
Holy shit that website is cancer. Cant read shit without popups and ads


Man: takes a shit

Another man: about to shit

Man: apologies for the smell

Other man: I don’t smell anything

“Man receives highest shit approval rating”


I saw somebody accuse jeffw of being an Israeli shill the other day, but I just don’t see it. His post history just seems like a pretty normal human rights activist to me.


It’s all the propagandists with their anti-Trump rhetoric.

I won’t be voting for Biden this year, that’s for sure.


Same, but only because I am not in the USA. I hope they don elect Trump because that will fuck everything up even more. The world had 4 years of a Trump USA and it was magnitudes worse than Biden’s USA.

Shadywack, avatar

It’s amazing to me how quickly a perfectly rational, considerate, and pleasant person on LW turns into a rabid drooling freakout “REEEE” savage as soon as someone says they’re not voting for Biden. I’m not voting for Biden or Trump, but going with a third party candidate as Biden’s not pushing enough on things I feel passionately for (socialized medicine, workweek reform, stronger labor union reforms, etc).


No, I simply do not like Biden. It’s not “with us or against us”, fucking psychopaths.



Shadywack, avatar

As another commenter noted, LW does indeed mean Lemmy.World.


Lemmy.World maybe?

Roflmasterbigpimp, avatar

Keep posting, you doing good!

Ultragigagigantic, avatar

Is the record correct yet?


Man, is it something about kblin that makes people think everything is a conspiracy? These comments are something else, It’s such a benign post lol

Keep posting, jeffw, someone has to keep news feeds going one way or another. I appreciate it at least!


I don’t know what it is about kbin, but it seems to attract really shitty people


That hasn’t been my experience /shrug


People are joining federated Reddit alternatives because of the sorry state Reddit is in, so most users here are ex-Redditors (myself included, but I quit Reddit a long time before Lemmy launched). Anyone familiar with Reddit knows that the userbase is politically diverse, and that there are plenty of unhinged shitheads.

Lemmy’s core developers are openly Communist, and run and I may not be on the same page politically with them but I’m not dropping my support for the platform over it. If anything, I like the idea of Communism as a philosophy for running an Internet community moreso than I would for governing a nation. Though there are plenty of people who consider Communist ideas of any kind to be a dealbreaker and join Kbin and Mbin instances as a result.

Anti-communists do tend to trend towards reactionary politics, so you end up seeing that kind of thing a lot more from non-Lemmy instances. Similarly to how conservative-leaning users choose Pleroma et al over Mastodon, since antifascism is a core philosophy of Mastodon’s mission (being a German nonprofit and all).

Though the far-left users on Lemmy do also tend to adopt a reactionary anti-Biden stance, but definitely not for the same reasons.


I’d also like to thank @jeffw for posting news from a really well rounded combination of sources. I’d also like to plug !ImproveTheNews, the articles are a synthesis of other articles from various biased sources, with the slant of each source described and a brief summation of the narrative they are pushing. It’s a really interesting and informative way to do non-biased news imo.


Jeez what a fuckin Jeffw shill/s lol


Thanks! Idk how well rounded my sources are though lol, I mostly pull from stuff I’d describe as centrist to moderately left


For the record, jeffw has a habit of posting abhorrent pro genocide propaganda, then deleting it when comments identify it as such.


I rarely delete posts? It’s possible mods deleted whatever post you’re referencing, but they usually do that because it’s an accidental repost that I didn’t catch (I check before posting). There was one other deletion on this community lately that was for content but it wasn’t Israel related.

One time recently I deleted a post after agreeing with a commenter who informed me about an author’s history/bias. But that wasn’t about Israel either. Really not sure what you’d be referring to


Cool, so this post will stay.

Would be really cool if you didn't delete what you post.


Everything on Lemmy is public, such as my comments condemning Israel. If you’re gonna make wild claims, at least provide evidence.

I take it you’re one of the people who got mad when I called out Candace Owen’s for being antisemitic or something?


