at least one admin accepted an off the record meeting with meta, and they won't tell you about it.

Don’t belive me? Ask them.

Fosstodon admins were at least transparent and shared with their community when they were approached by meta for an off the record meeting, which was awesome. They also declined that meeting and shared screenshots of them doing so.

But admins won’t tell you that at least one of them accepted that same meeting request. Why won’t they say that?

Tell your community that you accepted a meeting with meta. Thats not wrong in and of itself, but I feel it is shady/not right when you’re communicating about a wait-and-see approach, while having meetings with the company in question yet not being transparent about it.

@ruud care to comment?

Also, I’m spinning up my own instance because I don’t trust this platform to folks who aren’t transparent. Don’t ask me to join, it’s going to be just for me for now. I don’t even know that I have time to admin an instance, but my trust is wearing thin based on the facts at hand. So, it’s what I’m doing.

Poggervania avatar

If we take you at your word, one admin didn’t disclose one meeting they had with Meta - and from the sounds of it, you don’t even know the nature of the meeting itself. It could very well be a long meeting where they expressed interest in federating with Threads, or it could be a very short meeting where they said “lmfao go fuck yourselves”.

That and you practically going on like “lemmy bros I don’t want you to blindly follow me but Imma make my own Fediverse instance but it’s ok you don’t need to join but just know Imma make an instance with blackjack and hookers it’s gonna be better than this just blindly trust me bro” in some of the posts here just further weakens your accusation.

linearchaos, (edited ) avatar

Ruud has been transparent AF about everything that I care about. I for one hope they did attend the meeting NDA or not so they can make informed decisions.

Idgaf about threads up *untill the point where it affects me or the server I’m on. As far as I’m concerned, ruud is a fine judge of that.

Basically the 800 lb gorilla has come into our neighborhood and decided to build a giant complex next door. He’s requested a meeting with our landlord whether he attends or not it’s none of our business. If shit gets hairy we move.

It’s the beauty of not farming karma, I’m not particularly stuck to this account on this instance.

*edit voice dictation correction


I’m having a hard time understanding why anyone should care about this at all?

Hotzilla, is already quite large, for decentralization it would be better if people would use other instances and balance the sizes.


I’m supposed to stop using Lemmy because some random user with no evidence said that one of the admins went to a meeting?


The audacity


*it’s spelled “Audible”, don’t you remember the secret sponsorship meeting we all had with Amazon?

FaceDeer avatar

You're clearly not getting into the spirit of the current mass hysteria and/or witch-hunt. I'm going to have to ask you to either pick up a torch and/or a pitchfork (note that picking up only one of the two will immediately indicate insufficient hysteria, though you are of course free to do so) and join that queue over there in a disorderly fashion.


I miss pitchfork guy and his assistant…


Igor! If I’ve told you once I’ve told you a thousand times! Scalpels go on the left, with the pitchforks!

Sturgist, avatar

Alright folks, I want to see a nice orderly queue. Pitchforks are at station one, sign one out with either Mandy or Greg(wave to the folks, guys). Station two is where you can pick up a torch. Jeff and Kenny will help you out over at station two. After getting your torch and pitchfork, please proceed to the staging area, Steph will get you all in position, and get your torches lit.
Alright guys! Enjoy your rabid mob!

decadentrebel, avatar

I got mad at Lex Luger for the same thing in 1993. Until I found out it was Tatanka who sold out.


Who said anything about stop using Lemmy? The beauty of Lemmy is that you can just switch instances if you don't like what the admins at your current instance are doing.

Not that I'm advocating you do that right now based on this post, though you might consider it to spread the load away from the server.


What will switching achieve exactly? Mmm? If the communities you’re interested in are only on, you’ll still be on, even if through other instance proxy.


I figured this would be a death sentence for my profile, take it however you wish. If you enjoy and have no concerns, by all means please continue using it.

Dio avatar

Nah bruv, you've my attention.


I think it took a lot of courage to do what you did. Good luck to you and as for the admins, I will give them the benefit of the doubt. They are the biggest instance so they have to weigh in all options. This is the beauty of the fediverse, you can do what you want.


“you can do what you want”

So far, that’s not been my experience. I tried deleting my instance/account but it didn’t work. I posted to Support and have not received any response It’s only been 3 days, so I’ll give it some more time. Though I thought I would at least get a reply acknowledging receipt. The only response to my post was another person experiencing the same problem.


