@j_mieczni@101010.pl avatar



Linguist, music lover, teaches at USI Università della Svizzera italiana

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j_mieczni, to languagelearning German
@j_mieczni@101010.pl avatar

Grouping the TIGR data for reuse: https://sharetigr.usi.ch/it/news/feeds/38003. This is, for the time being, our last post about the overall structure of the of spoken as . In the next few weeks, we will dive deeper into questions of transcription and of transcript formats.
@dh @linguistics

j_mieczni, to classicalmusic German
@j_mieczni@101010.pl avatar

Noch eine Woche bis zum Frühlingskonzert von "frisch gestrichen!" Gespielt werden am 20. April im Schmiedenhof das Klavierquintett in f-Moll und weitere Werke von Johannes . Mit Veronika Miecznikowski (Geige), Tamás Major (Geige), Ignacy Miecznikowski (Bratsche), Tytus Miecznikowski (Cello) und Márta Gulyás (Klavier). Es folgt ein Apéro. Mehr Info hier: https://www.frisch-gestrichen-basel.ch/konzert/


j_mieczni, to linguistics German
@j_mieczni@101010.pl avatar

Dall'evento al dataset: https://sharetigr.usi.ch/en/news/feeds/37851
Each event of the includes various kinds of documents:🎤🎥 A/V recordings, 📋 technical notes, 📜 various kinds of transcripts and 🎞 an edited video. We present them and ask if they are primary or secondary data 🤔

@linguistics @dh

j_mieczni, to dh German
@j_mieczni@101010.pl avatar

This week we talk about the design of the . Which interaction types are documented and why? How does TIGR fit into a typology of corpora?


j_mieczni, to classicalmusic German
@j_mieczni@101010.pl avatar

Johannes ’ Klavierquintett in f-Moll wurde 1865 in zum ersten Mal aufgeführt, mit Brahms selbst am . Er wurde von Friedrich Riggenbach-Stehlin, einem Bankier und dilettierenden Insektenforscher, und seiner Frau Margaretha eingeladen. Das Ehepaar betrieb im Kettenhof an der oberen Freien Strasse eine Art musikalischen Salon, der fester Bestandteil des Basler Musiklebens war, und hatte Brahms oft zu Gast, neben anderen namhaften Komponisten und Interpreten der Zeit. Das Quintett ist bei "frisch gestrichen!" zu hören am 20. April 2024, zum Abschluss der Jubiläumssaison des Vereins, der sein 20-jährige Bestehen feiert.

j_mieczni, to dh German
@j_mieczni@101010.pl avatar

Handling and storing sensitive data in collaborative research projects. For this workshop on , o rather , Katharina Lobinger, Associate Professor for online communication at the Institute of Digital Technologies for Communication (USI), will report on her experience with collecting, storing, and publishing sensitive (visual) data as compiled in her SNF-funded study “Visualised relationships - social uses and conflicts. A repertoire-oriented study of visual and image-related communication between close friends and couples in Switzerland”. She will give a one-hour presentation addressing ethical issues at various stages of her study, which will be followed by an extended discussion and exchange with the workshop participants.
The event is organised by Sara Greco (Università della Svizzera italiana) on behalf of CHORD-talk-in-interaction. It will take place at USI Università della Svizzera italiana on Monday, April 29th, 2024, 10:00h – 12:00h. The event can be attended in person and via Zoom.
To attend the workshop, please register by Monday, April 22nd, 2024, using this link.

j_mieczni, to languagelearning German
@j_mieczni@101010.pl avatar

In view of sharing the of spoken as , we digitised 115 questionnaires containing data about the participants in the recordings. In the process, we made decisions and adjustments that we reflect upon in our second blog post: https://sharetigr.usi.ch/en/news/feeds/37690
@dh @linguistics

j_mieczni, to dh German
@j_mieczni@101010.pl avatar

The team of InfiniIta (https://data.snf.ch/grants/grant/192771) just started a one year spin-off to share the of spoken Italian as . A special welcome to Nina Profazi, who will be helping us with that for the first 8 months. While we will process and describe the data, we will reflect upon this experience in a weekly lab blog. Here's the kick-off post!📰 https://sharetigr.usi.ch/en/news/feeds/37644

j_mieczni, to dh German
@j_mieczni@101010.pl avatar

Save the date: 15-16 January '24, hybrid workshop on "database evolution for the study of social interaction: designing annotations for long-term usability", organized by Simona Pekarek Doehler (University of Neuchâtel) and Jérôme Jacquin (University of Lausanne) on behalf of CHORD-talk-in-interaction ( https://www.chord-talk-in-interaction.usi.ch/cti/team). Guest speakers: Carole Étienne (Laboratoire Icar, CLAPI) and Johannes Wagner (Syddansk University). @linguistics @dh

j_mieczni, to linguistics German
@j_mieczni@101010.pl avatar
j_mieczni, to dh German
@j_mieczni@101010.pl avatar

