Tankaus, to technology in Android spyware with over 1.5 million downloads sends your data to China

The fishy apps are File Recovery & Data Recovery and File Manager, according to an alert this week from Pradeo, a leading mobile cybersecurity company. The apps, both from the same developer, are programmed to launch without any input from the user and quietly send sensitive user data to servers based in China.

eroc1990, avatar

Thank you for posting this, since OP wasn’t kind enough to include it in the post description.

TheGoldenGod, avatar

OP is a bot account apparently.

eroc1990, avatar

I noticed that after my comment. Still a low quality post from a bot seemingly farming for clicks through to articles, where a description summary from a human or better parsing from the bot could have improved the quality of the post.

TheGoldenGod, avatar

Agreed, the amount of clicks for the article would increase exponentially if they actually added context for those of us who never click these links.

BettyWhiteInHD, (edited )


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  • eroc1990, avatar

    I didn’t even notice it was missing the bot marker. Good catch.

    @L3s you plan on fixing that any time soon?

    L3s, (edited ) avatar

    Edit: I’ve realized I’m wrong below. A bot is a bot, and mine is no exception. Sorry to anyone who felt deceived, that was not my intention.

    @BettyWhiteInHD my apologies for not replying, I read your message while updating a bunch of code for the bot and forgot to reply.

    When I made L4s I had gone through Lemmy’s Code of Conduct, and didn’t see where that was required for bots? If I misunderstood the Code of Conduct I will gladly mark it as a bot, or if the admins of clarify to me they want it to be done. Please let me know if you are aware of where it is required, as I want to abide by the the rules here, and don’t want to annoy anyone. Maybe @ruud could clear this up for me, I know he is extremely busy though.

    The goal of L4s is to help jump-start communities and content, and I felt 99% of people uncheck “show bot accounts” since they don’t want what would be the equivalent of “automod”, spellchecker bots, etc to show up - not something that’s bringing them content they subscribed to or previously enjoyed on reddit.

    So far it’s helped multiple communities that way (see !technology prior to its posts, and a few days after, it’s now the largest “active users” community on all instances), and has sparked a lot of conversations in the posts. The reason I bring that up is most have not complained about the fact it’s not checked, even though I do not hide that it’s a bot in any way, and most enjoy seeing the content it posts. Checking that would mean that those who don’t quite understand there are content bots, would no longer see these posts.

    Also, yes, I’m a mod here. My role irl is very deeply technology related, that is what I enjoy. In my free-time I have been trying to make Lemmy.World one of the best instances as far as content, and helping keep !technology on-topic and toxic free.


    I second the suggestion to mark @L4s as a bot. Regardless of what the CoC says, it would be unethical not to.

    In this thread people were complaining about how the body contained insufficient information, and the copied title of the article is click bait. A human poster would be able to respond to these concerns whereas a bot cannot.

    I think it would be overall healthier for the Fediverse as a whole if the bot-marking feature was widely respected and exceptions like this not being taken.

    L3s, (edited ) avatar

    Edit: I’ve realized my mistake and will just leave it on, my bot is not above any other, and my goal doesn’t justify not checking the box.

    That’s a fair point, and seeing that a lot of people would prefer it be on, I will probably reconsider my stance regardless of what the admins say.


    I still appreciate your work in modding and creating tools that help make thrive. Thanks for your consideration as well.

    eroc1990, avatar

    This was my main concern. It felt very low effort and felt like a Reddit karma farmer, not a bot meant to spark discussion within the community. I wouldn’t have had an issue with the content if it was clear that the post was made by a bot.


    I agree with the sentiment from the others here, but I also wanted to add that as a general rule, you shouldn’t behave in a way that would be detrimental for the community if everyone did it. Bots should be marked as bots, or the user preference switch to show content from bots is meaningless regardless of how positive or influential you think yours is – as I’m sure most bot creators feel about their own work.

    It’s understandable that you want to have a positive impact, and that is commendable, but your bot shouldn’t be an exception just by your own judgment, especially considering the problems with what the bot is doing that have been pointed out to you.

    Just my take. I would prefer your bot, and all bots, be marked as such irrespective of function.

    BettyWhiteInHD, (edited )


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  • L3s, (edited ) avatar

    And respectfully, I don’t think it’s up to you to make that distinction for users that choose to opt out of seeing bot accounts.

    Not to sound rude here, but I feel the same about you asking me to check that box.

    Again, if the admins request me to check it, I will do it - or if the Code of Conduct changes. Lets see what they say in the post you made on !support and go from there.

