TonyStark, avatar

I came across someone saying they were proud of all the protesting they did when they were younger and that’s fine.

Anyway, one of the things they listed was being proud of stopping America from going into nuclear power and let me just share that this attitude and movement set us back pretty far on clean power and it’s good to look into why. 1/2

Are Fossil Fuel Interests Bankrolling The Anti-Nuclear Energy Movement?:

RiaResists, avatar

Gas & oil companies along w the automobile industry have effectively kept the drumbeat of fear banging for like a 100 years.
Car makers is why America got rid of city trolleys.
Nuclear energy is a solid option for clean energy.

TonyStark, avatar

@RiaResists Thank you. Goodness I’m always happy to see your comments.

TheJen, avatar

@TonyStark @RiaResists The major problem I have with nuclear is that MY STATE is where all y'all dump your damned nuclear waste. So until you can figure out what to do with it that DOES NOT INCLUDE USING MY STATE AS YOUR GARBAGE CAN IMMA GO WITH NO.

TonyStark, avatar

@TheJen @RiaResists Burning fossil fuels is worse. Everything is a trade off, Jen.

TonyStark, avatar

@TheJen @RiaResists Keep burning fossil fuels at the rate we are, the least of your issues will be where waste goes. The US is so far behind on it because of things like this, it’s not even close to amusing.

Why Nuclear Power Must Be Part of the Energy Solution - Yale E360

TonyStark, avatar
Pepper, avatar

@TonyStark @RiaResists @TheJen If people hadn’t lobbied so hard against it, wrongly, we probably wouldn’t have the problems we do today.

TheJen, avatar

@TonyStark @RiaResists Don't you dare lecture me. I live on one of the top producing O&G states as well. Everyone treats NM as if we are inconsequential America's garbage can.

We'll just out that nuclear waste in YOUR backyard mKay?

I'm sure it's fine.

TonyStark, avatar

@TheJen @RiaResists Whatever. Won’t miss you then if this is your stance. Please educate yourself. I just boosted some important stuff. “All I care about is me” is a crappy stance when the world is at stake.

MJ, avatar

@TonyStark @RiaResists @TheJen Tony is literally telling you how to minimize the effects and the effects of oil and gas by getting rid of it. Clown city this Jen.

TonyStark, avatar

@MJ @RiaResists @TheJen I don’t have time to argue with people who don’t want to understand how things work and go with the alarmist junk. Not interested.

Osteopenia_Powers, avatar

@RiaResists @TonyStark
So is it time to repeal the Price Anderson Act and allow the industry to take on its own responsibility for disasters?

TonyStark, avatar

@Osteopenia_Powers @RiaResists How many nuclear disasters are happening that this falls under?

TonyStark, avatar

@Osteopenia_Powers @RiaResists Greenpeace, by the way, is full of it on almost all levels, but particularly on this one.

I’d be super happy if people quit believing anti-atomic power scare stories and looked at data and facts, just as we expect with every other area of life.

Greenpeace’s 10 favourite myths about nuclear energy, refuted:

BruceBanner, avatar

@TonyStark @Osteopenia_Powers @RiaResists Greenpeace and Ralph Nader have done terrible damage on this issue. Nader’s second worst life decision.

GreenFire, avatar

@TonyStark @Osteopenia_Powers @RiaResists
What I find frustrating with the nuclear lobbyists is how many conspiracy theories of the fossil fuel industry that they share about solar and wind like this one:

"Banking on decarbonising with wind and solar power alone is an experiment we shouldn’t be prepared to take - and one that has failed in Germany, with great cost to citizens and the country."

It is also important to keep nuclear's water use in mind too imo.

TonyStark, avatar

@GreenFire @Osteopenia_Powers @RiaResists Imma say this one last time. It’s a mix we need. I’m obviously not a “nuclear lobbyist” and the idea that nuclear is worse than other kinds of tech is mythical. Mythical and I’m really done sharing links. There’s a lot in the thread.

TonyStark, avatar

@GreenFire @Osteopenia_Powers @RiaResists What is this quote and chart even from?

TonyStark, avatar

@GreenFire @Osteopenia_Powers @RiaResists Neither me nor the writer and “pro-nuclear” or “nuclear lobbyists.”

Why I am not really “pro-nuclear” -


@Osteopenia_Powers @GreenFire @TonyStark @RiaResists

“Banking on decarbonising with wind and solar power alone is an experiment we shouldn’t be prepared to take - and one that has failed in Germany, with great cost to citizens and the country."

That’s actually a true statement, though.

