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Abortion pill can remain on market but with restrictions, appeals court rules (

The appeals court ruled that the abortion pill mifepristone can remain available but with restrictions. However, access remains unchanged until the Supreme Court decides whether to take the case. The case marks a major legal battle since Roe was overturned. While the ruling allows the drug to stay on the market, it turns back...


Endless Sky. The save game is a text file. Save a file on the mobile app (F-Droid), and on the PC (Flatpak), and note the last line. This is the line you must swap to transfer the save file. It is the first game I have played on both practically. The game mechanics are different between the two and you need to alter your strategy accordingly. On mobile, I travel with a ship setup for boarding pirate vessels and never target enemies directly; all of my guns are automatic turrets. I just use a fast ship and travel with a large group of fighters. It is more of a grind on mobile, but it can be used to build up resources and reserves. The game is much bigger than it first appears to be. You need to either check out a guide or explore very deep into the obscure pockets of the map.

Bidenomics Isn’t Working For Working People (

Not everyone agrees that “Bidenomics” has been a success. A recent poll found that only 34 percent of Americans approve of Biden’s economic leadership, compared to his 41-percent overall approval rating. Just 20 percent of voters think the economy is good or excellent, compared to 78 percent who say it is only fair or...


Not really. The money is going to American workers producing military hardware. Most of that is the US upgrading to new equipment and giving away the old for a low price.

This sounds like right wing fox news style nonsense IMO.

When an authoritarian dictator invades a foreign country, there is one giant overwhelming lesson about what happens when others act passively or appease the criminal. This simple fact should slap anyone a hundred miles down the road for suggesting appeasement is a sound policy. This only ends with the end if Putin, much like the Nazis only ended with the end of Hitler. Anything less will result in WW3 as a guaranteed outcome. It will be more one sided. The entire Russian GDP is less than just the state of Texas. But it will be nuclear and era ending, likely with the majority of surviving humanity in the southern hemisphere.

If anything, we should be giving Ukraine absolutely anything they want right now. Let them win before we have to go over there and start dying to stop Putin somewhere halfway across Europe. Putin has proven he will never stop trying to conquer. He is the new Hitler. He keeps power by force and what he has called ‘convenient idiots’ that follow whatever misinformation they are given. It is a propaganda misdirection scheme to talk about things out of context like saying military spending in Ukraine is somehow on the US tax payer. This is completely wrong and intended to provoke people that can’t look at an issue and think for longer than the headline.


I won’t touch the proprietary junk. Big tech “free” usually means street corner data whore. I have a dozen FOSS models running offline on my computer though. I also have text to image, text to speech, am working on speech to text, and probably my ironman suit after that.

These things can’t be trusted though. It is just a next word statistical prediction system combined with a categorization system. There are ways to make an LLM trustworthy, but it involves offline databases and prompting for direct citations, these are different from Chat prompt structures.


The best years of YT before 2017, there was an advanced maker and DIY tech culture revolving around people sharing projects and content just to share it. That died. This all pro CC thing has an up side to some extent, but it also lobotomized YT. Peertube might eventually get to the same kind of utility level, but it needs a lot of time and momentum to get there.


I just got a Llama 2 70B LLM (offline chat AI) working on my laptop. That is a much larger (smarter) system than I thought was possible on a laptop. It takes every bit of 64GB of RAM, and it is about as fast as AOL instant messanger on bad 56k dialup, but it works.

I think I also fixed my problem that stopped me from using text to speech AI. Now I just need to figure out speech to text, get a few billion dollars, and make an iron man suit.


Just running


I find it interesting how much of a difference things like “not going” versus “no” can create just under the surface. Like we can’t really address them in-situ directly, but they do have an impact in many situations.

Just to pick on this example in hyperbolic magnified context, “not going” is like argumentative banter IMO, whereas a simple “no” is concise and respectful.

