
jordanlund, to atheism in Biden Says U.S. Not Founded On Religion, But People Are In “Image of God”
@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

I mean he’s not wrong.

If you look at the founding documents, there is ZERO mention of Jesus or Christianity and only one mention of “God” and that’s in the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution.

“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

Nature’s God, which had and has a very specific meaning.


Good book on the topic:


This is why, in the Treaty of Tripoli, the first international document to recognize the US as an independent nation, it reads:

“As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion, as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religious or tranquility of Musselmen, and as the said States never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries.”

Musselmen = Muslims
Mehomitan = Islamic

@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Didn’t the first pilgrims who came to what is now the USA do it because they wanted to practice their specific flavor of Christianity and England was like “nah bro, that’s crazy”? Or did my teachers in school lie to me? I know the country itself wasn’t founded on religion.

jordanlund, (edited )
@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

The Puritains. Yes, kicked out of England and came here because nobody else wanted them.

But you have to keep in mind the time scales involved…

1492 - Columbus makes contact in the Carribean.

1620 - Pilgrims come across on the Mayflower.

1630 - Some 20,000 Puritains come across.

1776 - Declaration of Independence.

1787-1788 - Constitution.

@LaunchesKayaks@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, the timeline between Columbus and the Constitution was huge. I know that a lot of the founding fathers were deists as well, which is fascinating. I wish some of their visions for the country were still a thing.


The buried lede here is that the disease of religion was embedded into the nation's DNA from the very beginning whether or not the country was conceived of as a "Christian" nation or a religious nation of any other kind. While many of the founders were perhaps agnostics or even covert atheists, it would be a mistake to think of them as a monolith or that their intentions are any less valid than those of their more devout brethren. Using the argument that the "Founders" never intended us to be a Christian nation is a categorical fallacy, as it is impossible to deny that absolutely some of them did, just as it is likewise impossible to deny that many were slave-owners who never saw african americans, women or even certain European ethnicities as their true equals.

Looking back on it now, it's clear as day that the Founders' faustian bargain was merely a 250-year timebomb waiting to explode. We're in the last moments before the fuse goes off, and the religionists are licking their chops.

They must all be slaughtered.


I find it amusing how the argumentation that America is a Christian Nation is wholly reliant on not understanding political terms along with being ignorant of the history and founding documents of the United States. This is so frequently bundled with American supremacism and yet they care so little for the work of the founders or the history of the country.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod, to atheism in Biden Says U.S. Not Founded On Religion, But People Are In “Image of God”
Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

I sure do love being forced to vote for a capitalist christian in every goddamn election.

Sure makes me feel like I fucking belong here.


being forced to vote for a capitalist christian in every goddamn election.

Have you ever been involved in the candidate selection process?

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

Oh so I just need to be a lackey for the dems for thirty years and then I can con my way into a being a superdelegate and have some say in who I elect.

And then when I pick the atheist anarchist I get told they're unelectable.


Better and worse are options.

Not everything is a binary “best or worst” choice.

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar

Our options are "less worse" and "more worse." We don't get to vote for better.


When was the last time we had non-Capitalist or non-Christian as options on any level of the selection process? In the two-party duopoly we’ve had… Vivek Ramaswami with the American Fascist Republican Party for non-Christian and then the closest we’ve got to non-Capitalist being Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Bernie Sander’s Social Democracy (which Sanders mislabels as Democratic Socialism).

Sterile_Technique, to atheism in Biden Says U.S. Not Founded On Religion, But People Are In “Image of God”
@Sterile_Technique@lemmy.world avatar

Humans as a whole are selfish, greedy, short-sighted, ignorant, aggressive, toxic assholes.

Saying we’re made in God’s image is one of the hardest-hitting insults at God we could possibly drop - it’s literally an attack on every single one of Sky Daddy’s features.

madcaesar, to atheism in Biden Says U.S. Not Founded On Religion, But People Are In “Image of God”

I’m an atheist. But I understand the need for this language because the majority of the country believes this bullshit so you have to pay lip service to it.

@zarkanian@sh.itjust.works avatar

Biden is a Catholic.


Doesn’t mean he disrespects the separation of Church and State

@zarkanian@sh.itjust.works avatar

Sure. I’m just saying that this is something that he actually believes. It isn’t just lip service.

FlyingSquid, to atheism in Biden Says U.S. Not Founded On Religion, But People Are In “Image of God”
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

This really isn’t anything different than any other president has said in living memory. If anything, it’s not as extreme as some of them.

For example-

No, I don’t know that atheists should be regarded as citizens, nor should they be regarded as patriotic. This is one nation under God.

That was George H. W. Bush.

