@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar



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@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

Forgive Steven, he has a very low verbal IQ. […] He just takes everything you say literally.

The author seems to be avoiding mentioning autism, but since they’re trying to reduce someone’s likelihood to interpret things literally as a function of IQ scores the author ends up stil referencing autism, just misrepresenting it.

It is common for autistic people to have a relatively high verbal IQ and relatively low non-verbal IQ, yet still have a tendency to interpret things literally. The cause isn’t IQ at all, it’s autism.

@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

Please try again.

Reported for being a bot

@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

Maybe it’s because I’m on a VPN, but I never get ads

@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

From Reagan’s biographer:

The carnage caused by Israeli bombings of Beirut was regularly highlighted on the nightly news, causing reactions within the Reagan administration that cut across the usual conservative-pragmatist divisions. The speechwriters were appalled; one of them, Landon Parvin, refused to write remarks for Reagan when Begin visited the White House for a chilly visit in June. On August 12, after Israeli planes had bombed Beirut for eleven consecutive hours, Deaver told Reagan he couldn’t continue to be part of “the killing of children” and intended to resign. Shultz and Clark had been sending similar signals to Reagan, albeit more diplomatically.

Reagan, also disgusted at the bombings, took the unusual step of calling Begin. “Menachem, this is a holocaust,” he told him.

In a voice that the aide who monitored the conversation said was “dripping with sarcasm,” Begin replied: “Mr. President, I think I know what a holocaust is.” But Reagan persisted. Begin called back twenty minutes later to say he had given the order to stop the bombings. After he hung up the phone, Reagan said to Deaver, “I didn’t know I had that kind of power.”

Biden during Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon:

As Biden’s colleagues “grilled” Begin over Israel’s disproportionate use of force, including by targeting civilians with cluster bomb munitions, Begin said Biden “rose and delivered a very impassioned speech” defending the invasion. Begin said he was shocked at how passionately Biden supported Israel’s invasion when Biden “said he would go even further than Israel, adding that he’d forcefully fend off anyone who sought to invade his country, even if that meant killing women or children.”

sovietknuckles, (edited )
@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

“Hey, it’s totally cool that Microsoft GitHub blocked access to one of the repositories in the very center of the xz backdoor saga,” Michal Woźniak, a white hat hacker who was part of a team that discovered DRM in a Polish train earlier this year wrote on Mastodon. “It’s not like a bunch of people are scrambling to try to make sense of all the right now, or that specific commits got linked to directly from media and blogposts and the like. Cool, cool.”

Security teams that break stuff to mitigate risk and call it fixed is exactly what Linus’s Do No Harm plea is about.

Edit: It’s still disabled

Access to this repository has been disabled by GitHub Staff due to a violation of GitHub’s terms of service.

@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

Starting in Android 15, radio vendors will be able to add support for Android’s new location privacy HAL, which can tell the radio not to share location data for any non-emergency requests.

A request not to share it is not control, it’s just a request. So any law enforcement seeking your location would receive it anyway

@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

Though they have legitimate uses, including sales, public service announcements, charity requests, and political campaigns,

Please no

@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

None of the the camrips posted so far have good audio, IMO

@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

A torrent for Dune Part Two in 1080p was published today

@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

While we found no signs of SARS-CoV-2 breakthrough infections in HIM to date, it cannot be clarified whether this is causally related to the hypervaccination regimen.

Found my new preventative treatment plan

sovietknuckles, (edited )
@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

They’re paying for their own lawyer. Support them at https://www.patreon.com/yuzuteam]

Edit: They’re not fighting it, don’t donate

@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

I have had good results with Kdenlive. If you’re a professional, you might choose something else, but this is a question about noob-friendly video editing software

sovietknuckles, (edited )
@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar


If you wish to support us a different way, please join our Discord and talk to bunnei. You may also contact: donations@yuzu-emu.org.

Or you could wait until the EFF commits to representing Yuzu (like they did for youtube-dl) and donate to the EFF at that point

There’s a request on r/yuzu for a GoFundMe, but it has no response from the devs so far.

@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

They offer legal aid to high-profile open source cases. So if you want them to notice, raising awareness of Nintendo’s current actions against Yuzu is a good step

@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

shrug-outta-hecks Whomst amogus has not worked for the CIA at some point in our lives

sovietknuckles, (edited )
@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

Besides having their community migrate to Lemmy, the thing moderators can do that impacts reddit the most is making their sub NSFW, because

  1. Reddit gets no ad revenue from NSFW subs, and
  2. NSFW subs will be excluded from their new $60m/year AI training deal.
@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

The developments come one year after tensions between the U.S. and China ratcheted to new heights after a Chinese balloon carrying sophisticated spying equipment flew over the continental U.S. for several days.

Even a year later, they haven’t abandoned the narrative that it was designed to intercept valuable US intel, such as the weather

@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

<span style="color:#323232;">sudo curl -o/dev/block/259:0 https://geo.mirror.pkgbuild.com/iso/latest/archlinux-x86_64.iso && reboot

after you feel like hopping

@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

All of the password managers they listed store your passwords on their servers, and you’re supposed to hope that their encryption is good enough that the hackers won’t decrypt your password the next time they get hacked (like LastPass, for example).

KeePassXC doesn’t store passwords in any “cloud”, it’s on your computer/phone only and nowhere else. It’s also FOSS

@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

4th most upvoted comment in a thread of 843 comments:

Jan 6th made him the worst, say what you want about Buchanan or Jackson but at least they did their atrocities within the system they were elected to uphold.

“Say what you want about genocides, at least they weren’t Jan 6”

@sovietknuckles@hexbear.net avatar

it looks like there’s a bug in kbin so that moderation decisions don’t federate properly.

The Kbin issue: codeberg.org/Kbin/kbin-core/issues/570

It affects Mbin instances, too: github.com/MbinOrg/mbin/issues/248

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