stevecrox avatar

stevecrox avatar

If your goal is to advertise the fediverse You should have used 'kbin'.

People can go directly to "" but the site might disappear due to Mali re-establishing ownership of .ml domains, also its run by a tankie which will upset some people.

"Lemmy" provides 10 google sponsored results and then 'join-lemmy', the join-lemmy website has you 'join a server' and then presents you lots of options.

During the first Mastodon surge one of their issues is people felt overwhelmed by the options and it hurt Mastodon adoption, so a single website does make a lot of sense. Personally I would suggest its a general instance and the admins aren't linked to any extremist views, but you said that would be too long.

If you put 'kbin' into search the top result is, that makes it seems like a reddit alternate. It keeps user choice limited and brings them into the fediverse. That means people aren't confronted with the complexity of the fediverse immediately and can learn and understand it at their own pace.

So if your goal is to advertise the fediverse I would push kbin, if your goal is to specifically get people to use a Lemmy based website I don't think you have a good option

stevecrox, to webdev
stevecrox avatar

I am trying to write a Bootstrap equivalent to Material React Table using the Bootstrap framework.

As part of that I want to implement a series of Storybook examples to confirm I haven't broken rendering. But I am hitting an issue.

I am using generics to define the table objects so I can setup more complex calls and operations like so:

export type RBTColumnDefs<TData extends Record<string, any> = {}> = RBTColumnSizing & { accessorFn?: (originalRow: TData) => string; accessorKey?: keyof TData; }

I've created a basic data object type and constructed test data, however when I use storybook e.g.:

const meta = { title: 'react-bootstrap-table/Table Menu Bar', component: RBTMenuBar, tags: ['autodocs'], args: { ...searchableArgsRBTData, }, } satisfies Meta<typeof RBTMenuBar>;

Storybook will instantiate RBTMenuBar with the generic type {}, instead of the generic type I want the default arguments to contain.

Does anyone know how you get around this?

stevecrox avatar

Gitlab marketing docs heavily mislead you on its capabilities. Technically they are correct, but the way something works is reality isn't often useful (epic boards are a great example).

This would be ok, but It's really tightly integrated and doesn't provide means for external tools to hook into it usefully.

For example I think GitLabs CI is the worst on the market but if you integrate another CI you don't have a means to feedback information into Gitlab.

stevecrox, (edited )
stevecrox avatar

I want a build job to be triggered when a merge request is raised/changed to verify merge requests. Primarily I want it to comment/annotate changes so peer review focusses on logic and warnings are clear.

I can do this with Concourse, Circle, Jenkins and Github Actions on Azure Devops, Bitbucket Cloud, Bitbucket Server & Github. All Gitlab can tell you is pass/fail, which was good in 2003 but seriously lacking in 2023.

Similarly I want the ability to trigger a release and supply a desired version for the release (or someway to achieve that since our projects follow semantic versioning).

The release DSL is incomplete and could not work on server/cloud last time I used it. The page claims it can do alot but there is a hole in it and even the writer clearly knew.

I want the ability to specify multiple reusable pipelines, in a central place. This is not possible in cloud.

Lastly I would like to have multiple potential pipelines in a repository (e.g. smoke test and release). You can hack this in via variables. This will/won't work depending specifically on the runner for your job. if self hosted or cloud you'll notice different parsing behaviour depending on what host it runs on. This is shocking.

I have an email somewhere where I went through every GitLab CI DSL and documented which didn't consistently work, which only worked consistently on cloud and which only worked on server. Also things like release that are broken on both.

The only way to make it work is to use multi stage docker builds and if your doing that build bot and a bash script would be better.

stevecrox, (edited )
stevecrox avatar

The EU keeps attacking the UK through petty vindictive actions like this.

The EU spokesperson clearly knew using Las Malvinas would be perceived as support of Argentina's claim to the island which would upset the UK.

He justified it as the UK isn't a member any longer, so no one was there to object. However in Geopolitics the point of statements is to send a message to the world stage and they knew it would upset the UK.

Considering none of the Islanders want to to be Argentinian and "winning" would be subjugation and possibly genocide of its people. Someone really should point out to Germans and East European's that in their zeal to punish the UK, their leaders have directly endorsed such actions

stevecrox avatar

I think this is the paper behind the article.

They propose "dark stars" which formed when dark matter clouds collapsed, the mass then pulls in hydrogen and helium. The resulting star is huge but it is a relatively cool star.