That said, I will give his piece of shit son credit for one thing. He said this:

I will be your president regardless of your faith. And I don’t expect you to agree with me, necessarily, on religion. As a matter of fact, no president should ever try to impose religion on our society. The great – the great tradition of America is one where people can worship the – the way they want to worship. And if they choose not to worship, they’re just as patriotic as your neighbor.


I can’t remember any other time when a Republican at pretty much any level, let alone a president, would say that about atheists.


He said that because of what his dad said… Its pr


Crazy times when the bar fell so low that Bush isn't even considered to be one of the worst US presidents anymore. US hardliners have all gone so crazy that people like him, by comparison, appear to be moderate now.


Trump was the greatest thing to ever happen to GW’s legacy


@glimse @DarkThoughts
& Nixon's.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Remember the “miss me now?” signs with Bush on them after Obama was elected?

I hate to say it, but… compared to the alternative Republicans have on offer these days, yes.


Jesus, that was such a weird time that folks wanted Bush back despite the super recession he caused. Obama really rocked the right hard so they said to themselves “never be mocked by libruls again” and are trying to take down democracy. And folks were calling out the fascist direction back with Bush/Cheney too.

@hark@lemmy.world avatar

Then your memory is lacking, sorry to say. Bush is the patriot act, Iraq war, border fence, torture program, PRISM, secret courts, worst economic crisis since the great depression, too big to fail, surplus-to-deficit, rich tax cuts, axis of evil, no child left behind (deceptively-named act that burdened public schools), global embarrassment guy. He is actually worse than trump, and unlike trump’s fumbling ass, bush was well-connected enough to successfully steal the election in 2000 with help from the supreme court. Don’t help republicans shift the overton window by rehabilitating that war criminal’s image and treating him as some sort of moderate.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Do you know how many worse things I could list about Trump? Shall we start with how he let a million Americans die with his COVID policy?

@hark@lemmy.world avatar

Feel free to list them. As for COVID, Biden was just as eager to open things up, he was just lucky that the vaccine became a thing as he entered office, so he could fast-track that (Trump tried to sabotage the rollout on his way out because he’s a sore loser). Lockdowns weren’t popular among the capitalist class because of the impact to business, and you can see they weren’t taken seriously with a number of politicians flouting lockdown rules (including democrats). As a reminder, Bush was warned about a potential terrorist attack happening and then let 9/11 happen on his watch, then used that as an excuse to launch two wars and install a vast surveillance apparatus, secret courts, and a torture program.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Okay, let’s start with all the “great” things Trump did for queer people. (I’m guessing you will handwave all of this away.)


@hark@lemmy.world avatar

Do you think bush was some sort of champion of LGBT rights? He also attacked them as a distraction. It’s a common republican tactic.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I never said he was. I did predict you would handwave that away though. Thanks for proving me right.

@hark@lemmy.world avatar

We’re doing a comparison. Me pointing out that Bush was just as bad in this regard is not a “handwave” it’s part of the comparison. Your “many worse things” list turned out to be a damp squib.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

You pointed out that he was just as bad. You didn’t provide any evidence to that effect.

@hark@lemmy.world avatar
@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

So… not as bad.

@hark@lemmy.world avatar

How? You claimed I was handwaving, but you’re the one handwaving. You project like a republican and you play into their hands by pretending trump is a special case when he’s really just following standard republican policy.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Your links showed that Bush took far fewer actions on oppressing queer people than Trump. What did you expect me to say?

@hark@lemmy.world avatar

If we’re going to play that game, how many wars did trump start vs bush? How many torture programs did trump start vs bush? How many surveillance apparatuses did trump start vs bush?

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Now you’re changing the subject. I wonder why?

@hark@lemmy.world avatar

You changed the subject first by ignoring all the heinous shit I listed for bush. There you go projecting again.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I’m pretty sure I’m not projecting when you did, in fact, change the subject from their relative treatment of queer people.

@hark@lemmy.world avatar

Go back and read the thread from the beginning. I’m not going to play your bad faith games.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Why should I read from the beginning when you changed the subject a handful of posts ago? Would that alter the fact that you changed the subject? I’m pretty sure that accusing me of doing it first doesn’t alter what you did.

@hark@lemmy.world avatar

I didn’t change the subject, you did. I listed all the things that bush was worse for and you decided to change the subject to one that wasn’t even a political focus back then. When it came to lgbt rights back then, it was mainly about marriage, and bush was against that. Bush was also for upholding sodomy laws, as one of my links pointed out. Do you honestly think that bush would be for trans rights or whatever other lgbt issues that are the focus today?

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Sure looks like a change of subject to me:


trans rights or whatever other lgbt issues that are the focus today?

