left and make socialism look bad. They’re trash.


Lmao do you actually believe this?

WheeGeetheCat, (edited ) avatar

As a left-leaning person that would be nice to believe, but I have seen young teenagers who get a taste of shitty capitalism just run to the other side of the spectrum and become ‘communists who know nothing about communism except that it’s better than capitalism’.

I think actually building a working system of governance that doesn’t concentrate corruptible levels of power in a few hands is hard, and many people lack the patience and intelligence to work out the problem. So they run to ‘easy answers’ that make them feel morally superior and offer the chance of something different (even if worse), especially when they are young and reactionary.

Its the same way some Bernie fans ran to Trump because they lacked the patience to dismantle the duopoly for real, so they hoped he’d do it somehow. We’re all feeling worse off, but at least they got to 'show the democrats, right?


I think you’re both right. I think some of it is right wing people trying to convince the people you’re talking about to abandon morality and not question the “communist” countries (which somehow they still include Russia?) no matter what they do. They don’t care about doing what’s best for workers if it’s anti-western. That’s not leftist.

carbon_based, (edited ) avatar

Compelling concecture. I also wonder if there are really groups of people like that (i mean, how do they behave in physical, that must be sort of punks?) – or if it is part of an orchestrated disruption and possibly false flag. I read it’s only about 15 accounts to block if one wanted to get rid of the obnoxious ones.

Have any hints that back it up?
Edit: do not mind, i have read farther down. It also seems to have deviated from the original CTH community, as in “unfriendly take-over”, which was even stated by a HB account.

Besides, this helped me to finally understand the confusion about the “liberal” adjective. It’s understood differently in USA, from most everywhere else. :-)


Yay, looks like they defederated again.


I can’t find us in their blocked list, seems like they might’ve gone back on that decision.


Oh shucks…


Yeah, that’s why I feel like in the case of instances like this they should still be defederated even if they pull the trigger first because they know that they can quietly re-federate later after the whole thing dies down, which seems like what they did.




Did they defederate or did you defederate? And why?


They defederated from us. They said abilism and racism or something. I think they didn’t like the Winnie the Pooh Xi Jinping. But also I feel like they didn’t really like people challenging their beliefs.


They defederated from us. They said abilism and racism or something

LOL this ought to go on /c/nottheonion


Really ? How do you know ?


Saw a post from !meanwhileongrad that had a pic of hexbears explanation post.


Well either there’s a synchronisation delay (plausible) orthey’re telling porkies according to


Probably just a delay because when accessing !announcements I only see very old content.


Had a trawl through MoG (which I normally avoid like the plague because, as per post I really don’t wish to interact with tankies, even second hand) and can’t find it.

Oh well, whatevs, hope you’re right


This is the post I was taking about


Thanks for that - there’s a bug (?I assume?) in Jerboah that doesn’t allow zooming pics so that tiny font for ants was unreadable. Well hopefully they don’t delay on the implementation


any time i see a weird gif reaction i just block.

it gets repetitive, but that’s the way it is for now.

at some point i might just move away from shitjustworks to an instance that actually cares.


I heavily endorse the block feature. It’s not reddit level of activity, after blocking enough you barely notice them. And I only block the most annoying users.


The problem is that there apparently currently is a limit of 1000 blocks per user. With the inevitable spambots and trolls going to appear over the years it is annoying having to spend a lot of those on these guys.


I kind of like it just for the batshit, teenage-level stupid takes but I wouldn’t be sad if they went away.


This kind of thing reminds me of the early 2010s /r/atheism. There’s definitely some meaningful discussion to be had, but it quickly got overwhelmed by edgy teenagers and culminated in the infamous “In this moment I am euphoric”" quote and things simmered down.

I expect there’s going to be some batshit insane development in this space that’ll make things calmer. However looking at the state of the world it might be WW3 making things calmer because most of the edgy teenagers will get drafted /s.


I would love to block that trash completely. Every interaction I’ve had with any of them and their posts has just given me the impression they are just trolls and nothing else. If anyone truly thinks they are leftists, I question your definition of left. They can go and stay in their little instance and show all the bullshit and talk all the nonsense they want to.