Can’t provide evidence if you keep deleting the posts. Checkmate.


FlyingSquid, avatar

To some people, if you don’t treat Biden like he is personally killing every Palestinian in Gaza with his bare hands, you’re in favor of genocide.


And you have a long history of being a one note troll. You’d think you would take the hint that you have nothing of value to say when 90% of your comments are downvoted.


Thanks for the heads up. One more for the block list.


pro genocide propaganda

Yeah, sure


Mindless "Must vote for him because TrUmP" = Pro Genocide Propaganda.


Mindless would describe the protest votes you morons are advocating for


You genocidal cow.


Because Trump would totally be better for the Palestinians. /s



This very moment thousands dying daily from hunger.

This very moment you are financially culpable for that occurring.

I don't care what Trump might have done.

What Biden has ACTUALLY DONE is worse than Trump could do if he wanted.

And I fucking hate Trump.

Jesus, will you soft brained morons spend a micro second trying to get a decent candidate presented instead of licking Genocidal Joes genocidal taint because you are afraid of Trumps Covfefe.

Put them both in the guillotine.

Force a course correction.

Stop licking genocidal taint.




Hyperbole much?

This very moment thousands dying daily from hunger.

So nothing new?

This very moment you are financially culpable for that occurring.

As are you.

I don’t care what Trump might have done.

I care what he will do. And what he will do will absolutely be worse. He is good friends with Netanyahu. He will happily back any plan Bibi puts into place. There is no question about that.

What Biden has ACTUALLY DONE is worse than Trump could do if he wanted.

This is how I know your position is an absolute joke.

And I fucking hate Trump.

Yet you seem to want him elected.

Jesus, will you soft brained morons spend a micro second trying to get a decent candidate presented

The candidates are already decided.

Put them both in the guillotine.

Not even a remote possibility and shows how naive you are. Even if it were, you are calling for civil war which is batshit. Go back on your meds.


What a skinny hairless prick you are.

I feel like you think you've said something flattering about yourself here, but you just pulled a full Trump in litigation.

You 2 partiers are such utter twats it amazes me.


When you resort to genitalia jokes, you clearly know you have no argument.

I actively advocate for voting methods that are not first past the post which would actually see third party candidates be a possibility. Until that happens, it is idiotic to put in a vote that will help the main candidate that you want the least. Trump will be pushing for a national abortion ban and will roll back environmental protections that have been put into place all while giving the rich another tax cut. He’ll do all that while giving Israel even more military funding than they already have and likely actively helping the Israeli military with drone strikes. But hey, both sides are totally the same, right?


Wow... twat is a "genitalia joke".

Put on your fedora, use your airline miles to go to Gaza, jump in the UAV the IDF literally retrofitted into a poop shooter, and insist on manning that vessel while Iran nukes it, and China moves in boots to start cleanup.

Then tell me how Bidenomics worked and at least it wasn't trump.


Horse. Shit.


Have people still believes polls isn’t covered propaganda?


It must be propaganda to have such a glowing 43% approval rate…


Polls are generally pretty accurate. You get some big examples that people blow out of proportion. Or certain agencies that have a specific bias


The error is large enough that I don’t think the absolute measurements are useful, but the relative changes can be


It depends, I worked with a statistician that worked for a major polling company and they take their job pretty seriously, a bit too much. It can be made to skew a certain way by asking questions that serves a certain conclusion but this is just vad methodology. To blanket statement the whole thing as propaganda mostly serves the propagandists. Then the common man can just bias themselves in whatever suits them best.


53% disapprove, 43% approve

Doesn’t seem like cause to celebrate…

Omegamanthethird, avatar

I don’t care if people like Biden. They just need to vote for him over the alternative.

Besides, a lot of the country has already decided they’re going to hate him regardless.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

I don’t care if people like Biden. They just need to vote for him

That’s simply not how elections work. If people hate you, and they hate the other guy, they just stay home.