I grew up in the southeastern USA, where racism and stupidity are common. The tendency is for isolated communities and ostracism. Personally, I try my best to be aware of this so that I can avoid acting this way as much as possible.

Nearly twenty years ago I had a business relationship with a Taiwanese man. We got along fine, we even had a lot of peripheral interests in common, but the subtle cultural differences made him difficult for me to do business with. So much of business and negotiating is about reading people and subtle context. A lot of that gets lost between the language cracks with stuff like “not going” has more contextual impact.

I’ve lived in Southern California for many years now. Here Spanglish is common. Nothing stands out IMO as something worth mentioning. I’m sure there are instances. I just don’t pay much attention to it. I do notice how living in an openly mix culture makes a gigantic difference in how people tend to lean into prejudice. I haven’t been to many other cultural regions, but intuitively, I imagine this is universal; where any regional culture that tends to isolate will also display prejudice amongst the least intelligent members of the group.

I wonder if these compatibility divisions are really something deeper and related to evolutionary forces at play. Like if all complex life displays this same type of social isolationism at various levels that ultimately drives speciation. I don’t mean that in any kind of justification for isolationism or prejudice. It is just an observation of the forces that divide and maintain the division, like a social component in addition to geopolitical factors and time.


Yeah but MG is WAY older @ 1987 vs GoW in 2005 and ES in 1994.

Metal Gear Solid was one of the best games on the original PlayStation. I haven’t been into consoles since the PS2. Metal Gear Solid was so good compared to anything else at the time, the idea it is only at 60M now, seems like a major fumble and lack of management. I guess it is like Metroid for being underdeveloped or given to idiots “with a new vision” like in the case of Metroid.


I loved Dread and Prime 2. I tried playing Super Metroid on switch, but the controls are just too poor to pull off the advanced combination moves with the slow low quality emulation. I’m disappointed that there are not a dozen Metroid titles on the switch. Everything in the Prime series should be ported.

I’m mostly referring to the long hiatus(es) before Dread, and all of the nonsense from developers other than Retro Studio. I understand they were probably in a funky position when it came to writing and coding for a new 3D engine after all of the Prime series had played out the life of the prior engine. IMO, the entire SDK for Nintendo hardware should account for key franchise titles like Metroid. These games should have story boards and plans from first light of new hardware. The plans should always include classic titles too. My biggest complaint about Nintendo is the low quality of most titles on the platform. They are too focused on recruiting developers instead of quality games. Sure there are some great games like BotW, TotK, and Dread, but I’m not going sifting through all the junk in their store to try and find anything else worth playing. I got a couple of titles that a lot of people recommended, and hated them with no recourse and they cost as much as good games. I would have paid for and played all of the Prime series if it had been ported, but Nintendo totally fails at maintaining their legacy titles effectively. It is this lack of availability now, and the stupid fumble of letting extra developers with their own forked vision into the franchise that I am calling a fumbled opportunity.

Crayon, to lgbtq_plus

@lgbtq_plus I'm a high school student in China,could anyone there be my friend??I'm so glad to meet some alien friends here💖💖💖💖


Hello from Los Angeles!

Pornhub goes dark in Arkansas after age verification law kicks in (

Pornhub blocked all users in Arkansas after the state’s new age verification law went into effect on Tuesday. The law requires porn sites to verify that users are at least 18 years old. Pornhub argued that requiring ID verification actually harms users’ privacy and puts children at risk. MindGeek, Pornhub’s operator, has...


I’m sure they will eventually try to force ID’s because it would be profitable for criminal data theft ads stalkers. This is all about corrupt money and exploitation. Billionaires are worthless parasites that have no right to exist in a Democratic system. Fuck the US fascist oligarchy party.


Fire fox, Fire fox;

Fuck you Google;

We’re throwing rocks.

Alpha bet, Alpha bet;

Farming data is,



It’s no freaking mystery anywhere. Kids are too damn expensive because just living is too damn expensive. The real fix is massive land reform that absolutely murders the real estate bubble with a nuclear bomb. Regulate the availability of funds directly to the minimum wage. You work, you live a decent life with a good balance. Build dense housing with tight local communities and perfect transportation so we’re always in contact with people in our communities. Babies will be popping up like weeds.

