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When are we going to get accessibility options coded up in Lemmy? That's all I read, "Zombie Steve feasts on disabled people."


I prefer to run hardware supported by OpenWRT or DDWRT. These have monitoring and firewall options under access control.

If you are not the type to flash your own hardware, pcWRT might be an option. It is small business consisting of a dude in Texas that created a simplified front end for OpenWRT. You just have to trust him, which I haven't had a problem with, and is probably better than trusting whatever underpaid person has access to similar interfaces for whatever commercial vendor you choose. He has a well secured SSH used to send out occasional updates for the device automatically. His setup does not give you access to the underlying OpenWRT system behind his front end, but with a USB to serial converter and a port on the board you can access OpenWRT in a terminal. I have it setup to log any activity and never had any issues. I'm no expert, but I did install Gentoo once.

No affiliation/not an affiliate link. Beware that some people pushing his stuff are doing an affiliation deal. Also, while his stuff is nice and relatively simple, it has more value in the past when OpenWRT was much harder to setup on your own. OpenWRT is open source but the pcWRT frontend is not.


Who thought this would be a funny article of shrugged shoulders to find this philosophical bomb?

Steve Huffman Wants to Be God of the Mods (

Huffman dismissed the mod protesters with similar language to how he referred to the mobs that came for Ellen Pao (“a toxic minority”). Huffman’s scramble to increase revenue underlines something he’s previously admitted to—that he isn’t really sure how to run Reddit like a business, and he’s adjusting his...


Steve hitched a ride up a mountain, got off at the top, watched the bus drive away, convinced he's conquering all the fops, too dumb for the bus; froze to death at the stop.


Copied text post from kbin OP from original bc the archive link copy has Google's capatcha tracker and the WSJ has a 10k word cookie permissions monstrosity with no easy hell no option.

A top secret military acoustic detection system designed to spot enemy submarines first heard what the U.S. Navy suspected was the Titan submersible implosion hours after the submersible began its voyage, officials involved in the search said. The Navy began listening for the Titan almost as soon as the sub lost communications, according to a U.S. defense official. Shortly after the submersible’s disappearance Sunday, the U.S. system detected what it suspected was the sound of an implosion near the debris site discovered Thursday and reported its findings to the Coast Guard commander on site, U.S. defense officials said. While the Navy couldn’t say definitively the sound came from the Titan, the discovery played a role in narrowing the scope of the search for the vessel before its debris was discovered Thursday, the officials said. “The U.S. Navy conducted an analysis of acoustic data and detected an anomaly consistent with an implosion or explosion in the general vicinity of where the Titan submersible was operating when communications were lost,” a senior U.S. Navy official told The Wall Street Journal in a statement. “While not definitive, this information was immediately shared with the Incident Commander to assist with the ongoing search and rescue mission.” Officials decided “to continue our mission as a search and rescue and make every effort to save the lives on board,” the U.S. Navy statement said. The Navy asked that the specific system used not be named, citing national security concerns. It is normally used to detect enemy submarines. The U.S. Navy typically deals with foreign threats using military capabilities. The U.S. Coast Guard typically carries out search-and-rescue operations and handles other matters directly related to security of the country. The two services often operate together due to their mutual maritime missions. The search for the Titan was conducted roughly 900 miles off the coast of Massachusetts. Searchers found debris from the submersible roughly 1,600 feet from the bow of the Titanic wreckage, the U.S. Coast Guard said. Canadian, U.S. and French ships were part of the search. The Coast Guard didn’t immediately respond to requests for comment about what information it received and how it was used. Throughout the search, rescue crews detected several types of noises, U.S. and Canadian officials said, including the one suspected of being the sub’s implosion. An underwater implosion is the sudden collapse of a submarine when the tremendous pressure of the seawater overpowers the pressure inside the vessel and crushes it. Officials leading the search also said they heard sounds similar to knocking from the vessel, but said they couldn’t conclude the noises came from the Titan. It was unclear what other factors narrowed the search area, which eventually grew to twice the size of Connecticut. But a U.S. defense official said “the analysis of the acoustic data was a significant factor in scoping the search area, and thereby enabling the assets on scene to locate the degree of the debris field.” The U.S. is expected to conduct an investigation to try to determine whether the sound definitely came from the Titan, but what government entity would carry out the probe—and any time frame for completing it—remains unclear, a U.S. defense official said. The U.S. developed its acoustic systems after World War II to detect enemy submarines operating in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The Navy said it shared its findings Sunday with the Coast Guard, which led the search, U.S. defense officials said. The U.S. held off making public what noises it had detected because it wanted to ensure search-and-rescue operations continued and couldn’t say for sure it was an implosion. “It looks that the Titan imploded on Sunday on its way down to the Titanic shortly after contact was lost at a depth of around 9,000 feet,” a person with direct knowledge of the matter said. The five men onboard the missing submersible in the North Atlantic are believed to be dead, the U.S. Coast Guard and the company that operated the vessel said Thursday. The sub’s disappearance had set off an urgent international search effort to find its occupants alive. The families were informed Thursday of the Navy’s findings when the search-and-rescue team discovered the debris field, according to a U.S. defense official. The submersible had departed Sunday for what was supposed to be an hourslong excursion to the Titanic shipwreck, more than 2 miles below the ocean’s surface. Shortly after the voyage began, the sub lost contact with the outside world. Write to Ben Kesling at, Nancy A. Youssef at, Gordon Lubold at and Costas Paris at


The public would rather watch a few rich parasitic egos get crushed, than watch hundreds fail at the same struggle as the rest of us just barely treading water.

