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Thank you. It’s fair to hold Biden accountable for what he’s done and not done, but we must always remember the alternative is Trump, and if you think Biden is bad, you must have forgot the utter and complete shitshow 2017 through 2020 was.

Trump allies launch secretive scheme to divide Biden support: report (www.msn.com)

Saw this today, and … well, I’m not going to be so forgiving to people suggesting to vote Third Party rather than vote for Biden. If Trump wants me to do something, and you want me to do that same something, that tells me you’re aligned with Trump.


Wow. You did a good job illustrating exactly why I’m not going to play nice with you people anymore. You’re lying and distorting the truth in order to make it more likely that people like my wife are ground under the bootheel of Team Pepe authoritarianism this time next year. Let’s break this down a bit, shall we?

Your claim that Biden voted for a constitutional amendment for States to overturn Roe v Wade omits the fact that he voted against it the next time Shithead Hatch presented it. Why don’t you explain to the class why you felt it necessary to distort Biden’s record, holding him accountable for a vote he has already acknowledged he got wrong by voting against it the second time it was presented, eh?

And the Iraq War? Yes, Biden got that vote wrong. He bought Bush’s lies that this was about bringing Hussein to the negotiation table, like a lot of us did in that time. The guy even admitted he got it wrong as early as 2005. What more can you ask? The guy can’t go back in time and fix his mistake. He can just own up to it. And let me tell you, I was on the same page as Biden back in 2003, when it seemed that Hussein was holding onto weapons and helping the people that attacked us on 9/11. I hoped we would use the same things that Biden hoped we would use – diplomacy and the threat of the big stick to convince Hussein to let the weapons inspectors back in and comply with the mandates the UN put on him.

The Patriot Act was indeed one of the darkest moments of American history, a knee-jerk reaction to 9/11 that we should have gotten rid of far sooner than we did. Biden was instrumental in getting it passed, for sure. But it expired in 2020…and despite Biden being in office for 4 years, it has not been reauthorised. Again, are we not to give him credit for what he’s done since these horrible things he did? Is he to be held accountable for everything he’s ever done, with no chance of redemption? I think that’s really damn stupid, or a plot by a really evil person to try to eat away at Biden’s voter base in order to get somebody far worse elected.

Let me remind you who is on the other side of the equation – a man who bragged he could grab any woman he wanted by the privates, who ran the country headfirst off the cliff of Covid because he thought it was some Democratic Party plot, who pulled us out of Kyoto AND scrubbed any mention of climate change from the website, who got into a trade war with China without any plans for how to deal with our reliance on cheap Chinese manufacturing (causing the inflation we are dealing with, in part), and who referred to the shitheads that killed minorities, gays, and liberals as ‘good people’. I also remind you that he plans on being “Dictator for a Day” should he win in 2024, and will implement Project 2025, a nightmarish scenario for gays, minorities, transgender folk, environmentalists, scientific thinkers, and liberals of all stripes. And need I remind you that Roe v. Wade went down thanks to Trump.

One of two people will win the election in 2024. You can’t change this. Either the guy who may not be liberal enough for you wins, and we make slow and halting progress on all Left-Wing priorities, or the guy who is an utter shithead gets into office and everything we’ve worked for in the past 100 years gets torn down. Gay marriage? Gone. Minority rights? Gone. Freedom to worship or not worship according to one’s desires? Gone. Freedom to protest our government? Remember the white vans that disappeared people during the George Floyd protests? Yeah, gone too. Oh, yeah, and IVF and contraception is gone, and women’s rights are gone. It’s very likely that your 2028 election will look like the one Putin just ‘won’, corrupted and replaced with ‘vote for Master Trump or suffer’. We aren’t kidding when we say that this is the most important election ever. It’s a rehash of 2020, which was the most important election ever (prompting me to donate money to a politician for the first time in my goddamn life…) at that time.

