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Mostly their stores in Hamilton are Fortinos and No Frills

BonesOfTheMoon, (edited )

I switched to Longo’s which are locally owned and actually I save money. I also started going to the local international grocery which is quite large for several things. At least I’m supporting local.

Edit: didn’t know Longo’s is now owned by Sobeys, so it’s time for the local Polish grocery store too.


Why not now?


No I mean let’s start tonight haha.


I’ll have to Iook into shoplifting tips then. I’m a simple woman, I’d be happy if I could top up my teabag stash, some bread yeast and flour, some nice morning granola, and a good sized bottle of olive oil and roasted red peppers.


I go to the local international grocery store a lot, it’s actually spectacular, and there’s also the Polish grocery chain in my city which is quite good.


Sure. I don’t know why Sobey’s gets off the hook.


I switched to the local international grocery and Longo’s. At least then I’m supporting small business. I am at an advantage living in a large city with local options which many don’t have, but it’s honestly working well.


Oh fuck me I did not know. Fuck. Starsky’s it is then.


Damn I’m late. I’ll start tomorrow.

Does talking to a carnist make you feel like you're witnessing a group delusion?

I was thinking about this; I know it’s hard to change from what you always have known and experienced as normal, so it’s not easy to transition out of animal products, but the carnists who show up here to argue with us literally seem crazy to me; their one constant answer is always it’s ok to murder and torture animals,...


I don’t want to shame anyone, I just cannot get over the constant arguments that it’s somehow ok to murder something and eat it.


Oh I don’t give a care,as they say on Letterkenny. Carnists want any reason to hate on us lol. The logic is just boggling once you’ve woken up.


Just try to get over this eternal laryngitis.


Herman Cain made the same choice, and yet viruses are remarkably persistent in infecting these people who don’t live in fear just the same. I wish COVID had made many more antivaxxers ill before it faded into the background.


You def need The New Pornographers on there.


And it seems actually pretty basic. I tried asking it a couple of things just for my amusement and it all could have been written by a teenager.


Me at 30: “I’d never get Botox I’m fine with looking my age”.

Me at 50: “I wish I could afford Botox because the saggy mouth thing makes me look completely different and I hate it”.

Also couldn’t kneel down if you put a gun to my head.

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