mntyfrsh, to Pixelfed avatar

I just realized that, although @pixelfed lets me follow Threads users who have Fediverse sharing enabled (e.g., @reuben, @ryanbates, and @friskygeek), it looks like their photo posts aren't appearing when viewing their profiles in Pixelfed (despite my following them for weeks now). How should I go about reporting this?
Cc: @dansup

beardedtechguy, to fediverse avatar

After . Sorry I missed our morning gathering. Was busy getting the rest of my stuff gathered for my trip today.

About to head out to the airport in a bit. This coming week I’ll be sharing my conference and trip to Vegas here and on my Pixelfed account @beardedtechguy.

vwbusguy, to mastodon avatar

Mastodon is more than the Gmbh. The fediverse is bigger than Mastodon. There are already popular community server and client forks of Mastodon. The 501c3 board in the US isn't a bad thing. ActivityPub is a w3c governed spec, and there isn't nearly the same level of scrutiny around w3c's board, because it hasn't been an issue. All that to say, I'm not at all concerned about this.

publicvoit, to news avatar

I blogged about my experience yesterday:

Topics covered:

  • Stop Reading the (?)
  • How to Use
  • Stop Using Twitter/Insta/... (together with @Heinz ) !
  • Can We Differ Between AI Images and Real Images (by Tiny)
  • Alles Textaufgaben - Neue Content-Workflows mit KI (by Sascha Stoltenow)

... and some photographs from the event.

It was a great event! 👍

As for social media coverage, this is not a Mastodon-event yet. 😔

fediversereport, to fediverse avatar

New: Last Week in - ep 66

This week's news:

  • The EU Voice pilot that hosted Mastodon and Peertube instance for the EU over the last 2 years will come to an end. The @EU_Commission account will continue to be active and grow their Mastodon presence.
  • Ghost announces a major push for fediverse support, adding to their posts and building an ActivityPub powered news reader app.
  • Mastodon starts a US-based nonprofit.

Read at:

cliffwade, to fediverse avatar

Good morning and happy Sunday to all of you here in the today.

Let's talk about what we all have planned for the last day of the weekend today.

For me, nothing much of anything. Just going to rest and relax and enjoy the day. I'll play some video games and likely watch some TV shows with the wife for a while.

Tomorrow is a brand new day with some exciting news from me career wise, so I can't wait!

mpjgregoire, to threads avatar

I've been somewhat surprised by how slowly organisations already present on have been at sharing their posts with the . If you're trying to broadcast news about your sports team (for instance), why not make a simple choice that increases your broadcasting range?

So I'm delighted to see that @theagendatvo has joined the Fediverse in the last few days. Welcome, Mr. Paikin and .

Haubentaucher, to fediverse German avatar

Morgen Abend erzähle ich in warum das besser ist als Insta, TikTok und Co.

metin, to mastodon avatar

Just discovered that most of the people I was following over at Bluesky haven't been active there in months, sometimes many months.

I've got a hunch that Bluesky is not going to be the Twitter successor they hope for. 🤔

There's this platform called Mastodon though… 😉👍

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 3 new servers and 7 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,782 servers checked. 14,012,355 Total Users with 1,583,406 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found: a server from Belize a server from Brazil a server from Private

Help others find a home, send them to

feb, to fediverse German

Ich finde es immer wieder bemerkenswert, wenn ein Fedi-Projekt, das keine nennenswerte Weiterentwicklung erfährt, noch immer auf wenigstens 97 Server mindestens 724.627 Accounts führt.

Die UI muss für diese Nutzergruppe perfekt sein. Anders kann ich mir das nicht erklären.

Diaspora Full Source Code Visualization (with Pruning)

son_link, to fediverse Spanish avatar

Hoy quiero anunciar un nuevo proyecto en el que estoy trabajando: un cliente para el escritorio de

Mi idea es hacer algo más o menos sencillo, básicamente navegar por la instancia que quieras usar, buscar, ver vídeos, descargarlos, etc., y sin necesidad de tener cuenta en ninguna instancia.

Lo estoy programando usando Tauri, VUE y poco más, lo empecé con Python y Flet, pero Flet aun le faltan cosas por implementar, aparte de varias optimizaciones.

Joop, to random avatar

Opinie Heini Peters: 'Wie er in Nederland staatshoofd wordt, is door geboorte bepaald. En dat past niet in een democratie'

koen, avatar

@Joop fijn stukje. Het zou leuk zijn als je Heini Peters ook kon volgen op de

mbajur, to fediverse avatar

Any name ideas for a tumblr/photoblog alternative?

Aakerbeere, to fediverse German avatar

💬 Haben wir hier im einen unabhängigen FAKTENCHECK? 🤔

Die @tagesschau ist im Mai 2023 im Fediverse gestartet und hat GROSSES angekündigt...

👉 siehe/höre die Aussage von Patrick Weinhold in der vom Mai 2023
(Redaktionsleiter Social Media aktuell)

Was davon hat die bis heute umgesetzt?

Ausschnitt aus dem tagesschau Beitrag vom Mai 2023

fediverseobserver, to fediverse

Found 2 new servers and 4 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

22,784 servers checked. 14,012,355 Total Users with 1,583,406 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New servers found: a server from Private a server from Brazil

Help others find a home, send them to

coloco, to fediverse Spanish avatar

Buenos dias mastodontes, feliz domingo a todo el


FLOX_advocate, to Seattle avatar

I'm giving two talks at tomorrow (Sunday)

Mastodon and the Fediverse: Decentralized Social Networking and Services at 10:00

Intro to jq: grep for JSON at 11:00

I will be remote, but @SeaGL is on site and looking for volunteers for our November conference in


jrm4, to mastodon avatar

I'm calling it

Threads is the actually evil thing you imagine Twitter is

Twitter's actually still doing okay

giangiskitchen, to food avatar
pablolarah, to Podcast avatar

🟣🟡 PodcastAP
by Steven Crader @stevencrader @steven
Follow Podcasts and Music feeds on the Fediverse

nadiaalbelushi, to Japan avatar

Lately I've been binge watching videos of on . Literally everything about Japan. Honest to God, I'm kinda jealous of that country now. Seriously what's up with their food vending machines and capsule toy vendors on every street corner? And their airports have observation decks for non-travelers, and they have tons of hobby model shops in Tokyo, etc. And those bullet trains!!! What on Earth have we been missing? The world's gotta emulate Japan.


wyre, to mastodon

you know if forming a U.S. non-profit upsets you you have other alternatives. activitypub isn’t just mastodon. the is more than mastodon. there are plenty of good options. I recommend you get a small instance someplace capable of supporting your crew and onboard them yourself to whatever alternative platform you like. this is the beauty of a federated environment.

si_irini, to poetry German avatar

In the night
love appears
a glimpse
of what could be

A glimpse
of what should be


#youWinAgainSi #TruthAndWisdom #love #hope #poem #poetry #writing #prose #reading #betterworld #GiveThemAvoice #mastodon #fediverse #philosophy #truth #thoughts

noellemitchell, to mastodon avatar

Not sure how I feel about being on Mastodon after the announcement of the cofounder of Twitter Biz Stone being appointed to the board of directors on Mastodons new US nonprofit. 😅 I'm wondering how it's going to change things.

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