So. There’s one of two things you could be. Either you are…

  • Somebody so stupidly obstinate that you’d vote against your best interests because you’re blinded for your hatred of Biden and can’t see the fucking blindingly obvious truth that Trump is 100 times fucking worse than even your stupid caricature of Biden
  • Somebody who is an evil sack of shit that would rather see Trump win so he’s here trying to convince us we should not vote for Biden, despite the blindingly fucking obvious truth that Trump is 1000 times fucking worse than Biden.

So, which is it? Are you a moron, or are you an asshole? Either way…this article wasn’t meant for you. It was meant for the people you and your fellow sockpuppets full of excrement are trying to convince to let Trump win the fucking election.

Per Rule 6, I am not allowed to call you what I really want to call you, nor use the strength of language I feel you and your fellow … ahem, ‘dissidents’ deserve. Therefore, I’ll just say it this way. You can buzz off, pal. You aren’t convincing me of your nonsense, and the only reason I’m here is to tell people who might fall for your … BS…yeah, I’ll call it that…is that this person trying to convince you to vote third party or stay home is full of nonsense and will lead this country into ruin. So, do us all a favour and piss off, would ya?


I’m actually going to disagree that Biden sucks. Biden did the best he could with what he was given. Let’s remember:

  • Biden was handed an epic shitshow of a situation when he took office.
  • He was given ZERO help by the previous administration. They did everything in their power to gimp Biden out the gate. That he managed to handle COVID so well is a testament to his skills and determination.
  • Inflation was beginning before COVID, and thus before Biden. It started with electronics, where combinations of chip shortages and tariffs on Chinese imports saw prices of GPUs and game machines and so on skyrocket. I remember the ridiculous costs of the 30x0 GPUs thanks to bitcoin mining and then Trump went Tariff Happy. ** No plans at all on how we were supposed to buy stuff that didn’t have the Chinese Import Tariff on it. No plans, at least, until Biden took office and passed the Chips Act.
  • Biden actually DID implement Student Loan forgiveness. Between my wife and I, we’d have saved 40k USD on our loans, but the Trump Supreme Court, brought on by people voting Stein in 2016 (and Nader in 2000) ensured we got zip. Biden’s trying to work around the Supreme Court, even now, but of course, Republicans know the court is their friend. They knew that the Court was NOT their friend in 2000 and 2016, but we forgot that the court was our friend during those elections and now the Court is most definitely NOT our friend, but Biden is doing the best he can with what we gave him.
  • The Chips and Infrastructure Acts, and the various COVID era funding helped pull a LOT of people out of the fire.

I see jerks who come in and complain they didn’t get what they want to be akin to staying home on the election because they didn’t get the shiny rainbow unicorn they SWORE they were promised. Like a petulant child stomping his feet because he didn’t get the Christmas gift he begged Santa for, just before he threw a screaming temper tantrum in the Mall when his parents were warning him that Santa knows when he’s been naughty. An immature git that deserves to be taken over a knee and swatted, or just outright ignored, rather than indulged.

Inflation sucks. These last 4 years have been difficult, and not everybody has gotten out in one piece. But it was worse for a whole hell of a lot of people when Trump was in office, and he promises to make it hard for those people again if he gets in office. We can’t reach out to the Trumpers, but let’s NOT do their dirty work for them!


Man, there’s a bajillion angles to this. We’re talking global politics here.

Israel under Netanyahu has said that it will extinguish Hamas even if the entire world turns against them. And you can go down many paths looking at what happens if the US abandons Israel.

First, some facts.

  • Israel has not imposed sanctions on Russia.
  • Israel maintains diplomatic relations with Russia.
  • Israel has not backed Ukraine in the war.
  • Russian is the third most-widely spoken language in Israel
  • Israel has the third largest Russian-Speaking population outside of Russia and other post-Soviet states.
  • Israel took a neutral stance on the Crimea invasion.
  • Netanyahu and Putin have a particularly close relationship.

Now, just think for a moment what Russia might do if the US were to end its special relationship with Israel? I’m sure that’s weighing on Biden’s mind as he navigates the waters of reining in Israel’s attack on Palestinians. Putin is looking for ways to erode American influence world-wide, and this might well be an own goal if we just blindly drop Israel like so many of these…ahem, ‘dissenters’ seem to want us to do.