I’ll respond to comments on this thread, and no matter what, I’m done using after this.


Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, you magical loon!


So dramatic lol

tryagain, (edited )

Fwiw, after announced last week that they would preemptively block/defed anything owned by Meta, and didn’t, I got the heebie-jeebies and relocated my main account to .ml. I’ve learned to listen to little red flags like that and now this.

Edit: just to add that it might be nothing. I hope it’s nothing and that I’m overreacting. But…


To put it simply, so what?


To put it bluntly, IDGAF. Crybabies lol


Yeah so what? Its not like either of you signed up here.


Actually, it was my first home before I started my own instance and I still maintain a presence here.

And, seeing as you said you would answer any questions in this thread and then subsequently blew of my legitimate question with a snarky remark, well, I think that’s a clear sign of where this thread is going.


What other questions did you have besides “so what?” I thought you were being snarky so I responded in kind. I apologize, this wasn’t easy for me and I’m slightly on edge because this was a big step for me to take.


That’s literally my only question. Why is this such a big deal, now?

This was put to bed weeks ago on a Mastodon thread that included all the big MastoAdmims.…/110599608755384963

Braggston08 avatar

What is the big step about shutting down a 1 week old account?


If you have a signed NDA contract then technically you are controlled by that contract. You could say if any admin signs it, then that admin is controlled by meta. If the head admin signed it, then would be controlled by meta in a legal sense. Not fully controlled, just contractually controlled in part(or secretly full and they wouldn’t be allowed to say).

Just so you know, these things play out in micro steps where people are never outraged enough to take meaningful action. You can drag out a takeover to take decades if you want.

The only point that matters is meta is evil, anyone that has any voluntary meaningful interaction with them is complicit, we should shun the complicit or we become complicit.(within reason and civilly of course)

MeowdyPardner avatar

The only realistic thing that the NDA could have contained was stipulations around leaking details about Threads. Who cares. Some admins probably wanted an inside look so they agreed to not leak any details. That does nothing to put their instances under the control of Meta. Yeah sure the admins are "controlled by the contract"... to not share any secrets about Threads. Again who cares.

People dreaming up scenarios about the NDAs including clauses that let Meta control instances or their admins are delusional. As someone working in tech I sign NDAs all the time when I visit my friend's companies. It doesn't mean they have any control over me besides stopping me from leaking stuff that I see inside the company.


Thats not how this works .jpg


Holy shit the amount of paranoia in this thread is terrifying. I good y’all are taking care of yourselves out there.


And we haven’t even gotten to the part where we’ve actually established that someone did or did not have a conversation never mind whether anyone signed an NDA so my question remains, unaltered and unanswered.


Why hasn’t the there been an announcement when we repeatedly ask for confirmation? If he signed the NDA then they legally cant talk, and that seems to be happening now.

Hominine, avatar
ulu_mulu, avatar

You don’t know what an NDA is lol, NDA = Non Disclosure Agreement, it’s very specifically tied to the things they’re revealing to you, Threads NDA means you can’t talk about what they’re telling you about Threads in that specific meeting, it has NOTHING to do with Lemmy.

Having admins knowing what they’re planning isn’t bad IMO, they more you know, the better you can counteract them.


How do you know this?


Isn’t it because other instances were asked to do the same and revealed that fact?


I will not ask my fellow lemmy community members to blindly trust me on this.

I also will not expose my sources.

I thought it would take a long time for me to be sure enough to make this post. But I’m making it less than three weeks after joining lemmy.

If you want, you can take a wait and see approach.

I never wanted to admin an instance, I don’t think I have time for it, but I have enough to convince me that I should.

I don’t expect blind trust from you guys, because youve proven to be intelligent and diligent in my time here. But for the love of Foss and open, distributed platforms and what WE believe that means, please use your judgment when considering your home instance for lemmy.

I am almost certain admins will ignore this claim.

aleph, avatar

I will not ask my fellow lemmy community members to blindly trust me on this

But you are, so … 🤷‍♂️

Are you basing your claim solely on the email that shared, which mentioned no other mastodon server admins, or is there other evidence that you are aware of?


