
agitatedpotato, to technology in Twitter/X removing the block feature

“Most blocked person on Twitter thinks blocking people is bad”


must listen to me!

@RustedSwitch@lemmy.world avatar

I’d love to know who actually has this honor - I would guess Trump myself, but Elmu is a good guess too

agitatedpotato, (edited )

I guessed him because he had been promoting his own tweets so much so that they started showing up on my twitter porn account and that doesn’t follow anyone with clothes on, but I started getting elon tweets daily. I imagine many others did the same.

@RustedSwitch@lemmy.world avatar

“Let me agitate my potato in peace, for crissake”

  • you, probably


Whatch out for Mr Massive Tuber here! Mines is like a cashew, a small one.


The infamous cheese wheel.


If you scrape of the headcheese you fuck up the mushroom harvest.



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  • Khanzarate,

    He’ll just ban the account instead, now. Maybe even say that it would be a block, but “that makes no sense”.

    AlmightySnoo, to RedditMigration in Reddit removes my post about how Reddit doesn't accept my GDPR request
    @AlmightySnoo@lemmy.world avatar

    They also have an email address so that you can make a GDPR request via email since the EU legislation gives you the right to do that, you shouldn’t be forced to use their platform for that as otherwise it would be too easy for a company to lock you out of the process.

    Here’s what Reddit’s privacy policy says:

    If you have questions or are not able to submit a request to exercise your rights using the mechanisms above, you may also email us at to redditdatarequests@reddit.com from the email address that you have verified with your Reddit account, or submit them here.


    Do this. Don't overreact.

    AllonzeeLV, (edited ) to tech in Twitter locked behind login page.

    And nothing of value was lost.

    That’s why the only social I used was reddit and now moved to lemmy. Because I would rather ideas rise and fall on their own merits than by the name recognition of who said them. I value ideas, not personas or brands.

    Some idiot celebrity/politician/Capitalist Sociopath says something and it gets seen by millions, not because it was worth seeing, but because a famous person said it.

    kokoapadoa avatar

    i enjoy art and because a lot of art is hosted on twitter a lot was lost to me. i never wanted an account.


    If Twitter has RSS for account, I will subscribe to it without creating an account.

    therealcaptncrunch67 avatar

    Nitter has that option, just add /rss at the end of the URL and it'll work.

    Like this:

    Which is an actual account I follow via RSS.

    OctoFloofy avatar

    Unfortunately nitter broke. Even clicking on your link just throws an error.

    Martineski, (edited )

    Plenty of value was lost, a lot of news on my singularity sub were posted on twitter because for some reason people thought it’s a great decision to hold on to dying platform.


    In the fire country of California it was a quick way to get updates on any wild fires that pop up or evacuations… it has its use cases, maybe not as a social media platform, but surely as a public service/news platform it has some merit.

    @KairuByte@lemmy.world avatar

    And now everyone would need to create an account and log in to see those updates. Kinda defeats the purpose.

    Maybe move to some sort of RSS feed? I’m sure such a resource exists.


    undefined> , maybe not as a social media platform, but surely as a public service/news platform it has some merit.

    If the distribution of some emergency news and public service news is so important that you have to have it during emergencies, then it’s Too Big To Fail and must not be held by a corporation, but implemented by the government. Every service such as police, firefighters, etc, should have a public RSS or Atom service announcement.

    HuddaBudda, to technology in Twitter/X removing the block feature
    HuddaBudda avatar

    The block feature is not there out of the goodness of their CEO's heart.

    It is there to limit liability from harassment. After all, why police harassment laws at your expense. When you can get the end user to enforce it for you.

    It's just Dumb evil.


    It’s chaotic good, because by destroying his platform, he is making the fedi grow. Surely there has to be a point where people will leave, right?


    Did people stop using centralised services after all the data breaches and privacy scandals?


    Not when there are no decentralized services to turn to.

    Heresy_generator avatar

    It's also a feature explicitly required by both the Apple and Google app stores for apps that have user generated content.


    1.2 User-Generated Content
    Apps with user-generated content present particular challenges, ranging from intellectual property infringement to anonymous bullying. To prevent abuse, apps with user-generated content or social networking services must include:

    • The ability to block abusive users from the service


    User Generated Content
    User-generated content (UGC) is content that users contribute to an app, and which is visible to or accessible by at least a subset of the app's users.
    Apps that contain or feature UGC, including apps which are specialized browsers or clients to direct users to a UGC platform, must implement robust, effective, and ongoing UGC moderation that:

    • Provides an in-app system for blocking UGC and users;

    Every day he further proves that he has no idea what he's doing. He's 100% going to reverse this decision when he find out all of the things he should have know before saying anything.