Besides. Trump says Israel should ‘finish the job’ in regards to the Palestinians so I’m not sure how the … person below you thinks Biden is to the right of Trump on this matter. Unless ‘the right’ means letting SOME Palestinians live, and ‘the left’ means ‘invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity.’ I mean, it’s not like some rightwing shithead ever said anything like that, amirite? Lol.


Biden doesn’t support genocide. He supports Israel’s right to exist, and thinks that they have a right to defend themselves. And even he is saying Israel must start respecting the laws of war or lose US support. You know what Trump said? “Finish the problem”. Even on this stupid level, you should be voting Biden because Trump is worse.

So, no, stupid person or Trump plant. That’s not how my logic works.


This is my point here.

One of two people will win the election in November. Biden or Trump. If you want Biden to lose, you want Trump to win. And if you want Trump to win, you want my wife to suffer (she’s a Black bisexual gamer nerd gal)… And we can’t be friends.


Her mistake was not owning that. Had I been her, this is how I’d have approached that.

“I recently said at an LGBT fundraiser that roughly half of the people who support Trump are deplorable. I stand by that comment. Between the ones that hate Black and Hispanic people, the ones who think women belong in kitchens and not running the country, the ones who would rather a man who loves a man or a woman who loves a woman be erased from society, and the ones who think we should kill all Muslims and convert them to Christianity, there’s an awful lot of really awful people in the GOP. And I’m going to keep calling these people deplorable, because they are, and as for the question about if I’ve written off tens of millions of people, I ask Anderson Cooper how can you not write off these kinds of people. But what was not mentioned in this whole kerfuffle was that I also said there’s another huge group of people voting on Team Red’s side that just want the nation to recognise their pain and not write them off. We need to convince them that while he’ll make their lives different, it won’t be for the better. Maybe instead of trying to somehow reach out to racist xenophobic assholes, I can better spend my time reaching out to those who feel left behind.”

She tried to run away from that comment, and that just reinforced the fact that she’s unwilling to stand up for what she believes in. And the worst thing of all is that she was right. The GOP has an awful lot of really, really awful people in it…


My problem with the idiots screaming “Genocide!!!” is that they are overly simplistic in their understanding of the problem. First, if we cut Israel off, lots of very pro-Israeli donors carry out their threats to cut donations to the Left and give more to the Right. That’s more ads, more canvassers, more campaign staff, and more polling moving from Team Blue to Team Red. As much as I hate the fact that $$$ rules everything in the fucking USA, it’s still a fact, and the LAST thing Team Blue wants to have voters hearing is “America sold out Israel to Hamas after Hamas started the war.” Think about how low-information so many voters are in the USA, and think about how EASY it would be for Russian-Amplified Republican Propaganda to convince low-information, and frankly low-IQ voters that Democrats are the antisemites in the discussion.

Speaking of Russian-Amplified propaganda, let me remind everyone of these fact:

  • Russia and Israel have historically had a friendly relationship with each other.
  • Israel has a strong Russian contingent. The language is the third most spoken language, and Israel is ranked third in the list of non-Soviet nations that speak Russian.
  • Netanyahu and Putin have particularly close ties, both being right-wing Authoritarian Jerks.

What is Russia trying to do? Reduce America’s influence in the world so it can step in and take over (it will fail, and learn QUICKLY that it is China’s bitch, but it doesn’t know this yet…). What’s the easiest way to do that? Have America cut off aid to Israel, then step in. Alternatively, if America STAYS supporting Israel, amplify the lie that Biden supports Genocide since he won’t cut off aid to Israel, allowing Russia to step in.

We need to call this bullshit out here and now, and point out the fact that either people pushing this nonsense are useful idiots, pushing Putin and Trump’s propaganda like the morons they are, or that they’re actually in cahoots with Putin and Trump, and need to be called out as the shitheads they are.