That’s how Gore lost in 2000 (plus a touch of GOP vote rigging and Brooks Brothers Rioting). He just parroted all the conservative lines about balanced budgets and business growth. Half the country simply slept through November rather than vote for him or Bush. Even a big chunk of disaffected Republicans joining the Green/Libertarian vote couldn’t save Gore from his own mealy mouthed centrism.

Biden is Clinton/Gore Centrism on fucking steroids. He’s going to tank his own base of support while Trump wipes MAGA shitheads up into an even bigger lather than the last time he was on the ballot.


I completely disagree with this. People stayed home and didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016 because they wanted to send a message. They didn’t think Trump would be elected.

What we got was 4 years of a narcissist running the country who cares more about himself and his friends than what was good for the people.

I didn’t like Hillary, but I voted for her. I don’t like Biden but I’ll vote for him because the alternative is another 4 years of people losing rights that I believe they should have.


What we got was 4 years of a narcissist running the country who cares more about himself and his friends than what was good for the people.

I wouldn’t say we didn’t still end up with that after 2020. Have you been out in public recently?

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

People stayed home and didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016 because they wanted to send a message.

I don’t know about “send a message” nearly so much as “felt disillusioned and betrayed”. She gave them nothing to show up for. Hell, Hillary’s primary demographic was supposed to be upwardly mobile white women, and the majority of them ended up voting for Trump.

What we got was 4 years of a narcissist running the country

After Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, and then Obama, this was par for the course.

If you lived through the 2002 GOP landslide, Trump wasn’t anything new. The xenophobia and the white nationalism, the naked demagoguery and far-right religious fervor, the shameless pandering to a handful of insider business leaders, the bailouts and bankruptcies… It was just a repeat of the Bush Administration.

To see Democrats in leadership sucking up to the prior dipshit fascist really drove home to us old-heads what GenZ had to learn the hard way - liberals weren’t going to lift a finger to this guy if they could help it.

I didn’t like Hillary, but I voted for her. I don’t like Biden but I’ll vote for him

This has been the story of American politics since at least Kennedy. The long line of “I didn’t like him but I voted for him” candidates have only produced more of the same shitty guys. And the country has rotted out from the inside, as liberals continued to contend “the only thing we can do is VOTE!” while conservatives took to the streets and reshaped the country with their own bare hands.


If you believe the previous presidents you listed were as narcissistic as Trump, I do t know what to say.

Also, Republicans have reshaped this country in a worst way. Democrats are weaker, but that is only because they don’t stoop to the same level as Republicans do when it comes to politics. Dems actually try to work together, Republicans say do what I want or else. Do you remember at all the previous government shutdowns? All due to Republicans not willing to compromise. Then they do a big show saying it’s all Democrats fault.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

If you believe the previous presidents you listed were as narcissistic as Trump, I do t know what to say.

Show me so much as a candidate in the last forty years who isn’t dripping with narcissism.

Also, Republicans have reshaped this country in a worst way.

Whether it was the Bankruptcy Bill of 2005 or the Graham-Leach-Biley of 1998 or SESTA/FOSTA in 2018 or the repeated extensions and reauthorizations of the 2001 Patriot Act, the Reagan and Bush tax cuts, or the endless wars in the Middle East, you can consistently find a large cadre of Democrats (often with Joe Biden himself at their head) paving the way for these ultra-conservative legislative changes.

All due to Republicans not willing to compromise.

In 2016, Mitch McConnell dragged out the nomination of Judge Antonin Scalia’s replacement for a full ten months.

In 2020, Democrats couldn’t stall the nomination of ACB as the replacement for RBG for three months.

I only wish the problem was Republicans being unwilling to compromise. Far too often, they simply play the face to policies Democrats appear more than willing to support.


Telling people who they should vote for is very democratic of you


Yes, it is. They don’t have to vote that way, but free speech means I get to make a case for it.

That’s literally democracy.


That’s literally the point of democracy we talk about it tell each other how to vote argue a bit then make up our own minds.


