
@gamingonlinux@mastodon.social avatar

Google AI just telling people to drink piss. Perfect, no notes.


@RodneyPetersonTalent@mastodon.social avatar


Well this certainly explains why whenever I open Fox News lately along with all the pop-ups to invest in gold, and Dr. Oz’s Miracle Cures, there’s suddenly a huge push by McDonald’s in conjunction with 7/11 touting the new and apparently delicious Piss McFlurry.

@greensofshade@mastodon.social avatar

@gamingonlinux what the x?

@Mrfunkedude@mastodon.social avatar

It’s my birthday!

Gimme boosts?

@Mrfunkedude@mastodon.social avatar

@thanius Happy Birthday!

@Mrfunkedude@mastodon.social avatar

@hans_zelf A little.

@cstross@wandering.shop avatar

"Visionaries at NASA identified a futuristic new energy source (space billionaire egos) and found a way to tap it on a fixed-cost basis"— ouch!

The Lunacy of Artemis (Idle Words), or why the Artemis moon program is incoherent, badly designed bollocks that will probably kill astronauts.

@FeralRobots@mastodon.social avatar

@cstross @Tallish_Tom
Whether or not Starship as such succeeds, Super Heavy still looks sound, though, right? (Cynical as I am about things Musk, re-using a stage that big will be a fantastic milestone.)

SpaceX's big challenges seem to me to be to avoid crashing with Musk. His shoot-from-the-lip ridiculousness tends to tar SpaceX's approach to development, which legitimately includes tolerance for early failures. & there seem to be growing cultural issues that could hamper them going foward.

@cstross@wandering.shop avatar

@FeralRobots @Tallish_Tom Superheavy has flown, and at this point it has completed two flight cycles as a disposable first stage. Even if it's not reusable (yet) it's viable. Starship is also viable as a disposable second stage. The hard part seems to be re-entry and landing.

Frankly, Starship/Superheavy is very close to being a Saturn-V class one-shot disposable launcher at a tenth the real-money price, which alone would be a triumph. Add reusability and refueling and it'd be revolutionary.

@sue@glasgow.social avatar

Not linking directly because I don't want to shit on projects I believe are genuinely trying to make the web better, but every time I see a post about "the small web" or a more "humane" web or whatever that includes phrases like this about content: "created without the motivation of financial gain" I sigh so deeply lol

I am begging ethical web enthusiasts to understand what an extreme privilege it is to spend time working on something without worrying about money

@matty@blahaj.zone avatar

@sue It's gives off the same energy as FediBros getting bitchy when an small artist/indie-dev are promoting their game. I get disliking ads that track everybody and some the ads in question are scams but to get annoyed at someone sharing their work hoping that someone would buy it so they can make money to live is crazy.

@danielquinn@mastodon.social avatar

@gvwilson @sue I've been rolling code for 24 years and have had a "do good" job only once, and that was for a non-profit.

Capitalism and the profit model are the problem, not the individual's attempt to cleave capitalism from the web. Obviously, we all need to eat, but the idea that even a small portion of people -- let alone everyone could do Good and be paid for it under capitalism is fantasy.

@nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

I asked Google "who ruined Google" and they replied honestly using their AI, which is now forced on all of us. It's too funny not to share!

@zetabeta@mastodon.social avatar


now when alphabet inc has good experience of monetizing and spoiling search, next one is android. will android become alphabet inc's new swamp.

@deflockcom@mastodon.social avatar

@nixCraft Now it's public let them tweak the answer of the AI to answer that google make it’s best to maintain it's quality blablabla.

In the meantime duckduckgo is there.

ciredutempsEsme, French
@ciredutempsEsme@mamot.fr avatar

Si 5000€ net, c'est pas assez pour les médecins, alors, c'est pas assez pour tout le monde.
Je mourrai sur cette colline.

@iergo@mamot.fr avatar

@Flobzh Il faut arrêter ce genre de calcul pété pour les indépendants, médecin ou autres. Même sur une journée, tu manges et tu vas pissé quand là …
Quand est ce que tu te formes, quand est ce tu prends des vacances, quand est ce que tu gères l'administratif, la compta, le secrétariat (ou que tu payes pour quelqu'un le fasse). Quand est ce que tu es malades ?
Il n'y a pas de chômage, des congés maladies avec 7 jours de carences…
@anomaluridae @GreenWitch @oschwand @ciredutempsEsme

@Flobzh@masto.bike avatar

@iergo @anomaluridae @GreenWitch @oschwand @ciredutempsEsme mais bienvenue dans le monde du travail, dans une usine tu vas pas aux toilettes quand tu as envie. On est beaucoup à faire 8h de travail effectif par jour.
On a 4 jours de carences pour le moment, le gouvernement veut en rajouter.