    Is this real? That’s hilarious.


    Lmao he’s gonna get himself booted from BOTH app stores 😂

    @maxenmajs@lemmy.world avatar

    I can see him choosing to leave the app stores like epic did just to dodge the 30% cut. And of course he will put on a bunch of theatre about “free speech” if they do unlist Twitter.


    But he charges $8 a month for free speech.

    ghariksforge, to RedditMigration in Reddit removes my post about how Reddit doesn't accept my GDPR request

    You should file an official complaint with your country’s data protection authority.

    Gormadt, to asklemmy in Self-care for Men?
    @Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Allow yourself to be bored at times.

    No social media, no YouTube, no music, no doom scrolling looking for content, don’t give yourself a task to complete, don’t start cleaning.

    Be there, in the moment, with yourself.

    Let your mind wander.

    And if it wanders to some dark places confront that darkness. Don’t run away, don’t let it fester. Face those inner demons.

    I find a good way to do this at first is to go somewhere surrounded by nature with little to no people.

    I have a specific place I go to out in the local wilderness area that is incredibly hard to get to and very isolated.

    You don’t have to go so far but it needs to be a place free from distractions.

    galim, to general in WE NEED MORE SOLDIERS!!!!

    Sorry, deleted my Reddit account

    Roekkur, to general in WE NEED MORE SOLDIERS!!!!

    Nah. I’m good continuing to ignore Reddit.

    MisterMoo, to worldnews in Mormonism: A deep state intelligence network posing as a religion
    MisterMoo avatar

    No citations, no sources, standard tinfoil hat conspiracy text. This is not world news.

    @troyunrau@lemmy.ca avatar

    I think lemmy.ml’s community bias is showing through. Try the lemmy.world or beehaw communities instead


    Not really. This isn't news it's a conspiracy theory.

    Prandom_returns, to fediverse in Why are Mastodon's trending hashtags so ... dull?

    Because mastodon doesn’t have an algo that promotes division and controversial topics. These hashtags are what normal, everyday people talk about. Drama isn’t its strongest side.


    I guess the reality is that I want at least SOME controversy. I don’t know why the only two choices have to be “fascism-enabling hellscape” or “nobody saying anything interesting ever.” There has to be at least some possible middle ground!


    I agree. The Trending algorithm needs improvement. Luckily, we can do that ourselves.


    explain how


    By creating a pull request in Github. (Don’t yet angry, that was supposed to be a lighthearted joke)


    i angy 😡


    I can imagine some alpha-cunt Tate-esque grifter selling courses on how to "Just Shout at People" like it's some sort of magic spell that mysteriously makes everything that you want happen.

    Selling it like it's the hidden secret sauce to the universe or whatever, rather than just being a dick to everyone.

    Would the community even be any worse, I wonder? :)


    I agree. I want to see people’s opinions on the news of the day. By the way, I recommend following @BlackAzizAnansi if you want a little controversy. He was one of my favorite posters from Twitter & has gone all-in on Mastodon.


    Are you saying that Lemmy does have those algorithms? Because this shit is never boring lol so many instances I never wanted to see or know existed…

    Slightly related: how many freaking instances of “yiff” shit do we need!? I couldn’t believe I was STILL seeing it after I blocked like 7 separate instances lol


    Lemmy ““promotes”” upvoted stuff.

    Mastodon “Trending” is just stuff that wasn’t talked about, suddenly being talked about. That’s why constantly popular things don’t appear on Trending, but things like “BigBoobFridayWhatever” (or equivalent) gets trending (people don’t use the hashtag for a week, and everyone use it for that day). I see how they thought it’s perfect for world-wide events, but it just end-up being a bunch of “weekly” stuff.


    BigBoobFriday has to happen.

    GeekFTW avatar

    I will make it happen.

    @samus12345@lemmy.world avatar

    Needs more alliteration.


    Furries invade every tech space because they’re all programmers for some reason. Must have something to do with being bullied as a kid and/or never seeing boobs irl. I know because I like their porn but not their identity, I’d never wear a suit but a cat is fine too

    @Tag365@lemmy.world avatar

    Wait, so the recent topics that occur suddenly on Twitter aren’t the normal things people talk about? So the hype on Twitter events are fake?


    They are. But they’re also influenced by who talks about it, how many comments, replies, likes it has. How many people click on it. Etc.

    On mastodon is just how many people used the hashtag in a short period of time.


    I think as Mastodon gets more popular, we will see more interesting tags pop up


    yeah sounds like boring shit. I get that already from talking to actual people, not virtue signalling boomers on mastodon

    the lack of algo reduces the quality of content to this garbage, but this is the same people who think more content is bad as well. I don’t want some breaking or interesting post to be hidden by some random person posting completely meaningless garbage


    You sound like you might enjoy TikTok more.