    I was rude and wrong here.


    Not to sound rude here, but I feel the same about you asking me to check that box.

    Task failed. These provisions were made with the expectation that individuals such as yourself would act in good faith. It’s alarming to hear that a moderator of any community feels they are above that standard.

    L3s, avatar

    I agree, and have realized it’s there for this reason. The bot button is checked on L4s.

    In the comment above I was getting frustrated, as I’m doing something to try and help in my spare time and felt the work I’ve put in was being diminished. I let that get the best of me, and I shouldn’t have.


    Thank you for understanding, I’m sorry if I came off combative myself. I would like to point out that the service you are providing is certainly useful. Personally, I’m only interested in seeing content that is parsed by a human and posted because of the natural interest around it. Otherwise, things get posted so fast and across enough communities that it drowns out all real and natural discussion in my subscription feed. That doesn’t mean other people won’t see and interact with these posts, and it doesn’t mean they don’t help grow a community. The nature of the fediverse itself seems to be a little messy, and sometimes people see different things even within the same community.

    It might be nice for there to be a more fine-toothed control over what type of bot an account is flagged as, and what types of bots an individual user might see. I’ve disallowed viewing bot accounts since day one, mostly to avoid inane joke response bots as they were so prevalent on reddit. That’s going to be a problem long term, because automoderators were a critical aspect of moderating larger communities.

    L3s, avatar

    I’ve disallowed viewing bot accounts since day one, mostly to avoid inane joke response bots as they were so prevalent on reddit.

    I did the same thing for the same reason, and was my initial reasoning for not marking L4s. When I read “bots” my initial thought was the useless pun bots, or autocorrect bots, etc.

    My plan to make mine different was if someone didn’t receive a comment back on a less visible post, to comment back on L3s to keep conversations going, as the communities I’ve focused on are ones I enjoyed on [website we don’t name] and genuinely enjoyed engaging there. I did that semi-successfully, but didn’t consider that the majority of people wouldn’t want to even see a content bot, and that was my mistake.

    Pride put to the side, lesson learned and hopefully L4s can continue to help.

    themeatbridge, to news in The U.S. economy is booming. So why are tech companies laying off workers? | Washington Post

    It’s called the rule of 40, and it’s the metric that has tech executives acting like bipolar Chihuahuas. Grow, cut, expand, right-size, cross the chasm, reorg, polish the turd and cover the smell. If a tech company doesn’t hit their rule of 40, their stock suffers. If they do, the stock soars.

    % growth year over year + % profit margin should be greater than 40. 20% growth and 20% profit margin, or 0% growth and 40% profit margin, it doesn’t make a difference.

    That means if you have a 15% profit margin, your target growth is 25%. But if you only grow, say, 20%, you must make that 5% back by cutting COGS. Companies trying to grow will hire staff to build up sales and get more done. If the growth doesn’t hit its target, those new hires are probably cheaper than the experienced people. Time for layoffs and outsourcing the veterans.


    But why 40?


    Because MBAs don’t math good.


    The more you learn about numbers, the more arbitrary you realize they are.


    That’s the fucking horror of it. There’s no particular reason. Some stock analyst at some point said that 40 is a magic number that good Saas companies hit and not hitting that number is a death knell. But the market is far too complex and variable to boil it down to one metric.

    But then investors like a simple metric, because it means they can anticipate what the dead money day traders will think, and bet the trend rather than the stock. If you can anticipate the market, you can make money regardless of what it does.

    And executives know the rule, and serve the shareholders. So they move heaven and earth to maintain the magic number, even if it means destroying the lives of fungible employees.

    So the rule becomes the prophecy becomes the rule because the prophecy said the rule would be the prophecy and the people making money like having rules because it allows them to be prophetic.

    It’s an ourobouros of bullshit, where the rich get to ride the snake as it turns, and the employees all eat shit and are in turn consumed to provide the motion.

    KneeTitts, avatar

    but… why male models?

    snooggums avatar

    Come on man, I just told you.


    ourobouros of bullshit

    This is where I spat out my coffee.


    20% looks too small, 60% might look too much like a bubble ready to burst.

    themeatbridge, to news in ESPN returns 37 Emmys, disciplines employees after a decades-long scheme is unearthed

    For anyone confused about the scheme, it seems fairly benign:

    “College GameDay,” a cultural phenomenon and money maker for the network, scored eight Emmys for best weekly studio show from 2008 to 2018. The broadcast personalities were, until 2023, prohibited by NATAS guidelines from inclusion in a credit list for that specific category. They were eligible for other Emmys, such as host or studio analyst, but a win for the show wouldn’t land any statuettes for on-air talent.