And here’s the actual issue. You know nothing about what queer people faced under Trump and what they’re going to face if he gets back into office. I’m guessing that’s in part because you didn’t actually look at my link.

@hark@lemmy.world avatar

Go further up the thread. I’m not going to play your stupid games.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Going further up the thread will not have made the change of subject I pasted not a change of subject. Strange that you’re accusing me of playing games when you’re doing the “what are you going to believe, me or your own eyes” thing…

@hark@lemmy.world avatar

Going further up the thread will not have made the change of subject I pasted not a change of subject.

It would show that you were the one who changed the subject in the first place. Nice try, but I’m used to talking to disingenuous trolls like you.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Yes, again, accusing me of changing the subject doesn’t mean you did not change the subject. I demonstrated very clearly that you did.


To be fair, Dubya said a whole lot of things that no president before or since has said, mostly because his grasp of the vocabulary, grammar, and basic sentence structures of the English language is tenuous at best.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

I’ll take my wins where I can get them.


Ok, but no one has given me a straight answer yet: is our kids learning?

@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher!


Bush Jr was totally a warmonger… but he was also seemed more rational and sane than a lot of republicans comparatively… I wouldn’t say that he’s a good guy, just one of the least bad republicans. I’ll also give it to Romney for having some sense of principles and standing up against Trump despite everything else about him. They seem like the last in a rare breed of republicans that actually have some basic sense of honor. It’s a pretty low bar honestly but they seem to be slightly less lead poisoned? Which is something, I guess?


Dude barely could form coherent sentences. He wanted to be on his ranch, not make hard decisions and coast through life as he always had on his privilege.

His cabinet on the other hand, of course picked for him, was the Mr Rushmore of military-industrial corpo takeover.Cheney ex Halliburton CEO that directed no-bid contract awards in the many billions to them. They of course still fraudulently over billed the government and had to cop to repayment in a level of awkwardness seldom achieved. "Con"deleeza Rice, who Exon named an oil tanker after prior to being secretary of state may have had oil interests in mid, Rumsfeld who was both the youngest and oldest secretary of defense in Ford and then Shrub administrations directed negative and increasingly antidemocratic military policy from Vietnam to Afghanistan.


He clearly wanted to be to republicans what Clinton was to democrats, the firm commitment to centrism. Instead 9/11 happened and the country lost its damn shit and decided to declare war on Muslims and for some reason environmentalists.


Why is it always that the US does something bad or beyond logic, it always goes back to “what about that time when x said/did something worse” as if it’s any fucking better?

  • Remember that time when obama bombed a wedding?
  • Remember when bush made up lies about invading iraq and got out scot-free?
  • Remember that time when we invaded countries for no reason other than pushing our agenda?
  • Remember when we funded terrorists that are now terrorizing the locals?
  • Remember when we changed regimes to religious fundamentalists that turned into theocracy?
  • Remember when we supported coups in democratic countries?

He can say any fucking prepared statement, he’s a piece of shit zionist currently perpetuating a genocide. People trying to present him in positive light comparingto the scum of the nation are maggots that plague the earth.

verdantbanana, to atheism in Biden Says U.S. Not Founded On Religion, But People Are In “Image of God”
@verdantbanana@lemmy.world avatar

In the same breath, Biden asserts that every person is created in the “image of God,” implying a place for faith in interpreting America’s founding principles.

coming from a Catholic that was in office when Roe v. Wade was overturned

feels more like United States of Christ than ever


Turning into Giléad in 3… 2… 1…


You don’t seem to understand that the President and the Supreme Court are two different branches of the government, each with separate powers and responsibilities.

Saying that Biden ‘was in office’ is meaningless, because there was nothing he could have legally done.

Gradually_Adjusting, to atheism in Biden Says U.S. Not Founded On Religion, But People Are In “Image of God”
@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Not too long ago you couldn’t have a Catholic president saying this isn’t a Christian nation. It’s smaller progress than could be hoped, but at least it’s a step in the right direction.


“the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.”. Treaty of Tripoli, ratified by the United States Senate unanimously without debate on June 7, 1797, taking effect June 10, 1797



Ah but it’s not in the Constitution so it’s not legit. /s

Not that the Constitution even matters to them when it is inconvenient.

@zarkanian@sh.itjust.works avatar

The First Amendment is in the Constitution, though.


I’ve literally had people argue to me that the First Amendment only meant that you could pick whichever version of Christianity you preferred but didn’t specify any right to non-Christianity at all.

@Gradually_Adjusting@lemmy.world avatar

Oh sure, let’s all zoom out and take in the scope of history so we can appreciate the long decline of the renaissance. La de da. 🙄

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