
Make it easy for me to get the shit that I want and maybe I won’t pirate. It’s fucking easier to just pirate shit than to sign up for a bunch of services and deal with asscunt companies. Fuck you.


Exactly. If there was a Spotify-like service for video where i could get 99.9% of all tv and movies of all time in one place without ads, then I'd be willing to pay like 40 bucks a month, maybe even 50. But since no video service is even remotely close to that, then i just pirate instead, which provides exactly that type of service, and costs zero dollars a month.


I find it interesting, how Spotify is often mentioned as the standard service because last time I used it, it struggled with similar issues as the video streaming platforms, that not every song I want to listen to is available


And they also shouldnt require specific browsers and a CPU that is less than 2 years old to stream content in resolutions above 720p.

Its not because its not possible, its because it lacks some bullshit copyright protection.


There’s one thing that’s preventing me from doing exactly that and that is, as a non-native English speaker with tinnitus, the constant struggle to find good subtitles that are properly synced. My lazy ass just wants to enjoy a movie at a normal volume without having to force myself to be super-focussed in order not to miss the whole goddamn plot of the movie.


Shit dude, give me access to most things I want to watch and most of the stuff I’ve forgotten about and that’s worth $50/month as a minimum.

I’ve come full circle back to wearing an eye patch. I was using amazon, hulu, hbo and paramount, usually letting some lapse or pause to watch stuff on the other ones but they have all gone to shit. It’s impossible to find what you might be interested because just like netflix they show the same shows/movies in multiple categories and their search sucks ass plus they are all missing a ton of good shows.

Now I am slowly downloading shows from the past that I don’t already have in my library and haven’t watched in years while I keep an eye out for new shows I might be interested in. I use showrss to auto download current shows that it has in its DB to a vps and I have sync setup to mirror it to my nas so I can stream it to my TV with vlc. So much easier than opening hulu, finding the show I want to catch up on, etc.


I’ve gone through the effort to build a 50terabyte media center. And am slowly filling it with tv shows, movies, and documentaries I like. It’s expensive and inconvenient. But still a fun hobby.

But the reason I do it is because I can have everything in one spot. Easily accessible. I control it. Never going back.


This is the way. It’s just me who watches stuff off my nas and I’m fine with vlc so I don’t use plex or jellyfin or whatever. I have an old (at this point) qnap nas that I’ve been doing the same with. Mine is a total of 40tb’ish iirc. I definitely need to get a second nas and some more drives but for now what I have is enough though I am going to run out of space soonish.

SnotFlickerman, (edited ) avatar

I don’t really understand the gender difference thing, because I would think that in general it comes down to understanding what “ownership” is and that it has been taken from us, replaced with “licensing” where we have to buy the same movie every 10 years on a new format, and now that streaming is THE format, companies have made The Producers real, where they can make a whole movie, shitcan it, and get a tax break. We’re dealing with items we’ve paid for being removed from our digital storage boxes, because the “rights ran out.” It’s wild, because it used to be that you bought a movie and it didn’t matter that the rights ran out you could still watch your fucking movie in your own home. Same for old video games. If you have old copies of Grand Theft Auto, you can still listen to the great soundtrack, because they hadn’t stripped the music they lost licensing for out of the new copies.

I mean, going back to when the music companies were suing music fans for downloading music, the RIAA sued Limewire for so much that if the max payout was given to every rightsholder for all the piracy going on, that it would be a bill [^1]

When the fines for all piracy that exists would be bigger than the amount of money that exists, its clear that the system is fucking broken and has been.

Nobody respects copyright, and that started when Disney fucked us all over with the Mickey Mouse Protection Act in the 1990’s.

The rightsholders did this to themselves by making it increasingly draconian.

When cops are playing copyrighted music when they’re being filmed so people can’t post it online without it being auto-removed for having copyrighted music in it, things are flat out fucked and everybody knows it.

It’s akin to living the end stages of the Soviet Union with Hypernormalization. Everything is totally fucked, but everyone is running around trying to pretend that nothing has changed and everything is fine.

For citizens who get nothing but working themselves to death and taxes that do nothing for them, piracy is one of those small “fuck you”'s that we can give to the rich.

[^1]: “The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) estimates that filesharing website LimeWire owes it over $72 trillion dollars (£46 trillion) in damages. … Given that the combined wealth of the entire planet is around $60 trillion (£38 trillion), the RIAA likely has no hope of securing this in damages, but believe this is what it is owed, reports”

Uranium3006 avatar

Indeed. Piracy is good because it is preservation


I would think that in general it comes down to understanding what “ownership” is and that it has been taken from us, replaced with “licensing”

Your mistake is thinking that the average person

  1. Knows that this is happening/has happened, since it’s rarely clearly or prominently stated,
  2. Understands what it means, since it doesn’t often affect them,
  3. And in the uncommon scenario where both 1 and 2 are met: actually cares at all.