    ESPN employees dodged the rule by including fabricated names listed as “associate producers” — who happened to have the same initials as on-air talent — and then scrubbing the statuettes of the fake names, per the Athletic. After having the talents’ real names engraved on the trophies, the people involved gave them to ESPN’s on-camera stars, who told the Athletic they had not known anything was sketchy.

    The On-Air personalities were an important part of the show but were not going to get a trophy if the show won. Adding fake associate producers to the credits got an extra trophy to share with the people who contributed to their success.

    Nobody cheated at the awards.


    Why were they being excluded?


    From the quote it sounds like this award was being designated to the show runners. There were other emmys for hosting/etc. that the hosts could have won.

    I think it’s fair for the emmys to designate who is eligible for the award, but I understand why ESPN would also want to recognize the hosts. Personally I think all these awards are mostly made up anyways, but I would say ESPN is more in the wrong as the emmys were specifically saying the hosts weren’t doing anything worthy of an Emmy.

    kessleragain, to SquaredCircle in FTR: Eric Bischoff Is Just Mad That Tony Khan Wouldn’t Give Him A Job In AEW

    Didn’t expect it to be Cash saying that quote lol.

    In a lot of online spaces, negativity and controversy gets the most clicks. Makes sense it would be the same in wrestling.

    A lot of the Twitter and other social media stuff is cringe. But man, it would’ve been even worse back in the 90s. Sure, the internet existed back then, but it wasn’t as big with as many people able to easily access it. I like to imagine Bischoff would’ve retweeted a bunch of memes about his proposed match against Vince. Would’ve been hilarious.


    Bischoff literally titled his memoir "Controversy Creates Cash". I think you're on the money, he does this stuff to get people talking.

    RainfallSonata, to health in Florida’s surgeon general told the FDA that COVID-19 vaccines aren’t safe. The FDA calls that misinformation

    Can they take away his medical license (I guess Im assuming he has one. It’s Florida, though, so who knows.)? Cause unless he’s got scientific evidence to back his claims, they should limit his ability to practice.


    Yes, it is.

    bluGill avatar

    There is no national medical license, each state handles it alone. If you practice in two states both states need to license you - our license in one state does not transfer to a different one automatically.

    Which is to say is in in charge of his own medical certificate.


    And as evidenced by FL, some States' process are corrupt allowing unqualified idiots to practice.

    HubertManne avatar

    in addition the medical community is way full of itself and it takes a lot to delicense a physician and its easier for them to get it back. Doctors view themselves as elite and a doctor is to valuable to not be used. This is why it cracks me up around lawyer jokes and harping on lawyers. Lawyers get disbarred way more easily. Their community is much more likely to repercussions.


    Plus if you can't meet the requirements you just need to be wealthy and connected enough to create a new accrediting body which says you meet theirs.


    I’m predicting right now that he will suffer zero (meaningful) consequences. I’m sick of it, but I’ve seen it happen often enough now to not be surprised by it.

    HybridSarcasm, to SquaredCircle in Lexis King Explains Why He Has The Bat Signal On His Chin avatar

    Looks like reverse shadow of balls.

    GeekFTW avatar

    Fucking Ballchinian up in here.

    TellumSiege avatar

    I didn't see that at first but now that you mention it...dear God lol...

    GeekFTW, to SquaredCircle in Lexis King Explains Why He Has The Bat Signal On His Chin
    GeekFTW avatar


    Polar, to thepoliceproblem in Federal police shot a homeless man living on national forest land. He's now suing.

    Why is America so obsessed with shooting first?

    Last year we had an indigenous person kill a cop in Canada and then run into a field with his gun. Cops arrested him without shooting him, despite him killing a cop, and being in a group that police have dislike towards.

    Then, he complained about having pain, and the police called an ambulance to check him out before arresting him.

    I heard all of this live on police scanner.

    Do better, America. Holy shit.


    Had they not pulled their ruse, most likely there would not have been an issue. This is a case where the cops were trying to be cute and someone ended up being shot.


    Go back to Reddit if you’re willing to write a paragraph about an article you didn’t read.

    “The shooting occurred after Roberts, who had a .22 revolver with him, pointed his weapon at the two plainclothes officers after they confronted his brother.”


    Pointed, not fired. In the other posters example, the person killed a cop, and still was arrested without being shot. They’re asking why American cops can’t do that.


    I don't read fake news but did he point the gun on camera or this something police told us?


