Peruvian_Skies avatar

It's almost like people won't publicly criticize the government when the government imprisons and kills people who publicly criticize it and their families.


“How’s life in China ?”

“We can’t complain.”

"Really, that’s great. "

“No, we seriously can’t !”


My I ask which one of these countries has freedom of speech?


I’m pretty sure if you say anything in either place that isn’t “allowed” you get treated equally.

CyberGhost, avatar

Definitely not the USA, if a black man says something to a police that they don’t like, they get shot in the spot.


That happened once




or people in China could be scared to say anything bad about their scene.

Arcturus, (edited )
Arcturus avatar

Well, that's the US fault for not thinking about that smh.


On top of everything else, you’ve used the meme format incorrectly. Do better.

joshcodes, avatar

Huh, is that why the people of Hong Kong seemed so happy in that last bout of protests? You know, when over 1 million people took to the streets, protested and set the city on fire? Also, and just out of interest, is your government still using “prisoner’s of conscience” as an organ donor pool or have they finally shut down their concentration camps?

facow, avatar

Also, and just out of interest, is your government still using “prisoner’s of conscience” as an organ donor pool

Funny you say that

joshcodes, avatar

Don’t try to equate a bill that allows someone to make a choice to decrease prison time, with a concentration camp where they harvest organs and hair, and “reeducate” people to believe China #1. One is dumb, the other is evil.

I get worried sometimes about my country’s (Australia) invasive online privacy laws. China doesn’t allow proper internet access, and if you think you have nothing to worry about, just Baidu-search “Tiananmen Square 1989” or “why did the Dalai Lama leave Taiwan”. I’m sure you’ll be fine…


“Tiananmen Square 1989”

read up

“why did the Dalai Lama leave Taiwan”

That’s easy, the CPC and Tibetan masses didn’t let him keep the theocracy that allowed slaves/serfs to be tortured by the feudal lordship and women to be barred from education.


You know, when over 1 million people took to the streets, protested and set the city on fire?

They also set people on fire. The protests were started because they opposed an extradition bill designed to address a loophole that just allowed a man in HK to murder his pregnant wife and flee to Taiwan and avoid criminal prosecution; you shouldn’t support the HK protests.

Is your government still using “prisoner’s of conscience” as an organ donor pool

Glad we’re taking the claims of religious zealots as established fact


It’s so interesting that in a country where bitching about the government will land you in prison, people don’t publicly bitch about the government


“Although state censorship and propaganda are widespread, our survey reveals that citizen perceptions of governmental performance respond most to real, measurable changes in individuals’ material well-being” – Harvard study; this also shows people complaining about shit, admitting to lodging complaints/being willing to protest surrounding main issues. You had this cited to you back in another thread (where I refuted your claims on another topic, as did others), and yet you couldn’t come up with a single intelligent response. Now you’re saying the same bs with the same ignorant confidence, as if you have any evidence that simply disapproving of the government lands you in prison, despite the claim being disproven empirically (see above) and logically (“Idk why this is” and then “you can figure it out yourself” being your only responses; I don’t believe you have an actual answer to this refutation). The only reason I recognized you is because this is almost verbatim the exact comment you made in the other thread. You have brain worms.


US military promises ‘hellscape’ of drone swarming in future China war…/us-military-promises-…


Freedom coming to China real soon, just like: Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Uganda, Niger, Iraq again, Syria, Libya again…

edit: again…


Iraq needed a double dose of freedom.


Always go for the double tap.


What? No, I don’t think the US will invade China.

Arcturus avatar

Yeah, it's quite unlikely, we're both making too much money off each other.
It all depends on Taiwan and the SCS regional partners now.


I mean even discarding that. Hypothetically, let’s say the US and China declare war on each other. Neither country would be able to invade the other. I mean, the US is good at force projection, but how in the world would any nation conduct an amphibious invasion of a country like China and manage supply lines across the Pacific sufficient to support an invasion force?

It just… it doesn’t make coherent sense.

Arcturus avatar

The US could definitely do that, their logistics capabilities are immense. On top of that you have the submarine fleet, as well as assistance from regional allies. Probably not enough to take the entire country, but enough for it to capitulate through conventional means.


I mean we could land an army and send them support, just not enough to execute a conquest of China. Home field advantage is a major thing, you know


Don’t spend your 5 mao all in one place

JusticeForPorygon, avatar

Okay but like what happens in Beijing when you say you’re not satisfied? Also, weren’t there large scale protests there not to long back?


Tanked. You get tanked.