I’m done playing nice. It’s time to call a spade a spade.


Yet you fuckers act like Biden is over there doing it with his bare hands.

I’d be far more interested in discourse if they sad what’s actually going on. Biden’s turning a blind eye towards the misbehaviour of Netanyahu because he’s afraid of what happens if he actually takes a stand. He’s not actually doing the Genocide. He’s picking sides.

It’s like threatening your best friend with a knuckle sandwich if he doesn’t stop creeping on a woman you barely know and don’t really like. Do you throw away decades worth of friendship by setting your best friend straight, or do you tolerate the boorish behaviour from your male friend? Bonus points: if you choose your friend over this woman, you get called a rapist, despite the fact that you told this gal to get lost and leave you alone. That’s the choice Biden has right now. Israel is America’s friend. Hamas is not and while we are empathic about innocent Palestinians caught in the crossfire, we know that Russia is waiting in the wings to reduce our influence world-wide…so on TOP of having to choose between your best friend and some annoying woman you barely know, you ALSO have your worst enemy at the club waiting to swoop in and tell your now-ex-best-friend how awful and cruel you are and bend said ex-best-friend into another enemy. Yay!


Man, I didn’t write the headline. I’d have left the word ‘secretive’ out, or put it in scare quotes. Because yes, same shit, different year.


sigh. Why do I even bother. Oh right, because if I don’t, other LIVs will listen to you and buy the bullshit you’re selling to weaken Biden and strengthen Trump. So here we go.

Biden is caught between the rock of supporting Israel despite their atrocious behaviours in Gaza and the hard place of either leaving Israel open to being destroyed by other Middle Eastern nations, or allowing Russia to bring Israel into BRICS as part of the anti-USA counter-movement in Russia’s and China’s desired ‘multi-polar’ world (and read that to mean the USA is ground under heal and now Russia and China are the new USA, because that’s exactly what it means).

Making the hard place even harder is the fact that if Biden were to cancel support for Israel tonight, I guaranfuckingtee you that by tomorrow, Russian-amplified Republican propaganda will be screaming to every person they can reach tomorrow the news that “Biden is an antisemitic puppet for Iran, Saudi Arabia, and every other Islamofascist nation in the Middle East and let innocent Jews die at the hands of the evil Hamas!!!” That could cost him more votes than not giving in to you lot of shitheads calling him a genocidal maniac and losing your votes.

It’s NEVER as simple as you lot make it out to be. International politics is nasty, and sometimes, you don’t get what you want. But Biden’s willing to entertain threatening Israel with a reduction of aid. Trump won’t be, and that’s on top of every other horrible thing he’s outright stated he’s going to do. Your blathering over how Biden is killing Muslims over there is going to get a metric fuckton of Muslims, Gays, Minorities, and even Liberals killed here in this fucking country.

So, stupid person or Trump plant, it’s STILL not clear why you should vote for anyone else than Biden unless you want Trump to win.


The alternative to you being to the right of us is that you’re to the left of us, but are too stupid to see that you’re being played by the Republicans. Their plan for the next 4 years is an utter dismantling of the government and rebuilding it in the Conservative image. So, which are you. Invested in the Right, or too stupid to see you’re playing right into the Right’s hands?


Clue bus for everyone who thinks this idiot is correct.

Anonymous sources are definitely the least reliable source, and if you can get someone to stake their name and reputation on a claim, you much rather do that than use an anonymous source. However, anonymous sources do have their place in journalism!

Had Edward Snowden kept his name secret, he might well have escaped his fate of being forced to live in Russia. Had Julian Assange not revealed his name, he might be back in Australia or somewhere else besides a British jail. Anonymous sources exist to allow information to be passed to reporters when that information is either confidential or sensitive, or could put the source at risk. Generally, if you want to use an anonymous source, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • The source must have first-hand knowledge and evidence of what’s being revealed.
  • The information is high-value and cannot be obtained in any other manner.
  • The source has legitimate and compelling reasons why they will remain anonymous.
  • Anonymous sources are clearly identified as such without revealing their identity.
  • Other safetyguards may be used.

