Ooops avatar


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More and faster: Electricity from clean sources reaches 30% of global total (

Scientists say emissions from burning fuels like coal must ramp steeply down to protect Earth’s climate, yet there was an increase in electricity made from burning fossil fuels. China, India, Vietnam and Mexico were responsible for nearly all of the rise....

Ooops avatar

That's an interesting concept but the base assuptions are fundamentally wrong, because this is not how the electricity market or the grid work.

There is no classical supply and demand here. There has to always be the amount produced as is used up. More supply than demand and the grid breaks down, more demand than supply and the same happens.

When you add cheaper renewable electricity to an existing system, there is no effect of higher supply reducing the price thus creating more demand like in a classical market. The opposite is true. The base price is usually linked to the most expensive producer via some merit order system (because there must always be enough capacity to fullfill the demand in real time), so the price stays the same. And on top of the produced electricity we now also need to pay some producers to stop production. That cost is also added via some grid fee. So burning fossil fuels is indeed the worst thing to make money here. Instead you can get a lot of money with producing renewable energy on one hand (as you get a high prize for cheap production), or by not producing fossil fuel energy (basically getting paid for not shutting down you power plant in case it's needed while not actually burning fuels most of the time).

Which in the end means you are indeed replacing fossil fuels with renewables. Prices will only drop once you build so much renewables and short term storage to completely eliminate the need for fossil fuel power plants to be kept for the rare moment you need them. So there is no effect of lower prices artificially creating higher demand.

Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results for humanity, poll of hundreds of scientists finds | Planet is headed for at least 2.5C of heating with disastrous results (

I’ll note that 2.5°C of warming by 2100 is a significant improvement over the trajectory we were on a decade ago, even if still far from where we need to be

Ooops avatar

Nope... Spreading that bullshit as a fact is part of the problem.

The economy isn't the problem. We can adapt in a lot of ways that helps the climate while also having working economies.

The actual problem is that the people with money want exactly the kind of economy that makes them money for decades. So they will block any changes to keep everything as it is.

Ooops avatar

Correct. There are however a lot of solutions that a) don't produce co2 and b) are more efficient and cheaper already, very much more so once they are properly scaled up.

So you could in fact throw money at the problem... And even those who refuse to follow the change will simply go bunkrupt over it because fossil fuels aren't even economically viable in comparison.

Ooops avatar

It's also the leader in building up renewables instead while everyone else sits lazily on their ass crying "why should we do anything when China exists?"

How about we do better than China first and then cry about them, instead of using them as an excuse to fail even harder than them?

Ooops avatar

So... Getting better while China doesn't creates the effect of reducing emmissions by... let's say 40%.

The effect of crying about China as an excuse to not do anything yourself however is 0!

Which on will you chose?

Ooops avatar

Hamas plans a genocide of Jews on one hand -without limited success so far, but not for a lack of trying- and actively helps with worsening the situation in Gaza on the other because they can use deaths there for their propaganda. Israel isn't shy about killing as many Palestinians as possible either, because not reacting to Hamas terror isn't an option, but any reaction will produce a negative reaction and tons of propaganda anyway. So why not go all in?

So which side are you talking about? The one commiting genocide or the genocidal one? No, Palestinian civilians are sadly not a valid side you can chose as they are de facto governed by Hamas in Gaza... unless you have a plan to separate one from the other somehow. Please then go on and tell the plan to world leaders unsuccessfully looking for such a solution for many, many years now.

Or in short: Pretending there are easy sides, with one being right and one wrong, is not a solution but indeed part of the problem.

Ooops avatar

Thank you for perfectly demonstrating my point. You are an idiot thinking this is a team sport, "your" side is right and everybody not sharing your exact opinion is wrong and the enemy.

And because everyone is the same on that "other side" I somehow become a zionist bombing civilians in your alternative world view, although I could impossibly qualify for that definition by any degree.

And also because everything on your side needs to be righteous you twist reality to fit your view. I explicitly asked how to effectively separate Palestinian civilians in Gaza from their de facto Hamas governmemnt. Yet somehow in your brain that question translated to the exact opposite of what I actually said: That somehow every civilan in Gaza is part of Hamas.

Seriously... how fucked up is your delusion that things you read instantly transform to mean something completely different, just so they fit the imaginary point you are trying to make?