    After seeing Brooks Roberts’ gun, officers unleashed a storm of gunfire on him, the footage shows.

    But if you accuse this of being fake news, wouldn’t the whole story be fake news? That’s confusing


    so he did point?

    kinda vague aint it


    I’m guessing the body cam doesn’t show the 22 being pointed at the officers since the article specifies everything else it saw but not that.

    “The shooting occurred after Roberts, who had a .22 revolver with him, pointed his weapon at the two plainclothes officers after they confronted his brother. He did not fire, police body camera footage shows. After seeing Brooks Roberts’ gun, officers unleashed a storm of gunfire on him, the footage shows. Since Idaho is an open carry state, Roberts was within his rights to be holding the weapon.”




    Any American citizen should be within their right to pull a weapon on an average person who is threatening them or their community members. Plain clothes cops should maybe be in uniform if they don't like that. It is every American citizen's right to be armed.


    This "go back to reddit" nonsense from all the kids (maybe you're an adult, but it makes you seem like a kid) who read comments they don't like is getting really tedious. Maybe you ought to go back to reddit?


    Dont get all high and mighty. The United States is an amazing country! We have to deal with all this ‘woke justice’ every day bringing down our country. Once they are finally purged them we can finally have our fascist utopia rich straight white men will finally have all the power again, as demanded by the bible (which I hear is a great book, but honestly who has time to read these days)


    Why is America so obsessed with shooting first?

    It is literally what our cops are taught in training. Look up "Killology" if you haven't heard of it. And no, despite the ridiculous name, I'm not joking; that is what a big part of their training is actually called.

    theDoctor, to thepoliceproblem in Federal police shot a homeless man living on national forest land. He's now suing.

    As cities and states across the country pass ordinances cracking down on camping and homelessness…

    Homelessness should only be a crime if houses are provided to everyone wherever you desire to live and then you chose to then be a public nuisance and sleep blocking a sidewalk or a street.

    Until then, this is just disgusting. Our society is fucked.

    mozz, (edited ) to politics in Morehouse Students Turn Their Backs, Walk Out of Graduation as Joe Biden Gives Speech avatar

    Lessons in headline engineering

    Another possible headline was "At Morehouse, Biden says dissent should be heard because democracy is 'still the way'" or another "Biden tells Morehouse graduates that scenes in Gaza from the Israel-Hamas war break his heart, too"

    Outside of the ceremony, a small number of protestors gathered while the commencement itself did not see any major disruptions.

    Last week, Morehouse College President David Thomas said he would rather halt proceedings than have students escorted away for protesting.

    "If my choice is 20 people being arrested on national TV on the Morehouse campus, taken away in zip ties during our commencement, before we would reach that point, I would conclude the ceremony," he said on NPR's Weekend Edition.

    But, none of that happened -- either halting the ceremony or tackling or pepper spraying any of the people who were draped in Palestinian flags or turning their chairs around.

    DeAngelo Fletcher, Morehouse College's valedictorian, closed his address to his classmates by addressing global conflict, particularly the Israel-Hamas war.

    "For the first time in our lives, we've heard the global community sing one harmonious song that transcends language and culture," he said. "It is my sense as a Morehouse Man, nay – as a human being – to call for an immediate and a permanent ceasefire in the Gaza Strip."

    IDK how much more pro Palestinian than that he got, and it sorta sounds like "both sides." But whatever. Anyway apparently Biden stood up and shook his hand after. Here's the whole video; Biden's part starts at around 1:43:30. Comparing the tenor of the thing if you take a look at it firsthand, against the tenor that's created from reading this particular headline, is a good little window on what they were trying to do by writing the headline that way (i.e. not to inform about what happened), and what ozma was trying to do by posting it here.

    I don't actually think it matters all that much what anybody says about Gaza. Biden stopping the weapons shipments, pushing for an immediate cease fire and humanitarian aid, and supporting an ICC arrest warrant for Netanyahu would be a good start. I think mostly this commencement speech is notable in that, hey look, (1) there was protest and it was ok (2) you can make things sound way different depending on which aspects you present in the media coverage.

    return2ozma, avatar

    Did you not see the students that stood and turned their backs during Biden’s propaganda speech? What about what was going on outside?

    mozz, (edited ) avatar

    Good for them. They're standing up for what they believe in, and I agree with them, and I definitely think that this type of thing has some impact on Biden's policies. Although at this rate, all the Palestinians will be dead before he works his way slowly and gradually around to the idea that maybe he'll have to do more than a sternly worded phone call with Netanyahu in order for the killing to stop.