They believe they have found 3 candidates which could be galaxies (containing population III stars) or super massive dark stars.

The test is if they absorb or emit helium a helium signature. If they absorb it, they are dark stars if they emit helium they are galaxies.

The nice thing is there are only 2 proposed types of dark matter which could make a dark star work so it would help us work out what dark matter is.

YSK that a lot of common questions/complaints about Lemmy are presently answered by kbin

This is not an attempt to convert Lemmy users, nor is it a slight on Lemmy. I'm sure there are plenty of reasons why Lemmy works better for some, and I love the fact that we not only have multiple choices, but multiple choices that allow us to interact with each other regardless! It's amazing. Lemmy is great, no shade....

stevecrox avatar

Its a responsive designed website, why do you need an Application?

JWST finds ‘smoking gun’ evidence of early galaxies transforming the universe (

Using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), an international team of astronomers has found compelling evidence that early galaxies were responsible for the reionization of the early universe. This is the process by which neutral hydrogen atoms are ionized, making the universe transparent to light at wavelengths that would have...

stevecrox avatar

After the big bang its believed there were huge clouds of hydrogen everywhere. Neutral hydrogen absorbs visual light frequencies.

This would mean we wouldn't be able to see distant galaxies since there would be giant clouds of hydrogen everywhere blocking the view.

Obviously we can see distant galaxies, this is because we are surrounded by large ionised hydrogen clouds. Ionised hydrogen is transparent (e.g. doesn't absorb) to light. So something must have ionised (give it an unequal number of positrons and electrons) the hydrogen clouds.

Quasars (black holes) emit huge amounts of xray and ultraviolet radiation. This kind of radiation would ionise hydrogen.

JWST was looking into the first billion years of the universes existence and found quasars, around these quasars is large amounts of ionised hydrogen.

stevecrox avatar

I am currently teaching python and JavaScript devs Typescript. Everytime they hit a problem they switch to any


stevecrox avatar

It isn't surprising.

I tried to replace my gas boiler in 2020 (it failed), I reached out to 8 companies to get an estimate for a ground or air sourced heat pump. 5 didn't pickup/return emails. 2 told me they don't do residential.

The last qouted £21k plus installation costs, then told me if I had a gas boiler that would be cheaper to maintain/run.

I have just met someone to qoute for air conditioning, they told me you can use it for heating. The initial estimate is the same as a gas boiler.

stevecrox avatar

We use radiators because every house had a gas line for heating, boiling water and cooking. Radiators were more efficient than gas fires.

Most residential gas boilers are 20-35kwh, air source heat pumps (£4k-£5k) are linked to compression cylinders which provided 11kwh of heating and cost of £9k each, with the need for a water tank, etc... and then installation cost.

Putting air conditioning in still requires the heat pump with a unit (£500-£1k) for each room, plus installation costs.

If you take a 3 bed room house, you are looking at ~£15k for an air source heat pump vs £9k to put air conditioning into every room (it gets worse for air sourced heat pumps the bigger the property).

Once you move to air conditioning for each room you don't need radiators. This means your hot water supply is dishwashers, washing machines, taps, baths and showers.

Dishwashers and washing machines boil their own water (for efficiency).

Taps and showers have electric solutions. The price difference between the two is so great you could buy a hot tub to replace your bath.

Air source heat pumps don't make sense

stevecrox avatar

I am currently getting quotes for that, the point of my post was to point out the cost of an air source heat pump is greater than switching your entire house to air conditioning.

stevecrox avatar

I supplied the costings for everything and £2k doesn't change the realities that air source heat pumps are currently a rip off.

Air conditioning is significantly cheaper

stevecrox avatar

Does this make sense to anyone?

From a design perspective isn't it normal to puck an icon set which has drawn these icons in a specific style. Individually they follow diffent, shape/colour rules so look messy.

stevecrox avatar

Its worth listening to, he talks about how Ukraine, Russia and the USA aren't part of the cluster munitions ban and then explains how the risk from cluster munitions is similar to the risk of mines (which people don't seem to be objecting to).

I thought the most interesting part was his point that cluster munitions help artillery destroy certain targets in fewer shots (e.g. 1 vs 10) and that wouldn't lead to a decrease in firing but an expansion in the number of targets attacked.

stevecrox avatar

That isn't what he said..

