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It’s something else. Here it’s US antitrust monopoly.

Google made deals with games and special contracts with other apps in order to kill competition.


Video? Is it my app or did you share the wrong link?


Drms need to be installed and enabled on the browser. Drms like widevine and others.

If the drms aren’t enabled and installed on the browser, and able to communicate to the service it’s “safe”, spoofing the user agent won’t do anything.


I finished Laika : Aged through blood. An indie metroidvania / 2d bike shooter / bullet time.


It’s the story of a mother in a post-apocalyptic environment having to care for her daughter and village while doing the war outside.

Everything, art, music, is a masterpiece. The music is just extremely good.

Outside of special zones, there are 20 you have to find, and it cycles between them. All 20 are voiced, with words or humming.

The story is good, and is extremely anti-war.

The gameplay feels amazing. It can be hard at first, but I quickly learned how to control the bike and and to do backflips and frontflips at the right time to reload guns and the pary.

The main character laika is one-shot, but the game isn’t very punishing. The respawn points aren’t too far away from each other, and they are optional. When you die, you loose a pouch with the currency, and can get it back.

There are some little issues with the game tho. The ending seems to be a bit rushed. The ending boss isn’t that difficult, and there were some cuts it seems.

But overall these little issues aren’t that bad, and the game is still amazing for an indie.

Switched from Manjaro to Fedora after being told Manjaro is "a bad distro" by many. Looking for a telnet terminal such as Syncterm to run on rpm or flatpak. (lemmy.zip)

Welp, I made a similar thread yesterday regarding Manjaro but I decided to swap to Fedora as my daily driver for stability purposes. Unfortunately since fedora is yet another non Debian distro I need help finding a Syncterm replacement....

Tibert, (edited )

I convinced myself that manjaro is less stable than fedora. But not completely. It depends on the device and what is installed on it.

For some reason, I was able to run Manjaro on my hp laptop without issues for a long time. However my brother on his Lenovo laptop, the manjaro update just killed itself after 2 months. And this always after some months the updater would not work anymore.

I then installed Fedora on his laptop, and damn that thing stayed up and running for 2y now. Even after major system update, never broke, and package install always worked, at least when the tutorials are up to date on special things.

Like installing video codecs, I had to do another command which was not mentioned on the fedora docs, in order to switch from ffmpeg libre to ffmpeg. And then the rest of the install commands would work.


What would be best? Dealing with a bug for 1 month waiting a monthly update, or dealing with a bug 2 days waiting a daily update?


There is a difference. Not sure how they ar made, but the chemical composition and possibly the design is different.

Trying to recharge a non rechargeable battery can risky and there is the possibility of leaking or explosion.

Tibert, (edited )

Consent-O-Matic (has to be downloaded from the main website, and not the android sub category)

And what you wish to have other than that depends on your needs.

I myself have an extension to unlock Bing AI on Firefox android.

Google Search Fixer (for when I need a Google service)

TWP - Translate Web Pages

And more.


It is, but only if you go on the main website, and not the android sub category addons.mozilla.org/fr/…/cookie-autodelete/


I finished Laika : Aged through blood. An indie metroidvania / 2d bike shooter / bullet time.

And i can say that it is, damn amazing!

It’s the story of a mother in a post-apocalyptic environment having to care for her daughter and village while doing the war outside.

Everything, art, music, is a masterpiece. The music is just extremely good.

Outside of special zones, there are 20 you have to find, and it cycles between them. All 20 are voice, with words or humming.

The story is good, and is extremely anti-war.

The gameplay feels amazing. It can be hard at first, but I quickly learned how to control the bike and and to do backflips and frontflips at the right time to reload guns and the pary.

The main character laika is one-shot, but the game isn’t very punishing. The respawn points aren’t too far away from each other, and they are optional. When you die, you loose a pouch with the currency, and can get it back.

There are some little issues with the game tho. It doesn’t tell that combo rewards more currency from enemies (it’s a timed combo, sho shooting will either increase or refresh the combo, and shooting flying bodies increases the combo up to 2 more times). The ending seems to also be a bit rushed. The ending boss isn’t that difficult, and there were some cuts it seems.

But overall these little issues aren’t that bad, and the game is still amazing.


J’ai quelques idées…

Comme il est indiqué sur les infos du site, d’après eux ils se sont séparés du figaro, et bien sûr comme l’URL du site est legorafi = lefigaro.

Ce serait donc un site exagéré parodique du figaro ?