    You'll note that, because Biden bears little resemblance to the monstrous authoritarian caricature you try several times a day to paint him as, he and the college (who I'm sure talked with him about this exact issue, beforehand) both made no effort to "crack down" on them, and in fact he explicitly called out their protest as a good thing, during his speech.

    (My point wasn't that the headline was a direct lie, but an example of engineering a single true fact by blowing it up and warping it to create a slanted picture of reality in the reader's mind. That's why I sent the full unedited video, as a way of contrasting it with a single event or a single picture taken from the perfect angle. I actually can't visit X video links since Elon fucked things up, but if you want to send me some non-X videos I'm happy to take a look at those, too.)

    (Edit: Actually, I think the thing that they walked out as he gave his speech might be an actual lie. According to The New York Post, which seems to be the source for ozma's photo, it sounds to me like the students who left stayed through Biden's speech and then left during a later part when he was still on stage.)

    return2ozma, avatar

    I know it’s hard to comprehend that there’s people that aren’t Trumpers/Republican that don’t support genocide Joe, but there’s literally millions of us.

    And with regards to the photo you claim was from NYP…

    Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images…/biden-morehouse-college-commencement-…

    Bernie_Sandals, avatar

    Trumpers/Republican that don’t support genocide Joe, but there’s literally millions of us.

    Disregarding the stupid “gEnOciDe jOe” comment, do you have a source for millions of people willing to switch from voting for Joe Biden in 2020 to not voting for him in 2024?

    There’s literally no candidates with a better track record on this than Biden, and any candidates that could have a better Palestine policy aren’t going to win.


    I will be one of the millions not voting for the butcher of Palestine. There’s no way that a liberal could spin that he’s the lesser evil.


    Ah, and then you get the guy from the party elected, that wants to force the US to send bombs to Israel. Makes total sense. Look, in this case both options are bad but one is objectively way worse. If you don't vote then you will get the way worse option.


    From the rest of us trying to avoid a much, much worse outcome: Kindly go fuck yourself.


    What’s worse than genocide, and how are you able to convince yourself that murder is not the lesser evil?

    Bernie_Sandals, avatar

    Well for one, many people have problems calling this a genocide yet, me for one. I’ve had an entire branch of my family wiped out by the Holocaust, 90% of Belarussian Jews were exterminated, that’s literally almost everyone. The Germans purposely went door to door killing as many people as possible.

    Meanwhile the highest estimate for civilian deaths in Gaza in 30k, or almost 1.5%. There’s a massive massive massive difference between these two. Israel isn’t going door to door trying to kill as many Palestinians as possible or indiscriminately bombing refugee camps for the fun of it, they just don’t care if they kill 10 civilians for one Hamas member.

    And on the other hand, literally every other candidate would do worse than Biden in Gaza, Every. Single. One.

    He’s not just the lesser of two evils, he’s literally the only option.


    It doesn’t matter what you call it by. Its very own definition. It is genocide and it is being committed by a fascist liberal, and trying to claim that somebody else would commit murder worse is asinine.

    Israelis don’t need to go door-to-door to kill everybody because they’re using US supplied weapons and white phosphorus to carpet bomb them.

    Bernie_Sandals, avatar

    Israelis don’t need to go door-to-door to kill everybody because they’re using US supplied weapons and white phosphorus to carpet bomb them.

    Disregarding the rest of your comment, just this is dumb enough alone and shows how you feel about the situation.

    Israel hasn’t been carpet bombing Gaza, Gaza is tiny, Israel has enough weaponry to immediately flatten the entire place tomorrow if they want. What you’re saying is incredibly disconnected from reality, and if it was true the casualties would be much much higher by now, almost in the millions.

    Israel has been doing targeted strikes, not carpet bombing, even if it doesn’t seem like it because they’re still murdering thousands of children. When Israel encounters any form of resistance, whether that be an IED, rocket, or small arms fire, they stop, issue an evacuation order for that neighborhood, wait, and then bomb the shit out of it and storm it. The majority of the deaths have come from them not properly notifying an area they were supposed to evacuate before bombing it, or from civilians still being in the area after a proper evacuation order.

    This is effectively the exact same thing Russia is doing in Ukraine, still fucking awful, still needs to be stopped immediately, and Biden still isn’t doing enough.

    But it’s not the carpet bombing genocide you claim it to be.

    Bernie_Sandals, avatar

    Holy shit dude, what’s yalls obsession with calling everyone who disagrees with you a liberal.