He states what he would like to do but sidesteps the question when asked directly what payrise offer he would make. His message is focused on growing the economy.

I think its expectation management, I think he sees his first few years as firefighting and he won't make promises he can't keep.

Labours message on the NHS was focused on rolling back privatisation, then it suddenly stopped and became about bed blocking and staff shortages.

I don't think Starmer suddenly decided privatisation was good, its more bed blocking is eating NHS resources and there is a 30,000 staff shortage.

Those are critical issues which if left will cause the NHS to collapse, so if you know you won't have time to address something like privatisation it makes sense not to promise to remove it.

stevecrox avatar

I agree but there will be limits on how much additional borrowing and spending markets will be ok with.

It means that spend has to be on the biggest issues and things most likely to help the economy.

neil, (edited ) to linux

Recommendations based on personal experience, please.

I have used a self-hosted server for end to end encrypted async large file transfers with an easy to use web ui (sending files to others, and inviting others to send large files to me) for years now.

Aside from nextcloud, are there good options for doing this?


  • FOSS
  • not open-to-world
  • easy install/maintenance (no docker, pypi, yarn, etc.)
  • friendly to non-tech users in corporate environments

stevecrox avatar

@neil docker is really worth learning.

Server application development is increasingly moving to it because it ensures the development environment and production are the same and it makes it easy to spin up the environments you need.

What were you trying to do from a network perspective? The point of docker compose is to setup the private network and bridge to the hosts network, so its weird it wouldn't work


stevecrox avatar

Activity Pub has a few parts, Lemmy implements the Threaded message part.

Mastodon implements a short messaging (posts) part. Meta's Threads will implement this.

KBin implemented both parts, within KBin you'll see microblog as an option for magazines (communities/subredits). This shows either 'posts' made to the magazine or posts with hastags associated with the magazine.

The posts and threaded message parts have overlap in how they work so mastodon users can see certain threaded messages and comment on them.

stevecrox avatar

There is a standard for sharing tweet style information and for threaded type information between websites.

You have software which implements the tweet standard (Mastodon), the threaded standard (lemmy) and both (KBin).

You'll notice some communities will be or, etc.. this indicates they are not local to the website your using and those addresses are KBin instances, its just your website has a copy of the information.

KBin is newer than Lemmy, it has a fairly simple responsive design that works well on mobile. Lemmy has a REST api so its easier to build mobile applications, a lot of people seem to expect/need to access websites via mobile applications.

The key difference is Lemmy is developed by Tankies, they think China's genocide of Ughurs is justified and they administer

stevecrox avatar

Github stars is not a good metric, firstly because KBin is hosted on codeberg but mainly because a healthy project has lots of unique contributors and regular updates/enhancements.

KBin has 79 open Pull Requests, while Lemmy has 29. From a visual check PR's seem to be older than 2 weeks. Its hard to say one is "healthier" than the other, without scraping information into a spreadsheet.

Secondly Rust is new and has a lot of hype surrounding it, as a result you get a lot of people using it on random projects.

Languages have strengths and weaknesses and developer ecosystems build on the strengths.

For example if I was writing a web application with a database backend I would choose C#, Java or Node.js because there are loads of libraries, tools and frameworks to make it really easy.

Rust is gaining a lot of adoption by embedded system users (replacing C mostly). Lemmy is the only Rust based web server project I am aware of. Which means the level of work to do anything and to keep it updated falls on the Lemmy devs rather than spread out amongst a larger community.

Everyone loves to insult PHP but it has a niche in webservers and won't disappear anytime soon. KBin effort will thus be spent on KBin.

stevecrox avatar

I think that is a narrative the USA are using to justify their position.

If you look at media produced by USA Veterans, Russia is always placed as a implacable foe, equal to the USA. I think the USA adminstration and senior pentagon figures have struggled to break out of this mindset.

Similarly USA foriegn policy is built on the idea that everyone thinks and wants the same things as America.

For example Medev will often threaten to nuke the UK, invade Poland, recapture Finland, etc..

The USA would never threaten to nuke a country unless it was ready to actually do so, it would issue a warning and seek to de-escalate the situation. America interprets Medev's threats with this perspective.

In reality when given bad news Medev gets drunk and threatens whatever has upset him. Its aimed for internal consumption and if questioned later he will immediately dismiss it as a genuine statement and refer to a moderate government position.

I think these two things combine and so the US fears the F-16 would be a step to far.

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