📢 Workshop on the design and application of large machine-readable audio-video corpora of spoken interaction, organized by on behalf of CHORD-talk-in-interaction at the University of Basel on 📅December 7-8, 2023. Register here: https://www.chord-talk-in-interaction.usi.ch/cti/workshops/workshop-2 for on site or online participation by 📅November 27.
Arnulf Deppermann, Henrike Helmer and Silke Reineke from the Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, will draw on the IDS corpus FOLK (Forschungs- und Lehrkorpus gesprochenes Deutsch) to discuss and illustrate the challenges of creating and using spoken and multimodal data in a and perspective. They will address workflows, research tools and the specifics of audio and video data gathered to document social interactions in authentic settings. They will discuss the potential and the constraints of using large corpora and their tools to support research on social interaction. There will also be an open discussion on the possibilities and limitations of / allowing the participants to exchange views on current trends towards sharing research data and the conditions under which they can be made available to the scientific community.
CHORD-talk-in-interaction is a collaboration 🤝👥 between USI Università della Svizzera italiana and the universities of Basel, Lausanne and Neuchâtel.

j_mieczni, to dh German
@j_mieczni@101010.pl avatar

📢 Workshop on the design and application of large machine-readable audio-video corpora of spoken interaction, organized by on behalf of CHORD-talk-in-interaction at the University of Basel on 📅December 7-8, 2023. Register here: https://t.co/C7L6WfmGzR for on site or online participation by 📅November 27.
Arnulf Deppermann, Henrike Helmer and Silke Reineke from the Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache, Mannheim, will draw on the IDS corpus FOLK (Forschungs- und Lehrkorpus gesprochenes Deutsch) to discuss and illustrate the challenges of creating and using spoken and multimodal data in a and perspective. They will address workflows, research tools and the specifics of audio and video data gathered to document social interactions in authentic settings. They will discuss the potential and the constraints of using large corpora and their tools to support research on social interaction. There will also be an open discussion on the possibilities and limitations of / allowing the participants to exchange views on current trends towards sharing research data and the conditions under which they can be made available to the scientific community.
CHORD-talk-in-interaction is a collaboration 🤝👥 between USI Università della Svizzera italiana and the universities of Basel, Lausanne and Neuchâtel.

j_mieczni, to classicalmusic German
@j_mieczni@101010.pl avatar

Das Quatuor Magenta spielt am 23. September um 19 Uhr bei "frisch gestrichen" unter anderem das Streichquartett Nr. 3 von Béla Bartók, komponiert 1927.

Der Philosoph und Musiktheoretiker Theodor W. Adorno nahm das Stück in seiner kurz nach der Uraufführung geschriebenen und immer noch lesenswerten Rezension zum Anlass, die Erneuerungskraft der Bartókschen Musik hervorzuheben. Die Entwicklung des Komponisten verlaufe

"als Spirale in treuer Wiederholung der Aufgaben ihres Ursprungs; in unaufhaltsamer Verjüngung zugleich. Als Gefahr droht ihr einzig die Aberration. Jedoch gerade in ihr bewährt sich Bartók substantiell: aus den gefährlichsten Unternehmungen vermag er Kräfte zu ziehen, die den Angriff aufs ihm einzig Gemässe konzentrisch verstärken. Nirgends als bei ihm hat der Begriff des Experimentes, den reaktionäre Perfidie in Verruf brachte, besseren Sinn."
(T.W. Adorno, Texte über Béla Bartók, Hg. J. Breuer, Studia Musicologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae , 1981, T. 23, Fasc. 1/4, S. 421)

Mehr lesen: https://www.frisch-gestrichen-basel.ch/herbstkonzert-2023/


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