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Following this conversation and here it was a pleasant surprise to see this pinned post from a GoToSocial developer 🙂



I feel that that is not what their post was saying.I read it more like the possibility that Mark Zuckerberg would want to talk to the core developer of Mastodon and e.g. buy Mastodon.social, and then when GoToSocial would grow Zuck would want to talk with them as well.I’d be surprised if the GoToSocial software would have Meta Threads blocked by default in their source code.


It’s incredible how afraid the shallow people of the world are. One celebrity openly transitions, and yall can never have a functional thought again without your hate.

Hmmm :( looks like I’m not up to date about some celebrities. No idea that the photos were real and the same person. Mind sharing their name or a link ?


t y !


Yes, it’s a lot to read but I’m just the messenger and not capable to do a tl;dr.


I’m not gonna read this person’s Evangelion analogy, but I did go to the trouble to hunt down what Jon Ringer actually did.

Here’s a link.

Thanks. From the same page I found this which has a tl;dr which is maybe useful for other readers.

The open letter is very vague at some points. It tries to outline some real issues that require years of context to fully grasp. Without having this necessary context - it is very hard to follow some of the points made, and evidence seems very poor.

This repository aims to list some key points that are easy to understand without all of the context. This is a compilation of damning evidence for Eelco’s leadership, essentially.

If you’re looking for a TL;DR of the situation, here it is:

  • Nix community had a governance crisis for years. While there has been progress on building explicit teams to govern the project, it continued to fundamentally rely on implicit authority and soft power
  • Eelco Dolstra, as one of the biggest holders of this implicit authority and soft power, has continuously abused this authority to push his decisions, and to block decisions that he doesn’t like
  • Crucially, he also used his implicit authority to block any progress on solving this governance crisis and establishing systems with explicit authority
  • This has led uncountably many people to burn out over the issue, and culminated in writing an open letter to have Eelco resign from all formal positions in the project and take a 6 month break from any involvement in the community
  • Eelco wrote a response that largely dismisses the issues brought up, and advertises his company’s community as a substitute for Nix community



Yeah, I like to read Hacker news from time to time. Since reading this article I will surely remember that friendship.


This new “ruling CEO” class is bloody dangerous.



That’s inspiring, thanks.


Those are amazing! There so cute 😍

Yes, I’m very impressed by the high quality photos and how it captures how the penguins live their lives.

I wounder if we could make a script to pick a random one and use it as a background image? It would be awesome to have those as background images but o don’t know if the author would be okay with me using them for that

Don’t know, but nice idea. btw, I found out about the photographer on Mastodon today as someone used a photo. When I zoomed in on the penguins photo I noticed the photographer name and searched and found their photo site.





Tombstone 2018 - 2024 Google Podcasts

Killed 26 days ago, Google Podcasts was a podcast hosting platform and an Android podcast listening app. It was almost 6 years old.


Tombstone 2030-2032 Google Pacemaker

Killed 8 years from now, Google Pacemaker was an IoT pacemaker for patients with heart arrhythmia. All devices were remotely deactivated after 2 years.

🤯 😂


Indeed.What a rip-off! :(


Yeah it pisses me off the way people are like “tech bros ruined the internet”. No, users ruined it! There was no reason to stop self-hosting webpages, forums and IRC servers. Users switched to Facebook instead because they preferred it and didn’t care about the downsides. There’s an alternative to every website and app which respects privacy, serves no ads, and has no algorithm to farm your outrage. Users refuse to use them because they aren’t cool enough.

You got a point there, though I think it’s users and corporations who both ruined it. And why ? Because users were not well informed and did choose for easy solutions without caring about privacy. At the last Tw(X)tter Exodus to Mastodon you could see several vocal new Mastodon users complain about not having a quote option. And probably several of them stopped using Mastodon for that. People have strong opinions and when they can choose to communicate with most of them friends with things like Facebook they go for that rather than having to spend time on exploring more privacy friendly options. And why ? Because there is so little time and because technology is scary for a lot of “normies”. I believe that is the success of Apple : shiny looking white design and easy of use. No plug & pray but easy peasy communication. Never mind the high prizes and walled pay garden. Ease of use and design is top priority for some. Does it makes sense to re-educate people and inform them ? I believe yes, but only if they are interested and have some spare time.


Yes :( Self inclined vendor lock-in ™. I hope for more new Linux users (unless it does not fit their use case very well) who are willing to learn and spread the word!


Cool. Thanks. That post may encourage me to finally learn more about tmux. From that list of software I’d use neomutt rather than Alpine with Midnight Commander (nnn is nice but not for me yet) and a mpd client.


I really with FreeBSD would get a port of Podman and I could just go back to my FreeBSD. My servers are rock solid since they where installed in the FreeBSD 10 days and just keep getting updated with no problems at all

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