    It’s almost as if you take the word liberal as a slur

    Bernie_Sandals, avatar

    Well when I’ve been a member of a socialist party for almost ten years now and worked on several socialist’s campaigns yeah it kinda does.

    When you call everyone liberals it makes it super obvious yall think you’re the only form of leftists meanwhile a lot of the people yall are calling “libs” have put far more effort towards revolutionizing society than you could ever dream of.


    Liberals are not even remotely leftist so they are in their own group. They support capitalism in all the oppression that comes with it, and they will defend their version of the oppression that comes with it tooth and nail

    Bernie_Sandals, avatar

    Yep I’m perfectly aware that’s the traditional leftist idea of a liberal. I wasn’t calling liberals leftists, simply saying that when you call other leftists/communists/socialists liberals just because you dislike their foreign policy takes you’re shooting yourself in the foot.

    Theres nothing explicitly liberal about zionism, and you can come to either a Zionist or anti-Zionist point of view from leftism, as is obvious from Israel and Palestine both being controlled by socialists for the first 40 years of their history.


    I just like their foreign and domestic policy. If it looks like a duck quacks like a duck and walks like a motherfucking duck, it’s a goddamn duck.


    If communists looks like totalitarians quack like totalitarians and walk like motherfucking totalitarians, they are goddamn totalitarians.


    Oh bless your heart

    Bernie_Sandals, avatar

    I just like their foreign and domestic policy.

    I think Biden is only about halfway to having humane foreign policy, which definitely isn’t enough, and I’ve said as much several times.

    I think Biden is doing better than I expected a liberal president to do, he walked the picket line, the first ever for a president, he’s taken the green new deal and weakened it, which isn’t enough but more than what I expected, his FTC and NLRB have been great for the working class, he’s signed into law more protections for minorities and lgbt people, and then there’s the recent rescheduling of cannabis.

    He ain’t enough, and I want him to do more on both foreign and domestic policy, but he’s not a fucking fascist like you’ve claimed.


    A liberal? Did you mean to say progressive?

    return2ozma, avatar

    You’re a genocide denier now?

    Bernie_Sandals, avatar

    No, this very well could be a genocide, and the Biden admin needs to work to stop it as soon as possible, in a way that creates a lasting peace.

    That doesn’t answer the question of who you think is possibly better for palestine and could win.

    mozz, (edited ) avatar

    I don't think you're a Trumper/Republican because you don't support Genocide Joe. I think you're a Trumper/Republican because the way you don't support him doesn't make any fucking sense. You criticize him for things he objectively didn't do, and you offer no particular solutions that would seem to lead to a better outcome for those of us who live in the US and want it to do less killing here and abroad, and the only solution that you seem to offer -- refusing to vote for him and offering an endless drumbeat of propaganda about him -- has an excellent possibility of leading to a catastrophically worse outcome for everyone. Including Palestinians. And, you're so vocal and consistent in criticizing him -- and only him -- for such a big variety of things real and imagined that it's hard for me to take away any possible conclusion than that you're trying to make sure he doesn't get elected.

    It's possible that you're simply a very confused leftist. IDK. But that's my take on it. I note, also, that the story linked to also explicitly contradicts the headline, in terms of when students left ("walked out") from the ceremony:

    Several students walked out of the graduation ceremony while Biden was presented with an honorary degree following his speech, CNN reported.

    So they stayed to listen to him speak, and then walked out in protest when he was done speaking? This is impossible, to me, to read as anything other than a deliberate propaganda construction built on people leaving to go to the bathroom or something. IDK, maybe I'm missing something.

    (Edit: Also, when I said the protestors were awesome and it's good that they let them protest, because it's a message Biden needs to hear because he is wrong, and then you immediately pretended that I had said the opposite and started lecturing me about how legitimate it is to disagree with Biden, I honestly didn't even notice because I'm sorta numb to that kind of thing at this point.)


    Lessons in headline engineering

    Another possible headline

    “Morehouse alumni give Biden a standing ovation”

    RozhkiNozhki, to politics in ‘Wow!’: NBC’s Kristen Welker Shocked By New ‘Truly Stunning’ Biden-Trump Poll, Trump now ahead +5 in general matchup avatar

    Dude all you do is shit on Biden, and you find all sorts of dubious sources to do so. Are you sure you are left leaning?