Congrats, this is the dumbest comment I’ve seen in at least a week.


Yes it is. Thee anti-democratic action would be me putting a bomb collar on someone and forcing them to vote my preferred way.


I don’t like Biden. I disapprove of his job performance. And I will desperately support his candidacy for president. He must win.


You are why America is about to go into conflict with Russia, China, Iran, South Africa, and most of the rest of the world, and WE will be the baddies.


Please I hope to god you are a bot or a troll farm account. For the sake of my own sanity I refuse to believe anyone is actually stupid enough to believe this.

Like yeah Russia invading an independent country and US ally unprovoked, and China making imperialist claims to the South China Sea, building islands for military bases there and building up their military to invade Taiwan, are not to blame at all for the potential upcoming war. Nonono its all Joe Bidens fault for providing weapons to Ukraine and continuing the US’ decades long unconditional support for Israel. 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


What a fascist clown you are.

Genocide supporters don't deserve the air they waste to lobby for their genocide.


No he’s not. The world is. Some things are inevitable even with good or decent people at the helm. America is not a great country. Certainly not the country it wants the rest of the world to think it is.

There are absolutely zero options for themeatbridge to have to change the course of events here, even a little. The best he can do is keep someone worse from taking over, and he should be applauded for that, not ridiculed.

Stop feeding trump’s group.


You're the only one feeding Trumps group here.

Liberal Americans will not vote for genocide. Period.

Defending that genocide will disenfranchise liberal voters.

You think your fear mongering will force good people to vote for genocide. It won't.

You should be taken Bidens feet to the coals, instead you are giving him a binkie and telling him he is the savior of humanity who is our only hope to stop Orange Man, and telling him to keep it up.

When Orange Man is back, remember it is your fault.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Well, I agree that Trump won’t go into conflict with his buddy Putin.

I’m also pretty sure that America is not going to declare war on most of the world if Biden is in office.


Yes, you Russians will continue being the baddies.

I kid, I kid.


South Africa? That’s a new one…


The south Africans are working for the Russians and the Russian trolls have fun with it.


You mean the region that got the WJC to acknowledge that genocide was occurring in Palestine at least enough for them to issue and order to provide humanitarian aid to Palestine? Which they have not done yet? As Palestinians starve?

That happened months ago, mate.


Russian bots and vatniks purposely not mentioning Trump is an even bigger supporter of Israel.


Trumps not currently funding a genocide, Biden is.

FlyingSquid, avatar

Do you think that might be because he isn’t president?


That’s not by choice, dip dung


Currently nobody is getting funded cos Mike Johnson isn’t letting anyone vote.

SuiXi3D, avatar

Trump can’t even fund his own bonds to pay his fines.


Are you on crack? All of that is a far fucking cry from any sort of real conflict. Go touch grass.


I am not on crack.

And you are a moron.


Has the US threatened any sort of military strike on South Africa at all?


You know that countries other than America can conduct military strikes... right?

FlyingSquid, avatar

You specifically said:

America is about to go into conflict with Russia, China, Iran, South Africa, and most of the rest of the world

Now you’re saying it won’t be America going to war with South Africa?

Make up your mind.


I dont like biden. I approve of some of his policies. I dig forgiving student loans. I like the updated infrastructure plan, esp that it specifically targets the state that just had issues with their roads floading and is in desperate need of more jobs (VT). And i like the Texan high speed rail idea. Texas being annoying as shit aside, a high speed rail between two massive metropolises is exactly what we need. Not to mention the big 3 cities in TX already historically vote blue in the general so trying to energize that crowd ahead of the election seems a little optimistic, but not as misplaced as some would have u believe.

Biden is still Status Quo Joe to me. He still represents the continuation of neoliberal policies that keep us from addressing the climate crisis, but he does not represent a disruption to the democratic process but rather its continuation. With the youth being more aware of the climate situation, the draconian foreign policies we hold, and on the whole supporting a wider array of left leaning policies than any generation prior, biden is the only sane choice.