@kaia@brotka.st avatar

explaim to me pls?

@naturallytanned@tuit.fr avatar

@kaia You really think corporations care about inflation? Their written agenda is to thrash in as much money as possible on the least expenditure

@lain@lain.com avatar
futurebird, (edited )
@futurebird@sauropods.win avatar

The bald eagle could have easily gone extinct. But we did all sorts of "woke" things protecting it legally, ran conservation and study programs, banned DDT (that was good for other reasons too) and in 2007 they were removed from the endangered species list.

Likewise pine forests could be dead from acid rain.

The ozone could have a huge hole.

We CAN take care of nature when we want to. And the successes have been worth it.

I feel like we forget this, you know?

@msokolov@fosstodon.org avatar

@bluGill @futurebird humans too

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@Osteopenia_Powers @knowuh @futurebird I'm just old enough to remember what LA was like in the 90's, it's not exactly perfect now but it was BAD then. Any time youd drive into the basin the air was literally yellow and there was a thick layer of permanent haze constantly over the city. There's very good reason CA has such strict emissions requirements and fuel requirements, and because such a high % of cars in the US are in CA many other states without such laws got some of the benefits as well.

@eniko@peoplemaking.games avatar

indie gamedev is spending 3-5 years working on a game with probably at least a couple other people and then you release it and if youre fairly lucky you gross like 20-80 thousand US dollars which works out to $5000 a person a year before tax. it's a very cool and sustainable industry

@gilesgoat@toot.wales avatar

@sinbad @eniko And speaking about this ( making tools ) someone once told me "why don't you license your tools or make tools ?" .. and the answer is "because I don't want to become IDIOT having to support/listen/deal with all those that would use the tools to make games I would like to make but can't because now I support tools !" Also "our tools are too weird" they are made "only for us" most people would horrify/complain/not use them if they'd see them .. they are not intended "for others" 😐

@sinbad@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@gilesgoat @eniko I guess everyone's different - turns out I'm quite good at making tools for other people; I'm probably better at it than games 😄. It helps that I actually enjoy writing documentation, and figuring out how to improve my tools based on real-world feedback from different scenarios. I really like seeing what people make with my tools

ciredutempsEsme, French
@ciredutempsEsme@mamot.fr avatar

Bon qd même, j'avais pas eu le temps mais dans le sondage sobriété de l'ADEME, y'a ce petit diagramme de Fifou :


Oui. Je dis pas que tu dis ça mais le problème avec cette approche/formule, c'est que trop souvent "les personnes qui peuvent mais ne font pas" ça dérape sur "les quartiers populaires / les pauvres font pas assez d'effort" (encore une fois j'ai compris que tu ne voulais pas dire ça).
C'est aussi pour ça que j'ai réagis. Parce que je suis convaincue que vu comment fonctionne la société actuellement, c'est pas les individualités dans leur coin qui vont changer les choses.
C'est le gouvernement qui met en place des financements, c'est les collectivités locales qui rendent accessible les containers ou promeuvent des initiatives. C'est les entreprises qui changent de fonctionnement (en admettant qu'on reste dans le capitalisme, ce qui sera forcément le cas au début)
Et je suis convaincue que si les gens (mes parents par exemple) prenaient la force qu'iels mettent à taper sur les "personnes qui peuvent mais font pas" et la mettaient à la place à faire du lobbying citoyen auprès des entreprises / décisions gouvernementales problématiques, ça irait un peu plus vite.

@ciredutempsEsme @jenesuispasgoth

@ciredutempsEsme@mamot.fr avatar
uichelorraine, French
@uichelorraine@piaille.fr avatar

Liste des héros marseillais qui ont fait la grandeur de la ville :

  • Bernard Tapie
  • Didier Raoult
  • Jean-Claude Gaudin
  • Des milliardaires randoms qui courent après un ballon

C'est pas contre vous les marseillais mais oui, on va devoir raser votre ville un jour (c'est dommage elle est vraiment jolie)

(Edit : Elle se rase toute seule d'ailleurs, y a peut-être un message)

@uichelorraine@piaille.fr avatar

@francescuG @belore Ah mais la France entière a produit des poubelles, m'enfin sur Marseille y a quand même présomption qu'ils font un peu exprès quand même.