Photovoltaik statt Gemüseacker – darum ist ein Bauer so sauer ( German

Ich verstehe ja den Unmut, aber für mich ist die Sache recht klar: Entweder der Landwirt kauft die Flächen der Gemeinde zum üblichen Preis ab oder er muss damit klarkommen, dass der Eigentümer sein Eigentum mit Ende des aktuellen Pachtvertrages nicht mehr an ihn verpachten will....

Ooops avatar

Weil wenn man deren Misswirtschaft, wie beispielsweise Mais nur zur Energieerzeugung, was elendig ineffizient ist, nicht mit Steuergeldern belohnt, steigen die wieder in Ihre Trecker und gefährden mit nachts auf der Straße plazierten Hindernissen Leben, bis man einlenkt.

Bauern halt... oder wie war das korrekte Wort für so ein Verhalten?

Ooops avatar

Weil dann müßten sie ja etwas umstellen und nicht wie sonst auch immer weitermachen.

Wein unter Photovoltaik, Mais rein für die Energieerzeugung abschaffen, und dafür dann sinnvollere Dinge anbauen wäre halt möglich und würde wahrscheinlich bessere Gesamtergebnisse einbringen. Aber das ist mit der Bauen-Ideologie oft nunmal nicht zu vereinbaren.

Oder das ist schon wieder so eine deutsche Besonderheit, dass Weinanbau unter Photovoltik in Frankreich funktioniert aber nicht in Deutschland. So wie Wärmepumpen in Skandinavien funktionieren aber es in Detuschland dafür zu kalt ist...

Ooops avatar

Sure... we can totally invent a hundred different solutions soon™ that mean we can just keep burning fossil fuels like we really, really want to.

Okay... they will actually never work and we will irreversibly damage our planet. But that's okay, because the people telling you those fairy tales will have made a lot of money by then. And that's also worth something, isn't it?

Ooops avatar

Shit. I hadn't even considered making solar less viable as a side effect, too...

Ooops avatar

What is that bullshit title?

He is not getting anything wrong. He's lying. Clearly, openly and intentionally.

Ooops avatar

Also should they win it's probably not the prison labor that will change but the constitution *sigh*

Ooops avatar

He is accidently right. There should not be a narrative in the first place.

But people eat up Israel and Hamas propaganda like crazy.

And what gets lost is an actually nuanced discussion where people can criticise Israel's actions without questioning if the country has a right to exist and defend itself in the frist place and being grouped with antisemites amplifying the same message but for the completely wrong reasons. And where people can criticise Hamas without instantly being in the same camp with those supporting genocidal actions against Palestinian civilians.

Thanks to social media this has instead devolved into a brain-dead team sport only build on narratives. With facts and common sense being lost and one side pushing narratives helping the other to do the same, when there is no actual right side, only degrees of wrong.

Ooops avatar

Thank you for demonstrating how people -totally innocently of course *wink wink*- casually call for the destruction of the state of Israel nowadays...

Ooops avatar

I always thought sociopaths need to learn how to fake it well to operate in society. But I guess that requirement goes out fo the window when you replace society with GOP.

Ooops avatar

Actually we give corn to animals you can then later eat. If we actually start eating what we instead inefficently feed into animal farming, we could feed twice as many people as exist and still have left overs for creating fuels.

Only Cable News Viewers Think Israel isn't Committing a Genocide, Survey Finds (

Americans who get their news primarily from cable are the only people who believe that Israel is not committing a genocide in Gaza, according to a new survey that examined the relationship between attitudes toward the war and news consumption habits....

Ooops avatar

[...] seems to be allergic to providing any kind of context no matter what the issue is [...]. They’ll typically just loop the same 10 second clip from the event and then have 2 pundits who don’t actually know anything talk about it.

Accurate description of the majority of social media, too. Funny how not only that conflict but the whole media issue is exactly the same. There is no right or wrong side but actual context.

tazgetroete, to random German avatar

Warum macht mehr Klimakrise uns qua Betroffenheit nicht rationaler, sondern irrationaler und dümmer? 👉!6003511/


Ooops avatar


Taz: Angst macht irrational.

auch Taz: Die Ernegiewende ist eine Lüge und die bauen LNG Terminals in Wahrheit um noch mehr als 50 Jahre lang weiter fossile Brennstoffe zu verbrennen! Habt gefälligst mehr Angst!!

Ich würde ja lachen, wenn das deutsche , wo nur noch von allen Seiten Müll erzählt wird, nicht solche Übelkeit verursachen würde.

Germany Falling Short in Curbing Anti-Muslim Racism (

The German government is falling short in protecting Muslims and people perceived to be Muslims from racism amid rising incidents of hate and discrimination, Human Rights Watch said today. The absence of a working definition of anti-Muslim racism and a lack of official data on incidents and of investment in institutional support...