Energizing the cities in Texas also forces the GOP to spend time and money defending their strongholds. Biden doesn’t need to win Texas, but if voters show up and elect more down-ballot representatives at state and local levels, that will be good for Texas and by extension the rest of the nation.



Excellent points, truly didnt consider. Now if only we could get Joe to also go after WI, MI, and PA harder… i think those are key.


H. Clinton made the mistake in 2016 of not campaigning everywhere. DNC made the same mistake in many, many elections over the years.

The DNC needs to campaign in every possible place, obviously they need to have a bigger spend, and a bigger push in swing states, but the more they campaign everywhere, the more down ballot Dems get attention. They need more than a president to get shit done.

Start adding more progressives to the house and (maybe someday) the senate, and we’ll start turning this ship around.


Agreed. My local area put a progressive (u know, an actual one) in office a couple election cycles ago and shes been very popular with her constituents.


Progressives are so much easier to elect locally. It’s a much simpler sell to point out local issues with progressive solutions than it is to make larger, sweeping changes at a state or national level.


Bottom up, amigo! When the low level supports more progressives at higher levels, those endorsements from popular local officials will go a long way.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Energizing the cities in Texas also forces the GOP to spend time and money defending their strongholds.

If you look at the primary figures in Texas right now, Dem participation has completely tanked out. Collin Alfred got less than half the votes Ted Cruz racked in during the primary. The Dem polling locations were dead while Republicans stormed to polls to support their guys.

Its going to be a bloodbath in Texas come 2024. Again. Because Dems insist on running the most milk toast, uninspiring, “safe” hack candidates imaginable, for fear of some labor group or environmental movement accidentally forming around someone with a spine.


That’s just because the Democratic Party sucks ass. Look at how they treated Beto.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

He was just a big money sponge they could suck dry.

Dark_Arc, avatar

He still represents the continuation of neoliberal policies that keep us from addressing the climate crisis

Joe has done a TON for climate change. He wanted to do more (earlier versions of the infrastructure bill basically called for moving the entire grid to renewables), but he didn’t have the majorities. If we can deliver a majority in the house and Senate that doesn’t rely on Manchin and Sinema, you’ll see big climate change legislation with teeth, I can almost guarantee it.

Pan_Ziemniak, (edited )

Agree and disagree. If not Manshit and sEnema, wed find two other corporate dems to do the same. We need to primary the shit dems for progressives anytime we get the chance from the bottom up to really get climate action.

Joe tried more than he accomplished, but given that he accomplished more than Obama towards this end, id say thats a byproduct of the dems realizing they must cater to the new generation and i give the credit to the general culture shift. I dont think joe is the answer we’re looking for, but he is swayed by his consituents, regardless of what the lemmy FUD crowd will tell u.

So i do agree that for climate action we need the house to turn blue, but i also need it be said that the action they will accomplish will be less than needed, and they should be uncomfortably pressed on that fact. Over more than one election cycle, that is how we get what we want/need.

Eta: spelling

Dark_Arc, avatar

I don’t buy the self destructive theory of “the Dems just pull some people out of a hat to block legislation and only act like they want to solve the problem.”

That argument is basically built on a history of failure caused by razor thin margins. Margins that rely on Democrats in conservative areas that just barely won or have some fringe beliefs/interests.

Sinema was brand new and basically untested, Manchin has an interest in coal. It’s not exactly a mystery or a conspiracy why both of them stonewalled.

So i do agree that for climate action we need the house to turn blue

It’s more than that, we need a blue house and blue senate with a margin for some people to defect. We have a blue senate but we don’t have that margin.

I never agreed with folks that wanted to get rid of Manchin, I grew up next to West Virginia, we were lucky to have him for the votes he helped us on instead of another Ted Cruz. We would be far better off if we had even more “Sherrod Browns” (a “corporate dem” like Biden that’s willing to piss rich people off and demonstrated the “traditional democratic party” is not a bunch of sellouts). Flipping red seats is far more important than making the blue seats bluer.