    Yeah it’s either useless boring small talk on Mastodon, or zoomer tik tok. Absolutely no middle.


    *useless only if you have no interests. There’s plenty of people talking hobbies and interests. If you’re just shooting shit, I agree, it’s boring. And no, there’s no middle. Maybe Instagram is the middleground?


    It’s boring and shitty. It’s hard to find interesting stuff. Good luck finding trending/newsworthy events.


    you get from Mastodon what you put into it.


    The amount of people on Mastodon who are like “ahh finally, nothing interesting to look at now that I left Twitter, I am at peace and can just scroll through pictures of someone’s dinner and obscure academic naval gazing :)” is so high


    I think the hashtag isn’t really what normal people talk about, but probably people gaming the system to get on a reliably trending hashtag.

    sunaurus, (edited ) to meta in Discussion on lemmy.ml: exploding-heads are infiltrating our discussions

    I would ask lemm.ee users to please use the report function whenever you see our rules being broken in any of our communities! A large volume of rule breaking users from a single instance would certainly push me to defederate that instance, and reports would be the main signal for me to gauge that.

    I don't have the capacity to go out and vet content on other instances in general (as all admins, I am running lemm.ee as a volunteer out of my free time). I want to be upfront: I am not providing a curated service in terms of who we federate with. This is why I wrote todays post about administration and federation on lemm.ee. So please bear in mind that as a user on lemm.ee, you are expected to share some responsibility for keeping our communities clean, by always downvoting low quality content and reporting rule violations. In addition to downvoting and reporting, I personally also am a huge fan of people who have the energy to respond to bigots, explaining why they're wrong (in civil terms) - even if there's 0.001% chance of getting through to the particular author of a horrible comment, there is still a chance that a rebuttal in the response will be seen by someone else who will be affected in a positive direction.

    To be clear, I am not somebody that believes that all ideas should get a platform without exception. Quite the opposite, I am super happy to shut down hateful content. It's just a matter of putting my energy where I think it is most useful. For example, I would rather spend a week worth of free time working on better moderation tools or better self-service tools for users to curate their own feed, than spend the same time going through external instances in order to figure out how many racists they have and how well are they moderating them. That is why I have made the decision (for now) to focus most of my moderation efforts on things that happen within lemm.ee, and not externally.

    I also want to say that I do not want to act hastily based on little information. I'm sure this will frustrate some of our users (and I'm very sorry about that), but I have not had time to research the Exploding Heads situation, and I don't want to effectively create a new rift in the federated network, without first being absolutely sure that such an action is really necessary to protect lemm.ee users.

    By the way, regarding this the_donald situation on sh.itjust.works, the OP of the linked post said this:

    Since The_Donald was removed, I did not find more racist content on the mentioned servers. That is part their tactics.

    This seems like a great outcome to me - the_donald was removed and there is no more racist content. I would not think this is a good example of a reason to defederate another instance. I understand that part of the complaint is that the admin of sh.itjust.works took too long to respond to the situation, and as a user I can see why this would be frustrating, but as an admin, I can tell you that I can also see why he wanted to see evidence before acting. In the end, I really like that he removed the community as soon as he saw evidence of it being awful.

    Just to leave you with my main point, I do not want to federate with instances which aim to hurt our communities or users, but I need concrete and specific evidence of this before I take drastic action. So please report rule violations, and if I see that banning violators does not work, then defederation will certainly be the next move.

    genoxidedev1 avatar

    If I reported hate speech advocates on this instance (I am writing from kbin) will my report go to you or to ernest ?


    Almost certainly to ernest. Anything you see or interact with while the kbin.social URL remains in your browser bar is coming from kbin.social. It may be content that originated elsewhere, but you're always engaging with a local copy. So, that report button is on k-soc, and it reports to the k-soc admin.

    I don't even know if kbin has a way of knowing who the remote admins even are.


    Ah, I was wondering where the reports go. Mastodon has an option to forward the report to the remote server admins too, maybe kbin/Lemmy will get something like that eventually.


    That would be a nice feature, yeah


    I do not want to federate with instances which aim to hurt our communities or users, but I need concrete and specific evidence of this before I take drastic action.

    Acting based on evidence is always good and proper. As to relying on reports for that I'm sceptical, though, or better put things aren't quite there yet: A toxic community might be raiding some instance somewhere, that instance's users are reporting like crazy, and you see none of it, consequently they could focus on one instance after the other, then change domains, rinse and repeat. Or at least that's how I think it works (excuse my ignorance), there's no global space where admins could see all reports. Would you even see a report from a lemm.ee user made in a community of another instance?