JusticeForPorygon, avatar

Careful where you say that, you’ll be sent one for four articles saying it didn’t happen

CyberGhost, avatar
  1. Nothing
  2. USA propaganda
  3. USA conditions are so shitty for black people and other minorities that cities were being burned
  4. French conditions for minorities are so shitty that there are protests there every day and many cities are on fire

Conclusion: Socialism >>>> (Capitalism = shit)



Oh wait, you’re serious? Let me laugh even harder.



Are we still pretending that China is a socialist country? Their social safety net is much worse than the US, which is regarding among the worst of OECD countries. I guess they still have a red and yellow flag so must be socialist utopia right?

CyberGhost, avatar

China’s retirement age is 60 and it is governed by a proletariat party.

Arcturus avatar

China's President sent his own daughter to Harvard and China has wide income inequality, as well as the greatest proportion of millionaires and billionaires in the world. The wealthy in China go on day trips to Paris to literally eat cake.

JusticeForPorygon, avatar

Fuckin tankies man, hurts my brain.

Living in the US sucks

Living in China sucks (unless you’re on their soil, then it’s great!(please don’t take my organs))

Arcturus avatar

Well, it may come as a shock to them, but having wealth in China improves your life considerably more than in the US. Unless of course, you challenge the Chairman.

CyberGhost, avatar
  1. The highest number of billionaires is the USA
  2. Can you please define what socialism is for me?
Arcturus, (edited )
Arcturus avatar
  1. Apologies, I thought China would've taken over by now. But quite a few do relocate to the US. I do see them travel quite a bit. I travel a lot too, and they do spend a bit of time in the US, but that's mainly just shopping.

  2. I would but this would be irrelevant. Can you define what Socialism with Chinese characteristics means?

CyberGhost, avatar

Response to both 1 and 2:

because socialism isn’t defined by how many people in a country have a certain level of wealth. socialism is the transitional period between capitalism and communism, where the proletariat hold state power and build the conditions necessary for communism. before you can have communism you need to have the productive forces in place to make that economically possible. China chose the route of allowing capitalist investment to help develop its productive forces, while maintaining state power and overall control of the economy in the hands of the Communist Party. they decided that it was better for the country to become wealthy unevenly at first, rather than to keep socialising poverty


What is socialism and what is Marxism? We were not quite clear about this in the past. Marxism attaches utmost importance to developing the productive forces. We have said that socialism is the primary stage of communism and that at the advanced stage the principle of from each according to his ability and to each according to his needs will be applied. This calls for highly developed productive forces and an overwhelming abundance of material wealth. Therefore, the fundamental task for the socialist stage is to develop the productive forces. The superiority of the socialist system is demonstrated, in the final analysis, by faster and greater development of those forces than under the capitalist system. As they develop, the people’s material and cultural life will constantly improve. One of our shortcomings after the founding of the People’s Republic was that we didn’t pay enough attention to developing the productive forces. Socialism means eliminating poverty. Pauperism is not socialism, still less communism

as it happens there did arise a great degree of wealth disparity, which the state has begun to tackle since Xi’s leadership took over

and that’s something they’ll need to iron out over time

but the existence of billionaires isn’t a reflection of the class character of the state

you might find this article a worthwhile read

Arcturus avatar

The Chinese state is cracking down on billionaires and the wealthy, to some extent, mainly as they are a challenge to the states own power. Not as a result of much else. Loyal ones, particularly close to Xi, are left alone.

China continues to be highly neoliberal in business practice, supported and subsidised by the state, if you're in a key industry, particularly as China faces economic downturn. Chinese workers are pliant, and educated. Which is why Elon Musk is there.

The proletariat do not hold the power in China, they are seen as a threat by the Chinese elite. Hence a heavy surveillance state, and large propaganda arm.

The transition from socialism to capitalism, in theory, does not include a devolution back to capitalism lol. Xi Jinping has created more wealth for the Chinese elite than any other previous Chinese President. Unless you think the Germans were also socialist during the 30's and 40's.

CyberGhost, (edited ) avatar

It doesn’t sound like you read anything that I sent you.

Also, doesn’t seem like you know how the Chinese democracy works. All that I hear is complete misunderstandings said confidently.

Let us be clear, the Chinese Communist Party is a Marxist-Leninist organization. The Party General Secretary Xi Jinping sees himself as Josef Stalin’s successor. In fact, as the journalist and former Australian government official John Garnaut has noted, the Chinese Communist Party is the last “ruling communist party that never split with Stalin, with the partial exception of North Korea.” [11]

Leaked cables from 2009 give a clear sense of why Xi Jinping aggravates the US:

Unlike many youth who “made up for lost time by having fun” after the Cultural Revolution, Xi “chose to survive by becoming redder than the red.” … Xi is not corrupt and does not care about money

Arcturus avatar

But he does. Sending your kids to Harvard isn't exactly cheap. His personal wealth is only beaten by his political power. Marxism and Leninism are political ideologies, not just economic. Xi also nods his head to Mao, but that doesn't mean anything. Donald Trump also nods his head to Lincoln and Washington.