Ooops avatar

Nice to see that right-wing populism still works perfectly because people are idiots, when it's actually the former government that failed to collect those stats for decades. The same people now in opposition and spreading desinformation about immigrants 24/7 for more than two years...

But once we reelect those morons (probably alongside the ever more insane far-right also benefitting from this propaganda) everything will of course end well as everything is the current government's fault.

tazgetroete, to random German avatar
Ooops avatar


"Warum zur Hölle habt ihr CDU gewählt?"

Weil es lange Zeit keine noch rechtere Bande rückständiger Typen gab, deren Wahl gesellschaftsfähig war?

dieinsider, to random German avatar

Der "Kommentar des Tages" kommt heute von Michael!

Der Link zu unserem Facebook Beitrag vom 6. April:

Außerdem gibt es uns noch auf Instagram (die.insider), Twitter/X (Die_Insider) und Bluesky (

Am 6. April haben wir einen Beitrag über Robert Habeck veröffentlicht. Darin schreiben Wir "Egal was über Vizekanzler Robert Habeck berichtet wird, Gewaltfantasien und Beleidigungen sind immer dabei." U.a. zeigen wir aus der Gruppe "1A - AFD für ALLE !!!" einen Kommentar, in dem ein GIF mit einem Gewehr gezeigt wird. Oder der Kommentar "Der gehört in den knast und sonst nichts.". Bei uns ist der Kommentar "Man sollte dieser Gruppe den Stecker ziehen." zu lesen. Darunter wird von einem Theo ""DIESER" Gruppe würde ich auch den Stecker ziehen." kommentiert, auf dem wir "keine Angst! Wir machen weiter." antworten. Heute, drei Wochen später, kommentiert Michael "DieInsider Und wir haben euch genauestens im Auge. Ein einziger Link, eines Posts, der nachweislich nicht nazistisch und durch die Meinungsfreiheit gedeckt ist, werdet ihr die geballte Macht deutschen Rechts zu spüren bekommen. Während dessen werden wir weiter, Nachdruck Fakten sammeln, die ein Verbot der Partei Bündnis/90 DIE GRÜNEN begründen. Demokratie hat auch etwas mit Produktivität zu tun. Und überall dort, wo es Produktivität gibt, entsteht logischerweise auch Müll. Aber Gott sei Dank ist dieser Müll bereits lokalisiert und identifiziert."

Ooops avatar


Dabei sind die immer so gut im "Fakten" sammeln... 🤣

Ooops avatar

15 year old proprietary systems from the time when the missile was developed probably... Military systems are rarely known for being up-to-date and flexible as the exact opposite (strict definitions and stability) is a requirement.

Ooops, (edited )
Ooops avatar

No, I'm saying that you with your polemics of "condemned by Israel, the USA, Germany, the UK etc. for being the wrong kind of Jew" are the problem.

Nobody is actually condemning people for being the wrong kind of Jew or having the wrong opinion. That's just your strawman because -in your "that's my team, so they are always right!!!"-delusion- you are not able to understand that there are indeed a lot of people on what you perceive as your side who should be condemned for actual well-documented antisemitism.

People like you with a stupid team mentality are the problem, not a solution.

I don’t support Hamas and it makes no sense/is unfair that you’d jump to the conclusion that I do.

It indeed makes sense to jump to that conclusion, when your first instinct is a random and unprompted attack on several countries, justified by a strawman. Because this shows very well that every sense of reality is lost to you and the only thing you can perceive anymore is people who agree with you 100% and those who are wrong.

Arguing as if I had chosen Hamas or anti-Semites as my “team” because I criticize Israel is putting completely unfounded words in my mouth.

That's absolutely not what I said. You have chosen your team not by criticising Israel but by blindly attacking everyone you even expect to disagree. People like you constantly demonstrate they will defend actual antisemites as long as they agree with your opinion. The next step then is usually falling for Hamas propaganda because it sounds so logical... after all they are on the correct anti-Israel side....

PS: Also very funny to write about "what I call the wrong kind of Jew" when I actually just quoted that term from your poor strawman. Cognitive dissonance must be strong in you.

Ooops avatar

Have you forgotten what you wrote like 24 hours ago?

No, I remember how I quoted your fucking bullshit.

condemned by Israel, the USA, Germany, the UK etc. for being the wrong kind of Jew

It's right there. In your own post for everyone to see. Why are you lying?

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