
See also: spin.

@skillissuer@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

spin is something that behaves like spin. the right answer is shut up and calculate

@fossilesque@mander.xyz avatar



Spin is easy, it just only shows in our current formulation of quantum mechanics, has no classical counterpart, is sort of a type of angular momentum, but isn't, whatever shut up.

@DefinitelyNotAPhone@hexbear.net avatar
@DefinitelyNotAPhone@hexbear.net avatar

How the fuck did I miss that we already had the perfect emoji for this? ohnoes


it is really hard to remember all our emojis

@cosecantphi@hexbear.net avatar

It’s mind blowing to me that particles with no inherent physical shape or dimension can be considered “spinning” not because we observe them spinning but because they have literally all the characteristics of a spinning particle other than actual rotation around an axis


Look man everything else is spinning so why not the tiny bits too


Meat has been shown to have spin also. They made a website about this


youtu.be/MmG2ah5D thought this was a good and broadly simple explanation


Unfortunately the algorithm has censored that url :(


is.gd/Algorithm link redirect


Is that why spin doctors get paid so well?


Christopher Caudwell has some pretty excellent critiques of bourgeois science. Scientific progress has stalled because it is no longer profitable for the bourgeoisie, and the world’s best scientists are all bootlickers, at least inside the imperial core. There’s a reason the best physicists in the 20th century were all communists. But China thankfully is turning this situation around.

@fossilesque@mander.xyz avatar
@rubpoll@hexbear.net avatar

Every American researcher works for advertising companies, even if they don’t realize it.


57k/year is 4,750/month… where is that not super comfortable living?

@Puffin@hexbear.net avatar

New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, San Diego, Seattle, Washington D.C., …


Soo, anywhere with the exception of our urban hellscapes?


Wow OK. I’d do things for that amount of money


… of space. The time part in spacetime is questionable yet again.


Wait why - Aren’t the clocks from Gps satellites only in sync with our clocks when they reach their defined speed and distance to earth’s core? Isn’t this related to the curvature of spacetime? Genuine question


There’s a new theory that time is only a side-effect of the warping of space and that they are not one and the same. Wouldn’t change the result but has heavy implications on the larger scale.


Gravity is easy, it’s the entropic magnetic charge from protons and electrons.


Who asked


Your mum did because trash like you were starting to get stuck in her orbit.




Well, someone took it a bit personal. You okay there buddy? Tell you what, if things are that bad, just go ahead and grab that knife and slash those wrists. It’ll for sure make the pain go away. And don’t worry, nobody will care. Sure, two or three people may be shocked or even slightly sad, but within a few days it’ll go back to normal and they’ll have forgotten. Just do it and get it over with, it’s fine.

Also, who asked


Your dad did because he also got stuck in your mums orbit and couldn’t get away from you.


This is why I laugh at anyone who thinks we “Already know anything” or ever will


Just say everything is a simulation and it makes a tech employee sound like a keeper of secret divine knowledge that lords over everyone else. smuglord


At this point I take Simulation Theory about as seriously as someone saying “So, Creationism, but like, with a few more steps and a sci-fi horror twist!”


It says a lot that so many bazinga brained “simulation theory” enthusiasts want the billionaires to “hack/crash” the supposed simulation either to escape it or for the lulz. Death cult with extra steps.


This is just gnosticism with extra steps.


I mean I would like to escape the simulation, or at least match it, maybe add some mods to change some of the characters around. I think the quality of the simulation would be improved if I was a large breasted tiger lady with an ass that just won’t quit


That’s personal desires which are cool and good, not the “dae le elon is going to cause the simulation’s first server lag spike by detonating a chain of le nukes in le space” death drive that so many computer touchers currently have regarding the concept.


My mind broke trying to follow the logic of someone dumb enough to think that letting Elon have nukes or randomly blowing them up in our atmosphere are a good idea or that enough explosions will crash Paper Mario in real life…

So trying to think like someone who believes all three. Hurts


It was a highly upvoted /r/WritingPrompts circlejerk on reddit-logo . I hated that sub so much because 95% of its “prompts” came pre loaded with the le clever plot twist from the start so it was just /r/GhostWriting with a different name.


I hated that sub because the first time I made one. I was banned because they my prompt was homophobic and I was a white supremacist trying to stir the pot…

My prompt was about people sent to Hell, but the demons refused to punish them sensing they hadn’t actually done anything wrong.

I was unbanned but the apology they gave me was backhanded and it was clear that they just didn’t want to deal with the drama my ban caused anymore.

