@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar



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@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

The ability to walk at 40km/h speeds.

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

His analysis and analogies are actually pretty good, except he ruins it all with his cringy intro and outro. That’s disappointing.

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

Wasn’t Google Plus used to be called Circles? Man, I feel old!

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

If this is their attitude to a clear self-inflicted fuckup, then that’s plenty reason for me to avoid them and their services. It’s not like their services were distinct in any way… just a dime in a dozen cloud provider.

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

TL;DR: the reason is that men are horndogs, and those that for some weird reason want to say “no” are pressured by the Patriarchy and/or Toxic Masculinity to say “yes.”

Did I get the gist of the article right? 🤔

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah, Psych today is about as credible these days as The View when it comes to psychology research.

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah, maybe not the horndog part, but the rest checks out if you read between the lines.

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

And what will run the AI that replaces your GPU? GPUs of course (rebranded as “AI accelerators”). So yeah, win-win for team green.

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

At work, if you have the option, consider using KeePassXC or similar software. That will give you a properly encrypted file with secrets and also password-manager features.

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

Google reminds me more and more of Microsoft of the 90s. That’s exactly the kind of compatibility breaking asinine move MS would do 30 years ago. Sigh…

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

What happens if you redirect all traffic to a sinkhole, rather than to Do the devices still freak out when they talk to a web server which returns a 404? Just morbidly curious…

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

Good old git blame lol! Not only can you determine when the change was made and where, it’s trivial to look up the author of the commit: github.com/…/562e0d570d93cfcfdebab1215a2f04efa64a…

To be fair, the author’s first language may not be English…

Is anyone interested in submitting a pull request? Looks like Github contributions are accepted.

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

I think descriptive and useful error messages are OK to report as enhancements. They don’t have to be functional bugs.

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

Grievance-based identity… Interesting that it is attributed by the author to straight white males; on the right “oppression olympics”, i.e., grievance-based identity, is attributed predominantly to the left.

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

Are you assuming that most straight white males are religious and Christian? There’s probably some truth to this, at least in the US, but I doubt that most straight white males are religious enough to have a persecution complex. Moreover, from my understanding and experience, the persecution complex is mainly attributable to Catholics, which further reduces the sample size. On the other hand, I think some flavour of a persecution complex could be attributed to any religion, not just Christianity. After all, religions control through shaming inappropriate behaviours and rewarding desired behaviours.

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

My original point was mainly about both sides (left and right) attributing grievance-based identity to each other. There’s probably more to it than that. The truth is out there, but I feel like neither side is doing enough to understand the nuances of what’s going on in society and oversimplifies the dynamics at hand.

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

I think this article may shed some interesting context and complement OP’s linked article nicely: theconversation.com/gen-z-boys-attitudes-to-femin…

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

Hear hear! Meaningful discourse can be very powerful.

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

Ohh, this headline aged like milk, LOL. 😂

It is powerful, as long as you don’t ask it to generate anything involving white people. 🤣😂🤣

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

Who knows anymore with these youngsters’ vernacular?

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

Huh? ZFS is not 100% userspace. You’re right that ZFS doesn’t need hardware RAID (in fact, it’s incompatible), but the standard OpenZFS implementation (unless you’re referring to the experimental FUSE-based one) does use kernelspace on both FreeBSD and Linux.

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

I remember reading about this on line 1 on my way to work…

I always found it odd the way convictions worked in this case, i.e. it was only the second volley of shots, fired after the victim was already down, that resulted in the attempted murder conviction.

Wot The Fsck You Say, Spotify? (lemmy.world)

Edit: A couple times I’ve said eBook while I actually meant Audiobook. I’ve learned that Spotify has a 15 hour limit per month for their free ‘included in premium’ audiobooks. However these are the two books I listened to for free, and even rounding up to 13 hours it doesn’t make sense, unless they count accidental...

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

I have the whole series as DRM-free MP3. Let me know if you want it.

@krnl386@lemmy.ca avatar

Better late than never and I responded! Check your DM. :)

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