Connect for Lemmy (Android app) has an option to block by instance. Now I see that they commented, but by default I don’t see the comment.


Also, it keeps posts from that instance completely out of All.

Which was awesome to discover as a Lemmy user who doesn’t like his front page to be mostly furry porn.


This is basically my experience. Connect and instance blocking, definitely a must have feature once you configure it.


No, they’re worse. They are true believers in their political ideology and that’s all they care about.


I think if you are active in communities related to news and politics you’re going to see political and news related posts. It’s kind of a part of the deal.


Extremist propaganda shouldn’t be “part of the deal”


It’s kind of a big part of politics. It isnt politics if it isn’t involved enough to contend with propaganda and extremism. That’d mostly just be entertainment, like your typical late night TV coverage of news and politics.

Semantic, I know, but worth pointing out.

wetnoodle, avatar

no, tankie propaganda isn’t a big part of politics, it’s tankie propaganda


You have to be able to parse through false information. That is what is part of politics.

Like, a lot of bullshit is thrown around in political spheres. There has to be some level of expectation that you will have to deal with that bullshit.

Zrc, avatar

yes, but I’m not telling you how


I want to know too

radiofreeval, avatar

Anti communist at shit just works…

I bet you’re a well adjusted member of society…


Nah they aren’t just communists. Unless you think Russia is also communist 🤡



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  • cacheson,
    cacheson avatar

    Weird to see a nazi posting American History X memes. Are you confused?


    You’re a Nazi. See how easy that is, to just say shit with nothing to back it up?

    cacheson avatar

    Did you look at the image they posted? Whether or not they're a nazi isn't in question here, they're not trying to hide that at all.


    Account made right before this comment, not used for anything else? Very interesting.


    Connect for Lemmy app has a block instance option.

    CoffeeJunkie, (edited )

    Yeah, I have blocked hexbear & numerous weird gay/fetish porn communities. Make sure you’re logged in. Click on the post & navigate to the community…then…towards the top before all the posts, there’s a bunch of options. One being to ‘block’. I have to scroll to find it. Nav to offensive community Block their ass

    It should be noted I use Sync for Lemmy. You may or may not have this on your render/UI. Should be able to block.


    I also use sync. And i also use the option to block certain words in titles. If you use this list, your feed gets a lot less toxic. Don’t judge me from this list, it works for me and a lot less first world problems.


    Haha, “America” 😂

    Thanks for the advice! I think I’ll follow suit.


    I think a lot of these things are further reaching problems than first world 😅


    Kinda true :)

    Excrubulent, avatar

    I absolutely will judge you for that list. You don’t want to hear about capitalism and climate change? Like the two biggest things that are going to affect our future. Lots of people are unaware of the water they swim in to some extent, but to intentionally avoid it like this is another level of ignorance.

    There’s some real vibes here of someone who’s so privileged that current politics already serves them and they feel like they can just ignore it. Self-described “apolitical” people are still political, it’s just that their politics are usually awful because they don’t think about them.

    If I ever thought of using a filter like this - and I really don’t think I ever will - the fact that you’re the kind of person to use it makes me even less likely to consider it. I never want to shove my head in the sand to that extent.

    Go ahead and block me for saying this, I wouldn’t want to make you feel slightly uncomfortable for the few seconds it takes to scroll past. It’s better if you just don’t know I exist. One less voice to antagonise you with reality.

    Fallenwout, (edited )

    I come to lemmy because I have time to relax, not to get all hyped up like you. If I want to stay informed I read articles, not people’s opinion.

    Why would I block you for giving your opinion? We just use lemmy for different purposes.

    Excrubulent, avatar

    I honestly didn’t expect you to reply. I’m quite willing to accept my impression was wrong here, if you tell me what your politics are. I’ll quite happily own up to the fact that I characterised you as an apolitical/centrist type, and that may have been wrong. Is that wrong?

    Fallenwout, (edited )

    I used to be central but now I tend towards the right because the left are ruining everything in my country (Belgium). I used to be political but I realized nothing changes when you vote because:

    There is this rule here were they won’t allow any right party to be in the government. But the 2 biggest parties are right. To exclude them they form a coalition of every other party in order to outnumber the 2 biggest but they barely have majority. Knowing these coalition partners don’t see eye to eye and fight amongst each other over the littlest things makes Belgium un-governeable.