    I think it’s fair to make people aware of what Democrats are up against here. There’s an actual risk that Trump will return to the oval office if we don’t show up to vote. And, unfortunately, Democrats don’t show up to vote nearly as consistently as Republicans, so it’s a real risk.

    return2ozma, avatar

    The Huffington Post reporting on a NBC News poll is dubious now?…/poll-biden-trump-economy-presidenti…


    Regardless you really have been on a Biden busting bender. Are you actually voting for Trump?

    return2ozma, avatar

    Nobody is allowed to be critical of our politicians? What is this gatekeeping?

    norbert avatar

    Nice complete dodge of the question.

    return2ozma, avatar

    I’ve said on this post and others I’m not voting for Trump. I’m far left, gay, and live in the Los Angeles area. F Trump.


    Then what’s with all the Biden bashing? You think it’s going to help Trump lose? Biden sucks, but he’s better than Trump and there isn’t anyone else the dnc will let run.

    return2ozma, avatar

    You can vote for Biden and still be critical of him.


    Very true, but when we’re getting to what’s projected to be a close election and you do nothing but post negative items about the guy you say you want to win, it seems suspicious. No positive Biden posts, no negative Trump posts, just negative Biden posts.

    If you were trying to sell your house, would you do nothing but tell people walking through about the problems with it?

    return2ozma, avatar

    Look through the politics sub (or whatever Lemmy calls them) and you’ll see a wall of Trump stuff. Why would I post more when others already have it handled?

    Maybe if everyone only wants to see anti-Trump/pro-Biden only posts there could be a BluePolitics sub.


    Just seems like you’re working awfully hard to skewer the candidate you say you’d prefer.

    return2ozma, avatar

    I hate Biden and Trump. But here… I made this post just for you…


    No you can be critical, hell look through my history… But this type of “points” news is a known tactic to demoralize. However, if you are trumpeting for Trump, at least be up front about it so we can sort you properly.

    FlyingSquid, to politics in ‘Wow!’: NBC’s Kristen Welker Shocked By New ‘Truly Stunning’ Biden-Trump Poll, Trump now ahead +5 in general matchup avatar

    This garbage article didn’t even say who did the poll.

    return2ozma, avatar

    It’s from NBC News…

    Poll: 20-point deficit on handling economy highlights Biden’s struggles against Trump. The president’s approval rating has fallen to a new low in NBC News polling, as Trump narrowly leads in a 2024 general election matchup.…/poll-biden-trump-economy-presidenti…

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    So instead of posting that, you posted this trash article? Why?

    return2ozma, avatar

    I read the one I posted first and then found you the NBC News source

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    How about waiting until you find a non-shit source before you post next time?

    return2ozma, avatar

    Here’s the direct clip with Kornacki:…/1754211558631084417

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    How about waiting until you find a non-shit source before you post next time?

    return2ozma, avatar

    Do you want to live in an echo chamber and only hear that everything is roses and butterflies in the Biden campaign? Or do you want reality?

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    I want you to post sources that aren’t shit. Like the second one you provided.

    return2ozma, avatar

    Can you provide a list of these Flying Squid approved sources? Huffington Post, no. NBC News, yes.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    I literally told you which source was a good source. It has nothing to do with being ‘approved,’ it has to do with your original source being sensationalist garbage that didn’t even say who conducted the poll. Do you really not understand why that’s problematic?


    [an NBC person] “Over time, we have been testing for five years now, going back to 2019—a Biden-Trump match-up. Remember 2019, 2020 Joe Biden led. He led big in every single one of our polls. For the first time in November, Donald Trump pulled ahead in our poll. And now, at five points, this is the biggest lead NBC has ever had in 16 polls for Donald Trump over Joe Biden.”

    It’s not the clearest, but the information is there.

    butt_mountain_69420, to aboringdystopia in ‘The View’ Host Joy Behar Scoffs at Young People Feeling ‘Left Behind by the Economy’: ‘Oh Please, Get a Job!’

    Not all of us can get a job as a loudmouth caricature from 4chan.

    jordanlund, to world in Putin says past U.S. elections were rigged avatar

    “In the United States, previous elections were falsified through postal voting … they bought ballots for $10, filled them out, and threw them into mailboxes without any supervision from observers, and that’s it,”

    Problem - That’s not the way vote by mail works.

    1. You register to vote and place a signature on file.
    2. You get your ballot in the mail and vote.
    3. You put the ballot in the mailing envelope and sign the back of the envelope.
    4. When the ballot is returned, they compare the signature on the envelope with the signature on file, if it matches, the ballot is set aside for counting.
    5. If there’s a PROBLEM:

    A) Missing signature
    B) Signature doesn’t match
    C) Ballot damaged or unreadable
    D) Ballot already recorded as present

    The ballot gets returned to the voter for correction, assuming there’s enough time for it to be corrected.

