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Pump it up Reggie. Liquid Drum and Bass hosted by Rossum. Twice a month we play some of the smoothest tunes in a 2 hour mix -

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It is that time of year again when we begin to make predictions for the year ahead. Perhaps the most difficult thing for forecasters trying to peer into the future is having to put numbers and probabilities on things that are inherently uncertain. However, here is a special delivery. Competition in the city, predictions and insight for 2024 –

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It is that time of year again when we begin to make predictions for the year ahead. Perhaps the most difficult thing for forecasters trying to peer into the future is having to put numbers and probabilities on things that are inherently uncertain. However, here is a special delivery. Competition in the city, predictions and insight for 2024 –

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Stone Skimming Official World Record, Dougie Isaacs, it just keeps going. 128m – 400ft. 1.9k likes, 204,447 views as of 18/10/2023 – Taken from the documentary “Sink or Swim” for BBC #scotland -

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A free, elegant, customizable start page for your favorite web browser, tablet or smartphone -

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Binary Finary Epic – T Minus 10 Seconds and Counting. The song was remixed numerous times under the title of the year the #remix was produced –

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A free and easy to use online tuner for acoustic electric guitars, bass guitars or ukuleles. This tuner uses your microphone to detect the pitch played –

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Some of these web browsers can sync my bookmarks and frequently visited websites, but that is assuming I use the same web browser on each device. That's a big BUT! Well, I don't use the same browser on every device because certain browsers just work better on certain devices. Also, some browsers are not available on some devices and some devices are exclusive to one browser -

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Kevin and Perry go LARGE – Signum coming on strong – Ibiza club mix, nostalgia for the #trance generation. 3.3k likes, 330,745 views as of 5/9/2023 –

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Users who have create can add and remove moderators, but again users can be a moderator of up to three headcycles maximum. Moderators can also renounce their moderator status of a headcycle -

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Data visualization project exploring how people look for the meaning of their #dreams on Google. We have explored the related queries to the question what does it mean to dream about in different languages -

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Instead of using folder hierarchy for organization, Save Page is centered around the use of tags to organize and find links. Tags easily represent overlapping categories and generate less cognitive overhead when adding and managing records at scale -

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Select from a wide range of themes available for your Ghost blog. Hundreds of beautiful themes have been created by authors from around the world which can be used on your blog -

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The Amazing World Of Dogs In Photography – Elegant, beautiful, surprising, sometimes comical, full of drama and heart, these images show the world’s best loved animal in a remarkable new light –

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Ancient Earth Globe – Earth looked very different long ago. Search for addresses across 750 million years of Earth’s #history in a visual animated simulation –

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Cluttered dashboards, themes, or plugins? Say goodbye to the complexities of frameworks, plugins, and themes, and hello to a streamlined writing experience with a minimal, immersive editor -

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Electronic Dance Music related to the search term for DNB Ragga Jungle, Neurofunk, Kenny Ken, Benny Page, Mickey Finn etc –

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A privacy-first, no-nonsense, super-fast blogging platform. No trackers, no javascript, no stylesheets. Just your words. Shun the bloat of the current web, embrace the bear necessities. The algorithms (or, let's be entirely honest, machine learning models) that govern online discoverability for search engines have shifted in recent years. Back in the day some strategic keyword stuffing could get you a long way, but no-more. The best way to be discovered online is to create decent content which people will read, deem valuable, and either share or create a backlink to on their own channels -

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Pentominoes on Surfaces generally, you want to use one of each to tile the board, but you're welcome to use this app however you like, and there are no prohibitions against using a tile more than once -

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Save, organize and share content from across the web with Wakelet. Save articles, videos, images, Tweets and more, organize them into tiled collections -

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Digital are all around us here's how to combat them so you can stay focused and productive at work, they're actually becoming louder and more demanding of our attention -

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A file explorer and workspace for the internet age. Your drives, clouds, notes, screenshots, links and files automatically gathered into one self formatting clipboard -

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Sticky Thing Interactive experiment for desktop and mobiles. Click and drag, move and throw. Post-its are versatile and can be used in various settings for various purposes. They are commonly used in classrooms and workplaces but can also be found in art, media, and social media. Post-its have also been used as tools for public engagement and persuasion -

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An editor that makes you want to write. Posts and pages that look beautiful from day one. Customization that is simple and non-technical -

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Food miles are a way of attempting to measure how far has travelled before it reaches the consumer. A good way of looking at the environmental impact of foods and their ingredients -

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