Rather than the reputation of the source, you use the reputation of the reporting media. Granted, there’s been a lot of BS peddled by the Media of late, and so it’s hard, and sometimes you have to be a bit more discerning that you might have back in the day. Do you trust NYT? That’s up to you. I do. Ghostalmedia does. But the useful idiot/trumper wildbus doesn’t. You’ll have to make up your own mind.

I’ll point this out. There’s no way Biden can be knocked out of the running now. In January, one of two things will happen. Either Biden will take the oath of office, or Trump will. No amount of third parties or other nonsense will change that (because we don’t have RCV, 51 Lefties can lose to 49 Righties if 3 Lefties vote for Jill Stein and 48 vote Joe Biden, and that’ll remain the same if 48 vote Jill Stein and 3 vote Joe Biden). Read Project 2025 and know this is the framework for Trump’s first day in office if he wins, and decide: Is your single issue important enough to let Trump into office? If so, go ahead and vote for the distraction object. Just know you’re doing the DUMB thing and will suffer for that choice. We warned you in 2016 and you didn’t listen. It’s up to you if you will listen to us in 2020.


Zealot? Well, fuck you too, buddy.

Serinus made a great point. Republicans have had their hands on the levers of power because shitheads want to see liberals suffer, and OTHER shitheads scream bloody murder because they didn’t get the rainbow alicorn they swore they were promised. Cluebus for ya, pal. More than ultra-leftie liberals get to call the shot in the USA and you taking your fucking ball and going home hurts all of us


And you’re either a useful idiot doing Trump’s dirty work for him, or you are a shithead working to tank Biden’s support so Trump can get elected.

Assuming you’re the former, your stupid third party candidate will NEVER get into office. If you’re so determined to have a choice outside of D and R, start working RIGHT FUCKING NOW to get RCV in for 2032…assuming we still have an election to vote in, rather than being dictated to by Herr Drumpf.


…that’s your own stupid prerogative.

How I’d say that. ;)


I think a lot of Trump’s support is imaginary. We’ve had several elections, including the 2022 election, where the polls said we were going to get destroyed, but the Republicans way underperformed their polls. Perhaps it’s over-correction for 2016 when the polls overstated Democratic Party chances. Perhaps they’re over-sampling Republicans, not accounting for the fact that many older, more Republican-leaning people who distrusted the science behind COVID got themselves sick with COVID and then died from it. Or maybe they’re just making wild-ass guesses and don’t have a fucking clue because asking 1000 people what 220 million people are going to do six months away is always a tough thing to do.

That said, I’d still campaign like I was 5 points down in the polls if I was Biden, going 50 State Strategy to get ALL the votes he can, even the ones that ‘don’t count’, and if I was a voter that’s even REMOTELY aligned to the Left, I’d VOTE like he was down 1 point in the polls, and make damn sure I got my vote in for him. The alternative is just that much worse.


If you have thoughts of suicide, do what the article says to do and talk to someone. If things are so bad that you’re contemplating killing yourself, this is a dangerous position to be, and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, even a Trumper or a useful idiot. But throwing that link about suicide down won’t change my point.

You don’t always get exactly what you want from a politician. Ask the Kiwis. They recently stayed home, DESPITE their country offering multiple Left-Wing parties and a system that ensures their vote for one of those Left-Wing parties won’t result in one of the Right-Wing Parties being elected, and now, National, ACT, and NZ First (their Conservative parties, going from main-stream to whacko-extreme) are calling the shots and have rolled back EVERY left-wing priority they could get their hands on at a rapid pace. This is what you get when you say ‘not liberal enough’ and stay home, and that’s BEFORE FPTP used here in the USA gets in on the game.

Again. One of two things will happen in January.

  • Biden will start his second term, doing much the same as he’s done in the first term, SLOOOWLY and ever so painfully eeking out some Liberal priority or another, and then being shut down by the Right-Wing Court.
  • Trump will start his second term, and you’ll be fighting to not be disappeared into the back of some white van by literal secret police while Trump’s goons enact Project 2025 to ‘erase woke everywhere’.