So I never posted again.


they just didn’t want to deal with the drama

Plot twist, those mods were probably powerusers of /r/SubRedditDr!ma and the even more mask-off /r/Dr!ma that got off to tormenting (slurs) for being too not normal in their spare time.



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  • kmkz_ninja,

    It’s almost like scientists are people, too.


    By people, do you mean neurotypical hustlers?


    Isn’t it ablist to assume the neurodivergant aren’t capable of being grifters?


    Actually, it was a dig at normies.


    Just cause you’re smart doesn’t mean you’re not stupid.


    An educated dumbass is still a dumbass.


    Remember kids, Appeal To Authority is bad for you.


    Science progresses at the march of funerals

    @culpritus@hexbear.net avatar


    maybe there is a modicum of progress?


    From my understanding MOND has some pretty big hurdles to overcome as a model. When speaking to my PHD friend he still feels it’s hammering away at a model to further fit observations; it might prove useful but is certainly no smoking gun for us to wave a flag that we’re onto something. It’s a 40 year old concept that hasn’t born much fruit yet.



    Now do doctors of sociology

    @fossilesque@mander.xyz avatar

    0 to alcoholism in 11 years.


    What do you mean you don’t have desk whiskey? EVERYONE has desk whiskey! Even the counselors!


    Pssh, sales can do that in 2.


    There’s a reason they call a hypothetical model that unites the standard model (quantum mechanics) and gravity (relativity) the Theory of Everything.


    Isn’t more like grand unifying theory? Theory of everything is more broad and probably encapsulates the material and meta material.


    I think what the commenter was explaining was the difference between a hypothesis and a theory.

    This is for anyone else you seem to know the difference. Just as an fyi to anyone who doesn’t know the difference, most laypeople say theory when they mean hypothesis.

    • A hypothesis is “an assumption, an idea that is proposed for the sake of argument so that it can be tested to see if it might be true.”
    • A theory is “a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.”

    That’s not very helpful, but basically a hypothesis is an untested answer whereas a theory is a whole lot of similar hypothesis’s that have been answered and can be used to predict something.

    So when your crazy uncle/friend/co-worker says ‘i have a theory that they’re turning the damn frogs gay and I’m going to prove it.’ They actually mean hypothesis. Why is this important? Cause words matter, that crazy person would be taken a lot less seriously if they didn’t use words they didn’t understand.


    I would like to submit the hypothesis that this crazy uncle has a whole elaborate system of crazy ideas behind that frog thing.


    I wish I made 57k a year.


    For only 250k of college tuition?


    Now you can too! With our patented PhD system you will,

    1. Kill your social life!
    2. Kill your self-esteem, values, positivity and much much more.
    3. Spend the rest of your life fighting for tenure in an ever saturated field of your choice!
    4. Develop a growing sense of envy and dissatisfaction as you watch your friends in the corporate world quickly surpass you in income!

    With just 132 simple payments of $3,800 a month, all this can be yours!

    But wait, there’s more! Call now and get your very own opportunity to be a TA! Enjoy belittling undergrads and sharing your growing disillusionment with the academic system. All while you’re under pressure to complete your doctorate! Don’t miss out!


    Oh and then!? Postdocs! Check acollierastro on youtube, she has a great video on postdoc exodus.

    @RIP_Cheems@lemmy.world avatar

    Genuinely we can’t tell what it is. We once thought it was just a normal pull due to mass until Einstein proved us wrong during a solar eclipse where we could see stars that shouldn’t be visible from our current position in orbit. Then we get into how it works, WHICH THERE IS NO TELLING AS THERE ARE TO MANY GOD DAMNED VARIABLES INVOLVED.


    You’re fucking with me, right?

    Stars were visible that shouldn’t have been visible?

    What am I missing?


    Gravity bends space itself (which makes it able to bend light). It’s really fucky. en.wikipedia.org/…/Tests_of_general_relativity#De…

    It also fucks with time. If you saw the movie Interstellar, you know what this refers to.


    Stars that were behind the sun (within the radius of the sun, geometrically speaking) were visible due to gravitational lensing


    Oh ok. That messed me all up.

    I’ll have to look into that.

    @FarceMultiplier@lemmy.ca avatar

    If you really want to be messed up, absolutely nothing is where we think it is because gravitational lensing affects the light of every object in the universe, while we observe. The further away it is, the more light is warped by the masses along the path, and we can’t know what those many masses are or where they are either.