    What Putin describes wouldn’t work, because the fake ballots either wouldn’t have a signature, wouldn’t have a valid signature, or wouldn’t correspond to a registered voter.


    Plus no one is allowed to supervise your ballot entries.

    jordanlund, avatar

    The supervision is the signature comparison, just like in person voting where you’d go in, sign the register, and they’d compare that signature to the one on file.


    "filled them out, and threw them into mailboxes without any supervision from observers" Where does that suggest it is the signature involved? The signature is compared before Voting when Voting in person and after the office receives it when Voting by Mail. It makes no sense that lil' dictator pootie meant the signature in his statement.

    jordanlund, avatar

    Valid ballots have signatures matching the registered voter casting the ballot.

    In Putin’s scenario, there are no signatures, the ballots are not associated with registered voters, and as such would be rejected at the polling location.


    That is not involved in the supervision of filling them out nor posting them. Both those things happen before or after, not during.

    jordanlund, avatar

    Nobody supervises the filling out of ballots, that’s an entirely private matter.

    The only supervision that happens is the comparing of signatures and that happens both at in person and vote by mail voting.


    Which is indeed what I stated from the beginning. Well done catching up.


    Won’t matter, he is speaking directly to MAGAs, and they already believe that this is the truth


    You know how the Nigerian prince scams intentionally use terrible English to filter out the stupid ones?

    Half the people you come across are below average. Technology has made it exceptionally effective to target the dumb and vulnerable.


    Bingo! Thank you for taking the time to write that up.

    elephantium, avatar

    A lie spreads worldwide before the truth contradicting it can be typed, unfortunately.

    nexguy, avatar

    Just like Trump lies, Putin requires that there be no evidence to support his claims. Imagine if Trump actually tried to prove his claims with evidence… it would fail. Even if one ended up true that would be worse as then people would expect him to prove things with evidence in the future.


    I fail to see why it would not work though? Instead of paying 10$ for an empty ballot from a registered voter you pay 10$ for an empty ballot from a registered voter and and their signed envelope?

    Like I am not saying this happened, because 10$ ballot sales would probably have made the news around the election, I doubt 10$ buys silence. But like I fail to see how this is impossible?

    jordanlund, avatar

    You can’t get that done in enough bulk to sway the election without getting caught.


    Of course, that was my point with 10$ doesn’t buy silence. Top comment simply seemed to imply that buying blank mail-in ballots is impossible which for sure doesn’t seem to be. I could even see some nut at least trying to buying say 5-10, but ironically I think a Trump supporter is more likely to try to pull this.

    jordanlund, avatar

    Obtaining blank ballots isn’t the trick, it’s obtaining blank ballots attached to valid, registered voters with a signature on file and matching the signature.

    You’d have to do that by the thousands to flip an election and it would only take one person going “I already voted? What do you mean I already voted?” to rumble it.

    Even if we just counted ballots with no verification, which we don’t, you’d end up with overcounts which we know did not happen. “Hey, this county only has 5,000 registered voters, how did we get 30,000 ballots?”


    The point is you offer someone who registered for mail in to simply sell you their ballot along with a signed envelope. I would vager doing this for a few votes would be fairly easy. Certainly plenty of poor voters would easily sell a vote. Idk about 10, but for 20-50 bucks? For sure. I would imagine someone selling a vote would be less likely to come forward in some respect too, so if you target the right people, at some minor scale you would even get away with it no problem.

    Yes this is obviously not happening, not at scale anyway, and certainly not enough to flip the election. But the idea that this is particularly hard in itself, let alone impossible, is absurd.

    jordanlund, avatar

    Oh, yeah, small scale voting fraud has always been a thing.

    When we first set up vote by mail 23 years ago, Republican operatives got the bright idea to set up fake ballot drop off locations. The idea was go to Democratic heavy areas, collect the ballots, then just throw them away.

    They were arrested. LOL.

    Last election cycle there were multiple reports of people doing double voting for family members, they also got caught.

    So when small scale stuff like this gets exposed and prosecuted, the idea that fraud on a scale big enough to turn an election would go un-noticed is just laughable.

    Yewb, to world in Putin says past U.S. elections were rigged

    I love the logic pivot on people who in the 90s thought russia was just straight up evil are now looking at them as the bastion of conservative ideals…

    Go move to Russia boys, oh you don’t want to? Why not they apparently have it all figured out.

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