@CupCaro@piaille.fr avatar

@uichelorraine @grygero @cafou le J (Jul) c'est le S (le sang) = c'est notre gars sûr.

ulrichkelber, German
@ulrichkelber@bonn.social avatar

Der Artikel https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/energiepolitik-wie-deutschland-einmal-fast-die-welt-rettete-kolumne-a-86994b6b-defa-4a80-9ba2-08a5bfbbb30d stellt die Fakten richtig da. Dank des EEG und seines Initiators Herman Scheer waren wir in Deutschland auf dem richtigen Weg. Dieser Vorsprung wurde später leichtfertig verspielt und nichts daraus gelernt. Auch heute werden Schutzzäunchen für überkommene Technologien gebaut, die neuen Technologien dagegen ausgebremst [1/3]

@Laird_Dave@chaos.social avatar

@wonka @mattflor @ulrichkelber wennsd hoid a Depp bisd na bisd hoid a Depp.

@wonka@chaos.social avatar

@Laird_Dave Der Meister Eder hat leider recht... mit beiden Teilen seiner Aussage, die hier gerne zitiert wird.

@mattflor @ulrichkelber

ciredutempsEsme, (edited ) French
@ciredutempsEsme@mamot.fr avatar

L'IA ?

@LeoElRojo@mastodon.top avatar

@ciredutempsEsme @oschwand ah, j'avoue. Bon, le fond reste bon 😁

@oschwand@mamot.fr avatar

ça va mon boulot est garanti jusqu'à la retraite, je m'inquiète pas


via Tyler McBrien, In Trump's criminal trial - At 8:45 a.m. sharp, all rise, as Justice Juan Merchan takes the bench.

I'll be posting Tyler's live reporting in this thread


Q: During that time period, do you recall having issues with Freidman bc of his financial situation?
A: Bc of the entire taxi industry financial situation.

Blanche says he's not interested in talking about the entire taxi industry, but I, for one, would love to do just that.


For more on the "Taxi King" himself, and the fascinating underworld of NYC taxi medallion wheeling and dealing:

@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

Guess no one cares about those Jan.6th bombs.

@wh0sthatd0g@mstdn.party avatar

@StillIRise1963 Always seemed very weird to me for sure!

@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

@wh0sthatd0g What kind of country lets someone plant bombs to kill members of the government and does nothing. Governments who plant bombs?🤷🏾‍♀️

@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

How many fucking shrimp did people eat at Red Lobster.🙄

@mentallyalex@beige.party avatar

@StillIRise1963 I warned people to look at the markets over the next few months. There are a lot of things happening that shouldn't. In the next few months there will be a lot fewer solvent people than there were before.

I am fairly confident there are a tremendous amount of very shitty people out there trying to take financial advantage of this chaos. They are going to have some serious problems once he and the rest of the MAGA leadership cash out.

I'm hopeful it happens before the election.

@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar
lanartri, (edited )
@lanartri@mastodon.social avatar
@rticks@mastodon.social avatar

@mokazemi @GrantRVD @lanartri @baum

Of course its anonymous and there needs to be a pajoritive for people who demand sourcing for anti regime propaganda that tears down misogyny

Something between "Just plain fucking stupid" and "anally obsessed"

@rticks@mastodon.social avatar
scy, German
@scy@chaos.social avatar

Mir ist ja letzte Woche der -Sattel (+Stange) geklaut worden. Gibt's in der Tipps und best practices, wie ich sowas in Zukunft verhindern kann? "Mitnehmen" ist leider nicht immer praktikabel.

Da es um ein Faltrad (Tern D7i) geht und daher Höhenverstellung der Sattelstütze ein tagtäglicher Vorgang ist, sind irgendwelche abschließbaren Schrauben oder whatever auch keine Option, die Sattelstütze hat halt nen Schnellspanner.

Zusätzliches simples Drahtseilschloss vielleicht?

@scy@chaos.social avatar

@euk lol, unterstellst du, dass ich hier Posts editiert habe, anstatt dass du einfach nicht richtig gelesen hast?

Dir ist bewusst, dass man die Bearbeitungshistorie auf Mastodon nachverfolgen kann und man sehen kann, ob ein Post editiert wurde oder nicht?

@scy@chaos.social avatar

@korenchkin @schmittlauch Das sieht praktisch aus, danke. (Und ist wahrscheinlich ein super Fidget-Tool.)

Ich glaube was mich an Pitlock et al hauptsächlich stört ist dass ich den Sattel zwar nicht täglich, aber schon recht oft hoch und runter verstellen muss zum Einklappen, mein Rad aber nur ziemlich selten wirklich ungeschützt irgendwo steht, sondern meist im Keller, im Womo oder im Hausflur aufm Dorf. Echten Diebstahlschutz brauch ich nur selten.