    I will add this chart to show how many rival parties are currently (fighting) in control and how fragile this majority is. If a party doesn’t get their agenda pushed they threaten to leave the coalition and leave the rest outnumbered leaving us without a government. This result in conflicting and idiotic policies.

    54% of our monthly paycheck goes to taxes to support this monstrous coalition, they don’t deserve it.

    It suppose to be democracy, in theory it is, but practically it doesn’t work. Because when the green party with 8 of the 60 seats dictates policy and the coalition just bends over for the sake of keeping majority (and obviously their pay check), that isn’t democracy.

    So when I browse lemmy, I want none of this.

    Excrubulent, avatar

    Oh so you were a centrist, and now you’re moving to the right? So that’s basically exactly what I thought you were, since centrists are just conservatives that know “conservative” is synonymous with awful people and awful policies. I notice you also filtered out lgbt and racism. Just going out on a limb here, you’re white, straight, cis and I would guess also a man, right?

    Let me ask you something else: do you not like talking about politics because you find people get angry when you do?

    I’ll agree that electoral politics doesn’t get anywhere, but what you’re missing is that every serious win for the people has been won by organised people on the ground fighting against capital and politicians. To the extent you’re taken care of by any of the laws you have, you can thank unions and left wing organisers for them. You like having a weekend? Thank labour organisers. You like the fact children aren’t sent down mines? Workers fought and died for those protections, and capitalists would push politicians to strip them the moment they could. They liked company towns where they paid their workers in scrip and the wives of workers had to turn themselves and their children to sex work just to survive.


    I hate extreme right, but I hate the left more for what they’ve done to this place. So the only position I can take is just normal right. I’d like to be neutral but I just can’t anymore.

    I filtered lgbt because my daughter is trans. Believe me when I tell you that the lgbt (online) community is nothing like lgbt real life people. Trans people just want to be treated equal, no special attention required, no dragging, priding or rainbow flags. She says you give people with a mental disability special attention, so she thinks it is an insult if you do. I follow her stance so I blocked lgbt.

    I don’t talk about politics because other people get angry. Actually like you did in your first respond :p


    "Believe me when I tell you that the lgbt (online) community is nothing like lgbt real life people. Trans people just want to be treated equal, no special attention required, no dragging, priding or rainbow flags. "

    You absolutely and totally misunderstand what drag, pride, and rainbow flags are all about.

    It is not at all about wanting special attention, and you further show your ignorance by making such a statement.

    Also, just because you know someone who happens to be LGBT, doesn't mean their personal views and perspective on things is totally valid for everyone else who is LGBT.

    You're either trolling, or you don't realize how much of an asshole you actually are.

    Excrubulent, avatar

    Trans people aren’t asking for special treatment, they’re asking to not be discriminated against. They’re asking to be recognised as who they are, just like cis people take for granted. They’re murdered at a shockingly high rate. Advocating for their rights isn’t giving your daughter special treatment, it’s asking for her to expect the same level of safety everyone else enjoys. If you want that for her, the right with all their fearmongering about the dangerous trans women are the ones putting her in more danger. They’re the ones that are likely to hurt her just for existing as who she is. It’s the left that will fight for her safety, but again, not politicians. The organised left.

    Only someone with the privilege to ignore all of the oppression that’s going on wants to be “neutral”, because neutrality favours the oppressor. That’s why people get angry when you talk about politics. That’s classic centrism.


    In sync you can block entire instances, no need to block every single community…

    GalaxyBrain, avatar

    Nope. We’re living in your house.


    it’s a fugazi

    Kolanaki, avatar

    I just block the obnoxious users as they show up. Already got the most prolific posters; now I just see the occasional comment on posts outside of that instance. Maybe 2 of them haven’t been annoying and haven’t been blocked.


    Most people won’t bother doing that, they’ll just go back to another social media platform.

    Kolanaki, avatar

    Ok, well I was answering the OP not talking to users who would find that to be an insufferable roadblock.

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