Ooh! Productive disagreements based in good faith arguments! I love it!

The reason i buy into the “theory” in question is bc corporate democrats are notorious for playing the political game by ear and ammending their values to 1. Keep their voters backing, 2. Keep their owners happy.

Agreed on flipping the house, agreed on creating a tangible majority in the senate, agreed on flipping red seats. To this last point, based off of many many convos ive had with blue collar conservatives (who i think are either thr core of GOP support, or damn near), i feel like progressive candidates who arent afraid to get down and dirty on the grassroots level in red districts have a better chance of flipping those seats than so-called “moderate” dems. Per my experience, these right wing voters hate insurance conpanies, hate “the elite”, hate being unfairly taxed or otherwise “controlled” by their govt, and are willing to enact the policies we preach (single payer healthcare, wealth tax, lower taxes for their tax bracket and higher for the “elite” they hate, or even max wages) as long as they are stripped of the buzzwords they fear. Thru continuous conversation, even those buzzwords start to be less scary when the policies u preach are being espoused by someone they see as one of their own.

Disagree on making blue seats bluer. Largely bc of what i just said. To your credit, you bring up excellent points on manchin, i must admit i was ignorant about the situation u describe in WV. Great food for thought. Nevertheless, flipping red seats is not an either or situation with replacing the old guard with progressives. You have to remember the new guard coming into voting power prefers progressives.

Dark_Arc, avatar

The reason i buy into the “theory” in question is bc corporate democrats are notorious for playing the political game by ear and ammending their values to 1. Keep their voters backing, 2. Keep their owners happy.

I don’t think this is necessarily a bad thing, in fact I think it might be a necessary thing for any long serving politician. A politician should be there to represent the people that elected them more than themselves. The people in any given area change over time, as do their concerns and priorities.

If you go back and look at e.g. Bernie’s vs Biden’s record … it’s true Bernie has been a rock but it’s also true that Biden got a lot more legislation through. Biden (as with many other long time Democrats) is willing to compromise on some things if folks end up better than where they started. Bernie does this to some extent as well but not as much.

It’s a fine line to balance before you end up like many of those that Republicans have elected which just refuse to compromise on anything. It’s their way or the highway even when dealing with others in their party.

I guess what I’m saying is, I think you need to be able to sway a bit with the wind in politics to be able to keep the thing moving. Things are so messed up right now in part because congress is increasingly composed of hard liners that “have their views” and they won’t settle.

Thru continuous conversation, even those buzzwords start to be less scary when the policies u preach are being espoused by someone they see as one of their own.

I think that the United States isn’t as divided as it seems. I’ve similarly noticed in my various conversations people often say the same thing with a slightly different tilt that’s a long shot from the major divergence we see in elected officials.

I’m not sure how to undo that while Russia and China target the country with a continuous psyhop.

I don’t think progressive candidates are the only ones that can really break through to these folks. In some ways I think traditional Democrats have a better chance of breaking through because they’re not the ones that have been painted as the demons … they’re only demon adjacent.

A young Obama or Biden I think could reach a lot of people in my home state of Ohio. A young AOC … I think she would struggle in the same way that Clinton struggled, the propaganda and hate hose has been on for so long … I think it’s really hard for folks to bridge that gap.

Basically it’s just sad, lots of people are voting against their own interest because they’ve been convinced voting in their own interest is voting for some radical agenda.

You have to remember the new guard coming into voting power prefers progressives.

This is true and I don’t necessarily think it’s a bad thing. I would encourage those progressives to remain somewhat flexible though. We almost didn’t get the infrastructure bill and the inflation reduction act which are some of the best bills to come out under the Biden Administration because of progressive stonewalling in the opposite direction that Manchin was stonewalling.

I don’t want in fighting to make the Democratic party ineffective at governance similarly to how MAGA made the Republican party ineffective at governance.