    It might be a good idea to have more options in the report dialog, not just because of this, regarding whom to actually report the post to, as well as a drop-down for reasons -- a post on beehaw that I report might violate beehaw "be nice" rules, but it might or might not also violate lemm.ee rules so I may or may not want to report it here, too.

    It might also make sense to be able to report not just to mods/admins but specific communities who can then collate evidence and present it to admins (essentially /r/shitXXXsay but better), collating will be important because the harassment can be in the overall interaction pattern of a community, not just individual posts.

    All in all though, to get my head out of the clouds and back into the here and now: Please don't be too principled as long as the tools and community to back up those principles aren't in place. That is, err on the side of the banhammer if you see a preponderance of evidence because if you don't those people are going to strategise around your principles, rules of evidence etc. to do their thing. We're already seeing that with the "block users who want us gone so they can't report us" type of tactic.

    Actually that looks like quite a misfeature: Someone blocking me shouldn't preclude me from seeing their content. Another thing reddit got wrong.


    Please don’t be too principled as long as the tools and community to back up those principles aren’t in place.

    I very much agree with this, @sunaurus - your stance above is, I think, exactly as a stated policy should be, but please do remember that plans and reality must meet somewhere along the way. If you overthink things or cleave too religiously to the rules you've set yourself, you risk taking too long to act, and it's exactly this delay between problem and reaction that bad actors exploit.

    Don't cut off your nose to spite your face, basically. Lemm.ee is a great instance, and we'd all, I think, love to see it stay that way 🙂

    Kolanaki, to politicalmemes in Billionaires.
    @Kolanaki@yiffit.net avatar

    Most of the world’s problems right now are directly because of billionaires.

    shnizmuffin, to newcommunities in Hey everyone, check out Police Supporters Of Lemmy, pro-cop lemmy space where we post funny cop memes, wholesome cop moments, and cops being heroes.
    @shnizmuffin@lemmy.inbutts.lol avatar

    Was /c/bootlickers taken already?


    Are you implying that supporting your local police is bootlicking?


    If the boot fits…



    @DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

    No, licking boots can have a fun kink angle. Supporting the cops is just being a shit person.


    What if I get sexually aroused watching cops arrest criminals?


    Without hesitation, yes.


    OP is almost certainly the same troll that’s done this on like 4-5 different accounts already.



    imgonnatrythis, to memes in Lemmy might, MIGHT have a small bias towards the left

    Wtf is an uncorrupt government?

    @dannoffs@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

    Exactly. We could also eliminate carbon emissions by moving everything via unicorns and fairy dust.


    A contradiction in terms? Fantasy?


    Wtf is an uncorrupt capitalist society? We have to try to keep both in check and will never be perfect.


    “Military Intelligence”

    Two words combined that can’t make sense 🎵


    based megadeth

    @idunnololz@lemmy.world avatar

    Honestly I believe this to be a way more important issue to discuss than the whole capitalism vs socialism vs communism vs whatever else argument. If your ideas can easily be perverted by corruption then it won’t work.

    I have some ideas but I’m just some idiot on the internet. I think you need checks and balances. Have at least two groups with similar power at odds with one another. One example is corporation vs government. But I don’t think just 2 groups is good enough. Ideally you probably want 3 groups at the very least. I know many governments around the world already uses this sort of structure internally (eg different branches of government), but I don’t think these solutions take into account the existence of mega corporations that can act across country borders.


    you mean for example germanys separated power of the legislative, executive and judicative powers? yeah, that works out pretty shit.

    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    All types of governance and economic systems are susceptible to despotism.

    It takes a constantly educated and involved population to fight it.


    Serious question. Is it possible to do this with very large populations? It seems like it might get inherently more complicated with several tiers of government (federal, state, county, city, etc…)

    @dingus@lemmy.ml avatar

    It definitely feels like Dunbar’s Number is a gate to keep this from being effective in large communities.

    If we can’t view more than a finite amount of other humans as being “real,” how do we begin to get massively large groups of humans to care for one another? This is a question I don’t have the answer to.

    Deceptichum avatar

    Because you don’t have to view them as “real” to know that caring for others can make things better for you too.

    I don’t think the issue is the being able to care, the issue is the arseholes turning groups against each other for their own gain.


    “I only do the right thing because God will punish me if I don’t” vibes lol.

    Why can’t you just operate from a principle of making things better for everyone?


    Never older than like 12 hours

    @Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Bold assumption that it’d take that long

    veloxy, to technology in Twitter/X removing the block feature

    He’s probably having a fit over everyone blocking him from their feeds

    FoundTheVegan avatar

    It makes NO SENSE to block me. I'm so smart!

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