Mais je ne sais même pas pourquoi le site existe encore… Je suppose il y a toujours des gens pour perdre leur temps à lire des articles inutiles…

(si l’objectif est de faire quelque chose de marrant, ca ne me fait pas rire des gens qui se font tirer dessus ou qq qui se lamente et fracasse la tête contre un mur…)


C’est quoi cet article de bouse. Elle est où leur source ? C’est la rédaction leur source ?

Je ne peux rien trouver comme source à cet article.

Donc sans source ou preuve que cet article est factuel, cet article est faux et une invention du journal qui est sûrement m*ique dans ce cas.

Si c’est du sarcasme ou je ne sais quoi, c’est totalement raté et nul. Ça paraît trop gros pour être vrai, ce qui pe s’en rapprocher, mais ce n’est pas du tout une bonne chose de propager de telles fausses infos.

Vu les autres articles de la rédaction, le journal est de la bouse.


Hmm, from the average and some reviews here and there, it’s sad the game is just mixed.

It’s the first to get out with fsr 3 frame gen working mostly well. Fsr upscalling working mostly well, which is very unexpected due to a lot of foliage.

Tho the ui protection to frame gen was implemented in a very shitty way (just a box without frame gen arrount it…).

What distro would you recommend for a 32-bit old Acer One laptop?

It's an old model (Acer One D257) Processor is Intel Atom. Memory is 1GB DDR3 with 320 GB of HDD. I currently Have MX 21 running on it, but I need to reinstall because I forgot the root password. Since I'm reinstalling the OS, I thought I'd ask here for recommendations for an OS that makes the most of this oldie.


I have no experience for this matter, nor a lot of Linux either, but there seem to be some interesting choices here (there isn’t best and worst, it’s just a list, and the most adapted to what you need).


Obviously the minimum system requirements should not be your max amount of ram. You need to account for apps or tools you’ll run.


Amd and nvidia both claim to check that displays support the required features to apply the logo.

However as Monitor Unboxed (Hardware Unboxed second channel) said, there is plenty of trash monitors, freesync or gsync.


One of your questions don’t seem to be that based?

“shits on Linux gamers”, are you talking about the store not beeing available on linux? Meh already got heroic which is better.

Their easy anticheat is available through proton tho, it’s on the game dev to chose to enable it or not (and I understand why they don’t do it for fortnite : the Linux market is pretty small, but also because the game is so huge that hackers will not hesitate a bit to switch to Linux in order to hack with custom kernels).


Nah, the game is utter trash not the bugs. Let’s look at 3 games very hyped :

  • Redfall : game had game breaking bugs and performance issues at launch. Gameplay was bad. No one played it.
  • Gollum : game had game breaking bugs and performance issues at launch. Gameplay was destroyed due to bugs. The studio closed their gaming branch.
  • Starfield : very hiped, bought by a lot of people, the game looks like 2010-15 game with some little 2023 enhancements…

Redfall and Gollum were failures. High budget failures. They most likely layed off people.

Starfield : Microsoft layed off people at the start of the year polygon.com/…/microsoft-layoffs-xbox-bethesda-hal… for who knows why. The game got delayed, and then it gets out very mixed due to bad exploration gameplay and no love put into population design (population characters look like 2010 or even worse).

All of these 3 games have been very hyped, with a high price, but none of their failure have anything to do with gamers “fault” and “opinion”. It’s all on the studios fault on not delivering something good.


The issue is that even the same brand can have multiple USB fingerprint scanners, which may not all work.

From a 4y old reddit thread some person found a fingerprint scanner which worked, but some other person who had a similar one didn’t get it ot work.


Tibert, (edited )
  • Mint = the desktop is closer to windows look.
  • Pop os = the desktop is closer to mac look. With extensions and settings with those, it can be even closer.

However keep in mind that Pop OS is developing their own desktop to get away from gnome (the name of the desktop environment(DE) (the bunch of apps and tools making the desktop and settings work)).

That new DE will most likely not be compatible with gnome extensions. And I don’t know how it will look.

For functionality, both work pretty well.

  • Pop os has 2 ISO : one which includes the nvidia driver, and another without the Nvidia driver, should be easy to download the right one.
  • Mint I don’t remember exactly how it works, but it should be easy enough to download and install the proprietary nvidia driver, either through a driver tool, or through the store.
  • Pop os has a gnome extension which allow you to switch from integrated gpu / hybrid / nvidia “only” directly from the notification menu.
  • to switch in mint, you need to open the nvidia control panel.

Both need a reboot or log out to switch gpu mode.

(keep in mind, the Nvidia gpu consumes a lot more than the cpu integrated one. In hybrid, nvidia gpus canot be put to 0w sleep yet, so it will still consume some power).