The dipshit who has orchestrated WWIII in 3 years is more of a liability than orange reality TV man who thinks he is Hitler.

One is actually doing the thing.

The other thinks he can, but cant.


“Orchestrating” a war that hasn’t happened yet is not doing the thing. Trump is orchestrating all sorts of shit by that standard.


Weird WWIII, considering currently, there’s only two large armed conflicts in motion, and no country outside of Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, or Russia has actually placed boots on the ground in a conflict zone.

Compare this to WWII, where we had: Japan, Russia, Finland, Senegal, India, Bangladesh, Burma, the Phillippines, Germany, the UK, Poland, Hungary, Austria, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, the US, Australia, New Zealand, Nepal, and probably a dozen other powers and colonial holdings I’m forgetting, all in active combat.


FlyingSquid, avatar

This is a weird kind of WWIII where almost none of the world is at war. Very unlike the previous two world wars which had the whole ‘world’ thing going for them.


Im a 24 year old male with no preexisting conditions besides autism. If ww3 kicked off I would probably know pretty fucken quick since itd require the draft assuming it doesnt go nuclear. They would probably have me drive trucks around.

AngryCommieKender, (edited )

Oh I hated him since the 1990s when he wrote the crime bill. Hated him in 2020, and hated Hillary in 2016. I still voted for both of them. Voted for Gore in 2000, despite not liking him. I actually liked Obama in 2008, not so much in 2012

I would absolutely shoot Trump, and his entire family tree in the head, if I thought for a second that I could get away with it. That scam artist wouldn’t have gotten my vote in 2004 when he thought about running as a Democrat, he sure as fuck isn’t getting my vote now that he’s gone mask off Republican.

Semi_Hemi_Demigod, avatar

I haven’t actually liked anyone I’ve voted for except for the time I voted for my dad for town council. Isn’t that the point?

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

I should note that Obama had a sub-50 approval rating in 2012 when he beat Mitt Romney. But Romney also wasn’t pulling in record-breaking primary vote totals or seeing huge groundswells of MAGA-tier support.

Biden coasted to victory in 2020 thanks to a pandemic everybody hated and four years of Trump fresh in their minds. I don’t think he has those advantages anymore.


To be fair, the only state he broke primary vote total records in this year was New Hampshire (pop. 1.4m).

He’s breaking his own records from 2016, but the conditions of the 2016 primary and the 2024 primary are pretty different, given that there was never any real competition against him this year, mostly just a clown show.


Biden coasted to victory in 2020


Are you talking about popular vote? That sadly doesn’t matter.

Biden won a handful of states by razor thin margins, which got him the presidency. And it took his campaign spending a literal billion dollars to accomplish that…/index.html

And he’s less popular now… Not just nationwide, but in state polling for those states.

We don’t live in a direct democracy, so you have to look kinda close to see what’s happening.

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

Biden won a handful of states by razor thin margins

Biden’s margins improved substantially from election day, as the mail-in ballots filled up the vote count. Pennsylvania’s margin grew by 80,000 votes from the razor thin win he had when polls closed. He won states Democrats hadn’t taken since the 1970s. He nearly swept the Midwest, with the tipping point state of his win being Wisconsin.

And he’s less popular now… Not just nationwide, but in state polling for those states.

Oh yeah. He’s absolutely fucked now. Very real chance he loses in a landside in 2024 as all of those Obama-Trump-Biden states flip back into Trump’s column.



I didn’t know he won his home state by that much

He won states Democrats hadn’t taken since the 1970s.

What states? Don’t feel like you have to list them all, but you said plural so at least two of you wouldn’t mind.

I tried googling it and didn’t find much

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

What states?

Arizona and Georgia








Now, I might not be the best at math, but the 1990s came after the 1970s…


He won states Democrats hadn’t taken since the 1970s.

Do you have two examples of that? Or was the 90s as far back as you found and you didn’t think I’d check?

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