'Leave our country': Indian students living in constant fear in Ukraine amid hostility

The challenges for Indian students pursuing medical degrees in war-torn Ukraine show no signs of abating, as they grapple with increasing hostility from sections of the local population, who perceive India as supporting Russia in the ongoing conflict. The situation has escalated since Ukraine initiated its recent offensive operations in June.


Foreign students fleeing Ukraine say they face segregation, racism at border - CNN

More African students decry racism at Ukrainian borders. As at least half a million refugees flee Ukraine, more reports of mistreatment by Ukrainian border guards surface. - Al Jazeera

‘Open the door or we die’: Africans report racism and hostility trying to flee Ukraine - NBC


Classic xenophobia.


No, Indias favorite trade partner is Russia… Thats the problem. They have been there for years without problems this problem started recently…

@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

Indians faced racism at Poland last year, when people were fleeing from Ukraine. It might just be the case that Anglo racism is the problem…


That’s, certainly a take.



@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

Collective term for white English countries. Anglo-Saxons has been a term used since centuries, and after two world wars, Anglosphere is the word used.


You think Poland or Ukraine are English?

TheAnonymouseJoker, (edited )
@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

Vassal states to original English colonial powers, the 8 Nation Alliance? Absolutely. This is why they are part of Anglosphere. Any country that is, or has been during/since Renaissance, a western/English colonial power, or is their vassal state (Israel, Japan, Turkey also count), are part of Anglosphere. Geographical location can be separate from social/economical hegemonic ideals.

Edit: the nuance is influence and subjugator control by original white colonial powers.


I think you are conflating different ideas here.

Anglosphere is countries that have a majority of native English speakers due to cultural connection to England.

@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

Not the only meaning anymore. That meaning changed long ago, since the creation of NATO and how it operates to subjugate any and all countries for a unipolar hegemonic iron fist rule of white man. Proxy colonisation has been the major shifter.


I’m anti NATO, I understand how it works.

My original gripe is with your use of Anglo, Ukraine is not part of NATO, had much more influence and history with Russia than the US/UK, speaks Ukrainian and are ethnically Ukrainian.

You don’t have to be Anglo to be racist. Europe, EU and NATO are all more complex that just saying anglosphere and it makes you look silly to reduce it down to white man bad.

@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

Ukraine is not part of NATO, however it absolutely is a condom that NATO is using to try and fuck with Russia since almost a decade. There is a backstory that goes all the way back to 60s, but the breakage of Warsaw Pact demonstrated what US VP Dick Cheney once said – to balkanise and break Russia apart. This has been NATO’s goal since it was formulated, and what we are seeing is the last straws being grasped at. This is why Biden is asking GOP for $60B more, after the $40B already pumped by USA into Ukraine.

Anglo whites are by far the most racist people to have existed on this planet in the entirety of human history, and no other group or faction has been even remotely in the ballpark. Whites have subjugated for the past centuries blacks, Asians, Muslims, whoever has been determined as “non-pure” at various points of time and so on. The only close parallel (perhaps worse) I can think of, in terms of oppression, in all of human existence, has been the treatment of lower castes or Shudras in India since many millenia, that continues to this day.


All that geopolitics doesn’t make the people Anglo though.

Why the fuck are conflating damage done to being most racist. Whites may or may not be the most racist as a whole but because they’ve had a lot of global power the last 400 years we can see the impact of it more than any other group.

I really don’t care who is most racist on averagee because I have an understanding that racism is everywhere in the world and should be fought against everywhere.

Again you are showing you have a really simplified black and white view of the world.

@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

Things are not black and white but they do not have infinite shades of gray either. Overthinking, overcomplicating, pseudo-intellectual hipster takes are just BAD. “racism is everywhere” is like a both sides trope, and I find it to be a method to suppress all discourse, rather than it ever, in history of debates, have ended up generating meaningful discussion and critique.


Again my original point was that Ukrainian racism towards Indian students in the country during the current war with Russia should not be reduced down to Anglo racism. This reduction is neither in your words, generating meaningful conversation or is a meaningful critique of the problem and IMO is wrong(though this is more a disagreement over words and I think we mostly agree).

@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

This racism happened conveniently (actually it is institutionalised and systematic) against Indians, blacks and Muslims, all groups that European anti-immigrant whites hate. Therefore, it is correctly labelled as Anglo racism. Those “pure” whites do not want the “dirty” browns/blacks around, apparently. This is the basis of what I said, which is very clear to anyone oppressed and concerned.