TonyStark, avatar

@ScottLang @Osteopenia_Powers @GreenFire @RiaResists Wind and solar alone are going to do about 33% of the world by 2030. Half probably by 2050. Add some atomic power in there and the road to renewables is a lot faster. That is all I’m saying and the first toot explained, with evidence, where the anti-atomic power leans come from. It’s not hard and it’s not surprising.

TonyStark, avatar

@ScottLang @Osteopenia_Powers @GreenFire @RiaResists I’m going to do actual stuff now. People can argue this out all day and non-factual, non-backed up stuff will go in the block bin when I get back.

Noting that I spend NO TIME here arguing with people on their own posts.

GreenFire, avatar

@ScottLang @Osteopenia_Powers @TonyStark
It's not true. Germany is decarbonizing and their early investment in solar and wind are what made the prices for them as inexpensive as they are today.

"The analysis, by the Berlin-based thinktank Agora Energiewende, shows that emissions in Germany dropped to 673m tonnes (Mt) last year, 46% below 1990 levels and beating the government’s 2023 climate goal of 722Mt"

TonyStark, avatar

@GreenFire @ScottLang @Osteopenia_Powers @RiaResists You gonna link anything, Kevin, or just post quotes with no context or origin? I ain’t got time for it.

TonyStark, avatar

@GreenFire @ScottLang @Osteopenia_Powers @RiaResists What’s going on NOW isn’t a sum total of everything that needs done and I’m quite disappointed that I need to say this to you.

TonyStark, avatar

@GreenFire @ScottLang @Osteopenia_Powers @RiaResists Nobody here is saying “wind and solar” are bad. Not one post. Not any of my links. Why today is the day you decide to do this is beyond my understanding. I’ve never caused a problem for you ever.

GreenFire, avatar

@TonyStark @ScottLang @Osteopenia_Powers @RiaResists
I'm not doing anything. I just posted some things about nuclear and Germany's decarbonization efforts showing that we don't need more nuclear which is why I'm opposed to it, but it's fine that you are among those that support it.

We don't have to agree on everything. I sure didn't mean it to look like I was attacking your position.

The IRA supports nuclear too so it's not like the industry is under threat.

TonyStark, avatar

@GreenFire @ScottLang @Osteopenia_Powers @RiaResists I really don’t care about the industry and have absolutely no idea where you got that. Had you read the first toot and taken time to comprehend it, it was in regard to another account spreading disinformation about atomic power, and actually talking points FROM the fossil fuel industry and I provided a link with its own references. Disinformation about it is harmful like every other kind of disinformation. It’s not inherently dangerous or bad.

TonyStark, avatar

@GreenFire @ScottLang @Osteopenia_Powers @RiaResists Nuclear power is bad has about the same validity as wind cancer. Or batteries are killing us. Or there’s no way to recycle them. On and on.

Everything requires materials and risk. It’s not normal to be for some technologies but not others based entirely on the notion that some technologies are “natural” (an argument people regularly make about wind and solar) while others are not (nuclear fission.)

The risks of nuclear are vastly overstated.

RiaResists, avatar

@TonyStark @GreenFire @ScottLang @Osteopenia_Powers
I used to think it was insane to consider nuclear power.
Ive read up on the facts & how it would work & have changed my position.
No one wants a nuclear disaster or to harm the environment worse by dumping.
We must go at climate restoration from every angle we can.

GreenFire, avatar

@RiaResists @TonyStark @ScottLang @Osteopenia_Powers @dan613
Nuclear has its supporters and the industry has received assistance in all of Biden's climate legislation which is fine. I'm a throw everything at the problem until we fix it kind of person within reasonable boundaries.

I don't support taxpayers supporting that corporate industry personally, but there are worse things to worry about and to actually oppose imo.

TonyStark, avatar

@GreenFire @RiaResists @ScottLang @Osteopenia_Powers @dan613 Other countries subsidize it. The idea that subsidies are only good for the things you like isn’t a sound one. That’s what oil and gas wants, though.

TonyStark, avatar

@GreenFire @RiaResists @ScottLang @Osteopenia_Powers @dan613 Corporations are in most cases also building our wind and solar infrastructure and maintaining our hydroelectric power plants as well in some cases. I don’t get this need to throw atomic under the bus.

RiaResists, avatar

@TonyStark @GreenFire @ScottLang @Osteopenia_Powers @dan613 I mean, it is scary- worst case scenario.
But research & science have come a long way.
In a perfect world gas & oil, all the big polluters would’ve seen the benefits of developing clean energy long ago.
They should be on the front lines. They have the resources & they could be the ones to continue to profit.
Instead they’ve destroyed & lied

TonyStark, avatar

@RiaResists @GreenFire @ScottLang @Osteopenia_Powers @dan613 My original point which seem to have gotten lost by a few people but not by you is that protesting atomic in the 70s wasn’t really anyone’s best moment. Most of the “anti” sentiment was far off. Has we not let some of that go, we’d be farther ahead and who knows, maybe not facing the problems we are.