Both need a special argument for app launch or steam launch arguments to launch with the nvidia gpu if you set hybrid.

For boot :

  • Pop os bypasses grub (a Linux boot menu), so to choose the os to boot from, you’ll have to either use your laptop’s boot menu or the bios priority.
  • Mint has a grub boot menu displayed each time. So if you choose mint as priority boot, you can at boot still choose windows (about 5-10 sec to use the arrows to boot into something else than mint).

Disadvantage :

  • Pop OS still needs an additional app to be able to change all settings, including mouse acceleration (say thanks to gnome devs, theming has become harder to do for non gnome standard themes).
  • Mint : they only now made plans to develop their DE to support Wayland (a new window manager explained a bit further), and so you could have a bit less track pad fluidity (no 1to1 gestures … ). Tho as the DE used is cinnamon, there is less use of track pad gestures.

About Wayland : it’s a “new” windows manager (what allows apps to be displayed, and how they interact with each other). It is a hopeful replacement for X11 (released in 198X, before Linux…) full of issues but still working well for what it has to do. Wayland wants to bring enhancements on security, gesture fluidity and many other things. However it is not yet fully developed and you shouldn’t really base your decision on it yet.

For the rest. I don’t really remember other disadvantages as i don’t really use them anymore.

Tibert, (edited )

Hey, for my recommendations keep in mind I did not use Linux as a main os for some time now. It is based on me following Linux channels and news, but also my past experience and installing it on my laptop and my brother’s laptop.

Linux distros are different in the packages they choose to include for their environment, use and desktop. Some distros offer different desktop environments (which are different desktop softwares, with different handling of included apps, settings and theming).

Depending on how well you know how to search online and not follow outdated advice, some different distros can be interesting :

Beginner friendly for Linux :

  • Linux Mint (cinnamon desktop)
  • Pop OS (gnome desktop)
  • Ubuntu (gnome desktop) (maybe, but I’d rather choose Pop OS due to snap packages of Ubuntu beeing forced and having lower quality compared to apt and flatpak)

All desktops can be themed. Tho cinnamon I don’t know how well it supports modifying the task bar.

Gnome can have extensions to do things, show a bottom task bar, start button, start menu…

For these 3 distros, the system package manager used (installer, app searcher) is apt-get (shortened to apt). It is a well k’ow package manager with plenty of tutorials online. All also include flatpak, which is a special package manager where apps Comme bundled with their own dependencies (software to make the main software work), and so reduce incompatibilities.

Ubuntu as a package manager called snap installed by default, it has the same objective as flatpak, but it is closed source, and already had issues with malware spreading through it.

Obviously all 3 package managers can have issues, as community is there to check the apps, but it may not always be safe. The safest package source is still the system one apt as packages are checked by the people maintaining the main distro repo. But many flastpaks and snaps are safe. (tho they can have some theming issues).

All of these 3 include a GUI store where you can search and install apps.

Another great distro which can work for beginner or advanced

  • Fedora desktop (gnome) (It is also available with the kde desktop). Tho this one has a smaller community, and so there is less useful help online, and there may be more out of date advice you would have to navigate through.

Fedora has a pretty good documentation, but even that one seems to be a bit out of date on some things.

If you have an nvidia driver, this one doesn’t have nvidia proprietary drivers installed by default nor help at the beginning on automatically installing them. You have to enable at install (or after in the store settings) the nvidia closed repo and install the nvidia driver from the store.

Kde as a desktop is pretty great, tho it can be overwhelming with all it’s settings and options available to the user.

Gnome tho still requires an app to be able to control hidden settings like mouse acceleration and some other settings.

I wouldn’t recommend other distros for beginner or someone who just wants to easy setup and work.

Debian is pretty stable even in its “testing” branch (Debian stable = old bur rock solid, not recommended for gaming. Testing = newish, still not breaking. Unstable = unstable) needs to have a manual install or help through someone’s script.

Manajaro is a mess. On some devices it will work, on other it will just desintegrate after some months.

Or the communities are so small that packages may easily pass testing and break.


There is a lot to learn for Linux. Search engines are your best friend. Tho sometimes advice is outdated. There are also some discord servers where help exists, tho they also expect someone asking to do their research.

I mostly learned by YouTube, then doing research on Google and other search engines, on forums… Discord servers were my last resort when I had some specific question.

Linux for all : discord.gg/eSP6cXjY4BGaming on Linux : discord.gg/AghnYbMjYgThe Linux experiment (YouTuber) also has a discord server…

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