It’s wild, because it used to be that you bought a movie and it didn’t matter that the rights ran out you could still watch your fucking movie in your own home.

I understand the concern and I’m sure it does happen, but I have literally never heard this complaint from a single person that I actually know. What movies/services has this actually happened to?

No argument against anything you said related to copyright laws, just to be clear.


I understand the concern and I’m sure it does happen, but I have literally never heard this complaint from a single person that I actually know. What movies/services has this actually happened to?

Pretty much every digital platform at some point or another.

Relevant xkcd

SnotFlickerman, (edited ) avatar

Here’s an article that was discussed extensively on HackerNews about how Apple has the rights to remove items you’ve paid for from your digital library:…/apple-can-delete-the-movies-you-…

Here’s an example where Amazon removed books from people’s Kindles, although to be fair to Amazon they did attempt to change how they handled situations like this. However, the licensing issue should have been handled before customers could buy it, yet in this instance customers were initially punished for something they had no control over (how are they supposed to know Amazon is offering ebooks without proper licensing?).…/18amazon.html

On Friday, it was “1984” and another Orwell book, “Animal Farm,” that were dropped down the memory hole by

In a move that angered customers and generated waves of online pique, Amazon remotely deleted some digital editions of the books from the Kindle devices of readers who had bought them.

Here are two separate examples of Warner Bros. canceling finished movies wholesale because it’s a “wise business decision.” These are completed films that will not be released.…/batgirl-movie-shelved-dc-studios-he……/coyote-vs-acme-movie-canceled-new…

Lots of shows/films are being licensed to streaming services and then disappearing altogether, since there was never a “physical” copy available to begin with. Here’s a short list of some that you can’t find anywhere anymore.…/best-streaming-shows-you-cant-watch-…

Finally, every company has a right to not do business with you. If Microsoft, Apple, Google, or any other content providers decide to ban your account (a very effective way to choose not to do business with a person), all your digital purchases are gone with it. That alone should be proof enough that you don’t and never “owned” any of it. In the “olden times” Blockbuster couldn’t come into your home and take back all the movies you ever bought from them (I know they mostly did rental, but they did sales, too) and smash your VHS so you couldn’t watch anything anymore.


Also, I’m pretty well aware that most average people don’t understand this subject at all.


Two examples I’m aware of for that last part, I believe, are the TV shows House M. D. and Quantum Leap. For House, the intro music in most places you can find it has been replaced by the music in the end credits, and with Quantum Leap, i think a number of songs on the show have been swapped out due to rights and licensing

I’m not 100% sure on either of those if my memory is correct or the reasoning matches, but I do know there are other examples


Scrubs has different music in many places in the streaming episodes compared the original broadcast and DVDs.

TheAmishMan, avatar

I think its simply, at least for a while, the tech space was male dominated. And depending on the type of piracy, it requires an amount of tech skills

SnotFlickerman, avatar

Probably the reason, pretty valid point here.

ICastFist, avatar

Also, there’s so much “free” content that a lot of young ones don’t even bother or care about learning about piracy and how to do it

TheAmishMan, avatar

This as well. I will say even the time where i would normally spend watching shows on stuff like dailymotion primewire etc i know most just watch youtube channels

Vanth, (edited ) avatar


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  • noobnarski,

    I would say risk taking isnt always bad and not always illogical. But yeah, as a man I know what you mean when you talk about testosterone and risk taking.

    I imagine it used to have quite a lot of benefits back when we were still sleeping in caves, shure you might die when facing a mammoth, but you could also feed the whole tribe for weeks when you succeed.


    It sucks that you have to deal with misogyny on-line like that.

    1984, avatar

    I don’t know where that hatred comes from, but I can only assume it’s because those guys couldn’t find good ladies to be with. They probably got rejected a lot and now they don’t like wimen at all. But I don’t know for sure.


    As a man… that sounds about right lol. I was watching a show and then realised if I wanted the later seasons I’d have to subscribe to a different service and I took that personally and got annoyed and now I just pirate stuff. No one tells this manly feller what to do.

    Crow, avatar

    As a woman into tech I’ll chime in. We seem to have a mild case of ignorant as shit. My friends are all completely blind to tech and piracy. Now I don’t blame them because they’ve been taught by capitalist culture to care about pointless things since birth, but god does it hurt sometimes and make me want to claw my eyes out. Patience and education will solve the gap.


