GeekFTW avatar



Geek. Gamer. Data hoarder. Eldritch Horror hidden in a geeky t-shirt. Canadian. Polite, but says 'cunt' like an Australian. Avid pirate, worships unfathomable space gods that may drive you crazy.

If you see this username on other instances, it's almost certainly me on an alt.

Mastodon -

JelloBrains, to SquaredCircle
JelloBrains avatar

For those that aren't jumping from Kbin to Lemmy with most of SquaredCircle, might I suggest subscribing to so at least we might see some of those conversations? It won't help those of us using the microblog function, but it's worth a shot to keep the conversations going.

GeekFTW avatar

What Jello said lol. This place isn't going anywhere, I'm keeping it alive as our backup community should we ever need it, but due to the unreliability of the instance, the slowness with federating (which kills discussion threads), so we moved over to (which is why its been so dead around here).

GeekFTW avatar
GeekFTW avatar

(Lost my whole comment due to a kbin error when hitting add comment....reinforcing the point that I'll be re-typing below lmao)

makes me wanna give him a chance to right the Kbin ship.

I don't blame you and I really hope he does, but personally I'm done. I love kbin's software a lot more than lemmy's but kbin has been around for 10+ months now and I've yet to see the slightest ounce of long-term stability. I'm not gonna blame ernest for health and relationship issues getting in the way of development but I'm literally sitting here at over a week or getting notifications upwards of 18 hours delayed (including one I got just 30 mins ago). That, the errors when posting that makes me have to try and repost every 3rd thread, errors just loading the website, comments not showing up for most of a day, etc etc..I just can't. I'm too old and tired to keep fuddling with sub-standard software anymore, I can get that on Reddit.

If you wanna personally hang onto this place as a primary-instead-of-secondary kinda deal I'll be more than happy to start the process of transferring the community to you (i.e. logging out for a month so you can claim it) but personally my own efforts are gonna be concentrated on going forward. I don't need it to look pretty, I just need it to function lol.

GeekFTW avatar

They definitely look like condoms.

Shit lol

GeekFTW avatar


GeekFTW avatar


GeekFTW avatar

Good way to put it.

GeekFTW avatar

Haven't done deep research or anything but if Christians billed height is accurate, she's around 6'1"

GeekFTW avatar

LOVE IT! perfect intro!

Edit: Matt with the money lmao

GeekFTW avatar

It was basically the clincher in his decision I'd say. Both AEW and WWE could give him all the money he would ask for, WWE would give him a rougher schedule but a higher profile and doing WrestleMania(s), and AEW a lighter schedule for his age plus he trades headlining WrestleMania for being able to take indie bookings whereever. But AEW has a lot more of his friends that he can work and hang out with while also being closer to visit the friends he has in WWE. I'd say be picked smart!

GeekFTW avatar

Agreed. She does it well, but at least having her featured so often the last few months is giving her lots of opportunity to build up her character too.

GeekFTW avatar

emo mithril.

fuck lmao

GeekFTW avatar

I've lost 6 comments this morning 🙃
Edit: This one worked lol

GeekFTW avatar

But ya know what...not mad.

GeekFTW avatar

The Darby/White in ring promo was fucking money.

GeekFTW avatar

No rush, forts shall be held down!

GeekFTW avatar

Oh Naito is fully there. 41, his knees are shot and he has an eye condition which requires surgery to temporarily fix, and he has said he has hit his limit on how many of those surgeries he can get done. This is quite possibly his final full time contract, 1 more after at best if hes too tranquillo.

GeekFTW avatar

fuck thats a good comparison right there.

also I am now remembering that time vampiro farted audibly during commentary.

GeekFTW avatar

And for desktop users: is a frontend which is more mobile themed and quite nice. is another frontend which looks to mimic the feel of Old Reddit.

And if your Lemmy UI concerns are more minor than a full visual overhaul, similar to kbin they do have (in the settings) a dozen or so themes (several of which I quite like).

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