You don’t seem to be aware of the meaning of that link. If people got approached to sign a contract to not be legally allowed to talk about the contract or meeting, then its very strong evidence that admins have signed the agreement.

OPs claims are logical. I don’t care about the anecdote of someone dobbing someone in, just the hard logic that NDA signers can’t talk about it legally.

aleph, (edited ) avatar

All that email shows evidence of is that a representative of Meta approached the server admin of and proposed a sit-down. That’s literally all it is.

There is no mention of 1) who else was invited, or 2) who else attended, 3) that an NDA would need to be signed, and (perhaps most importantly) 4) that the proposed discussion even happened in the first place.

Talk about jumping to conclusions.


There’s pretty strong speculation, and it’s not unreasonable, but there’s zero evidence of anything.


Apparently the admins at Universodon had no problem putting this drama to rest weeks ago:

The nda wasn’t because of some absurd agreement but just the fact they’re launching a new project and we’re getting access to engineers and product team to discuss what the relationship could be. And they went well.

There was no deal signing or any bullshit like that - that’s all fake news.

The nda is because none of this stuff is released and it’s up to meta to share details or admins to join the ongoing calls to learn in advance of launch what is going on.

I don’t know why this blew up like it did.

It’s admins doing due diligence ahead of a major product launch and getting access to engineers on the teams making it happen.


You want them to be transparent about whether they attended a meeting, but you refuse to be transparent as to why you know they even went to the meeting at all?

quortez avatar

I feel that it is important for you substantiate your claims or credibility to some extent before making potentially inflammatory moves - if you want the community to question the team, that is.

Brunbrun6766, avatar

I will not expose my sources BUT OTHERS SHOULD BE TRANSPARENT


I will not ask my fellow lemmy community members to blindly trust me on this.

Ok, I don’t trust you.

awsamation avatar

I will not ask my fellow lemmy community members to blindly trust me on this.

This is the primary thing you are asking people to do. Literally everything else you said hinges on people blindly trusting you.

I understand wanting to protect your sources. But you're taking it to the other extreme by providing literally nothing except unprovable claims. Give us something, anything, even an easily faked email or pm. Just anything that requires even the slightest bit of effort beyond just typing up straight lies.


That’s a pretty long-winded way to try to make hot air grow solid.

Ghostalmedia, avatar

“Use your judgment”

Based on allegations from a random internet person, with nothing to substantiate their claims, about a meeting that may or may not have taken place, where it’s being assumed that’s admin has ill intent.

Q anon people have more reliable information than this.


I love conspiracy theorists.

(Default assumption is “conspiracy theorist” when people show up making claims without bringing receipts.)

decadentrebel, avatar

Rudd showing a clip of his meeting with Zuck:



Sorry for being pedantic, but it’s “Ruud” not “Rudd”. I’ve noticed that the same mistake often gets made with other Dutch spellings, like the Haas F1 team being written as “Hass” online. Do repeated vowels feel weird or something to people who don’t speak Dutch, or is it just a coincidence?

decadentrebel, avatar

That’s the joke. Ruud = Rudd = Paul Rudd clip.

Kolanaki, avatar

Don’t believe me? Ask them about it.

…they won’t tell you about it.



Wow, this some decent drama. What is your biggest concern for communication between admins and Meta?

Emperor, avatar

What is your biggest concern for communication between admins and Meta?

I suppose the worst case scenario is Meta buying to run as their Reddit equivalent. It is the big dog of Lemmy (larger than the rest of the instances combined) so would be the obvious target.

I’m not aware of anything that would stop an ordinary instance admin from selling out to a corporate entity other than the users leaving but is run by a well-established non-profit and I assume they are set up in such a way to make it impossible to sell any of the .world instances. However, I am not on one of their instances so never needed to check.


OP’s claims being verifiable or not, can we all agree that Meta’s interests aren’t benevolent toward competing competitors and their technology? The fact that is even a hint of a reason that admins of had a clandestine meeting with Meta would be concerning. OP’s logic is sound, and if the admins didn’t meet with Meta, they could state as much and dispel the possibility. Or they could entirely lie about it if no NDA was signed, but they haven’t responded to that question which is concerning.

If the admins of struck a deal with meta, maybe agreed to a payment, who knows what a deal like that would look like, would you all still feel comfortable using it as your home instance?

asunaspersonalasst, avatar

c/QuitYourBullshit lol

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