Again we agree but for teminology. Anglo racism is a term I can’t find online and again IMO should only be used on England and its colonies.

Take France for example should it and its colonies not use the term Franco racism.

Just say white racists or European racists or bigots as well works.

@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

Anglosphere covers US/Canada/Europe, where this trend is seen. Colonialist mindset is not exclusive to white skin, and non-whites who find themselves comfortable in the Anglo imperialist privileges happily carry out tasks for the “whites”. This was a very popular example last year, for instance twitter.com/non_philosophy/…/1498000420815396872


Again my point is Anglo is not the right word, go with European racism or then if you don’t want to call out skin colour.

Any mention I find of Angloshere online doesn’t include Europe and some mentions are even calling out the difference between anglosphere and Europe.

I’m not the only one who was confused by your use of the word in this context.

@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

The leftist socialist discourse has not, even once, pointed this out to me, who are the first to see the wrongs in anti-imperialist narratives. I am unsure who these people are, because you are the first and only one to say this.


Might just be a European pet peeve 🤷

Any good leftist socialist comms you’ve found on Lemmy? I’m just following anarchism @hexbear.net and whatever floats my way on All from hexbear and lemmygrad

@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

I have been active for a year on Lemmygrad. Also I am from India, not Europe.


I meant that I’m European


They were rejected at the border because they did not have their paper work in order.,.

Why did not dear leader Modi reach to the Polish government to negotiate for his students? That's how it supposed to be done.

Instead we got fake news crying racism lol

@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar


It was actually racism proudly declared chest thumping-ly by Anglo racists on international media. You cannot negotiate with this. The only way is to isolate Anglosphere from rest of the world, like a diseased leper, and let them bask in their “pure white” glory, while rest of the world lives under a BRICS+ hegemony.


Who are you shilling this shit to?

Asking for a friend

@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

I personally am paid every month in XiPutinBucks, AMA


Why should young students be held accountable for their governments actions?


Did i say that?


Well you said that the problem lays with India’s trade relations with Russia, and this is a thread about Indian students facing discrimination in Ukraine.

Were you not justifying this discrimination based on India’s trade relationship?

Ooops avatar

Yes... when you excuse xenophobia your validate it. So implicitly you said: That's okay, they deserve it.

He did only conclude that they should be held accountable for their government's decisions, because that's the least insane justification for that bullshit.

Ooops avatar

So the problem is still xenophobia and you are just excusing it...


No its not.

@Amilo159@lemmy.world avatar

It’s sad that innocent students are being targeted, but let’s not forget that India is the major trade partner for Russia, enabling them to bypass sanctions and continue their war.

@Trudge@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Exactly. If those students want to stop being targeted, they should stop their government instead of blaming Ukraine for the violence. In a sense, they are the real perpetrators and Ukrainian “racism” is nothing more than self-defense.


Those students can't change their government. I don't blame Ukrainians for being upset at India as a country for having Russia as a trade partner, I do for taking it out on these students. If I were to assault a Russian student here in America because of what the Russian government is doing it'd be equally as wrong.


If those students want to stop being targeted, they should stop their government

How many governments did you stop, cowboy?


Yes a bunch of students are the real perpetrators. They definitely hold all the power to stop their government while they are thousands of kilometers from home.

@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

The fact that all these clowns missed your sarcasm is gold.


Kind of missing the point. The current embargo means Russia sells its oil for a lot cheaper to India, which then refines and resells it to the west. This allows for enough oil supply to not push prices too high for everyone and Russia is the only one losing. Sure India doesn’t enforce sanctions, but they aren’t exactly cozying up like the Chinese.

ksynwa, (edited )
@ksynwa@lemmygrad.ml avatar

As awful as your attempt is at justifying racism, Indians were being discriminated against during the initial evacuation right when the war began and allegiances had not been solidified.


Our world is in a sad state if neutrality is considered a negative.


You are in a sad state when you think whatever Russia is doing deserves neutral partnerships.


That’s the thing, though. Neutrality doesn’t ask if neutrality is deserved.


Your mom is in a sad state if she allowed you to think true neutrality can exist through actions, like trading with Russia. Only inaction is allowed to deserve a monicker like neutrality, but that doesn’t make one free of judgement from those who have suffered under the apathy of neutrality.

@krolden@lemmy.ml avatar

Justifying Ukraine’s xenophobia and racism ehhhhh?


There's no "perceive". India IS supporting Russia and its dictatorial actions. And Modi doesn't care at all about Indians in Ukraine or anywhere abroad and is doing nothing to help them leave a warzone.

Also, hi tankie trash OP!