But in the 70s and 80s, a lot of people fell for dumb propaganda like welfare queens and just say no.

Oh, wait.

TonyStark, avatar

@RiaResists @GreenFire @ScottLang @Osteopenia_Powers This is the original toot once again.

“In 1970, a leader of the petroleum industry and the head of the Atlantic Richfield Co. named Robert O. Anderson contributed $200,000 to fund Friends of the Earth, an organization that is strident in its opposition to nuclear energy, citing both safety and cost issues.”

Are Fossil Fuel Interests Bankrolling The Anti-Nuclear Energy Movement?

TonyStark, avatar

The article above is from 2016 but it lays out quite well what some of the source of that attitude is traceable to.

Nuclear energy is cleaner by far than anything related to any fossil fuel and it would be beyond wise to add it to our mix of wind and solar while transitioning away from fossil fuels.

The fearmongering and misinformation around it is just that. 2/2

Is nuclear energy safe? – GIS Reports

HankPym, avatar

@TonyStark Sticking to facts and science over disinformation and paranoia would go a long way to help this country. The world, really.

TonyStark, avatar

@HankPym Yeah, that won’t be happening soon apparently but we can hope.

MaksiSanctum, avatar

@TonyStark This ignores the fact that nuclear reactors have a limited shelf life (40-50 years), there is a failed program to dispose of the spent fuel assemblies with major security concerns for them, radiated water disposal problems, etc. The closing costs billions of dollars, and once the plant is closed safely (over 60 years or so), the area is unusable.
This is not fearmongering, this is fact.

TonyStark, avatar

@MaksiSanctum First stat you give is untrue. The rest is addressed in what I shared had you bothered to read. Try harder.

TonyStark, avatar

@MaksiSanctum This is where the Fediverse has a huge problem. Your bio has you listed as a sailor/actor. You’re absolutely not qualified comment on this. Sorry.

JamesRhodes, avatar

@TonyStark @MaksiSanctum Who to believe? Scientists with decades and decades of experience or some rando here with a tabloid article and no education in anything related? Hard call!🤪

MJ, avatar

@TonyStark The left is hardly immune from anti-science propaganda and fossil fuel companies deluding them, unfortunately.

Look at how many people on “the left” are also anti-vaccine. Thanks, RJK Jr, by the way.

mentallyalex, avatar

@MJ indeed. He and others
helping to weaken the groups that trust leadership to field the bad stuff.

He sits on a legacy rose-tinted and uses it to push an agenda of hate to fuel his own selfish greed. He's the sniveling cowardly cousin who lets his other cousins manipulate him in every silly fantasy made since Shakespeare.

When/if plays are made about our existence - the worm thing will likely be pushed forward in ways to tell who the story is about. :blobcatlaugh:


TonyStark, avatar

@mentallyalex @MJ A person I used to see at her independent business for massage therapy, which has been helpful over the years with some injuries, asked me shortly after my daughter was born if my daughter was “needle free.”

She definitely considered herself left. I never went back.

MJ, avatar

@TonyStark @mentallyalex She was “left” alright! She got left!

TonyStark, avatar

@MJ @mentallyalex 🤣😂

mentallyalex, avatar

@MJ :blobcatgiggle:

CatDragon, avatar

@TonyStark @mentallyalex @MJ wish she could have met my dad. He was born in 1924 and survived the polio he contracted as a child with severe muscle paralysis and atrophy. He was in pain every day of his life and then developed post polio syndrome as he aged along with a bonus of Parkinson’s dementia that his dr attributed to the post polio.
I could cheerfully curb stomp people who don’t vaccinate their kids. It’s child abuse.

TonyStark, avatar

@CatDragon @mentallyalex @MJ I’m so sorry. My grandma also had it which is a long and sad story that unfortunately relates to her Jewish family, what was able to, leaving Eastern Europe. She passed very young and I only knew her unable to walk, although there were pictures of her holding me before it got so bad.

Evidence and science-based approaches are the foundation of my being. It’s hard for me to relate to anyone who won’t look at facts and see the truth.

Sorry about your dad.

CatDragon, avatar

@TonyStark @mentallyalex @MJ people just don’t get it and I can’t help but wonder if they ever heard their own family histories . It wasn’t so very long ago that losing a child was normal , you can walk through an old cemetery and see all the proof you need.