People have no perspective of what it means to have a population of over seven billion. The 2023 daily average statistical deaths are 332,648 per day. The news as reported by corporate media is just entertainment. It is such a small and irrelevant slice of what is really happening world wide that it is virtually irrelevant.


Anything to stay in the headlines and distract anyone from paying attention to real issues. The best policy to get rid of this is to stop letting them succeed at steering conversations as asylum clowns leading patients around the grounds. We all know they are clowns, but not the rest of the situation. They're getting well bribed to do the job. Why are we following along


I'm not vegan either. I can't do dairy after years of pain killers, and discovered sticking to vegan is the safest bet. I'm really looking for a budget alternative to the local grocery store's vega-cocain-cookies. Thanks for sharing!


The main difference will be if you have an Intel processor generation 10 or higher. The whole reason windows 11 was created is because Intel released their asymmetrical core architecture in the 10th generation processors.

One of the core parts of an operating system is the CPU scheduler. This is what juggles all the different things that are happening in the fore and background in order to make the computer work properly. On the surface the CPU scheduler is a rather simple function as far as reading and understanding the code, but it is the kind of thing that a tiny change can have massive repercussions in unexpected ways. It is designed to have a delicate balance that is very easy to screw up.

One of the fundamental aspects of the CPU scheduler used in W10 is that it assumes all of cores your computer has are the same. Rewriting the CPU scheduler required a whole new rewrite of Windows to accommodate a much more complex architecture with some faster and some slower cores and a different spin up rate to go from idle to max speed on the two types, along with some differences in speed even on cores with adjacent threads. It also required changes to cache management strategies. This still isn't fully publicly documented for W11. I just know the way the scheduler changed in Linux and watched a conference with John Brown, the main Intel open source developer who mentioned that the 10th gen asymmetry was the main trigger for W11.


I imagine the biggest challenge is some kind of central payment authority and dispute management. I won't touch anything to do with Meta, and as a former 6 figure a year eBay seller, the total percentages and final margin for the seller are just not viable. Between tax, shipping, and fees I averaged 35% overhead with a 100% positive feedback. With a keystone product, that just doesn't work. This should be more like 20% to make a sustainable business. I have no clue how anyone would build a more effective dispute and payment system but from my experience on eBay, around 5% of all customers are scammers.


Then you encounter the buyers who will take a picture of an empty package and eBay refunds even when the seller can show the weight of the package is less than the package and item, and the actual shipping weight is listed by the carrier. That was one of my favorites I've been infuriated at on more than one occasion.


Insurance is a giant scam. I did it at first. Getting a claim paid will cost you more time than you will earn working US federal minimum wage. I primarily sold high end bike stuff for a few bike shops to offload overburden and generate cash flow on demand using auctions. I've had legitimate claims for several thousand dollars that wasted weeks worth of full time work hassling with. I eventually self insured. I looked at the quoted amount for carriers and set that money aside in a separate account to cover issues myself. All the carrier insurance providers are 3rd party, and they are all scams.

TheOtherJake, (edited )

No, that's the tri tip I just finished for dinner. It was pretty good. But this is broil-high for 15 minutes on each side, then 5 hours at 100C/200F. I flip it halfway through the low and slow. That really helps, but I can't seem to get it to fall apart completely. This is loose but not falling apart.



Rule number one of buying a new car: get the dealer to disconnect the modem.

Cars should be entirely open source by government regulation. All software should be public and the manufacturer should be required to host and maintain a public toolchain that can reproduce the software and any revisions made. All of this should also get mirrored by the library of Congress and made publicly available as a second source indefinitely. This is about ownership. Digital rights are never okay to reserve. If I do not own everything I am only renting from the real owner. Proprietary goods are theft of ownership. It really is that simple.


Better chance of YT -> Odysee

TheOtherJake, (edited )

The thing I find fascinating is I only have 1 reddit account, but I effectively have dozens of YT accounts. Just on this device I have newpipe, and libretube. Libretube has around a dozen auto generated random instances associated. Both my laptops have Freetube. I had 4 regular YouTube channels with various gmail accounts linked from when I actually posted content. Practically every device I have replaced had random YT accounts too. I know what I like to watch and importing and exporting features usually fail.