    What is even more painful is seeing friends glued to TikTok on their phones all day when they have STEM degrees. I didn’t grow up in a typical household, so I have a hard time relating to other women, but I don’t get it either. Do your friends with kids seem to be this way more than those without?


    If a paid streaming service give users a worse experience than pirating, that’s on them!

    pseudo, avatar

    Statistic is a really funny science. So some man who just pirate a 1 h 40 long movie will be inspired to also pirate a sitcom episode from the antipiracy campagne?

    machiabelly, avatar

    People who bought the movie seeing anti-piracy ads: 🤡

    People who pirated the movie not seeing anti-piracy ads because they’ve been cut out: 😎


    Classic: punish the law abider while the law breakers have it made

    DivineChaos100, avatar

    Dudes rock

    OozingPositron, avatar

    Men. 🏴‍☠️

    Wahots, avatar

    We only started pirating after Amazon refused to let us play movies we paid for because our hardware was too old for their DRM. It was a 2014 PC made of recycled parts. At the time, it was less than 10 years old. We pirated the same movie and realized it was easier to find, higher quality, and surprise, surprise, capable of playing on a PC we kept out of the landfill.

    When I see anti piracy measures that punish people that don’t pirate, such as massive performance hits or privacy violating features, it makes me want to pirate more.


    I rented a car to do Uber with while I apply for jobs, and the car is an electric. They had no gas powered cars available.

    It is such a pain in the ass. I’ve only had it for a couple of days, but so far I’ve spent 2.5 hours today waiting for charge, and about 5 hours driving passengers.

    I’m ready. I want to download a car. Just need someone to point me in the right direction.

    Krudler, (edited )

    720 streams run from strange websites in timbucktoo have higher fidelity than the 4K stream I paid good money for.

    Here’s a great price and you can share it with your friends. Wait not those friends. Wait your phone isn’t authorized anymore. Okay you authorized your phone but you need to authorize it again. Okay we just doubled the price and cut the quality again. Now you can’t watch the movies that you downloaded for offline viewing without an internet connection. Now your ad-free service has ads.

    Netflix can take a long hard suck on my pudding factory, they’re never going to see another penny of my money again, and this is from somebody that goes back to the DVD days of Netflix.


    Oh yeah, and we changed the movie too.


    Women amiritr

    WeirdGoesPro, (edited ) avatar

    I’m suspicious of the idea that women respond favorably to those notices.

    “You wouldn’t download a car…”
    Women: Gee, officer, that’s a good point.



    According to the article, these were threatening messages (one about potential viruses, another about legal penalties). It fits gender stereotypes perfectly for women to seek to mitigate risks while seek someone to hold their beer.

    WeirdGoesPro, avatar

    So the result of the study is “it’s pretty easy to scare women into submission”? Sounds like a great use of their time and resources. 🤮


    They work on my mother, but she has the kind of faith in the system I honestly envy. It seems like a much more tranquil existence.

    This is the same woman who thinks the Judge Rotenburg center must not be that bad, because otherwise it would have already been closed down. She just…can’t imagine a regulatory failure that big actually happening.


    “what’s the Judge Rotenburg Center?” looks it up“Jesus”


    Couldn’t even finish reading the Wiki article


    Ok, I had to stop reading at the shock collars for mentally disabled kids. That’s some introduction paragraph.


    Lol piracy intentions :P

    now we need a follow up study comparing gender differences between who gets caught more.

    No_Eponym, avatar

    “You wouldn’t download a house.”

    Fuck you, I would if I could.

    WeirdGoesPro, avatar

    Real women use VPN’s. /s


    I mean I do.


    Yeah, proper cohort attribution seems to be a little lacking by this data analyst. I’d say gender bias has already occured before your specific sample point… bro


    I actually spent time on ripping the ‘you wouldn’t steal…’ video from the first DVD that I had with it on it, just for the sheer irony. 😅


    “oh, right. If I had just pirated this my content wouldn’t be delayed by these stupid piracy warnings.”


    Sony lost any moral high ground when they put a commercial for a Toyota on my Blu-ray of 1408 which retailed for $35 at the time. And of course, you can’t skip it.


    That reminded me about those long, unskippable previews on DVDs… extremely annoying. VLC at least could skip straight to the disc menu though, pretty much ditched Windows Media Player and PowerDVD after that.

    Now here I am on the high seas, with all my media consumption devices running some flavor of Linux. Have not had a single annoyance since.


    I’ve been sailing the high seas since BBS’s reigned supreme. Btw, there are telnet BBS’s.


    It’s the equivalent of “no balls, you won’t”


    My balls just got 18% bigger when you said that.

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