You don't seem to understand the difference between the party propaganda line, and the actual reality. A lot of urban educated in China do understand this, and know how to toe the line.

CyberGhost, avatar

Taken together, these accounts tell a pretty compelling and straightforward story: a worker state led by a vanguard party has placed the productive forces developed by capitalism under human control once again, for the benefit of the many rather than the few, and so definitively begun the complex and difficult transition away from capitalism and into communism that we call socialism. Capitalists, sheltered and insular in their dealings with fellow human beings, don’t understand that they are not sympathetic characters, so they shamelessly self-victimize in the press in the hopes of winning sympathy from the masses, in a futile effort to rally the necessary fervor for military intervention. The situation looks grim for the forces of reaction.

Arcturus avatar

We do business dealings in China, and let me tell you that American workers are compensated more for their efforts than the Chinese workers are. That's why we do business in China lol. Its also why we do business in the Philippines. Mainly because we can profit, and Chinese owners can host an elaborate party for us (mainly because their margins are larger than ours). They feel compelled to because it's a prestige thing, to be able to flaunt wealth. But it's not exactly aristocratic, which is my background. One of the wives for example showed us their plate collection for example, which easily breaks over $100k in value, they had some interesting pieces, such as Queen Elizabeth state sets (my family has one of those somewhere), but they won't understand the difference between all the plates, or what they are (that's what the servants are for). It's literally just meaningless consumption, more bourgeois capitalist than you can ever imagine. I've had Chinese businessmen literally call me while they're in France, asking what kind of watch they should buy. It's never under $5,000 at least. One of them bought an Extra-Plat Squelette 5395 in Hong Kong. And these aren't workers lol. Chinese workers aren't meeting with American billionaires, owners of big pharma, literal royalty. It's a class that has been built and expanded under Xi Jinping's reign that has. Just look at Feng Shui, and how the focus is on raking in money, and more importantly, keeping it.

Alto avatar

Tankies don't do everything they can to discredit the left challenge


Dude they’re fucking state capitalists, not socialists. Also, cities were not being burned but way to parrot right wing talking points. In fact you could easily be a right winger hoping to drum up support. Hell, if you support China you already support anti-lgbt legislation so you probably are just some dumb fuck who thought he knew anything about the left.


Ugh such tired, ignorant arguments. Disappointing, especially for someone so sure of themselves.

Dude they’re fucking state capitalists, not socialists.

  1. Read this on why China is not capitalist and the justification for reform
  2. Also read this on “capitalism” in China
  3. Read this on monopoly state capitalism (specifically applies to underdeveloped countries under the DOTP)

Hell, if you support China you already support anti-lgbt legislation

Social development is a matter of and emerges from material development, and so it is absurd to expect equal social development between countries of varying material development (of which China’s underdevelopment was a matter of Western colonialism/imperialism). It is inaccurate to say “anti-lgbt legislation”, and more accurate to say “lack of desirable pro-LGBT+ legislation” (same-sex relationships are legal in China, although same-sex marriage is not legally recognized for instance, with some concessions in this field, of which improvement has been occuring.

2020 report published in BMC Public Health: “For member of the Chinese LGBT community, the greatest source of pressure to conform to societal norms of sexuality and identity comes from family members—particularly parents […] a higher level of economic development in provinces was associated with a decrease in discrimination, and we identified that every 100 thousand RMB increase in per capita GDP lead to a 6.4% decrease in discriminatory events perpetrated by heterosexuals […] he prevalence of this discrimination is associated with the economic development of the province in which it occurs.”

As such, development is conducive to progressive change, and development is prioritized in China, especially poverty alleviation, which more rapidly builds the base for improving LGBT+ acceptance/equality. Please read and don’t misrepresent things in the future.

HikingVet, (edited )

So what did all those Uighurs do then?

Edit: you gonna bring up racial and ethinc issues in the US and not expect people to bring up China’s fuck ups?


Oh sure, your propaganda is true.

Suck a dick tankie.


There’s the thought-terminating epithet. The site doesn’t just link “propaganda”, it directly refutes what you have to say through hundreds of sources and direct rebuttals, but naturally that is impossible for you to admit or engage with.

Great to see some more scratched liberal homophobia as well.


Oh, see I’m asexual and don’t care what your orientation or gender is. It’s a known way to upset people. You’ll also notice that the only slur was tankie. So, suck a dick tankie.