An article about one of the poorest European countries is not really relevant. They don’t have the same zoning stagnation nonsense that makes housing unaffordable. The stupid incentives that exploded home loan amounts combined with 100 years without zoning reforms are the problem.


Pee-wee, Mr. Rogers, Sesame Street, Bozo, and Reading Rainbow are some of my fondest memories; when we were all Pee-wees, and he was Herman.


Fedora workstation. Had been on Silverblue for years, but got a machine with Nvidia and didn’t want the extra headaches of SB


Hey there Lionir. Thanks for the post. Can the Beehaw team please look into copying or getting the creator of this bot to work here?

I think the person that created that bot is somehow connected to the project. I know the whole privacy consciousness thing isn’t for everyone, but this bot’s posts are quite popular elsewhere on Lemmy.

FYI, the main reason to use links is that it is setup as an alternative front end for YT that automatically routes all users through a bunch of VPNs to help mitigate Alphabet’s privacy abuses and manipulation.


Nah, it should be the default state of affairs. Data mining is stalking and theft. It centers around very poor logic and decisions.

Things like browser cookies are criminal garbage. Storing anything on a user’s computer is stalking. Draw the parallel here; if you want to shop in any local store, I want you to first tell me everything you are wearing and carrying in a way that I can tell every possible detail about it, tell where you came from before you visited this store, where you are going next. They also want to know everything you looked at, how you react to changes in items presented to you and changes in prices. They want enough information to connect you across stores based on your mode of transportation, and have enough data to connect your habits over the last two decades.

Your digital existence should not be subject to slavery either. Ownership over ourselves is a vital aspect of freedom. Privacy is about ownership and dominion. If you dislike all the digital rights management and subscription services nonsense, these exist now as a direct result of people neglecting ownership. In the big picture, this path leads all of humanity back into another age of feudalism. The only difference between a serf and a citizen is ownership over property and tools. Everything happening right now is a battle over a new age of slavery. “You will own nothing and you will be happy about it.” Eventually this turns into 'Your grandchildren will own nothing and say nothing or they will be dead about it." What you do about your privacy now will be a very big deal from the perspective of future generations.

TheOtherJake, (edited )

Cookies are not needed. They are shifting the security onto the user. Secure the information on the server just like any other business. Offloading onto the client is wrong. It leads to ambiguity and abuses. Visiting a store and a business on the internet are no different. My presence gives no right to my person, searches, or tracking in the location or outside of it. Intentions are worthless. The only thing that matters is what is possible and practiced. Every loophole is exploited and should be mitigated. The data storage and coding practices must change.


This is how I use the internet.


I discovered that just getting off of dairy made a massive difference in how I feel daily. It takes a few days after stopping dairy consumption for the difference to become noticeable, then a few weeks to a couple months before it makes major changes. The effects are probably difficult for most people to detect, unless they eat dairy and notice the effects directly after.

I am partially disabled from a barely-survived hit by a couple of cars while riding a bicycle to work. Unfortunately, I don’t have a single major physical failure point but instead a whole lot of scar tissue and vertebral bone damage. I’ve tried painkillers for years in the past without much effect, and this seems to have contributed to how I process dairy. However, my reason for mentioning it is that I am particularly sensitive to inflammation. Getting off of dairy completely made as much if not more of a difference for me than painkillers. Looking back at what I considered minor stomach issues and minor daily ups and downs of life before I was disabled, the low spots were likely impacted by dairy to a large extent.

The easiest way to get off of dairy is to realize the majority of the world population does not consume dairy. Therefore, it is quite easy to find good foods to try if you start exploring foreign foods. I started with Chinese food, and still cook fried rice weekly.