Maybe it is just newpipe being screwy but in my watch history, newpipe shows how many times I've watched any given upload. Most stuff I've watched says some bogus number of views like 6-10 when I just watched it once. Some report correctly, but most do not. It would not surprise me if this is actually YouTube. I can say, for most of the stuff I watch I'm a solid 2 dozen subscribers or more.


"Hi Karen , this is HR. You can now log anonymous complaints about IT, by logging into this external website with your company credentials. We provide this for your security because IT is able to monitor in network communication."


OP is aware that the term hackers had, and still has, a completely different meaning in the community it originated from. A real hacker is someone with the skill to modify a codebase to suit their needs. The corruption of the term by corporate media is an attempt to steal the fundamental human right to share one's digital work freely by labeling these people and their work as criminal. Hacking means modifying source code to suit your specific needs. It could be used to refer to the efforts of someone learning to become a kernel developer or it could be someone modifying the software source code in ways that are not suitable to share with others, such as features that may be incompatible with some systems or features.

Cracking has long been proposed by hackers as a more appropriate term describing a bad actor attempting to gain unauthorized access to a system.

It seems pedantic at first and in my simple explanation here too, but if you look into the details, philosophy, politics, and people where this term originated from, then look at the opposition and how they profited, and finally look at the state of current society and the internet, you will likely see this as, at least mildly, offensive. Like, I still misuse the term as if it has dual meanings, but anyone using it correctly gets my attention right away.

How do you cook perfect rice?

Tell me the details like what makes yours perfect, why, and your cultural influence if any. I mean, rice is totally different with Mexican, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, and Persian food just to name a few. It is not just the spices or sauces I'm mostly interested in. These matter too. I am really interested in the grain variety...


Thanks for sharing. You're doing some things differently than me. I make close to a week's food at once with a bunch of meat, veggies, and rice all in the oven at the same time. It is budget friendly, relatively low effort, and healthy. I've been playing around with how I do the rice. This is the real reason for my post here. I'm looking for the different techniques that alter the final texture. I think I have a good grasp of that now. The main factors are presoaking, briefly sautéing the dry rice before cooking, the extent that the rice is washed of starch dust before cooking, the timing of when the water is fully evaporated, the total cooking time, and if the rice is fluffed after cooking.

From my own fried rice experiments, slightly undercooking rice intended for fried rice, along with slightly less water, and then cooking a bit longer with a bit more water during the fried rice stage, will result in a slightly nutty flavor and texture that can be interesting, at least with Jasmine rice. I often also add a package of quick microwave brown rice which is like 1:5 of my Jasmine from the oven. This improves overall texture too.

I typically fry with the pan stock left over from cooking whatever meat of the week I have and that meat goes in as well. I mostly use the same veggies I made for the week but chop up the cooked stalks from broccoli as the main vegetable. I start with fresh diced garlic, ginger, and green onions and don't use any other spices. I do a couple of watered down eggs quickly sloshed around a hot wok to cook a thin layer just before adding my rice and the fry I made and removed before the eggs. I typically add enough soy sauce to easily unstick any egg that remains.

Your idea of adding an extra sauce is completely new to me. Spicy mayo and teriyaki sauces mixed sounds terrifyingly fascinating.

TheOtherJake, (edited )

What are your thoughts on bok choi versus cabbage? I have been testing how different fresh and precooked vegetables alter the texture of fried rice. I usually use a medium or large cheese grater to get my fresh vegetables small enough to sauté quickly. I can size carrots to cook well in the same amount of time as a finely chopped onion (between 5-8mm square onion chunks/around 5mm × 15mm × 1mm carrot). The same grater with cabbage produces a thin almost shredded size, but this needs about 1.5 times longer to sauté well. I kinda like the texture it adds the few times I've tried it recently, but it isn't really worth the extra effort for fried rice.

I typically do half an onion, green onion, 8-10 cloves of garlic and an equivalent amount of ginger, with some carrot sautéed, then I add precooked broccoli stocks (I wouldn't eat otherwise) in a small chop, a bit of left over meat, any other left over veggies, and a half bag of frozen green peas.

What would you add/change to make this more interesting? I've thought about trying different beans.

I also often make rice with a few handfuls of roasted mixed nuts (peanut, almond, cashew, pecan, Brazil) and a handful of mixed raisins. This is half inspired by some rice at an old Persian restaurant I frequented. It is a really good rice mix to combine with some fresh fish. At some point I'll probably try using this in a fried rice, but I'm skeptical where this experiment goes. I'm also curious about soy sauce alternatives. I use the pan stock from whatever meat I've cooked recently, or a small amount of canola oil. Any suggestions are welcome.


Thanks for the shopping list to try out! Lots of great ideas here.

TheOtherJake, (edited )

You are my rice hero. This is where I want to be and what I have been trying to achieve. No clump, no goo perfection. You make your ancestors smile.


Do you notice a slightly nutty flavor with this technique?

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