Thought-terminating nonsense. It’s a homophobic insult regardless of your sexual orientation. Either way, you couldn’t refute my sources so it doesn’t really matter that you’re resorting to insults. Very clear coping mechanism.


Or, you’re a full of shit tankie who is carrying a murderous regimes water like a good stooge.


You’re a dumbass western chauvinist who calls anything propaganda, regardless of claims being proven, because anything outside of your ideology regarding “regimes” cannot be accepted. Rather than proving anything I said wrong, you resorted to childish and bigoted insults, as encompassed in the term “tankie”, and in your homophobia, which you justified as being a different variety of queer yourself, and admitting to merely holding water for bigotry under the notion that “this insults people, and so must be used”, showing your ignorance not only in Chinese matters but also in your own arguments. You are the one carrying water for the U.S. (a murderous regime far surpassing China) through these narratives that are mainly propagated by them (as shown in the multitude of sources I linked) but under the guise of objectivity and opposition to extremes. You have one line which you can repeat as if it has some rhetorical power, when really it makes you seem pathetic.


You want to know why I said suck a dick?

Because even when you say it to people who suck dicks, people don’t like being told to do that. People tend to get pissed when you tell them what to do in their sex lives.

I geuss I should have said shove a catus up your ass. Because it might dislodge that fucking stick thats up there.

The US isn’t a place that I would hold up as an example, for pretty much anything.

But to say that other authoritarian regimes are somehow not as bad is fucking laughable.

Like how long has Winnie the pooh been the chairman is so sensitive that he jails people for saying that?

Let’s talk about how Beijing has lied to Hong-Kong…

Or about how they don’t own Taiwan…

Get it through your skull that just because they wave the red flag, doesn’t mean they are good.

Oh, and before you keep with the false idea that because I criticise china, that I think america is wonderful, or that I accept the way the world is currently run. Every country on this planet has skeletons in their closet, like how Canada sis selling guns to the Saudis, or the brits were colonial for well, a long time or how Switzerland hides evil people’s money.

Seriously. Sometimes you get told to shut up because all you’re doing os braying like a donkey.


I geuss I should have said shove a catus up your ass. [sic lmao] Because it might dislodge that fucking stick thats up there.

You’re the one that started the insults, I was merely replying to your point (something you still haven’t been able to grapple with).

The US isn’t a place that I would hold up as an example, for pretty much anything.

And yet the narrative you were repeating was derived from the U.S., which you would know if you engaged with my sources. Naturally you were incapable, and still are. And you will lash out again when I prove you wrong on these new points, unable to conjure a refutation, with your “points” being barely developed anyways. “What if I despise the U.S. and yet uncritically believe everything they say about AES” is not the “reasonable” position.

Like how long has Winnie the pooh been the chairman is so sensitive that he jails people for saying that? [this sentence is barely legible]

Another commenter said that Winnie the Pooh was banned in China, which I proved completely wrong (naturally I was blocked). Your claim is a little more unique. Should I explain how this “meme” is racist? Naturally this is not required, as it has become explicit to the point of Xi Jinping’s skin being covered with a yellow filter on the profile image of a comm on an instance you are federated with ( Hilarious (oh and consult this for “the meme originated in China” argument). Whatever, Luo Daiqing is the only example I could find online, of which he assumed the identity of someone else to post these comparisons, and thus was liable to slander (we don’t even get the specifics of his “criticism”, but this is the implication based on sensationalist stories).

Let’s talk about how Beijing has lied to Hong-Kong…

This is the most specific criticism you can muster? With regards to what? Do you mean one country, two systems? Hong Kong remains capitalist, but the mainland was forced to crack down on protests that included burning an unarmed civilian alive and killing an elderly street cleaner with a brick, all for the noble cause of letting a man murder his pregant wife in Taiwan and flee to Hong Kong without facing charges; and the U.S. government (4th PSYOP group) already admitted to “pulling the strings” behind the protests in a propaganda video. I dare you to address this.

Or about how they don’t own Taiwan…

[response to this] (you will be incapable of replying as per, because you don’t actually know anything about this subject)

Get it through your skull that just because they wave the red flag, doesn’t mean they are good.

Great strawman, but you know I never made this point, so I don’t know who you think will fall for this.

Under the guise of “neither Washington nor Beijing”, you repeat the propaganda of the former, and although confident, have no ability to actually prove your points. You are the donkey, led by a carrot just out of view, letting your nose guide you and while walking in the direction it is pointed confidently asserting that you have no need for carrots; you forge your “own path”, which coincidentally has already been trotted out for you, but by touching the blades and tossed dirt to each side assure yourself that you have found “the truth.”

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