
@JeffKerman1999 bring some plans for the printing press and some plans to mass produce paper too. Back in the ancient times one sheet of paper was about $30 in todays money. A whole book would be the equivalant of tens of thousands of dollars.




Isn't that just called murder? I'm pretty sure that's something he should know already...

Cloud Backup

I finally got the dreaded over storage warning from google today. What is everyone moving to these days? People were moving to dropbox advance but i heard its not really unlimited anymore. I have 30TB of data that can’t be reproduced (family videos and photos). Any recommendations? I prefer not to spend $100+ a month on...



Agreed with this one really. "3 copies of your data, in 2 physical locations, equals 1 backup" has been my thing for a long time.

I used to just keep my third copy one a drive in my desk at the office, but I've been full remote for years now.

Thanks for the reminder, I need to see if I can convince my folks to host a NAS in their hobby room or something.


The Abyss (

As I stared into the Abyss, I became aware the Abyss was staring back at me. "What are you looking at?" I said. "You," the Abyss replied. "You are fascinating. I have never seen anyone like you before." I blushed. "I bet you say that to everyone." "I do. And it is always true." #MicroFiction #SmallStories #TootFic



I looked into this once (lol a couple weeks ago). Its supposed to enable "live" pages, so that on the new tab, new threads are added without having to manually refresh the page. I dont think its working though.

It would end up with behavior like the lemmy bug that had new posts just show up and take over your page. Not sure its something we even want if im right.

That being said, i could be wrong on the above. @ernest would know.


@brechmos came to mention this. There is also an argument to list the files in the archive if you don't remember the name/path of the one you want.

I don't remember the arg but it's either -t or -l I think


Why does no one make a Black and White-style game?

As long as we are talking about old games that are still the gold standard, how is it possible no one has recreated the giant-god-monster and city management game Black and White yet?! That game was fantastic, and its premise so solid. It seems ripe for replication in more contemporary engines.



There is this one:

I backed it on kickstarter ages ago. Have not played so ymmv, but its meant to be a spiritual successor to the B&W games.


Following links i guess its not released yet. looks good on the steam page anyway


JollyRoberts, good question. I think there is a demo on the steam page. I don't have it installed but maybe I should to check it out.


To view the open file limit for a Linux process, you can make use the prlimit command - nixCraft 🐧 ( (

Attached: 1 image To view the open file limit for a Linux process, you can make use the prlimit command: prlimit -p {PID} prlimit --pid {PID} For all other option and usage see my page. #linux #debian #ubuntu #sysadmin

Explains how to use the prlimit command to see the open file limit (FD limits) on Linux.


Joe Versus the Volcano. Brilliant from start to finish.

Looks like Pixelfed has been/is working on live streaming... (

Attached: 2 images I'm not kidding, @pixelfed has silently shipped Live streaming support over a year ago. I don't think it's ready for prime time yet, that's why I haven't advertised it that much. I'm working to ship this within the next month 🚀

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