I am relatively young, still in my 30’s and I was an amateur bike racer before the last crash. I still ride nearly daily. The majority of damage to my back is thoracic, (between the shoulder blades and up), and I can setup a bike to keep that part of my back neutral. I just can’t turn my head to see over my shoulder…or hold standing, or sitting upright posture for more than 1 hour.

While I’m not the ideal end goal in my situation now. I managed to ride from 350lbs in 2009, to 190lbs by 2013. Commuting hardcore helped for sure, and lead to a lot of other healthy activities. That started because I was broke after a failed business and ditching a car saves a ton of money. The real secret to losing weight though is not exercise. All you need to do is negotiate with yourself to make better choices over time, and eat far more often, but far less at any point in time. In fact, I have trouble getting my weight under around 220lbs. The way I managed to do it in 2013 was to reduce my exercise regime and spend longer stretches with rigid consistency. In other words I stopped doing super long rides that caused my calorie requirements to fluctuate substantially.

The real trick to negotiating food with yourself is to assess your habits and try to either reduce consumption or make a shift to a healthier alternative. Maybe you eat oreos on the daily. How many. Can you work on one less every time. Okay, you’re down to your last two beloved oreos but only barely half satisfied. What if you traded you 2 oreos for 5 fig Newton’s in your routine… What if you traded an apple for those 2 fig Newton’s. Be a good negotiator on both sides. You are already, likely, subconsciously engaged in this internal debate. Consciously addressing and influencing the debate is the real key. No one gains the weight over night, and no one can lose it over night either. Weight is a matter of millions of choices over time and the only factor is a feather weight on the scale. Punishing yourself only instigates an internal rebellion. That negativity is useless. This is all a diet is; punishment and shaming. It is ineffective for many people. No one becomes a pro at anything just because they make a first attempt. Healthy eating is a skill too. It takes time. Expecting to flip a switch with a diet is dumb. In the real world, circumstances dictate appropriate behavior. Going to a party or wedding concerned about some arbitrary diet is idiotic. Considering your commitment to health as a failure because of one bad day or meal is equally dumb. The trick to losing weight is shifting a feather on a scale. It is an internal conscience philosophical commitment that only involves back burner awareness and minor adjustments. Do whatever you like with this info. It upsets some people when I have shared my musings on diets. I will say, I don’t count calories, I am 220lbs at 6’1" now and I have spent ~80% of every day laying in a bed since 2/26/2014. In my opinion, my experience of coming from being very overweight, losing so much, and keeping it off even under a worst case scenario should mean something.

Sorry if length offends. Hopefully it is interesting.


It actually took me getting so sick from eating bad that stuff like fast food has become repulsive. I managed to keep the repulsion as a kind of mental block. I spent almost 2 years riding 300-400 miles a week. When you need ~4k+ calories just to break even every day, the quality of those calories starts to matter quite a lot. Anything low quality that tends to sit in the gut for too long will cause major issues long term. Like I could feel eating anything from Macdonald’s for 2-3 days. I don’t know how they are so bad but even a salad was bad news. The one that made me say never again was their frozen coffee drink thing. Even that cost me days of misery. My most fundamental food rule is to only eat stuff that looks like it grows.

Dairy seems far harder than it is in practice. If nothing else, try seeking out vegan deserts. They really can be just as good and in many cases better. They usually have much better quality ingredients and you’ll feel better for the subsequent day or two after, especially if you tend to have something sweat in the evening.


WizardLM 30B at 4 bits with the GGML version on Oobabooga runs almost as fast as Llama2 7B on just the GPU. I set it up with 10 threads on the CPU and ~20 layers on the GPU. That leaves plenty of room for a 4096 context with a batch size of 2048. I can even run a 2GB Stable Diffusion model at the same time with my 3080’s 16GBV.

Have you tried any of the larger models? I just ordered 64GB of ram. I also got kobold mostly working. I hope to use it to try Falcon 40. I really want to try a 70B model at 2-4 bit and see how its accuracy is.

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