TonyStark, avatar

@CatDragon @mentallyalex @MJ I’m not at all knowledgeable on anything around this issue, but I’d love to someday understand why some people are so susceptible to conspiracy theories and propaganda.

mentallyalex, avatar

> It wasn’t so very long ago that losing a child was normal , you can walk through an old cemetery and see all the proof you need.

They never look. Death and illness are weaknesses that happened to others. Rose colored glasses teach them that the past was some strangely amazing time.

There is a television show, Fallout, that is streaming now. It sounds odd to bring up but hear me out, the show is about a "post apocalyptic" future. One of the main characters from an isolated sheltered group and is speaking to another character who wasn't.

She talks about "Her father told her" about the bad times and he says something like:

"Oh, I know the stories. But the stories are just want we are willing to share."

I think the show highlights a real problem we are dealing with.

For our group - They don't remember and don't want to. It's easier to live in a bubble of wilful ignorance. The challenge is they've been killing off, laying off, and firing all the groups that protect them. So they see the cracks and are angry and want it fixed without the inconvenience of effort.

@TonyStark @MJ

TonyStark, avatar

@mentallyalex @CatDragon @MJ I just started watching that. Definitely worth watching if anyone is looking for a recommendation.

And the rest is of course, accurate.

CatDragon, avatar

@mentallyalex @TonyStark @MJ I love that show.

mentallyalex, avatar

@CatDragon No spoilers! I'm on episode 4! :blobcatgiggle:
@TonyStark @MJ

mentallyalex, avatar

So many elders with malformations... the custom shoes with the inserts so they could try and walk, the canes and walking stick rests in every home...

Two uncles for me.

@TonyStark @MJ

TonyStark, avatar

@mentallyalex @CatDragon @MJ So sorry to hear it, Alex.

mentallyalex, avatar

Science works. I am immune to things that completely wiped out whole populations of people. I can walk unharmed through entire fields of refuse and decay without having more than a visceral reaction to the concept.

People before us died from slightly spoiled wheat. I'd rather outlive my situations.

@CatDragon @MJ

mentallyalex, avatar


The weaponization of anti-science and religion has been a masterful stroke. Seemingly half the country is foaming at the mouth trying to benefit in any way off of what is happening while ignoring the very real threats at their door.

It's not the only thing happening. There are also rational things happening, we just aren't being shown.


TonyStark, avatar

@mentallyalex @MJ Right? Sometimes I get really discouraged about it. But then I realize at least I know a few people here that get it so at least there’s that on this platform that has a lot of…not that.

mentallyalex, avatar

I was having a conversation last night in person. We were discussing a lot of topics and of course politics came up. They expressed concern about how "dark" (my word choice, not theirs) things had gotten.

I brought up the fact that only a handful of individuals are wholly responsible for almost the entirety of the worlds media. Scary until you think about what actually happens when those systems fail.

There will be danger, there will be failure. But there will also be heroes. There will also be new normal. They might not all be, but some might even be better than the originals. Disruptive events are two sided but we always hyper fixate on the destruction.

Fred Roger's said, "Look for the Helpers" and I believe that is an important lesson for todays populations. The anger is palpable and we are learning what that truly means.

There are a lot of confused and angry people being focused. But there are always groups working in and around them to help. We focus those groups, we plan and we help and we educate and we look for others who do the same.


CatHerder, avatar

My major objections are these: They make for perfect terror targets, and the waste from the spent fuel will outlive the planet.

TonyStark, avatar

@CatHerder 91 incidents in 50 years with no fallout or issues. Planes are more dangerous there.

There are solutions to number two. And some unknown facts because people like to fearmonger about it.

The Boring Truth About Nuclear Waste | The Breakthrough Institute:

It’s not a great idea to be dismissive of it out of hand when continuing to do what we’re doing is a death march.

HankPym, avatar

@TonyStark @CatHerder As someone who’s spent decades fighting medical disinformation including “flu shots give you the flu” and “abortion kills babies” I think it’s really important not to let emotional scare appeals about anything fly, including nuclear power scares.

CatHerder, avatar

@HankPym @TonyStark
Putin is getting way too close for comfort with his missile strikes around the Zaporizhzhia power plant. He doesn't have to deploy a nuclear bomb, he can blow the plant up and say it was an oops. That's a very real possibility, not a scare tactic. In April, the UN atomic watchdog gave Russia a warning after a drone struck very close to the plant.
England doesn't even keep their nuke subs in English waters because they are potential targets.

TonyStark, avatar

@CatHerder @HankPym Those both have defense systems and it’s not really legitimate to use that because that can be used against anything. Borders on straw man.

Maybe Republicans weren’t crimey enough today but I’m tired of arguing with my own followers so I’m muting this thread any about 10 more. Please give me a break. I’m one person with a busy life.

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