I assumed this before I even opened this shit. It’s funny how it’s the same small group just spamming group of blatant pro China/Russia crap. Saw one the other day that every post or comment was pro Russia or calling anyone anti Russia/pro NATO a Nazi.


The real victims of Russian invasion are the Indian students.

@anarchy79@lemmy.world avatar

I knew the Ukrainians were evil.


Modi effect


🤷‍♂️ I get it. Maybe those individuals are being unfairly targeted but the country as a whole continues to be happy to continue to buy cheap gas and show no signs of being a viable ally to the West.


You do know that the west is buying the cheap fuel back from India? Yes, all the so-called “allies”…


You got any trade data to back that up or just a low effort comment?


Some months ago (doubt much has changed…): eeas.europa.eu/…/financial-times-eu-urged-crack-d…

The irony is that it could be russian oil fueling the western warmachines given to Ukraine… Circular economy! Now can you come down from your high horse?


FYI: OP is a tankie who just spams any news he can find to discourage people from supporting Ukraine in the war.

@iridaniotter@lemmygrad.ml avatar

Any news I dislike is fake and tankie 😠


And this was claimed where, exactly...?

Although the article is mostly about how the indian students (of which only 3.5k are currently in Ukraine, per the article) are afraid of bombing and complaining that they can't be transferred to another country, with about a paragraph about (admittedly not good) animosity from Ukrainians.

@anarchy79@lemmy.world avatar

Animosity likely springing from the fact that India supports Russia.

@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

Racism against Indians committed by European whites is “any news”? A big fuck you from India.


Yes, this is what you should take away from my comment. Congratulations, you're the smartest man alive.


@TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmy.ml avatar

Ah yes simping for whites committing racism while virtue signalling against non-whites… totally I am wrong and you are correct!


Let me know when you can identify where the simping and virtue signaling happened.

@Black_Gulaman@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The point is OP did not write or invent the articles linked. So it doesn’t matter who OP is, whether a tankie or not, we could go straight to the news article and ignore the tankie. You just belittled the racism happening to Indian citizens just because the bearer of the news is opposed to your political belief.


Knowing that OP is skewing the narrative by flooding the space with articles supporting one narrative is important and cannot be ignored.

Some contexts go further than the immediate article and no one is asking anyone to ignore what's written in the article. Rather, what is asked is to be aware that many articles today were posted to support a certain narrative.

Some people today might end their day thinking 'boy, Ukraine has been doing a lot of bad things lately', when the bad things were specifically cherry-picked for their feed.

Indian people and their plight are being used for OP's own agenda and pointing this out does not discredit anything that might be happening to them, nor does it mean that it's not important, as was being suggested.

@Black_Gulaman@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Usually what we do is post counter articles, or articles that widen the picture see everybody sees the whole. Not attack the character of the person.

So why don’t you inform us by using similar articles, that way we can judge on our own if OPs words are noteworthy or trash.


That's not at all "what we usually do". Most people don't have time to cherry pick articles and post them to "widen the picture", nor should they.

Context is important and so is being aware of bad actors trying to alter public perception.

You're trying to skew this into something that's wrong, but it's not.


You are the one skewing the narrative here…


When an argument is indefensible, use ad hominems.


The argument of deliberately misunderstanding the context and meaning of a comment is indefensible...?
Or do you mean to suggest that we should completely ignore when someone is cherry-picking news to fit an agenda and spread anti-Ukraine sentiment?

Because I'd have no problem with this news article being posted, if this same person didn't post several other very specific articles today.


The intellectual obsession with logical fallacies was a mistake, and you are a living proof why. People are not perfectly objective robots with infinite capacity for information processing, attention and critical thought. Caring about bad actors, and taking everything they post in the context of them being bad actors, is not an intellectual deficiency. It is a precondition for sanity.


Thank you for the context. Fuck tankies.

@krolden@lemmy.ml avatar

What does that have to do with the content of the article?


Some things need more context than a single article. In this case, the context is several articles being posted by a person with an agenda. This knowledge may change some people's perception of the article.

@krolden@lemmy.ml avatar

OP posted four articles

dandi8, (edited )

I counted at least 9 specifically about Ukraine in just the last 3 days, not counting cross-posts.

@krolden@lemmy.ml avatar

OK and?


... And improve your reading comprehension. I don't feel like repeating myself.


Maybe stop attacking persons just because you lack any arguments. You don’t seem very patient - maybe take a break?


Indian military has much to lose because of buying weapons from Russia for decades. It’s going to be hard for India to cut relationship with Russia too soon.

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