Fediverse Hot

Are there any innovative platforms in the Fediverse?

I’ve explored a few platforms within the Fediverse, but most of them seem to be inspired by and mimic existing mainstream social media platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and Facebook. While this familiarity can be comforting, I can’t help but wonder if there are any truly innovative and original platforms out there that offer a...

Fediverse privacy vs information in dating apps, the case of Alovoa

This dating app has many problems yes the fediverse is all about privacy but what about actually knowing enough information to swipe yes or no. For all one knows the person may or may not be single, may or may not have kids may be an evangelical ect ect. All one knows about the person is where they live an a picture that may or...

Il nostro impegno per il fediverso è qui per restare. La dichiarazione dell'account della Commissione Europea (social.network.europa.eu)

Stiamo lavorando a una soluzione per garantire la nostra presenza continua sui tuoi feed, sfruttando appieno la portabilità dell’identità di Mastodon. Stiamo anche ampliando il team dietro la nostra presenza su Mastodon, aumentando gli sforzi per interagire con i vostri commenti sui nostri post....

A visual with the logo of the Commission and the logo of Mastodon linked by a blue heart.

Interview with Matthias Pfefferle, Author of the WordPress-ActivityPub plugin (wedistribute.org)

We sat down with Matthias Pfefferle to talk about his journey in developing an ActivityPub integration for WordPress, along with the challenges of implementing a protocol for a platform that everybody customizes in a wide variety of ways....

Mastodon und Peertube: EU macht Fediverse dicht, weil niemand die Server betreiben will (netzpolitik.org) German

EU-Institutionen sind auf Mastodon und Peertube aktiv, dank eines Pilotprojekts des Europäischen Datenschutzbeauftragten. Weil aber nach zwei Jahren keine EU-Institution die Fediverse-Server übernehmen will, werden diese im Mai kurzerhand abgeschaltet....

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