Every vote Biden doesn’t get…is an increase of the chance that everything you supposedly stand for BEYOND Israel being undone while you dodge shitheads with white vans like Floyd Protesters did in Seattle. I’m just going to be here to remind you and everyone else who reads this of that truth.

And fuck yourself back to you, pal.


Yeah, this is why I downvote posts critical of Biden with no mention of Trump. November is a choice between two options.

  • Biden, a squishy liberal who REALLY wants access to the Korporate Kampaign Kash, who is firmly under the thumb of AIPAC, and who views this complicated 21st Century world with a worldview shaped and fixed in the 20th Century.
  • Trump, who will do everything Biden wants to do, gleefully, in your face, combined with direct assaults on gays, transgendered people, minorities, environmentalists, and everyone else on the Left, a complete rework of the US’s system of government, and very likely the replacement of the current standard with a right-wing dictatorship.

I know, I know. “But jhymesba, there’s Jill Stein and Robert Kennedy!”

Here’s a simple fact about how our country works. Every vote for Stein or Kennedy is a vote against Biden, and though Stein and Biden are on the left side of the spectrum, we don’t get to add their votes up during the election. If 100 people vote, and 51 vote for candidates on the Left, and 49 vote for candidates on the right, that doesn’t mean the Left wins. We’ve had many cases of 4 Liberals voting for the distraction candidate, meaning the result comes out 47 Left, 4 Left-2, 49 Right, and 49 is more than 47 so all 51 left-leaning voters now get to deal with what we dealt with in 2000-2008 and 2016-2020.

Trump has made it clear he means to dispense with Democracy if he wins in November. Your Stein or Kennedy or no-vote increases the chance that happens. It sucks that we have to play this stupid game every election with picking the lesser evil, but let’s be clear. The Republicans have sensed the angry Leftists energy in the room, and are gleefully counting on that to ensure they never have to actually win another election ever again.

And everyone here pushing the meme that we should stay home or vote third party in November is doing the Republicans dirty deeds for them. When I see a post bashing Biden and not mentioning Trump, this is what I see:

  • A useful idiot who doesn’t know they are playing into Trump’s/the GOP’s hands (Stein and her supporters).
  • An opportunistic jerk hoping to make money off of dissatisfaction on the Left (No Labels, RFK jr).
  • A rightwing plant leveraging our dissention to win 2024 and thus subject us to Project 2025.

All three of those deserve downvotes in my book.


I hope that the Biden team is channelling Howard Dean’s 50 State Strategy. Sure, we may not win Alabama this election, but we have won seats there recently. If Biden’s serious about stopping a Trumpian Fascist takeover of the USA, he best be aiming to win every vote he can, and that means harkening back to the 50 State Strategy and NOT taking any votes for granted.


Fun observation of the day:

You can buy a hard-cover bound King James V bible from Barns and Noble for $22.50.


I think that if you spoke to Jesus himself, he’d say the exact same thing about the bible…


No. You’re not here to have a discussion and make people ‘think’ about anything. You’re here to insert enough Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt into the process to corrupt it to your ends. You’re here to exploit our disdain for the fact that we can’t seem to get a better choice than what we have right now to steer us in the direction of the tyrannical Mussolini-quoting, Hitler-worshipping wannabe tinpot dictator. You and all your other friends who are pushing this nonsense that Biden is somehow as bad as or even worse than Trump, bringing up his very frankly 20th Century approach to the problems of Israel as some indication that he’s a monster that makes Trump look heroic in an attempt to steer us to wasting our votes on a third party that has no chance in hell of getting more votes than Trump if you can’t get us to vote for Trump outright to ‘tear down the system’. And some of us are calling you and yours out on this…


I’m not here for the argument. I just want to point out that I was able to get to the text of the article you said couldn’t be read in one try. archive.ph/boO6q. You’re welcome.

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