    Our observability of the universe is a guessing game as large as the universe, and there is no conceivable model to assess it all and the interrelations between…everything.


    Now this is something that I knew absolutely nothing about, but I feel like it should have occurred to me with what I did know.

    Thank you.


    It isn’t directly analogous because one is gravitational and the other is not, but if you’ve ever watched a ship sail beyond the horizon, sometimes you can see a reflection of the sail after it is no longer in direct sight, because the way that light can reflect around the curvature of the earth. It’s a pretty crazy phenomenon.


    In the case of the OP, as light from distant stars approach the sun, some of their light that may normally have passed to the side of the sun and beyond the earth, thus rendering them invisible, are instead ‘bent’ back towards the earth by the sun’s gravitational well. But since the sun is so luminous we normally cannot see those stars. If the sun were somehow dark we would see a collection of tiny, distorted stars around the perimeter of it.

    To metaphorize: imagine a ball rolling straight from a point directly in front of you, but at an angle such that it won’t roll to you. Now imagine a dip in the ground, not deep enough to cause it to fall in and not escape, but enough to cause the ball to curve as it rolls, sending it to you instead. The sun acts in a similar manner on light.


    An analogy I’ve used with my children.

    Sit in the middle of our trampoline. Roll a ball in a straight line beside you. Watch it roll around you and fall into the depression you make in the trampoline surface.

    This is a primitive 2 dimensional simulation of gravity.

    The ball “thinks” the surface is a flat plane, as far it knows it’s rolling in a straight line.

    You are the heavy object curving space(time). Your eyes are a higher (3rd) dimensional observer and can see the curvature and it’s effect on the ball.

    If you roll them ball fast enough, it curves slightly and then escapes your “gravity well”. It has changed course slightly. This the gravitational lensing simulation.


    Yeah it sounds silly but like it’s a weird thing to see stars that are literally behind another object because it weighs enough and it’s a interesting story for Einstein who has a moment discovering it.


    The James Web Space Telescope’s Instagram page posted the phenomenon recently. Gravity from nearby galaxies magnifies space near them, allowing the telescope to see incredibly far away galaxies.


    one unresolved corner of physics

    Hardly! People board airplanes every single day and we still don’t fundamentally understand the mechanisms of how lift works.


    Wait how do we not know how lift works?


    How do we not know how gravity works??


    It’s elusive, man. Lack of symmetry really fucks with our shit, yo.


    I think it’s more so that we know HOW it works but we don’t know WHY it works


    I think it’s more so that we know HOW it works

    Speak for yourself. I’m a student pilot and most of my instructors (who are either retired airline pilots or are trying to build up flight hours to qualify for an airline job) don’t understand the science behind it. To be fair, understanding the science doesn’t really help you fly a plane…


    I don’t get it, how can you know how it works but not how? Or is it some philosophical why are the laws the way they are?


    Trial and error until we got an equation that pretty much tells us exactly what will happen for given variables.

    Physics simulations where a computer helps just try out different propeller designs to see how well it works has been helping introduce all kinds of super exotic designs in the last few years cause yeah as someone who did physics; “it’s all just agreed upon expected outcome from trying it.”

    We know Jack shit.


    It’s like the question “did we invent or discover math”?


    We don’t? I thought we kind of did


    We do. Perfectly.

    What’s trickey is modelling and simulating it cheaply.


    Yeah, that is what I thought


    That guy probably thinks that all the trees moving makes it windy.

    @AdrianTheFrog@lemmy.world avatar

    I heard that it was just the angle of the wings redirecting the air downwards as reaction mass, like how a rocket engine shoots air downwards.


    It is both, but the pressure one contributes more to lift. You can see this when a wing stalls, the airflow separates from the upper surface and the pressure difference is gone. The angle of a stalled wing still means air is directed downwards, but the overall lift is much smaller.

    At least that is what I’ve been told anyways


    When I thought there was higher pressure under the wing that pushed the plane up, I was happy. When I started thinking, instead, about little vacuum vortices above the wings pulling them up instead, I was suddenly much less comfortable with the whole proposition. Given the options and the limited effect on my daily life, I’m gotta go with Newton over Bernoulli on this one.


    vacuum vortices above the wings pulling them up

    We know vacuums don’t “pull” things. Instead it’s air pressure elsewhere that isn’t balanced by the vacuum that moves things in the direction of the vacuum.


    ¿Porque no los dos?


    Lift works the same way a tennis racket does.

    We know exactly why and how.


    Yeah I think I’ll be subscribing to this community. Thank you for the meme.

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