@flexghost@mastodon.social avatar

Oh, what a beautiful mornin'
Oh, what a beautiful day
I've got a beautiful feelin'
Everything's goin' my way…

الدنيا دوارة، والله ما بينسى حدا


@flexghost I just hope that the crash does not and make things

@UrNotTheBossOfUs@mastodon.social avatar


Iran makes all those high tech weapons, and still using choppers almost as old as me.
Whatever can go wrong, eventually will go wrong.

Definitely would not get in a copter that's my age unless the ground I'm standing on is about to send me to my grave.
Kobi Bryant and his daughter Gianna were in one of the best we have today when it hit a hillside in fog.
Either way a power vacuum has been created in Iran for a while. Could be coincidence, could be IDK 🤷🏼
Next couple months???

Claire, French
@Claire@mamot.fr avatar

Test ☝️
J'ai pas fumé un pétard de beuh aujourd'hui.
Présentement, après ce sevrage exceptionnel, je tente un joint de CBD

@toniours@tooter.social avatar

@Claire avec une règle, un compas et un boulier

@toniours@tooter.social avatar

@Qi2Navet @Claire @TheForeignAgent @dlb c’est un liquide aux oignons

mokazemi, Persian
@mokazemi@techhub.social avatar

از یه کلینیک وقت گرفته بودم اصرار داره واتساپ داشته باشم که برام یک‌سری ویس توضیحات رو بفرسته! گفتم فقط تلگرام دارم قبول نکرد.
تهش برگشت گفت تماس می‌گیرم بهتون توضیحات رو می‌گم! :0060:

@danialbehzadi@persadon.com avatar

@Mehrad @sohrab @ahangarha @mokazemi
پرسش فلسفی: اگه انشعابی از سیگنال به شبکهٔ سیگنال وصل نشه آیا هنوز هم سیگناله؟

@Mehrad@fosstodon.org avatar

سوال خوبیه و براش جواب شفاف ندارم. ولی بیا کلمه ی سیگنال رو با موارد «مشابه» مثل IRC و Mastodon جایگزین کنیم و ببینیم جوابمون چیه:

اگه انشعابی از IRC به بقیه ی IRC ها وصل نشه آیا هنوز هم IRC هست؟

اگه انشعابی از ماستودون به فدیورس وصل نشه آیا هنوز هم ماستودون هست؟
@sohrab @ahangarha @mokazemi

sanlaville11, French
@sanlaville11@piaille.fr avatar

Bonjour 💕

@sanlaville11@piaille.fr avatar

@1pseudodeplus c’est très joli 🥰

@1pseudodeplus@piaille.fr avatar

@sanlaville11 Oui et ça fleurit abondamment, c'est valorisant.

alyx, French
@alyx@3615.computer avatar

Dites, c'est ma timeline ou le fédiverse en général c'est assez neg / énervé tout le temps "pour rien" ? Genre mauvaise ambi un peu nan ?

@SpaceCube@piaille.fr avatar

@alyx Ah non je pense vraiment que c'est juste quelques personnes qui font chier. Parfois sans s'en rendre compte et parfois pour "choquer". Perso je ne suis pas là pour ca donc je bloque ou masque et voilà !
Je sais que c'est important de parler de l'actualité et tout mais perso c'est juste de l'angoisse mdr
Et je ne suis pas là pour ca ! Donc je préfère garder le positif ici

@alyx@3615.computer avatar

@SpaceCube Ouais puis y'a parler actu et HURLER actu 😭 Merci de ton retour ❤️❤️❤️❤️ love love

@dgar@aus.social avatar
@dgar@aus.social avatar

@johnmastodon Yeah, so glad they didn’t finish on a cliff hanger… 🤭

@Theriac@plasmatrap.com avatar

@johnmastodon @dgar
spoilers dude!

cyberfelidae, German
@cyberfelidae@mastodon.social avatar

Ärger um Wegwerf-E-Zigaretten: "Ein Produkt, das keiner braucht" | BR24

Die Entsorgungsbranche weist darauf hin, dass ein Verbot von Einmal-E-Zigaretten notfalls auch auf nationaler Ebene möglich wäre. Gegen ein von Wegwerf-E-Zigaretten sprach sich jedoch die aus.

@p6@muenchen.social avatar

@mina @cyberfelidae Fakten darzustellen, hat nichts mit Belehrung zu tun. Was Betroffeny damit macht, ist Eigensache

@mina@berlin.social avatar


Ist immer die Frage, wie.

Der Ton macht halt die Musik.


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